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Student Magic Specializations

Start of Arc Four

❖ Ingrid Penderson: 0 4 2 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0

❖ Tku: 0 0 4 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 0

Magnetic Arcane Binding Chemical Kinetic Atomic Blood Temporal Dark Command Primordial

Tku sits on a bollard near the Pharoah Point Light, watching the ships go in and out as he sketches. The last week was crazy, ah? Tku thought as he sketched that wondrous scene of Jomurr rushing into Mudsvile. Making him the centerpiece, slightly larger than the accused and the peasantry smaller, lesser. He is the will of Dami in this piece, holding the accused responsible for the crimes against the meager people. He does up the filth of the Yasoi, shaping her slightly larger than Esmii's size. Tku keeps Nazih mostly the same but makes the shit on him much less intrusive into the scene to not detract from the rest of the image,Your welcome my friend.

Feeling satisfied with the charcoal rendition before he goes further he flips to a new canvas and starts to head back to his dorm to actually paint. Ah! The Swirl was quite the venture, even ventured into the horror stories he heard in Tarlon, Tku shook his head and felt a tingle from where he almost died to those monsters. He didn’t get a good look at the storm but he can imagine the beast.

He stops at the pumpernickel club for some bread and a single piece of fruit for the fun of it. He plops his bag next to the canvas and transfers the charcoal sketch onto a larger canvas. Rough lines were replaced with more set ones. Shaping was done over and over to get it right. Finally, Tku cracked his knuckles and excitedly prepares the paint. Egg yolks blended with some pot ash to make a slurry. Tku whistles as he makes some pigments and only makes what he can handle in 4 hours, any more, and the paint will dry and become unworkable.

He starts with base a base layer of paint, building details as he went. He works from warm to cool for this specific piece, working with warmer colors was more natural for him. He enjoyed the earliest stages because the painting isn’t set, he can still morph it as he sees fit. At a certain point, you can’t change anything, you lose some control over your piece. You are merely the tool to finish it.

2 weeks later the painting was finished and Tku reached out to Jomurr if he would like to come and look at it. Tku had grown deeply interested in the hegelan craft. There was a charm brought to it by artistry and function. His homeland always focussed on artistry than function. If he could learn from them and apply them to his own craft, perhaps he could reach a higher level in his craft. If he wasn’t interested then to the auction it would go, trying to at least cover the cost of making it. This is the problem with making things on inspiration, people might not buy them and Tku has fallen into that multiple times.

Location: Ersand'Ernise

Interactions: Lots of people

Dory's Birthday

It was Dory’s birthday and Ingrid was a little nervous. She was bringing a humble gift, a few stories from her personal collection. She had a fancy box made for them with intricate designs of some of the characters in it. It had 3 books but could fit 20 roughly. There was room left if Dory wanted to have more added to the box. It felt a little childish but that’s fine.

Ingrid dressed slightly up, putting on light makeup. She wore good perfume and headed out the door. Dory wasn’t far from her own dorm, so she just carried the box. A few minutes later she was just outside her dorm room and she could hear the conversation and the heartwarming smell of baked apples. "Knock knock," Ingrid said as she entered the room.

"Happy Birthday Dory!" Ingrid exclaimed with joy. When her eyes landed on Yalen, “It’s good to see you as well, brother Yalen. I hope your day is going well,” Ingrid said in a more respectful but still familiar tone.

Ingrid gave Dory a hug, "I brought you something," Ingrid tapped on the box, "I know you like stories and have a collection going on so I brought some from my own collection to give you. I read them as a child and thought they might be fun to read." Ingrid pulled attention to the box, "I had the box made to hold some of the stories, I thought you could add your own designs as you filled it up with your favorites. I put mine on, ‘Kol the Dragon Slayer.’ I hope you like it, Dory."

Ingrid glanced at the rather large pie, "Mind if I have a slice?"

Velles 5th

Location: Ersand'Enise
Time: Later hours of Eshiran
Characters: Ingrid, Zarina@YummyYummy, Frédérique, Étienne, Idun, Thorinn, Maura @Ti

Ingrid was preparing her food as Zarina next door impressed the judges, and it wasn’t a moment too late as the Virangish girl came with the meat for the next part of the meal. It also meant that the judges were making their appearance too, as part two of the food wars commence!

