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Event: Primitive
People: Tku, Marci, Squatter Sandbat, Greedy Kite Tusker

Meanwhile, some ways away, the storm had come to Marceline and Tku, hunkering in a shelter large enough to fit everyone, but that... nobody but them had used.

"Quite a storm Marci? Are you from the desert?" Tku asked as the sandstorm finally hit the impromptu shelter.

"One could say that..."

"Maybe we can talk later, I traveled through it for a few years myself," Tku offered as he kept repairing the shelter, the storm was quite strong.

"Wunderbar. Now um... don't we have a job to do?"

Tku agreed just a hole cracked open followed by a clunky rolling sound, "Oh, I think that was a rock that just broke through."

"I always wanted a pet rock."

Tku let out a hearty laugh, "Hard to take care of I hear."

"Needy, even."

Tku had been bending the sand to repair the holes and the sand just feel odd. The sand, the storm, just small things seem off, "These seem different than normal."

"Small... and nasty."

Tku shook it off as he couldn't describe it in any actionable way, "It just feels different, I can't explain it otherwise"

"Tku! Watch out!"

A sandbat emerges from below them, hunkering inside their shelter. It hisses.

Tku dodged thinking another rock rocketed in to see a creature he never seen in Torragon, "Hmm? Ahh!!!"

"What the fuck is that thing!?"

The storm had finally passed and they were left with this odd bat creature. He looked to Marci, hoping to deal with it peacefully, "You know any chemical spells for bats?"

The sandbat hissed and Tku held his spear in case it lunged.

"Yeah, it's called killitwithfire."
Just then, however, there came a... trumpeting sound!?

"Wait hold on now, it could be entertainment," Tku took a look at it, trying to see if it picked up some injuries from the storm or them trying to build on it.

Marci and Tku emerged from the shelter, digging their way out with binding magic and, floating over the dunes on the still-strong winds was... an elephant!? A tiny....flying elephant.

"Well then," Tku tilted his head at the odd sight, "Our roommates are doubling."

The small elephant seized upon the sandbat and immediately dived in to pursue it and the chittering menace took off quickly, flapping away as the pachyderm landed and let out another snort.
Then, immediately, the tusker began digging near where the bat had been. It dug ferociously with feet and tusks, paying the two humans little mind.

Tku decided to use some binding magic to help it out, "It's the least I can do for getting rid of the squatter." He looks over at Marci to more or less let her know he didn't go insane and was just having some momentary fun with an elephant.

The little elephant flicked its ears about and let out an annoyed little trumpet, defensive over its find.
It didn't turn down the help, however, digging deeper and with increasing urgency, letting out little snuffling snorts along the way.

Then, finally, it hit pay dirt.

Digging in with its tusks, they came up covered in what looked to be blood at first, but was actually sweet melon juice.

"Oh!" Tku was surprised to find an underground melon

For the next couple of minutes, Marci and Tku would watch the Kite Tusker gorge itself on Wazingui Melon that had been buried in the storm. It it grew here, however, that must've mean that water was close by.

The rather cute, odd-looking little beast occasionally let out satisfied snuffles and grunts, glancing warily over its shoulder at them.

Finally, full to the max, it sat back and let out a long, satisfied sigh.
Plodding a little ways away, it hunkered down in the shade cast by the two humans' improvised shelter.

"Water would be nice. Shall we try to figure out where it is?" he looked at the strange pachyderm chow down.

"Would be ideal," Marci agreed, reaching out with her senses.
With the elephant having abandoned its dig, she moved over to investigate the hole, and her eyes widened.

Tku tried to peer down if any seeds or melon was left, in a pinch he could grow them.

Then, he saw it too.
Tangled among the vines was... some sort of wand.
It was not like anything they had seen before and, as Marci scanned it, she recognized those energies. They were the same ones that occasionally surrounded her brother's girlfriend, Dory.
"Sooooo...." she began, "What do we uh, do with it?"

"What in the world?" Tku went ot start freeing it with his spear. "Get it out safely for now, I'll touch it sense you can call for help better, something weird about a wand out of nowhwere."

