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Location: Ersand'Enise


The Dragonspine

Ingrid was elated to be back in her homeland for this leg of the race. Though she was a weary. She knows things are supposed to be dangerous but she couldn't help but feel that there might be a few deaths from people's sabotage and underestimating these mountains. As a local, Ingrid was very aware of the dangers these mountains could pose. A saving grace was that because of our numbers, we are likely not going to become simple prey. This was dragon territory through and through.

Ingrid brought some of her own personal gear. She had some decent gear given to her by her family when she went to the mines in the south. It was a disappointingly tight fit on her. I feel like all the training I did with Desmond is just vanishing after just one pastry. Ingrid missed her more limber years when she was strong and fit. She thinks she might need to up the level of her training to make up for all the food. But when she starts to think of the dedication, the pain, the soreness she quickly rescinds herself to starting later. At some point. Maybe.

Ingrid has made one decision though. She is going to have fun. She is searching for fun treasures and maybe a dragon egg or 5. She needs money but at this point they are going to make it or not. A lot of things don't really matter. Ingrid has no idea how Ismette and Desmond time is going so she is just going to enjoy some cider and talk to some of her competitors, spreading some tips on how to stay safe. She would rather people not die. She talks to some friends. Dick around with Chad and let him know how appreciative she is of him for agreeing to search as well. She seems super comfortable here, genuinely happy even. They were waiting for a while it felt when her teammate bursted through and they were off!

Ingrid had expected herself to be perfectly fine with the air but the sudden change in atmosphere made breathing harder than expected. She felt slow at the start but they ended up keeping a consistent pace even as the steepness increased. Their plan of managing a infinity loop together really helped with the lack of available power on the mountain with so many competitors trying to scale it at the same time. The climbing wasn't difficult if that was all they had to worry about. Fending off multiple sabotage attempts slowed them down.

Then the true challenge came when Augusto dislodged a snow sheet from the mountain causing a cascading avalanche. Ingrid was caught off guard and was swept away. Chad and her were separated Ingrid used kinetic magic to slide on top of the snow. Ingrid indicated to the safety staff that she was okay even though she was sliding over the cliff edge. She drew from her own fall to slow then soften the inevitable impact. She was a little raddled and was surprised that someone would just do that. Either way she needed to continue on.

Lots of dragons were riled up from the avalanche, some were weaseling out of the snow and were trying to get into the knocks and crannies of bald mountain side. Ingrid started to scale the mountain, taking in the breath taking scenery. The pure white snow contrasting with the shards of obsidian made this one of her favorite places. She wants to go exploring… Okay just a little. She sees how the mountain comes in a little and goes generally in the direction she needs to go.

The amount of obsidian spike was increasing and made it difficult to move through confidently, Although the obsidian was black, it reflected light and made it hard to not just stare at the ground. She has to keep her eyes up and drew to lessen how many time she was blinded from the obsidian. She was cautious because their could be rope dragons at any time. Something long and slender appeared from the corner of her eye and she jumped back, cracking into and obsidian spike. It hurt a little but she was ready face her assailant! She drew in the light around her, aimed and then all she saw was a sword half way encased in obsidian… Ingrid couldn't help but laugh at herself, "Yes. The most powerful enemy, a sword stuck in some obsidian." Ingrid had a good laugh at herself before inspecting the sword.

The first thing she noticed was the craft of the sword, it was beautiful although the pummel and handle looked worn. Either way she would have to remove it to view the engravings properly. She chipped the obsidian away using a metal pick enhanced by kinetic energy. When she finally freed the sword she could read the name of the sword, Bjorn. From the motif, majesty, and approximate age this was most likely the sword of Bjorn Coldfist, an artifact that doesn't deserve to be left in the snow.

Ingrid felt satisfied with her exploring and dashed off to catch up. She got lucky that her way ended up being on track for the finish. It was a long climb but she uses kinetic leaps to dangerously bound up the mountain. She was able to meet up with Chad who proudly showed off his fossilized poop. The kept going, both on the proper path. The got the peg and started to ski down the slope, screaming the entire way, Ingrid out of pure joy and Chad out of pure terror. They could hear the ice crack when they went over it and Ingrid just froze it again to keep herself going. They passed through, Ingrid came 8th!!!.

She went back through to watch other people come through. Sven has a big dragon egg and she eagerly celebrated with him but before they could go together to the festivities where the next leg of the race was happening, she was grabbed by some friends to go on another adventure. She gave Sven a big hug goodbye and waved to Benny who was finishing up.

Location: Ersand'Enise


As the Melon Derby came to an end, Ingrid just felt a flood of relief. The anxiety of protecting the special melons and large melons was just too much. Fuck they had even 3 fucking monsters and 2 annoying dudes come into their home. Thank god it was all over. It would be awhile until the tallied all the melons and in the mean time they needed to clean and fix the house.

Cleaning was calming. Just a mindless activity that allowed Ingrid's mind to normally wonder to her studies or imaginative world but she was feeling bad about some of her descisions and responses. She left the group for far too long, and if she did choose to leave, she should have brought them all, it wasn't like they had any melons. Then she came back with a healthy chunk of points but then left again and literally did nothing.