First is Idun from the RAS Guardians. With Thorinn getting the token, the troop were one step closer to sealing the deal. Armed with Brandæbles and Snepebbers the nature loving Eskand moved swiftly to create three speciality dishes. What is very important in a dish isn’t simply the best cuts, but the worst cuts too, and getting the best from that Snowsweeper would definitely be getting your money’s worth.

Étienne watches on as Idun seems to be swaying that figure of hers in a seductive manner, her face rising as she smiles sweetly towards him before turning away with a blush as she prepares the treat. She offers a plate adorned with Köttbullar with a dollop of Brandæble jam on the side, very flirtatious towards the Perrench Noble. “Would sir like to taste of what I have to offer~?”, and before he could have a chance to respond, Frédérique interrupts as she takes one of the meat balls with a fork, dipping it into the jam before sampling it for herself, “These appear to be light and sweet, is this what you intend to serve his majesty?”. The twins shared a look between them, Étienne bemused as his sister decided to take the lead on this section of the competition. It seems that mere sex appeal would not get the contenders through the round now. “My appetite is rather sated currently, my Lady de Perpignan will be judging this round.”

Idun flushed red as her early gamble appeared to have backfired, catching the ire of the one actually making the decision. “This is the hors d'oeuvres, a treat which would consist of the Snow sweeper to wet the appetite”. She moved over to another dish, something called Kjøttboller which is larger and more like a meat patty. “This is another treat, perhaps for the servants. Its heat is said to put hairs on your chest.”

Frédérique certainly raises a questioning eye-brow at this comment as it is being served to her, much to Étienne amusement. She clapped her hand as a servant came for the testing, though whilst he didn’t grow any hairs on his chest, his tongue tasted as if it is on fire. “That is the Snepebber, very valuable.”

The main course was cuts of Biffribbe which were cooked with steaming water then finished with a roast to produce a tender treat which melts within the mouth, simply dripping from the bone. To accompany it seems to be a sauce of some kind, søtkrydderglasur, as Idun pastes that upon the meat. The brownish colour seems somewhat familiar, though out of place. “This is Eskandish speciality saus, created it myself.”. Frédérique gives a surprised look as she tastes it, offering it to Étienne to taste. He gives a surprised look, as he tastes it. The sweet, spicy, smokey texture, it seems to complement the ribs perfectly.

“Write her the ticket. She passes.”, Frédérique turns around as she moves to another table. Whatever that sauce was, it just made the nobles completely change their decision.

That hussy! Ingrid exclaimed in her head, Using a premade sauce to win them over. Have you no shame? Absolutely atrocious she is. It doesn't matter, I can overcome this! Ingrid cracked her hand and got back to the cooking

The meat had to be perfect. Undercooked and the meat would be tough and gummy. Overcooked would be stringy and dry. Controlling the temperature of the meat to slowly rise it to the temperature to gelatinize the fibers, turning them juicy and succulent. A beautiful color is maintained in the meat to be revealed when cut into. Tender enough that a knife isn't needed.

Vegetables are prepared ahead of time to give the stew a dynamic look, building some height on the plate, seasoned perfectly with the cooking. Pearl onions are delicately peeled and slightly browned to bring out their subtle sweetness.

The sauce enrichened by the wine and meat that had been stewed in it. Complexity multiplied by the vegetables within. The sauce is strained, the bits to be eaten are set to the side. Ingrid freezes the fat to separate it from the sauce. Then the sauce is reduced into a thick sauce, this sauce could never hold the beef fat. It would split and become greasy. Ingrid cut the heat and started to mount the sauce with arcane chilled butter, stirring constantly to emulsify the butter. This sauce was now rich and complex. It's time to put it together.

A deep set plate was set, made of high quality ceramic and blazed to a brilliant white. A spoonful of sauce is set at the bottom then the meat is placed center. Pearls were placed on the side and carrots crossed to give some height to the dish. Then more sauce is layered on top, not enough to smother it, and instead, leave the colors on the plates. Finished off with some fresh herbs on top for color and smell. A basic dish elevated to something to blow those nobles away. I will best your cheating with unmatched skill. Plus some slide remarks to undermine their dish.