Marci eyed the wand and eyed him. She glanced at the tusker. It seemed to be watching them idly.
"Should we?" she questioned, "on our own?"

The animal was up and moving again, and it began lumbering over to the hole it had made earlier. While it was tiny by elephant standards, it was still the size of a large dog, and its ear-wings - currently folded and resting along its back - were probably at least eight feet in span.

Tku questioned, "I mean it is odd for sure but it could just be a lost treasure of someone who failed to cross the desert." Tku was nervous with it moving over, "I should grab it before it goes back in," Tku looks at Marci like confirmation that he will do it now, giving her one last chance to say something.

Marci stepped out of the way. "Um...be careful. I think it's... a dark magic item." Better him than her, she supposed, but Tku was kind of nice. She'd rather he not die.

Tku stopped, "Dark magic?" He didn't even need to know to be worried. He attempted to lift it with some telekinesis onto a cloth instead of grabbing it now.

Then, the tusker made a final dash and grab for it.
Tku had it in his kinetic grasp.
The elephant had it in its trunk.
Its greedy little eyes glared at him.

"Oh no you don't!" Tku tried to rip it towards him, "I will make you a melon! Give it to me!! Marci can you grow these?"

The elephant pulled back obstinately, refusing to let go. It stamped and unfurled its massive ears in a threat display. They hadn't gotten a good look at the colours before. They were eyes: giant eyes, or at least mimics of those.

Then, Marci had crafted the most sickeningly sweet thing she could manage. Spratz, albeit fake spratz
a terrible knockoff of the real thing. It was enough. The tusker released the wand all at once and went charging for the fake plant. The girl happily tossed it into the air and as far as she could. Within moments, the little pest was gone, chasing after it.

That left... the wand. However, before they could do much of anything with it, Marci perked up. She pointed. "There, in the distance: it's them!"

Tku now held it in his hand, not originally wanting too but just catching it after launching it towards him, "You're a blood mage Marci?" Tku asked.

Marci nodded. The others were still a good half a kilometer away. "Don't go telling everyone though, huh?"

Indeed, there appeared to be... three or four people, two on a large horse and... was there a little juvenile horse as well?

Tku nods and remakes some of his clothes, repairing them and refills his water pouch, "Same to you," Tku smiles, "Let's great them, hopefully that means Riesco is okay."

Marci began walking. Tku began walking. They waved.

Somewhere, not too far away, the kite tusker decided to follow them.

"Do you know where the angry child went?" Tku asked remembering that Marci may not want to search for him.

Event: Metropolis

Ingrid spent the rest of the night waiting for Niallus, still conflicted on the revelations that she had learned. She hoped that Niallus would give her the normal comfort she finds in him but it seemed the conflict in her couldn’t be explored with Ingrid constantly worrying about being overheard. Still him being there at the end of the night brought up its own easement for her to sleep soundly.

Ingrid awoke still wanting to talk to someone about this but had a hard time thinking who she should reach out to. Maybe she would keep open and listen to other people and try to get a feel. Everyone went out last night so I’m sure there are things to share and things said if they don’t.

Lastly she went to Yalen to try and procure some topical pain medicine for supposed aches and pains. Hopefully getting some time to speak on his perspective on all of this. Ingrid found some trust in his words since he was a man of the cloth.

Event: Primitive

“Always the fucking exceptions.”

Just as Zarina brings a shield to a fight, her opponent happens to be an intangible force that metaphorically laughs at her grand defense. Steam nearly erupts from the openings of her helm as she points the massive maw of her shield-cannon toward the murky accumulation of mist before her. From the barrel comes a wave of flames from the energy she had already drawn prior to this ambush. Nibbler finds solace in a crevice on her armor, seemingly designed for him, while Riesco was kept outside the ruins.

“Cover your mouth,” she warns to her partner, “smoked mist probably isn’t good for your bones.” given it actively drains them by contact, it is safe to assume breathing the stuff is no good. The obliteration of the mist allows for some respite, and the flames lit up details that would be hard to notice with a murderous cloud constantly attacking. “Al’ama!” Zarina swears, as the horrid, gaseous mass begins to reform already and the leftovers of previous travelers begin to hurl themselves at the two.