And how I acted towards Zarina. It wasn't just wrong, it was dangerous. Using a spell like that without even being fully practiced in it was stupid. If it went wrong I could have accidently melted her. I need to apologize to her.

Ingrid felt dejected by her own actions but was overall fine. All she needed to do was to apologize and reflect. She couldn't help but question what the Ice King said. He was overwhelmingly strong and frighteningly insightful. She rarely thinks about her family means of making money past what is written on the ledger. But it is thrown in her face about how her family are oppressors. Easily seen if you just think for a moment. If you care to look and Ingrid never cared to look even when she worked at the mines. Terrible. She felt terrible and uncomfortable with herself and she knew she should be.

The guilt was heavy but it is something she shouldn't just let control her nor push away. Until she can level with herself she needs to keep it where it is and continue with the others. Her guilt shouldn't be a bother to others. Afterall, they came 4th!!! It was a small celebrations as they finished up the cleaning. Ingrid chose to go out for a walk, hiding away whatever she was shaken up for, from Dory to her own ignorance. Just be happy that you came top 5, something you believed that you were never capable of.

A growing headache was taking hold from the stress she felt. She was thankful she could hold herself up in moments of stress most of the times, she wishes she was more aware of how stressed she was instead of what seemed like passive aggressive signs from her body.

That magical bean juice she invested in was a cure all at this point for Ingrid and she headed over for that bitter medicine. To her surprise, Zarina was out there with Casii and it seemed a fight was about to break out. Ingrid didn't mind watching. Cathartic violence was always a way to take your mind off of it. Ingrid started watching and she ended up next to Ismette, the last person she expected to watch this. She tried to make some conversation, maybe some fun but Ingrid misread the situation and instead got on her bad side a bit. She just wanted to learn how to flirt and kiss. Ingrid thought that she should have just asked but that was too embarrassing.

But as her mind wandered to the last time she had a kiss with Benny, the fight had frown fierce and outside sources were healing fighters. Things were getting rowdier but it felt within reason. Zarina and Casii were looking fucking awesome though. Ingrid rooted for Zarina because she knew her slightly more. But the intense spectacle started to turn as species started to rile.

It wasn't long until insults were being thrown and Ingrid was suggesting that before the fighting Ismette should leave. But Ingrid failed to coax the good hearted Yasoi from trying to stop the fighting as she left Ingrid to join the mash and try and stop the fighting. Ingrid wanted to get out of here, fear and disinterest as her primary motives. But she needs to try and do better and she rushed in after Ismette, facing the humans as Ismette faced the Yasoi. Doing her best to stop the fighting with her imposing size.

Her actions were not based off of strength but trying to reason. And the normal life lesson that volatile emotions and reason have no place with each other, no wonder Dami and Eshiran are at odds with each other more often or not. Things intensified as Hegelan and Eaiko joined into the fight as well. The fight started for real for Ingrid when Chad tried to do a flying dropkick to only get slammed by Manfred followed by a Zarra slamming into an unprepared Ingrid.

Fighting was breaking out and Ingrid had this painful grinding in her shoulder, she might have cracked it or damaged her cartilage. But higher than her wellbeing, Ingrid was just trying to find Ismette. She wasn't good in these situations and could accidently kill people, a fate Ingrid wanted to have her avoid. Before she could, Zarra healed her arm. She said thank you as she started to try to get to Ismette.

Things went from bad to worse, Ismette was knocked over and it didn't look good and she let out a scream. Ingrid rushed over to cover her when a rotund Virangish boy kicked her in the head. She was obviously down and injured and this insolent boy attacked her. Ingrid started to draw and had every intention to twist and rip him in half from his fat belly. She would have truly done it if her draw wasn't so slow. Ismette's anger exploded before Ingrid, blasting everyone near her away. Ingrid was blasted into a wall, maybe some broken bones and head and organs felt like they just been shook around. She was out for most of it until she was healed by Zarra. Ingrid stumbled her way to Ismette to check on her, she should be afraid but her worry for Ismette outweighed her self-preservation.

To Ingrid's relief, Ismette was fine and was back to the self Ingrid knew. Casii made her way over and she watched Ismette take care of her with Casii literally falling into Ismette's arm. They were close. Like it felt they were dating. But Ismette wouldn't offer to bang me later if she was- then they went off and looked like a couple. Ingrid would be lying if that didn't strike her as odd. She felt stupid for being excited about sleeping with Ismette. People cleared out and she was left wandering and having a sudden panic is she was just ugly and no one had the heart to tell her, not even Benny. But these were just momentary extreme thoughts and she luckily wandered upon Zarina.