The competition is high within the room, many of the competitors look towards the Eskand team going above and beyond in their unique foray and posing a challenge that Ingrid rises to meet. The music within the hall changes as the pair approaches the table, adopting a similar more West Severan tone reminiscent of Zarina’s performance.

Instead of something unique, Ingrid goes for a Perrench fine dining staple of boeuf bourguignon with the aim of using her knowledge of the meat itself. It is no big secret that Snowsweeper meat is tough, and it needs the right kind of preparation to allow it to drip from the bone.

She displays clear use of advance cooking techniques using magic to enhance the flavour to remove the gristle, leaving behind rich meat that is so tender, a knife is not even required. The sauce rich and thick, the smell was absolutely divine in that ‘I cannot believe it is not chemical magic’ way, a clearly well done and superior to a normal dish.

Étienne looked up towards Ingrid, as all non-Yasoi do towards her imposing frame, and, due to the cooking, into those steamed glasses which were periodically wiped clean. There was always something with talking to a woman taller than you which makes you feel… “Your imposing stature belies your clear refinement. Clearly a book who shouldn’t be judged by their cover”, Frédérique cut in as she makes her initial impression as she breathes in the rich aroma surrounding the table, very impressed. Étienne remarked on the presentation, “Une etiquette impéccable, art de la table suited for a King.”

Frédérique seated herself as began to taste, she felt the knife slice through the beef like as if were hot butter. She placed it within her mouth as she took the time to savour the texture and flavour of the dish before her as she nods appreciatively, “Merci.”. Étienne as per the rules provides Ingrid with the token of approval.

The pair however now come to a difficult decision, out of those who got through, there were only two pairings. It is clear that having both roles working as a team would yield the best results, leading to a difficult choice between “RASgardians”, a foreign team, or the Sovereign Pact aligned Noble Students from “Haute Cuisson”.

“Eskandish creature being served by their native chefs would be authentic.” Étienne remarked when trying to come to a decision.
Frédérique sighed, “However, there is a reason the best chefs tend to be Perrench, though both here are Eskandish.”

Ingrid had kept quiet until now on Idun's 'choice' of ingredients but now it seemed the twins were trying to decide between us. Great, Ingrid thought as she weighed the idea that she could be beaten by some cheap woman. I won't let myself be done in by some cheater.

Ingrid coyly raised her hand to the twins, "I would rather not bring this up but I believe you should know. Although I enjoy Brandæble jam as many Eskandish do, it is something that can produce a mild psychedelic effect..." Ingrid plays up her worry, "It has me wondering what she may serve the lord if she would serve a psychedelic to you without even a courteous warning." Ingrid looked over to Idun with some shame and worry. Ingrid's gaze returned to the twins, "There is another thing I worry about but your health should come first."

The twins find themselves interrupted during their exchange as they see Ingrid approach, the RASgardians also take note of these as they come near to listen.

“This certainly explained that afterglow." Étienne gave a wide smile in response to the point raised by Ingrid. “The point is true, we should be adequately warned when our senses are to be dulled." as Frédérique offered a thankful nod towards Ingrid's contribution.

Idun comes into the conversation to object, "Brandæble's are a delicacy which our highest Jarls come to savour in their favourite dishes, søster. Do you think your paltry offering of beef in stewed onions is fit for nobles of high station?" the Eskandish woman smiles up sweetly towards Étienne as she adjusts position to allow the Brandæble's within her blouse to bounce joyously.

Thorrin spat towards the ground in the direction of the rival pair. as he glared towards Zarina. "This girl doesn't even know how to carve meat. She dance all pretty in skimpy outfit waving swords around. If she did this in a real kitchen, the cooks would lose all their limbs. Pitiful."

Frédérique gave a polite cough as she drew attention back towards herself before readdressing the pair. “You mentioned something about health risks?"

