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Fredrick Jones

With Fredrick's little dramatic display of sorrow and defeat over, Herman had seemed to go into his motivational speaker persona. Well, it was less of a persona for Herman and more his natural state of being from what Fredrick could gather. Honestly, it was so routine this little charade they had that he would have been surprised and worried if Herman hadn't. He more or less sent a slight smile Herman's way as he continued trying to cheer Fredrick up.

Herman's kind and encouraging words always hit their mark as by the end of his little speak Fredrick was feeling like he was renewed somehow. He sat up From his slump and rubbed his eyes, letting out laughs, barely getting "I get it, Herman, I really do. And thanks as always for picking me up like usual" out before taking a deep breath. He holds it in for a few seconds before releasing it, displaying his newly restored vigor. Fredrick quietly says "Alright" as his eyes dashes back to his backpack, pulling out the same papers as before. He crossed his legs once more as started grading leaning back in a relaxed manner.

Working with a small smile on his face, he speaks to Herman "So I was thinking that tomorrow I would give them a group project, something more interesting than my usual long-winded lectures. Thinking of having them discuss an event in history that resonated with them and have them discuss it within their group. Maybe hostility will at least lessen if they can see each other as more then one dimensional. Well, at least I hope. Who knows I might spark something on accident but I can't just tread around them like they are bombs. They're people, and I have to give them enough respect to assume they will see each other as people as well." The though is now fully playing out what if they disagree with one another and start fighting. The worry sets in Fredrick's mind as he just thinks well this project might go badly. He releases reservations about the possibilities, simply believing that if they come to fruition then he would just have to deal with it there. To almost crack a joke about the whole thing he pulls out his phone and makes Herman's 5 on speed dial.

After finishing the grading Fredrick stretches himself out, cracking his knuckles in the process. Then giving Emily some more affection. "Sorry for ignoring you" he cues at her. More or less sitting there for awhile trying to decide what to eat tonight.



Vaulting off of the hands, Henry tried to land normally but his balance had seemed to still be shot from earlier. The tumble acted like a splash of cold water, shocking his system and bringing him back from that foggy existence. He took a look around to see Nikolay knocked far back, hands gone from what he can tell. Henry knew he hit him but to how and to what extent was a mystery at the moment. Henry put up a guard to keep himself safe in case of retaliation.

But instead, Nikolay started to laugh. Henry lowered his guard thinking the fight might be over now. Hectic is a word to describe the encounter but Henry would describe it more as dangerous. Still, Henry nodded his head in agreeance. Hearing that he won was a bit shocking to him as he just couldn't make out all the details after he had his brain shaken. But he would accept the win as he really didn't feel like arguing against himself at the moment. He came over to Nikolay shake his hand, disarming himself as well, as he clasped Nikolay's hand "Good fight."

Henry was thrown off by a Russian accent now but he was too foggy to care. As Nikolay showed concern for Henry about the hit he did Henry could only smile at him as he said "No, I'm fine. The shock wave reverberated in my upper body for a bit, I think. It more or less shook me a bit." He took a look at Nikolay, inspecting him for injury. He seemed to be hurt but nothing worse than expected out of a spar. Henry let out a sigh of relief as he placed a hand on Nikolay's shoulder "Well, I need to sit down for a bit. That hit is still taking my balance away as we speak. You did good Nikolay" Henry started to walk past him, not trying to show that his balance was still gone. He was headed to the benches

During the walk, he could still feel his heart pounding like he was still fighting. No, like it still wanted to fight. The energy he felt in his arms and legs confirmed this. Henry's body had been itching for a fight earlier, he knew that but for the first time, his body wanted to keep fighting. Like it hasn't had its fill of danger. Not being able to understand this fully, he simply pinned this on that Hailey's father had angered him more than he thought.