Ingrid looked forward to the Auction. She had planned a presentation with Zarra and Korin to help sell the dragon pearl. From what she knew, she could sell it off to someone for 5k magus. But in the Auction it could go for more! Ingrid felt confident as a salesmen. But it seemed her belief in herself was misplaced. Even with prove of it working, the species that can confirm it true led to it selling for 4k… She kept on a straight face and thanked Zarra and Korin. But she felt like she was about to puke when they left. That was a lot of money. She could accept even 250, no 500 magus below market value but a thousand was and impossible amount of money.

She could swear she could see her family staring at her as the numbers came in. Her friends laughing at her and the snickering of the crowd as she failed so publicly. She just wanted to go and bash someone's head in. In her manic state she started to scratch herself lightly before going to her trusted method of self-harm. A finger full of arcane energy placed her bare skin and burning herself in small but intense bursts of pain. When she could smell the skin burning she stopped and covered her shoulder back up under her dress.

She continued to the auction and it was fun! Much better than loosing face for failing to sell a dragon pearl. Much better than Failure. Much better. So she needed to so better in the auction. Each loss on something she wanted to win on hurt and each win was elated her. There some displeasures hearing Dory and Manfred flirt so much. She normally be able to hide her feelings but she couldn't and moved across the auction to sit next to Sven. He was a much better auction partner anyways. He was knowledgeable and filled her with these overwhelmingly fuzzy feelings when she let him bid as much as he wanted to go on a dragon date on a Tyrannus Mosiengus.

Ingrid was glad to have him as a friend. Sven was so bright and she liked to bask in it. Though she questioned what she added to the friendship, well enough to equal what she receives. 25 Magus was nothing if it was for him. But the final item came out and the tone of the Auction was about to change.

Sven spouted it was a rare artifact. He was sure. He never spouts things off like this unless he was sure. It was enough for Ingrid. The bidding was quickly climbing. To the point to where Ingrid was betting with speculative money. Desmond had joined in on this, lending 2k and the number climbed higher and higher and it was obvious they were against the endless purse of the Doge. It was that Evander fellow. He was connected to it from the start. Ingrid was approached by what seemed to be representatives of the Sovereign Pac. Sven was getting increasingly nervous and wanted out but Ingrid hated the idea of being beaten. It was her box and she wasn't letting no fucking bitch of the Doge get it. The price was so high that the auction was taken private and they were brought to the back room.

Money was calculated and things were weighed and the amount they were offered by their backers felt low, 21k. Ingrid decided to add 4k and Desmond added 2k for 27k. They won it and but over payed by 2k. It was upsetting but they had it. She felt strong. She won. And that is when the third group made their move. Ingrid remembers little from their but she came to a very different room. There was Covenant and the mystery people were defeated and they were being either tortured or questioned. Her box was with her but for how long. She was panicked. Her precious box, her 27k magus box was in danger and everyone could be a threat. The odd priest tried to make motions towards her as screaming could be seen and heard from the man caused by one of the brothers and one of the sister. She moved away and he tried to negotiate giving the box to Desmond. No he will steal it while it is being transferred. She threatened him to stay where he was as she hid next to Sven. Sven was safe. The brother had enough and knocked her out without even a struggle. All her strength she was told she had meant nothing. Why is she always failing. Why isn't she strong enough.

The next time she woke up she was in her Zeno's house with a welcoming smell of a warm mulled cider. She wanted some so bad that she only got up for that and came to notice the people around her. Some of shortlisted, Desmond, and Sven. She sipped some and tried to feel better. She wasn't in her right state of mind. She felt vulnerable with what happened and all these people were here. Desmond did his best to cheer her up and it did help but she still embarrassingly asked Sven to just stay with her. He felt safe for some reason, she just wanted to be safe.

Talks happened and Ingrid understood but she longed a certain girls company but she would obviously be with her lover… Sven shocked her with the idea of buying it themselves. It was stupid and stupid. One stupid didn't do it justice but she played ball because it was Sven. She knew this wouldn't pick up steam. She even called Benny in, Mostly to cuddle with him, and second to see what he thought. And he thought it was something they could do. And with that it was so. She couldn't believe it. Benny was off to do something that he wouldn't even let us do. She wanted to go with him, wherever but he was against it and he was gone. Her heart was left wanting but she could only accept this was his way of doing things.

Ghaven started inspecting it and Ingrid went out to search for jobs. No luck was found but she could think. Just a lot of questioning how things happened. What would happen. Just questions with not even speculation. And finally there was Silas, they boys she thought was dead.

It was fun to race a little. Her heart racing felt nice. Her winning felt better. She finally headed home. She didn't want to interrupt anyone. She didn't even want to talk to Dory, worrying that she may still unable to control her feelings. She wish she was better to talk to her. She really wanted to talk to someone. Maybe cry or let out her frustrations but she couldn't so she just went to bed. She just felt tired.

Ingrid's head was a mess. So many conflicting thoughts and an overwhelming feeling that she is going to make the wrong choice. If I really don't hand this over, how long will it be that my father or grandfather marries me off? Or who knows, maybe it will disgrace me enough that he just cuts his losses on me and I will just owe him money. How many more Eskandish soldiers will die because I didn't give the box. Would I even be allowed in Eskand.