Ingrid knew that simply mentioning the hallucinogenic properties of brandæble. Ingrid heard Idun's retort but it didn't matter much."I understand that our people make enjoy the fruit and the effects that come with it. However, you are there cook. if you are so loose to not even give them a heeding of the effects of the fruit. What if you served that at the feast and someone ate too much? At best they would be tranced for a few hours and at worst they could need healing to save their life. There are so many dangerous ingredients that entice the pallet. You need to trust that your chef isn't going to harm you through negligence." Ingrid felt confident in what she said. The effects were slightly exaggerated but still, this wasn't the end of Ingrid's information.

She sent a gaze at Idun, Back down now before I bring up that your sauce claim is fraudulent! resign with some dignity you hussy.

Idun moved closer towards Étienne as she squeezed his arm against her brandæbles. "We are here to impress, there is nothing wrong with showing a lord the delights Eskand has to offer, not that you would know." Étienne simply stood bemused as the ladies fought it out between themselves. Frédérique just glared towards him, and simply sighed when he shrugged. "I am sure it was an oversight, but it was an important point to bring to our attention." Idun noded, "Big misunderstanding, we simply wanted to impress by offering such forbidden exotic goods for you to savour." those doe eyes gazing up towards Étienne.

“Cry about it.” Zarina scoffs with a smirk, arms crossed as she briefly pondered an impromptu acquisition of a recipe. She is reminded, however, of the stakes and foregoes any risky play. For now.

Ingrid has had enough of Idun's brazen attempts to seduce the man. It was shameful. Ingrid sighed and crossed her arms. Her attitude changed and she gave a sharper look at Idun. "And what of that sauce you used? Could you describe its origins? Some process of how you made it? It seems pretty similar to another sauce I have had..." Ingrid insinuated that Idun is using a premade sauce.

Étienne was impressed at how Zarina shutdown the objection with three words, the Eskand raging with his frustration. However, it was Idun upon the offensive now as she moved over to her table to pull out what appeared to be a homemade recipe book, waving it towards Ingrid as she showed it towards Frédérique. "The Søtkrydderglasur is my original recipe. Brandæbles, Snepebber, mixed with some honey, vinegar, and..." politely shut the book as she removed it from the noble woman's' hand after her point was made. "... not shared with you, søster"

Frédérique rubbed her temples as the only thing Idun seemed to say was Brandæbles after every other word. "If you can get that fruit, we will take you. You seem to have more to offer, more substance than this... Sale Putain.". She walked off as she led the pair away, with Étienne giving a polite nod to both of the ladies and a wave, and perhaps even a wink towards Zarina. "We will send the instructions to your sponsor, Madame Rose Bleue in due course."

Marquis Blaise Beauregard eyed the twins suspicious upon their return, people have started to clear out of the hall. “I imagine you have narrowed down the finalists. I shall be the final judge.” He started to heft his bulk as he begins to start down.

“You don’t need to concern yourself, we have already selected.” Étienne smiled proudly toward him. “I personally dealt with that little misunderstanding where a Huulendam boy tried to put a pouch of money within my hand too. He looked rather shocked at my refusal.” “The gall of trying to buy his way through, did he think we were Enth?” replied Frédérique most sternly.

The Marquis sat himself back down as he brought out a handkerchief to pat down his forehead. “Good, good, we don’t need those kind at our esteemed dining table.”, he looked toward as he muttered under his breath, meddlesome kids. After a brief moment of respite, he turned to the matter at hand, “I assume the ones you have chosen can cook at least?”.

Frédérique nodded, “The Eskandish girl was a hidden talent, you may want to consider taking her for further guidance. I will allow my brother to comment upon our butcher.” as she gazed toward him. Étienne simply shrugged his shoulders, “While my sister suggests I was merely charmed by her beauty, the Virangish girl certainly had a way with blades, and she was able to provide the requested cuts of meat. She was able to prepare the meat for cooking as well. It happened to be that our chosen picks came together, so they are most suited for the task of preparing a meal worthy of his majesty.”
Marquis looked toward them both in a cold manner, “If my lord and lady take full responsibility for the choice, then there is no issue on my part.”, “and rob you of your good fortune? There may be accusations of us of trying to usurp your lavish banquet. The honour is all yours.” Étienne simply bent in a formal gesture as he bids the Marquis farewell, followed by his sister, who soon departed as well. The Marquis squeezes an orange within his hand as the pulp oozes out. Perpignans.

