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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

@Midnight Howl
I saw your Review, I fixed the tenses. The word I tried to use was vouched. The word I put was apparently about dancing. And his father was a councilor and is now dead. it would have been 30+ years since he was in power. if that is too much I can still change it.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Look! It's an Orc!

@Midnight Howl Is there still room for more characters?
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I see that there is some openings for orcs and dwarfs. Do you mind if I put a bid in for an orc?
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hey I'm interested in this RP and I have a few ideas for characters. I want to know what is slots are still open?


Maria's psychic message sound ed off in Iris's mind, interrupting her nap with Amy. Iris twitched awake, not knowing if the message was really from Amy or her guilt for taking some time off. Not hearing anyone or anything else at the moment, Iris looked back towards Amy and smiled. Amy was still asleep and looking very comfortable. Iris nuzzled back into Amy.

Although the Iris felt a great deal of comfort cuddling Amy, this sense of anxiety lingered in her mind. The "what if that was real" scenario eventually led to action as Iris left need to go grab her omni-tool from her other clothes. Once obtained, Iris sat on the side of the bed, holding Amy's hand, and then searched up the local news coverage.

What Iris saw almost made her gasp. Every local news channel was covering the pillar of flames. Before continuing, Iris turns it down lower and dims the screen to not disturb Amy. So from she could tell, that was probably Alan then 'oh now other members are joining. I should probably head out their myself, where is it? Iris looked where it was and let it a a disappointed sigh. It was too far for her to get their in a reasonable amount of time. She didn't have a vehicle not a movement spell. If their was solid earth then I could do it but just metal passageways I would need Samuel to move me. Best to just let them get back and then I'll help out. Until then, Iris went back to laying down, just keeping an eye on the battle and when they are getting back.

Now might not be the best time to get excited over what happened with Amy. But just staying on standby while laying in the same bed as her makes that difficult. Remembering the fun parts, the awkward moments, and the... nice times of the date. Iris blushed as she simply remembered the moment they had. The trust they put in each other felt nice. Iris tried to come up with more eloquent words for her feelings but all she could muster was it felt nice. While letting herself get taken away with her own feelings, the other star marines came back.

Iris hastily got up and then gently shut the door to Amy's room. She started to jog to their location and was halfway when she realized she was jogging their in her nightdress. With an audible fuck, she chose to continue to the other star marines. Alan was in a critical state and it was her job to take care of him. She might not care for him particularly but keeping her taste in nightdresses to herself isn't worth letting the doctor taking care of the injured by himself. Steeling her resolve to not get embarrassed, she ran the rest of the way their.

As she arrived, Dr. Millard immediately spotted her. He didn't seem to pay much attention to her outfit and instead handed her a strange device. The remote to the system they have been working on for a bit. Iris was very excited as she had no idea how long it was going to take to finish it but it seemed that Millard really put in the hours to finish it. Iris smiled as she seemed to examine the remote, "Thanks Dr. Millard, I know this was really time intense but hopefully it will be worth it. I'll go do my job."

Walking towards Alan, she got increasingly worried as she hasn't scene an injury like this before. The crystals protruding, no growing out of him, reminded her of Kaisoken crystals. How this happened Iris doesn't know but what she does know if with this new system she could heal him. Using the system was pretty simple. The interface was just a list with a headshot and a name to the right of it. Iris opened Alan's file, a quick security password was needed. She knew the password. As Iris entered the password, she wasn't sure what she would see. She saw a very revealing Alan. His body was updating every minute. The body she could see was a bit hungrier and more importantly, uninjured. She looked up the file up and down and have her magic a chance.

She didn't know what would happen exactly but what happened was good. A white light began to envelop Alan from where Iris set her hand on his leg. The light suddenly stopped around his midsection. Iris found it strange but what could you expect from a first time use. She moved her hand up because it felt like it would help and it did. The light began to stretch further up and eventually it made to his head, Iris's hand ending up in his forehead. The magic finally took as the light doubled maybe tripled in intensity. The injuries disappeared, the crystals vanished, his temperature was back to normal. However his memories remain the same. So hopefully he doesn't start panicking when he comes to.