Sven seems so sure of this. Does he have a plan if his family is sieved or striped of their land because of his choices. My family is large enough to not be removed but Sven's... I need to talk to him before it is too late.

Then there is how I acted at the auction house. I acted like a total nutjob in retrospect. Threatening a member of the church who was just trying to make sure we were okay. Ingrid cringed remembering how she acted towards him. You can't just threaten someone

I would just take a single day of not fucking up. I hope todays trial goes well.

Ingrid carried the coffee back and had a good sendoff to their hegelan friends. One day Ingrid will go to their home to drink with them. Ingrid was just happy she made what she thinks a good impression on some jolly folk.

Ingrid spent time by herself getting ahead on studies and read some more of her favorite books. That is about it. Just the nerd reading by herself.

Snaked and Afraid matched with Ismette's cousin team, Vysta's Favour. It just made sense and they went over who went where. Ingrid didn't mind pairing up with Chad, he was hot and fun to be around. Just that kind of person if you can deal with him. Ingrid somehow convinced him to search with her even when he was solidly no. Now Ingrid needs to get Chad and his friends to an Eskandish Party after the Dragon. Should be easy enough. Eskandish know how to party with the best of them.

The dragonspine was as beautiful as ever and Ingrid has a worrying amount of time to admire them… The cold was nice. It was home. It's like it just took some of the stress away. She was going to have fun. She needed it to avoid cracking.
The Melon Derby


The drinking with the Hegelans came to an end as the Melon Derby start was approaching. As the plan was explained by Desmond, Ingrid listened to the plan and it seemed agreeable. Ingrid, Ismette, Dory, and Dorisay were to stay and set up really strong defense from the start. Any melons that would come in would stay there. It was possibly not the best plan with 3 of the 5 biggest RAS on the team were all on base defense. But Ingrid thought this made more sense for her. She is likely to tire out and she isn't a free castor so defense suited her more.

Hour 1

At the very start of the games the teams took off with Zarra going off on his own trying to nab high value melons. What wasn't to the defense group was that Ismette teleported him and herself out. The idea was going to revolve on making the place sealed off and using her power to get in and out with ease but no matter she was already gone. Ingrid helped melt the metal latchings on the windows to seal them from kinetic opening taking into account of the hegelans skill with metal. She hung plates and pottery in the air to make it a shitty situation for whoever comes in. Ingrid was quite satisfied with the job Dorisay and Dory had been doing. She ended up soaking up some rope in kerosine and icey brine.

Hour 2

However, Ingrid grew anxious just waiting for the other's to bring the melons. Ingrid trusted the competency of Desmond but the other's not so much.Were they getting any? Are they already knocked out? Came to her mind as she prepared for a bit more defensives. Without Ismette, Ingrid's absolute defense of fire and ice would just be too much for their own team to get in. Ingrid justified leaving through this lens and left, now like there was anything to steal.

Ingrid flew up feeling for the first time her new power, her range was slightly larger and she felt boundless in drawing. She just closed her eyes for a minute and just felt this new power. It was amazing. She couldn't even use her own to its own potential but this power made it feel impossible to fail. She blasted off to the Owl Obelisk, a land mark she could easily make out from the sky. Although the flight was still unrefined, she didn't care because when combined with her Arcane Eye, a spell that zooms in on things she focuses on, she could get all sorts of goodies. A hundred pointer here, another one there, a dark melon hiding away. Ingrid saw a small nikanese girl taking a 100 pointers and she simply flew by and nabbed it. The girl seemed angry but Ingrid was riding the high of doing so well. 800 points! If I keep this up I might not even need an elemelon! Ingrid thought in her achievement based high! But what about the supreme, could I find it? Ingrid thought. She was on a roll so maybe. I really should be getting home though, the other's may have come back by now and we might have melons now…Ingrid pondered for a few moments until she has a great idea in her head. The Clamshell! It might be there. I should look just in case. And Ingrid blasted out to their again with her melons in tow.

She arrived and there was nothing. Not even a 10 pointer. A complete bust that she should of coming, that would be the same as Hugo just saying "hey, take the win" But it seemed as she flew up to stay away from the chaos down below she saw something interesting.

Hour 3

From her bird's eye view, she could see her former captain and now team leader Desmond drowning in water. At first she was confused but from the people chasing him it was the Watermelon! Some nun threw an arcane lance at Desmond and Ingrid flew down to hopefully scare them off. Normally she wouldn't do this but she wanted to scare them real good. She converted the light around her into that penetrating radiation and filled the nun with it, causing her to weaken and puke. She hoped they would recognize her strength but instead this weird priest tried to affect her in some way. She wasn't sure how but it was creepy. Ingrid was about to start smashing him but they retreated when Desmond made it in the base with the melon. Ingrid let out a sigh of relief, knowing in her heart that she wouldn't be able to win against them without possibly getting disqualified from accidently losing control.