Maura clapped her hands as Zarina and Ingrid exited from the building, calling them over towards her, “We love it when a plan comes together”. She leads them along a scenic route as they continue their conversation. “Our sponsor is very satisfied with your performance, it seemed you were both chosen on merit. That helps to create a plausible alibi for what we will be doing next.”

As if anticipating questions, especially from the spicy Virangish girl, she hands them both passes to a local ship going to Vaen. “Your role in this plan is to get yourself to the estate. You need to find a way to release the Snowsweeper. We got the help, we even got the escape craft. Though, you might have thought that was a job well done. Thankfully, your sponsor in her wisdom has added an important condition, for your own sake, a reminder that you both are not to get caught. Your involvement would risk your lives.”

Maura pulled out a vial of a mysterious substance, “This should help thicken any meat you use and make it tough. It is unlikely anyone in there has actually tasted Snowsweeper before, so it is your job to make them think they have done it. You are going to give them the best thing since Kaempe Ko steak.” She paused for a moment as tilted her head toward Ingrid, “What is with your people eating everything that moves?”.

She returned to the task, “Any questions or requests till you board the boat?”

Ingrid looks at the vial and swirls it as she inspects it, "I think I understand the job. I've had Snowsweeper before, maybe 6 to 8 years ago. I should be able to get it close to the taste." Ingrid said to Maura, hiding away the vial for later. Ingrid looked at Maura at her comment on Eskand's diet, "Our land doesn't host many things that won't eat us and it isn't like we can grow things year round. You eat what you can or die. Besides, we don't eat dragons."

“Bullshit you don't eat dragon.” Zarina crosses her arms and cocks a brow, “I saw a Monsigneus, fully grown, the other day over there. Guaranteed you lot eat some of that. All that exalted meat!” she chuckles to herself before shaking her head, “No I don't have- Actually, maybe one.” a single finger sticks out of her coiled arms as she seems to mull over something in her Virangish little head, “What are we using to move it? Aaaaand-” she wags that same finger to keep everyone's attention, “How do we stop it from just being poached again? Gotta, you know, think aftercare here.”

Ingrid laughed at Zarina's joke. She won't mention that people have definitely eaten dragon meat but it just tastes too bad to eat. Ingrid didn't think about the aftermath of rescuing the snowsweeper. But Zarina had a good point, "I didn't consider that to be honest. I can try to pull some connection in Eskand to find a place that will hold it up but that can take some time to get everything right." Ingrid put her hand to her chin, and started to poke her fingers at the air, "I think Sven's land is near-ish to their natural habitat. Maybe he can put them up, he is a really big animal lover."

Maura nodded at the questions, "It is simple. The plan is to return the Snowsweeper home! It was stolen from the reserve, illegally. The Fauna society is very interested in its return and pledged a donation to help improve things there..." "And we from Eskand will let no Perrench King eat one of our national treasures." The tall blonde Eskandish male, Thorinn, looked down toward Zarina and Ingrid, as his companion appeared from behind. "You didn't have to be so critical of my sauce, søster" Idun chimed as she winked toward Ingrid. Maura smirked as she examined the looks on both of their faces, "We would like to present to you, the RASgardians."

Thorinn swung his hammer and puffed his chest as he looked toward Zarina, "We were going to rescue the Snowsweeper ourselves... "...though your Blue Rose was quite persuasive in that we should work together instead." as Idun shook her head in defeat. Maura smiled towards the pair, her finger tapping the blue rose attached to her dress, "See? It is a convincing argument. These two lovely friends of mine provide the perfect cover, distracting the Marquise and his guests, whilst brawn and boobs here drag the Snowsweeper off to our smuggling ship." The pair glare down towards the girl in the wheelchair as she offered them an innocent smile, "Think of all the baby Snowsweepers who will have their Daddy back home for Nox Arcanum. Do it for them” She gave a fist pump as she turned her attention back to Zarina and Ingrid.