He carefully kneeled to pick up his jacket he had tossed off before all this exercise. He slowly rose from his crouched position to be sure of his balance. He set his jacket over his shoulder and headed over to the benches, seeing Hailey there. He smiled as he started to head over. As he was making his way over he sees the black mist materialized from under her. His vision was too blurry to make out any more detail about the mist or Hailey's expression but Henry had a gut feeling that she wasn't okay. He made his way over quickly, almost stumbling a few times. Once he got close he could see the terrified look she had on her face. Henry tried to sit down softly but his legs didn't listen to him as he sat down hard, shaking the bench a bit. He took his jacket and covered her with, trying to comfort her. Henry preceded to place an arm around Hailey and pull her in. At this point any issues Henry had seemed to cease in his mind as his attention was dedicated to making sure she was alright. "Hey Hailey, it's alright now" in a very calm but strong voice. Henry watched, hoping he could help her through this tumultuous time.

@Landaus Five-One


Surprisingly, the white hands came down quickly to meet Henry's Gauntlets in a clash, or that was what Henry thought would happen. His entire attack was neutralized in that action. Henry was taken aback at what happened. There was no recoil from the hit so it's not like he just slammed into an immovable object. Before thinking anymore, He gripped onto the stones. It was an instinct from his grappling training.

However, there was no time to process what was going on with Nikolay's Noble Arm as Nikolay immediately counterattacked. The blast ran directly through Jahreszeiten Wechseln, then to his arms, and finally to his head and body. He could feel his arms were getting that tingly, numb feeling like when he would throw too many punches into the tree outside his house. The attack rattled his brain a good bit, leaving him nauseous and his vision blurry. He felt momentarily weak. From some other power, Henry had held onto Nikolay's weapon.

Henry had never in his life been had his conscious shaken before. Not in the years of training he had, not in any spars. Henry usually could be called reserved in the way he fought. Not that he was afraid he would get hurt, that he would hurt someone badly on accident. A tendency to stay docile that was instilled in him through all aspects of his life. Never start a fight. Never hurt others. Always be peaceful. These basic ideas had help defined who Henry was. As the literal bigger man resorting to violence is a sign of weakness of the mind.

However, something stirred in Henry when he had lost consciousness for a moment. A warrior's blood that has resided in him, dormant under the many factors of modern life. So with no hesitation, Henry's body moved on instinct. He threw his legs underneath himself, using the hands as leverage, and loaded himself like a spring aimed at Nikolay's chest. He tightened his core and legs as close as he could. Once aimed, he exploded out straightening his body, launching both feet into Nikolay. He could easily shatter Nikolay's sternum, ribs, and back with this hit. Hopefully, this is some good padding the school has

@The Man Emperor

Fredrick Jones

Fredrick just watched his beloved cat run over to Herman. Even Fredrick can't get Emily to come running over to him. All he could do is laugh a little bit as he watched Herman playing with Emily. Being satisfied with his cream and coffee "I'm doing alright. Just decided to get some coffee to help me get through the grading. I seem to be a little distracted today" Fredrick started to walking over to Herman to take a seat near him, sipping his coffee along the way to his seat. He takes a seat crossing his legs, leaning deeply into his chair. His shoulder lowered releasing some stress, "Herman, my first class was even crazier man. "He undid his tie, his teacher voice fading "A fight broke almost broke out. Twice!" as he throws up his hand gesturing a 2, continuing the gesture to stroke his hair back. "I swear I'm going to lose the little sleep I have left." After that small amount of venting, Fredrick lets his arms fall to his side and lets his legs fall flat to the fall, throwing his head back in defeat.



Henry watched as Nikolay rolled away from the slide tackle with a bit of panic. Henry's eyes were sharply locked on Nikolay as he moved out of the way, this speed seems reasonable for him, Henry thought as he monitored his reaction.

Henry took his slide and shifted himself onto the side of his hip, keeping an eye on Nikolay who wan now crouching. His Noble Arm was still red. Henry believed that he might have a difficult time trying to defend against a rush style. With that analysis of the situation, Henry ground his gauntlet into the floor to bring himself to a halt. All the while he had shifted from the side of his hip to his front. At this point, Nikolay was about to fully erect himself. In the singular moment that Henry had stopped his body had gotten itself ready for a low tackle. His leg muscles fired off, bursting Henry forward. His shoulders being at knee level with Nikolay, he was going to try to grapple him in this exchange and slowly win. Halfway from making contact with Nikolay, the marble hands changed to a sickly green. Henry would have to continue his charge towards Nikolay at this point, unable to stop on a dime.

@The Man Emperor
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