Ingrid spotted the beam of light earlier. But she was more worried about getting the melons to the base than just blasting off. Ingrid dropped them off and she could see a lot of people there so without much talk she blasted off again. This time seeing quite a few people. What decided who she would go for was helping Trypano and messing with Zarina. She flew down before the fight even started with the intention of knocking her out with some radiation. Who knows, she may even have some diseases from working at Zeno bucks so much. You never know, Ingrid thought as she snickered. But before she could get down there, Kol wannabe snatched the melon and it lit up!. Now she had to grab it for Trypano. Lots of things happened but mostly Ingrid wasn't involved. She just lucky to have the time to grab the melon from when one of Zarina's goons got knocked out. Good, I can give the melon to Trypano! Ingrid thought before a sudden weight was placed on her and brought her down to a kneel. It was a tethered, maybe Jocasta… Ingrid held strong and defended it from Zarina, knocking her out in the process, and Yuliya. She could finally hand it off to Trypano and saying something slightly cheeky to Yuliya before going off again.

Hour 4

The short flight back to the base was long, the place where the light came from was full of determined teams and they weren't about to let Ingrid just get through when she was just heading directly to her Zeno's abode. When Ingrid got there, her house was damaged and there was like 3 people in her base that have no reason to be there. Ingrid smashed someone into the floor, thinking he was running away with potentially their high point melons. Then there were apparently Ismette's family and they seem to be on bad terms. Lots of things happen and nothing much at the same time. Odd magic was being slung and even a demon was spawned and then removed. Ingrid handled it well, it was just another magic, probably not okay but hey, she been chemo-ing people all day so, whatevs. Zarra just noped out of there which was funny but very inopportune. And that is when a cold wind could feel.

Cold started to set in and Ingrid wasn't too sure what was going on but Ingrid was she was prepared for a fight. But as the wall began to eerily unravel, meticulously deconstructing and holding it aloft as he calmly walked in. If this wasn't a competition Ingrid would almost be taken away by the majesty of it. Unfortunately they were competitors and he just entered her house. Ingrid acted quickly, grasping at him with open palm and chanting in Eskandish "Warm milk and honey, sleep gently child." It was an easy chemical spell that she was used on her whenever she would have a hard time sleeping as a child. But it had no effect. The Ice King simply walked up to her and set a hand on her shoulder. She didn't use magic because she was well aware of his strength. If he wanted hurt her, he would. His presence was oppressing. And seeing how he quickly dealt with everyone there was terrifying. Hugo has to step in and she couldn't be happier. Everyone had left and she could breathe again. But where was Dory?

Hour 5

Ingrid apologized for leaving so long to Dorisay, she seemed to get messed up a good bit fighting by herself. Ingrid went on the defensive for the remaining hour. She felt that they had a good chance of coming top 10 if they could hold on to what they have earned. She was against sending more people out since Zarra already ran out and Dory was nowhere to be found. But the final hour was a lot less hectic as the 2 before. Maybe with 6 of us here it made it too dangerous to do it. It gave Ingrid to reflect on how the Ice King knew all of that. Who was he? Why was he so strong? Ingrid wanted you know but her mind pushed those to the side as she felt a kind of jealousy and guilt pertaining to Dory. She left her here when she should've pushed for Dory to go out and have some fun, Ismette was right and this was a game and instead she treated it so seriously that she let an oppressive plan take hold. Ingrid herself even broke it without thinking of Dory, they could have left with her and the 3 of them could have had some fun. No she was with Manfred, someone she doesn't approve of because of how lightly he treated their relationship, being vacant when she needed help the most. But here he was, sweeping her away for some fun. Dory returned with some melons and seemed happy. Ingrid just put away those ugly feelings, she had no reason to have them.

An Apology

Ingrid @dragonpiece & Dorothea@jasbraq

A few days have passed since the second day of the fair and Ingrid has not made any progress in much other than her schoolwork. She hasn’t apologized to Dorothea or Manfred for trying to kill them when she went aberration mad. Ingrid would like to say she was anguished over what she had done to Dorothea but in all honesty, she was more caught up in trying to process the event as a whole. What happened with Dorothea was just part of that. But soon guilt outweighed the other issues on her mind and she wanted to make amends with Dorothea.

Ingrid didn’t want to admit it but she worried if making amends were even possible. Most people can’t simply forgive someone coming for their life, especially nobles. Even Ingrid doesn’t know if she would be capable. Ingrid pessimistically thought that the best would be that they would at least work together at the trials but that would be the extent of their relationship.

She had brought over some wine and the normal paraphernalia. Along with some spratz and snacks to replace what she used last time she was over, not being sure anymore that her using Dorothea’s own was okay anymore. Ingrid brightened herself up to try not to earn sympathy. She wanted them to speak equally, and with that, she knocked on Dorothea’s door.

“Coming!” Dorothea opened the door with a bright smile before looking at the person standing in front of her. Her smile disappeared into a bit of a straight face as she was somewhat confused for the appearance of the Eskandr girl. “Oh, it’s you. What do you want?”