Iris quickly let herself out as she really didn't want to start their afterwards. She knows she was going to get yelled at be one of her higher-ups. Just if she going to be chewed out, it will be wearing a full set of clothes, not in her new gown. She ran off to her and Samuel's room and got into her jeans and put one of Samuel's shirts. Then a meeting was called for moonstrike

As she arrived the only thing she got out of it was she are poor now, and we are going to the crab nebula. Well at least I got one date with Amy. I'll fill her in about this later. Plus I need to patch things up with someone

After the meeting, Iris went up to Samuel seeming a bit meekish, Iris said "Hey Samuel, I know I probably definitely worried you by not responding and stuff. And I'm sorry about that but..." Iris eyes seemed to wonder off, as if she was looking for an excuse. Eventually she sighed and looked back at him, now looking a bit more negative realizing their is no excuse, "I ignored my Omni-tool because I was out doing something with someone. Can we talk about it more in the room?"



Iris was elated to hear that Amy wanted to go on a shopping trip with her. In truth, Iris hasn't been on a real shopping trip in a long time. Before the mission, they were looking at weapons, but that was to sate her brother's curiosity more than anything else. And before that, her parents only took Samuel and her together, pushing towards cute matching outfits. Going with a super cute girl, hell, a girl has been Iris's list of things to do for years. She got a bit excited when Amy said she hadn't either, it made it feel like a little adventure.

Iris continued to listen as she relaxed her stance to lean on the wall. Iris's nervous phase at the beginning of the conversation has been replaced with her usual demeanor as the relief that she had actually done what she set out to do. Iris had no issue being forward with someone in most topics or scenarios thanks to her training in the Ascendency, but with something as personal as what she wants, she felt awkward. Similar to a novice being presented with their first big task, she had the feeling that she was fumbling and going to fail this basic task but she did it.

Amy had asked her what they wear at sleepovers and honestly, she only knew from having to share a room so often. Iris slightly nodded her head and said, "Well from my experience, you usually try to sleep in what is comfortable to you. Some people like heavier sets of sleepwear. I know some people who would just fall asleep in what they had on. Me, I usually stick with a pair of pajama shorts and a t-shirt. But I kinda want to get something fancier now."

Iris watched Amy get lost in her own thoughts. Giving Iris plenty of time to appreciate Amy for Amy. Iris has never met anyone so warm before. At first, it was just weird but it quickly turned into a form of affection towards it. Then seeing her struggle and get depressed had her worry for Amy. Strangely, that was a good thing to Iris. Iris may seem a bit airy and nice but she knows more than anyone that she is not. Whether she was like this before or after that war is hard to tell but all she knows is that if you aren't her brother and maybe Tarak, she doesn't care for you. Even during that fight with the mercenary, if the tides kept going in his favor, she would have left Nero there without a second thought. Amy is the exception to that and she hopes to learn from this as well as have fun.

Iris blushes and sends a thumbs up at Amy when she says she trusts her and that she was pretty. As Amy expressed concern about the compatibility of the clothes with her, Iris waved her hand to dismiss it and said, "Most of the places can probably modify it there and if they can't there is bound to be a seamstress at the Bazaar. Besides, I know you will look beautiful in anything."

Iris looks at the extended hand and takes it saying sure as she gets in close. Just as they were about to start talking, Iris felt a buzz from her back pocket, it was her omni-tool containing a message from the Doctor. The final preparations for their health monitoring system were in place and would finish soon. It was really important that it was functional because it would allow her to have more free time for her date. With a sigh, Iris turns towards Amy with a disappointed look on her face, "It seems that I need to go. The final preparations for the in-depth health monitoring system are in place. It should let me have a better way of using my healing magic. I guess we'll have to save the talks for the shopping trip." she started to move away and go to work.

Over the rest of the day she was working, she used all her extra time planning her trip with Amy to go without a hitch. With the docking of the ship at the galactic Bazaar, she met up with Amy. Iris had dressed in her only set of good clothes in hopes to look more presentable and more appealing. Iris gave a big smile to Amy and walks up to her with a happy, "Ready?"

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