Tku covers his mouth with a cloth to keep the mist from his lungs though how effective it is was to be discovered. Still Tku quickly tossed her a spare cloth he had, ”Just to be sure,” not knowing if the armour she wears protects from this godforsaken mist. The mist drains on Tku and he considers reconstructing it with blood magic but as he looks towards his companion he can’t help but feel nervous to show it off. ”We should search around for a way out of here, I’m sure there is a way,” Tku tells his companion.

After a brief moment of walking, the mist sapping their life everstill, they finally spot a person. Tku sighs in relief, ”We might be out of here soon!” Tku nudges Zarina and yells out to the man. There isn’t a reaction so he yells once more and the figure begins to rush towards them at high speed. Tku readies himself and as it draws near its obvious it is a cadaver merely hurling itself towards. Tku screams out and dodges out of the way, ”What is that!”

Keen, golden eyes focus on the shape that draws near. A human silhouette ragdolled toward them as if it had been pushed by an unseen force. Then another body, and then another. Mostly skeletal remains, some big enough to resemble camels. Zarina uses her shield to let some of them slide by her rather than dodging outright, although she does leave the pile she had accumulated with a fiery explosion, “No idea.” she answers, frustrated. And that frustration only grows as the mist not only reforms but grows in toxicity with the charred remains of the corpses.

“Can you freeze or harden it?” inquired the platinum warrior as they tried to force themselves forward. She wasn’t much for chit-chat and sought out to draw anything that wasn’t the mist, although only under the condition that Tku could do anything about it consistently siphoning them.

”What twisted mind came up with this?” Tku asks as he dodges them over and over, nearly evading them each time. Destroying the undead only seemed to turn the mist deadlier and he could feel his magic lessen. He got away from the burnt remains and begrudgingly said, ”I may have something better.”

Tku reaches out with his mana and when he can sense the matter he begins to draw and transform it. Some to heal him and Zarina, others just turn to small stones that fall helplessly on the floor. For the moments Tku drew the mist, they could see the attackers and could escape from that perilous situation. Tku kept drawing from the mist to provide them some brevity from it but remained silent.

With the way once again cleared by Tku’s hand this time, the armoured warrior pushes forward with the ragdolled corpses merely shoved away by the shield rather than obliterated. “A little bit further.” utters the girl under the helm, “Where we’re being guided towards.” she scoffs, “You’d almost think it’s a trap.”

For a brief moment, she stops and crouches, “If you can’t go fast on your own,” she begins while drawing any bit of heat and kinetic magic she could find. There isn’t many, but enough for her for a single burst, “grab on quick!” she warns just a mere second before she propulses herself forward toward the arrow’s direction. Quick swerves via the wings of magic spell allows for one to dodge most obstacles, though it makes her a prime target for a sucker-punch!

Tku nervousness is high having used it in front of someone, he simply prays that she will either conflate it with binding or not mention it. The idea of the arrow being a trap didn’t cross him, “Or this could be a trial to sift out the weak, either way the arrow seems to be our best bet. I pray for our friend's safety.”

Tku grabs onto her and helps with the propulsion by leveraging his spear against the floor, ”Not as fast as you!” He clears out more of the mist and extends his spear to use it as a long pokey stick to keep the corpses away.

The two are nearing the beacon that called for them. The mist is recuperating from its disrupted state and attempts to charge right at them. It’s going to be a close one! Luckily for them, they have a little Nibbler giving a final ‘push’ for an exciting escape.

Event: Metropolis

Things were odd, there was no magic use and the one time she could have felt it being used, the guards ran off for quite awhile. Now they were being fed excellent food sitting in a very nice inn with beautiful views. It was wonderful and generous and if Ingrid was here as an envoy for friendly relationships, then this would make sense. But no, they were here to hunt down a traveler agent that was murdering people.

It seems her teammates also had some inkling that something was wrong. With everyone else asking Blossom questions, Ingrid played the lazy and ignorant noble who happily ate any food that was presented to her. Asking questions to Yin as she ate.

Not even the first day and there was much to speculate on. Though with Blossoms maybe intentional drinking we could get some time to discuss.