Dorothea changing mood at the sight of Ingrid gave her valuable insight into how this might go. Ingrid gulped, “Hello Dorothea, I wanted to know if you wanted to talk. I brought some wine and snacks,” Ingrid presented the fine bottle of wine. A sweet one at that.

Dorothea let out a somewhat heavy sigh before pointing towards her room. “Come in. I will keep the bottle even if this won’t lead anywhere.” She walked back into her own room before looking back at Ingrid. “Be sure to close the door.”

Okay, you are through the door Ingrid, that is a good start, Ingrid thought then smiled when Dorothea turned. Ingrid shut the door behind them and followed Dorothea. Ingrid had been in here not too long ago yet somehow it seems slightly alien now that their relationship had been strained or cut. She set the bottle down and waited to see what Dorothea wanted to say first.

Dory would look at the bottle before crossing her arms and looking Ingrid into her eyes with a soul piercing stare. “What did you want to talk about then? Better make this good, miss fireball” Dorothea might try and get the true intentions out or she is just still bitter from the faire.

Her stare was quite intense and it was effective at the moment with how Ingrid currently felt. Ingrid took a breath out and tried to maintain eye contact, “I wanted to apologize Dorothea. I know I put you in harm's way but I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Ingrid tried to continue eye contact but she was facing someone that she hurt and it was becoming growingly difficult

Dorothea couldn’t help but sneer at the apology. “Didn’t mean to hurt me? Then what do you call that blazing inferno heading towards me? A nice ball to warm me up?” There wasn’t a moment that she lost eye contact with the other as she walked towards her.

Ingrid had secretly hoped that Dorothea would be more forgiving but it made sense. “I know that you have every reason to be upset but I wasn’t myself. I was momentarily insane” Ingrid stepped back as Dorothea got closer. Ingrid was nervous and started to panic but kept it tightly wrapped up.

No words phased the Feskan any longer as she just kept on slowly walking toward Ingrid. Those eyes almost seem to be hate filled. “So many words and I have yet to hear what you want to say to me.” Now practically leaning against the taller woman with intent for violence. “Say it!”

Ingrid had rarely been hit outside of sparring but she was growing from nervous to fearful. Ingrid was up against the wall now with Dory still approaching. Ingrid let out one last, “I came here to apologize!” Ingrid held her arms up to protect herself, believing Dory would assault her because that was the reason she came and she already said it.

With a sigh, Dorothea lunged her fist into the other’s gut. “For someone so smart... You’re an idiot..” As the fist was still making contact Ingrid could feel the Feskan shaking. “Such a damned idiot sometimes..” Dory walked away towards her bed. “A simple sorry would’ve been enough..”

Ingrid had been hit in the stomach and it hurt. She didn’t want to fight back, not yet. As Dorothea moved away, Ingrid stayed where she was, no longer making eye contact anymore. Ingrid looked towards the door, wondering if she should leave and it didn’t take long for her to decide. Ingrid gave a slight bow, “Thank you for hearing my apology… I’ll be on my way.” Ingrid started to leave for the door.

Dorothea in a moment of panic threw her cloak towards the Eskand woman. “Don’t you dare leave!... You have to pay me back for burning my cloak.” a heavy voice rang through the room. “Listen here, I just want you to say one damn word. Are you that noble to say it to me plainly?” Dorothea asked with an anguished look. Why did she have to be so damn formal? They are friends, right?

Ingrid overreacted to the coat being tossed at her and smacked it to the side. She was just trying to leave. Dorothea was getting more and more aggressive and if this continued then they would actually have to fight. Ingrid tried to keep her voice steady but it was a pitiful attempt at best with her voice getting quieter, “If you want me to pay you back for the coat, I will. If you want me to pay you back for the spratz I used, I will. But I don’t know what else you want. I apologized, I brought a gift, I even let you berate and hit me but if none of that can satisfy you then I don’t know.” her voice was trembly, with just a small drop of anger in it.

"I don't care about the monetary part of it all! Paying me back is by just being here! I want to see you smile, you imbecile!" Dory's facade couldn't withstand Ingrid's trembling voice. Did she go too far? "Ingrid… I knew you were under the influence of Aberration madness… I.. know what it's like… I was never mad at you for that… because it was my choice to try to restrain a girl way out of my league." A little chuckle came from the Feskan. "You would've gotten me good if not for Manfred saving me." She knew she was starting to wander off with her words and sighed. "My dearest friend. Don't be fancy with your words, just say sorry once and I will give you something for that punch."

Ingrid was still fearful but she was calming with Dorothea easing her beratement. “Sorry, Dorothea,” her voice was distant still, from either how Dorothea got so enraged by a proper apology to the fact she had struck her. Still, she put these feelings away. Ingrid just stood there waiting for whatever Dorothea was going to say next.

Dorothea sneakily stood back up. “Then close your eyes, otherwise I can’t give you the thing!” She said in a fake angered voice as she walked towards the Eskand woman. Her regret from her act might have taken quite the toll on her.

Ingrid was not yet trusting of Dory but she still closed her eyes because she wanted to leave and playing along was hopefully the best way of doing that.