"So get on board that boat, and we will see you on the other side. Take these Blue Roses. When things are ready, leave the rose out as a signal, and we will move in on the Snowsweeper.”
My first secondary character, tear him apart ruthlessly.

Location: Ersand'Enise Notcie Board

Interactions: Zarina@YummyYummy

High Steaks

Bœuf Bourgignon? Ingrid questioned. It was from, what Ingrid had known, a common stew that was meant to feed many people. A humble and hearty dish perfect for the tougher pieces of oxen. It takes time to denature the meat to tender perfection. But most of all, it isn't very pretty. It's a stew. It requires some skill but the benefit is that it is hard to mess up too badly. Ingrid was confident that she could make it well but her presentation had to be perfect. She just gave Zarina a thumbs up as she continued to think on how to best present it.

Ingrid started by cleaning and peeling the vegetables. They would end up as part of the final dish so they needed to be cut with intention. How would they change over the cook? What way of cooking them made them the most delectable? Do I use some vegetables for their added flavor and make some on the side for the actual presentation, discarding the rest? Then there was the order, most of the things could be put somewhat together and would benefit from the braise. Other ones would end up as nothing and would look unappetizing.

The most time consuming part was brushing the mushrooms clean to make sure no dirt or anything gets into the stew. Peeling the carrots was difficult with a less than perfect knife. She couldn't allow her compatriots to help with this as they had limited ingredients as well. Pearl onions were so pretty but a real hassle to peel. She could use some magic but she wanted to be delicate with the prep. She measured her wine and stock that was provided to make sure it was all ready for when the meat arrives.

Location: A fountain by the Arboretum

Interactions: Zarra @BreathOfTheWoof, Desmond @Th3King0fChaos, Sven @Force and Fury, Dory@jasbraq, Ayla@Ti, Casii@Pirouette, Ymiico@Salsa Verde

Enough is Enough
Part One

Ingrid arrived a little early and sat near the fountain to read as she waited for others. Her hair was still braided from Roses and Neskals. The ends of the braids are tied with a dark red ribbon. The light of the moons were just enough for her to read without having to cast some light. She watched people appear one by one, some seemed to be there all along and she just didn't see them, and others just walked in on time.

The moment of silence wasn't felt by Ingrid who was genuinely reading in wait when suddenly posters appeared on a building in front of them. When should laws be broken? An interesting question that depends on who you are. Ingrid thought for a moment as it seemed Ayla started to 'answer'. Ingrid only required a moment to put together her thoughts but Ayla was still going. As much as Ingrid didn't mind long winded discussions, we were on a timer and brevity would be appreciated. She waited another handful of seconds hoping Ayla would reach a conclusion but no. With how many people were here, Ingrid doubted they would be allotted 2 minutes each.

Ingrid decided to cut into her speech, however rude that was, and simply speak over her. Ingrid kept her talking short, "Laws should be broken when there is no recourse for the injustice those laws cause. Without any recourse, the governing bodies leave no other choice." Ingrid knew that laws are by their nature imperfect, there will always be people whose laws passively or actively hurt them. That is why there needs to be systems in place for recourse and if there are not then let the breakage of those laws be the mechanism for change.

Location: Ersand'Enise Notcie Board

Interactions: Zarina@YummyYummy, Zarra@BreathOfTheWoof, Kaspar@wolfieh, and Maura @Ti

High Steaks

Ingrid was walking around the school. After such an intense time at the ruins, Ingrid wants to ruin her figure with the tastiest of street food. What is when she saw some people she knew, some more than others. They were surrounding a bulletin board with a post on it. She read it, wondering what all the chatter was about. Cooking a Snowsweeper! Ingrid was shocked at whatever bastard would try to eat an endangered species. Especially when they know it is. Sure Ingrid had eaten one years ago but they weren't this critical, nor did she know so it was bad but not the worst sin. Still, fuck him. Of course I want to taste the succulent meat again but I can wait until they get to a healthier number. I need to win to protest this atrocity.

After hearing Zarina's offer Ingrid confidently stated, "I'll be the chef, I actually cook a good deal. Let's do this." Ingrid looked to the others to hear their opinions. Ingrid smiles at Kaspar, happy to see him potentially participating.

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