The meal concluded without too much hassle and people started to share what they knew. Yalen had gained a great deal of information from blossom. So they had a white guard and a black guard, and the black guard was hunting down the traveler and we are the convenient cover for them. Zenith Upta talked about how a connection with Rettan would be made if we pulled this off correctly. If the White guard are the elite and the Black guard are even more so, they might work with the very higher ups, possibly even the twin emperors.

Ingrid nodded to tell Yalen she understood but started to whisper to him in Perrench, a common language at the school but maybe not here at least. ”Je n’aime pas rester assis alors que nous pourrions faire les choses nous-mêmes. Et toi?” She felt Yalen wasn’t the type to sit around but maybe this could tell him she would support efforts on finding things out ourselves.

After washing up Ingrid decided to finally approach Maura after that little stunt she pulled. It didn’t really matter if they make a full of themselves now knowing that they are simply here as a convenient cover story for them. Still, Ingrid wanted to set the matter straight. She strolled over to Maura, ”Evening Maura,” Ingrid smiled. ”They sure did give a grand welcoming to us, and thank you for coming up with such respectable names for everyone,” Ingrid complimented Maura on her quick action, ”But that name you gave me was a bit much” Ingrid made no effort to hide her mild distaste for the name, ”As far as I am aware, we are not on good enough terms to be so lax with each other. Let’s try to be at least cordial in the meantime.” Ingrid yawned, ”Rest well Maura, you’ll have a lot of rolling to do tomorrow.” and headed off to her an Niallus’s room.

Once she was in her room she intended to just settle down with Niallus but her mind was caught up in all that was going on, just who could be in the Black guard and why were they using us. It sounds like they are near the level of the arch-Zeno’s at the academy so why then. Her mind couldn’t help but see them as a sacrifice for the white and black guard to remove problematic sectors. Something along the lines of, Oh the government didn’t do that, it was the nasty foreigners, this is why you can only trust the government. It’s an old trick, one that is surprisingly effective. And that didn’t sit right with her. Ingrid has done her fair share of bad things, but she would rather avoid making herself a public enemy here for any time she would want to do business in Retan.

The other thing that bothered me was if the guards came back. Even if the supposed legendary blackguards were on the case, common guards might be seen as expendable. Ingrid isn’t a traveler expert, but she has on more than one occasion dealt with them and both times their tactics were to lead their foe into an engagement where they are outnumbered. Ingrid snuck out and checked on the guards, believing herself to be stealthy with her mixture of arcane and kinetic magic. The only guard unaccounted for was the guard captain…

"What you do!?" demands a voice as she tries to slip around a corner undetected. It was Captain Zhu, Ingrid nearly had a heart attack, he snuck up on her so well and she was sensing for people as well. She quickly assessed the situation and determined that it was salvageable. She collected herself and spoke in her broken rettanese something along the lines of she was worried for his men because she had also encountered the Traveler. She tried to come off genuine but she couldn’t tell if she was really understood. At the very least Captain Zhu sent her back off to her room without any issue. Still, she was surprised how easy she was to sneak up on. Time to get some rest for tomorrow before it's too late, afterall there are no Zeno Bucks here.

Event: Primitive

Tku popped through the portal fully expecting to fight the sand wyrm. Well, distract it for the most part, Dami knows that Tku had no shot at defeating such a foe. But that tension was changed into an intense curiosity as it seemed the Royal Sand Wyrm was… jovial? It was a scene like no other and whatever magic these ladies were using was past even his wildest imaginations.

Of course, our teammate Benedetto was ready to fight and was for lack of a better term, primed to try and kill it. Tku was more than ready to not fight this, but a small disturbance and disagreement had the platinum warrior flying. ”Oh shit,” Tku exclaimed from the shock of it. He was about to ask if they were okay, but they surprisingly landed and recovered with some ease. Oh this is going to be an experience, Tku thought as he adjusted his expectations. Still, he used a bit of binding on the platinum knight even if they seemed alright, just to be sure.