After a few more footsteps Ingrid could feel a couple of arms coming around their waist. “I’m sorry for hitting you… I did not mean to hurt you..”

Ingrid thought that a hug may have been coming knowing how Dorothea can be, and it wasn’t welcomed at the time. It was like a child profusely apologizing after doing something wrong but Ingrid knew rejecting Dorothea’s apology would only sour their relationship further. Ingrid embraced Dorothea, saying “It’s alright, I should have came by earlier” in a much warmer tone with some unsteadiness in the background to give it a more natural feel.

“I was the one that should be sorry. I tried to restrain you.” She truly did not know what to do any longer but losing Ingrid as a friend was not something she could take. “I know I acted out. But you’re the only person that has even tried to put up with someone like me.” Her voice couldn’t help but become somewhat shaky.

Ingrid was somewhat confused, maybe the intense emotions have gotten to her but she just feels out of it. Dorothea needed comforting and Manfred, her supposed boyfriend, never seemed to be around to do so. I know that Dorothea can be a little much but that doesn’t mean you only date when the time are good. But what do I know, I’m not privy to their relationship status, Ingrid thought this as she decided it was time for action.

“Up we go,” Ingrid said as she lifted Dorothea and then carried her to the bed. Ingrid laid her down gently, “Dorothea I thank you for trying to stop me. Without your assistance, I would have maimed or even killed someone.” Ingrid laid next to her, still facing her, “And your not someone I put up with, your someone I enjoy. You think you would still have all your teeth if I didn’t?”

“Well, then at least I almost died for something.” Dorothea snorted as she didn’t let go of Ingrid, somewhat nuzzling in their frame. “You really know how to make me feel better, huh? I rather like keeping my teeth after all. But I do not think that I would’ve only lost my teeth if you really did not like me.” A somewhat teasing poke into the side of the Eskand woman. “I think I would be ash by that point, miss prodigy.”

Ingrid held onto the Feskan girl, letting Dorothea rest on Ingrid if she wished, “I don’t think I am that much of a prodigy, Maybe in RAS but their was so many things I realised that I cannot do.” Ingrid seemed reserved is speech before continuing, “Maybe things I shouldn’t try to do. We are young Dorothea, we have so much to do and learn.” Ingrid said it like she was suddenly an old person. “Anyway,” Ingird moved her hand up to Dorothea’s face, “Did I leave any marks on you?”

Dorothea smiled warmly. “Only a couple light burn marks. My cloak took most of the burn.” She looked the other in the eyes. “Yes but Ingrid.. You have so much that you can do in the future. You might even be able to rule over your home Eskand!”Dory was thinking big like usual before going back on her words. “Or maybe become like a great atomic mage.”

Ingrid caressed her cheek and smiled with relief, “Thank Oraff that pretty face was saved or Ipte would have sent me to hell.” Ingrid seemed wrapped in thought before speaking, “I would like to say that I would settle for just a simple life with a few loved ones but I tend to find my greed pushing me forward. Maybe thinking big wasn’t that bad,” Ingrid said before asking Dory her goals, “What of you Dory, do you plan on taking over Feska?”

"Pretty face? I don't think I look all that nice for a noble." She could barely contain her glee from such a comment. "Greed is a good way to push yourself forward. Think big, dream big!" Dory's smile faded as she heard the question. "I just want my people to live better lives…"

Ingrid chuckled, You’re easy to read Dory, Ingrid thought. It wasn’t a bad thing, not here at least. Ingrid could sympathize with Dory, “That is indeed a big goal. Quite an ambitious one too.” Ingrid wasn’t sure what to say. Dory was usually so meek that Ingrid didn’t believe that the current her could lead a country in the future. But Dory had also done a kindness to Ingrid, even if it was rocky and a tad violent. So she pulled Dory in closer and sighed, “An ambition like that needs allies to achieve it, so let me just say that as a friend I will be there when you call.” Ingrid was quite embarrassed, blushing even. Dory had her flaws but they were on display, she even could open up at times when Ingrid had desperately hid herself. She had a strength that Ingrid didn’t, she just needed to mature in Ingrid’s mind.

“Allies?...” Dory’s voice was wavering somewhat at the thought of it. Until now she has thought she was all alone in her goal, never involving others as she thought nobody would take her seriously. After thinking about it a bit, she couldn’t help but snort. “I didn’t think the trade heavy Penderson’s would help me ruin the trade balance in the whole southern continent.” Dorothea pulled herself closer as the other pulled her closer. “But thank you… I really needed to hear that.”

Trying to assuage Dory of the uncertainty, “My family deals more in ores, metals, and gems than we deal in luxury goods such as spratz.” Dory and Ingrid were very close, like physically. It was a bit intimate for Ingrid’s liking if she wasn’t going to do anything else. “Besides,” Ingrid said, “I’m learning that not everything needs to be purely profitable.”

“Not everything needs to be profitable? What do you mean?” The mercantile mind of the Feskan tried to comprehend the comment her friend just said. Not profitable? How would that be a good thing? “Well, if I rule Feska I can involve your family more in the trade of Spratz.”