The wackness seemed to not reach its crescendo yet with them now suggesting to tame an Alpha Sand Wyrm. Taming any fully grown animal was difficult to impossible from what Tku had experienced but a sand wyrm? Us little people are like nothing to them, we are just small beings to them, no more significant than a puppy to us. The ideas were like they had already partaken in some of Luun’tils finest products. It almost came off as a joke but then a hallassa just appeared in front of everyone and Benny just confirmed it wasn’t anyone here. Tku just shook his head and moved onto the ranger who died. There was nothing left but Tku traveled the desert enough to know that they wanted to have something to mark the area.

He knew the stone of this area fine enough but cut a stone out of a particularly distinguished segment. Shaping the stone so that it would be visible for some time before the sand sweeps it away like everything else. Whatever he could do to help with the process he did and tried to be more of a facilitator of it and let the rangers do it as they wanted. After that was said and done, he followed Escarra’s suggestion. Where will this lead me, Tku pondered, knowing no matter where it went it would be interesting.
Into the Fire

Tku ungracefully popped out of the portal, creating a sponge beneath him to absorb the fall. "Not my finest entrance but I'm alive," he stood up and shook off the sand. The scorching sun of the Torragonese desert set in quickly. He loved the sun but being placed in it after quite literally being under a giant rock was jarring. They were not alone, it seemed, a girl Tku knew as Isabella and a boy: Yalen.

"Sand Wyrm? Is Tan-Zeno Re confronting it?" He asked. He looked around and couldn't spot it. He clicked his tongue, "Do you have a way of getting us there?" Tku asked, posing it to the rest of his compatriots.
Ingrid Penderson

Event: Metropolis

Upon arrival, Ingrid subtly looked around to see the buildings and people. She had heard so much of it in her Retanese class and finally being there was quite the experience. However, they were not here as tourists but as hired mages to snuff out the traveler agents. They met with the officials as Ingrid expected until Maura decided to give her a name. Ingrid let off a small laugh, ”我更喜欢贵族学者英格丽," bowing and making no other note of it for now.

Wu Long intrigued Ingrid, he was the only one to break the set etiquette. Maybe it related to his title as Model of Creation and Destruction? It didn’t matter too much at the moment but he definitely made himself known with his introduction, publicly saying it was our evil that is causing them harm, and the only model to openly use magic. Strange indeed.

Soon the official left and Jiang Xiulan, their translator and guide, remained. She called over the guard captain, Zhu Kai, and some quick introductions were made. It was quite impressive that he spoke any Avincian at all. Ingrid made note of the guards that were accompanying them since Kai took the time to introduce them she gave a smile and light thanks to them.

Ingrid was originally going to address Maura during the walk about the stunt she pulled in front of the officials but resigned herself to doing it at the inn they were provided as it seemed that the locals enjoyed seeing foreigners. Instead, she waved to people and said hello back in Avincian. Taking in how the people were toward the hours of Eshiran. Keeping Niallus’s hand away until Ingrid understood Wánggǎng’s take on such matters. When Blossom brought up Retanese food Ingrid perked up, "I’ve had the luxury of trying it a few times but the chefs always told me that it would be better in Retan," she excitedly said.

The guards ran off and Ingrid wasn’t sure why at first, she wasn’t sensing anything so she must have missed it. Either way, it wasn’t something extreme Ingrid assumed. If it was, she would have sensed it without needing to actively search. Odd to say the least. Blossom’s and Kai’s attempts to reassure were not very effective for Ingrid. She has seen how the Traveler’s followers create small disturbances that lead to larger traps. One time against a century and her friend, and one time against her. Ingrid kept on edge for the time being, respecting their attempts to seem to reassure us. Looking to guard captain, "如果能从您的角度快速处理这个问题,那就太好了."

A Day Trip to the Silk Road

Tku read the letter with some glee. Any reason to go into the Hegelan cities was good enough reason. He hung around Esmii eating a Mcboller, before having some light say in whatever that blonde boy was saying. He was harsh as hell, to say the least, to the point that he should be called a heckler instead of a noble.

Whatever the case they were soon distracted by a yellow bird and like the simple minded students they were. Following and following all led to a blank space that eventually revealed itself to be the prime example of a man who defended a woman's honor, the scary mage who was quite interesting. And finally but certainly not least, the Vossoriyan beauty. All interesting characters, all from places Tku hasn’t been. He did his utmost to help and make a good impression.

Solving the cart problem with Manfred, and explaining the block puzzle to Yuliya. All these were attempts to build some rapport. But what opened was a beautiful room with mountain tops. There were so many people in here and he frankly couldn’t pay them all mind but eventually, they all found their seats. He had hoped things to stay calm but as Silas was slightly rude, the Arch-Zeno made him disappear.

Harrachora was the one to save them from the monsters with something similar in Tku’s ignorant mind. Fear took over and he sat silently even after he let people know he was still alive. He calmed himself sketching the map he presented, hopefully adding the details to his own map. The missions were sent out but it seemed Tku and a few others had different people.

The mission seemed unreal. Prevent the death of a Tan-Zeno, world balance, Snake people possibly, and even more that could be expected. Evander was curious about how much he seemed to know. Bennedetto was worrisome, there was some evil in his heart, and might run against the goal of our mission. Harrachora wanted us to promise him some trust and Tku agreed as he was indebted to him from his night at the Swirl. With that the portal was open and Tku headed off.
Breakfast With Upta

A normal day of training with Niallus was interrupted by a surprise letter from Zenith Upta. Upta didn't mince words and got to the point. A very different style to Hugo's delivering vague messages via crow. Though Ingrid could appreciate it as she did have a few items that she could bring.

She dressed herself up, donning her new dress and wearing some jewelry, it was a breakfast with the Zenith after all. She was a little more than just excited. Upta was a brilliant mage who rose to the title surprisingly quickly. She is beyond talented and to get on her good side would greatly benefit any developing mage.

Arriving at the Forked Tower she saw many familiar faces, some new ones, and one that she knew well but couldn’t see with all the armor she had equipped. Of course, she had some equipment of her own, some she would hope not to pull out. The most surprising person there was what looked to be a little Hugo. Looked just like him and with all the shenanigans that have happened with people hopping through time to come back as younger versions, Ingrid couldn’t help but speculate.

Things kicked off in a big way with Rikard, the Hugo look-alike, stumbling through the perimeter of the Forked Tower. He didn’t get hurt so Ingrid confidently strolled in to be zapped by the forcefield. Some healing later for her and Niallus and they could all make their way in. Quite a few of the tethered noticed that their range had been slashed. It was unnerving but with what the Forked tower is, Ingrid wasn’t surprised.

It seemed that the Zennith had a proclivity for games much like the paradigm did. Figuring out who was around you, doing math problems, and even a counting game. All of them were fun and maybe it was just a good day but Ingrid was having a surprising amount of fun and doing things well if she says so herself. She even earned a head pat for Tan-Zeno Re which Ingrid couldn’t help but be excited about.

The conversations they had over breakfast were what Ingrid expected for the most part, there were missions that needed to be done for the betterment of the school. Unlike Hugo who mainly kept us in the dark, Upta was more straightforward and appeared more genuine. Perhaps they had grown strong enough to where they could learn the hidden dealings. Ingrid’s mission they were to go to Rettan and hunt down a Traveler agent who had been messing with the government and committing crimes. Ingrid fretted that a fight in such a city could turn into a bloody mess but with her training in binding and consciousness of her actions now she should be fine.

Her team going with her was nice. She had her lover Niallus and her good friend Trypano with her there. Yalen was coming and he had her Scepter of Ahn-Shune, Ingrid was thrilled to see just what magic Yalen chose to learn with it. He was such a good soul so Ingrid was happy it went with him. Ingrid knew little of Kaureerah or Rikard. They both interested her but Rikard much more. Maura and Abdel were less fortunate picks in Ingrid’s head. Maura and Ingrid weren’t on the best terms, mostly one-sided at this point. Abdel she had no issue with but it seemed they had gotten closer so it could be a choosing-sides situation. Hopefully not but you never know.

With the mission decided and people grabbing any last items, Upta connect two spaces and sent us on our way, Ingrid walked through.
Ingrid Timeskip

Tku Timeskip

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