“What do you think this is?” Ingrid asked sarcastically, “I could be friends with you without having to be here for you. But I want to. You can say that this is networking but I don’t see it as that” Ingrid was a bit more blushed, “I’m here with a friend, intimately cuddling her for no other reason than because I want to.”

“Because you want to? So you don’t want anything from me?...” This truly is the first time she heard something like that. “So you aren’t going to use me for my claims or name?....” She clung onto Ingrid like a scared child, seems like she really had to mature in some places.

Ingrid could see Dory had been taken advantage of like most noble girls. She put her head to Dory’s, “Let me state this one final time. I am and have never been here for your name or for your claim. I see you as a friend.” Ingrid was making eye contact, pulling just inches from her face, “So do not doubt that Dory.”

It was still somewhat hard to believe her words but since Ingrid was her best friend and if she does not try to believe her… who would she believe? "Then I will try my best to believe you… I'm sorry if I'm still a bit doubtful…"

“Thank you,” Ingrid replied sincerely. “I know how hard it can be to trust. Besides, I can’t be the only one you trust, you are dating Manfred,” Ingrid was trying to hide that she was interested in their relationship. The why was a question though.

"Well, I trust Manfred… but I do not know if I'm ready yet to tell him everything.." She smiled brightly at Ingrid. "That's why I have you! I can tell you everything!"

Ingrid smiled, “Of course.” Ingrid felt an internal oof and moved on. Ingrid continued to talk to her about all the random things.

"You really are the best, you know?" She couldn't help but laugh. "If Manfred did not need me so much… I think I would have completely fallen for you." She tightened her grip. "Just don't tell anyone else I said that, okay?"

Ingrid kept that outward smile and thought on the inside, Oh god Dory, why do you tempt me so? Ingrid raised an eyebrow, “Are your people not that accepting of a woman loving another woman?” Ingrid was curious.

Dorothea would look somewhat annoyed, "My mother would kill me if I would love a woman. She doesn't even consider Manfred as a partner as she thinks he is just a poor duke… Stupid Mutti.."

“I see… My family is a bit more accepting. As long as I produce a child, then I may love as I please.” Ingrid kinda smirked, “You could love whoever you want if you took over your family quickly.” It was a genuine suggestion as Ingris was secretly plotting the same.

"Take over my family?... But I'd have to kill my father for that. I do not know if I can do such a thing…" Dory looked somewhat conflicted about what all of this would mean. "Will you take over your family?"

Ingrid put away the topic of killing Dory’s father for now, “I thought about that. I made nice with the Segonia queen and have favor from her, one seen by a Parrench princess,” Ingrid meant to brag a little because it was cool, “I thought I would just ask for land and establish myself as a lowly merchant if it meant escaping my family but I realized something.” Ingrid looked a bit more seriously, “I might be able to do it. Take over my family and control it.” Ingrid looked at Dory again for another intimate moment, “Would you taking over for your family be better for your people?”

"Segonia? Where was that place again?" Dory wasn't too well known with the other side of the world. "But to have a piece of land there… That might have something profitable. You might want to keep it just in case." Dory's tone became hesitant "I do not know if it would… make it better."

Ingrid asked quickly, “Then what do your people need to live better lives?” Ingrid assumed that removing her father from the picture would be a suitable solution to both but obviously, it’s not. Admittedly, Ingrid was ignorant in regard to most politics of smaller nations.

"Remove the other families from power. My father has barely the political power to do anything. Our family is practically just a show dog." Dorothea smirked with a bit of annoyance. "If not for us Feska wouldn't even exist… yet… yet… we are nothing anymore..."

Ingrid wasn’t quite sure what they lost, “What did your family lose to become the show dogs of Feska?” Seemed like this was a sensitive subject for Dory, and Ingrid wanted to respect that but she couldn’t be very useful if she was unsure of what was going on.

"Everything. Most of our land was taken. Most of my family was executed. Do you know how many people there are from my 'house'? You can count them on your hands." Her face grew darker as she retold her family history.

Surprise was all that Ingrid could muster but she held on as it seemed Dory needed it. “That is quite tragic Dory,” Ingrid said sympathetically, “how about removing a threat to your family one at a time? There has to be a noble who keeps watch of you if they didn’t remove you outright.”

"There are five ruling houses in Feska. Although currently only one has true power and the others nothing more than leashed hounds." Dory snarled at the thought. "They get what they deserve." Her mind was a bit lost before answering. "No… if we would take one piece out the others would go crazy.. we need to hit them all at once.."

The more Dory spoke the more Ingrid questioned if this was simply her being pessimistic or her having carefully weighed the situation and came to a decision. Still, there was always a way, “How about you start by planting informants in their domains? And gather information from there?” This was the best thing to do if they truly needed to take over all of it at once.

"Informants?... What do you mean?" The one thing Dory never considered as someone that always tried to play fair. "Why Would I have spies in there?"

“Because no one in power openly flaunts their weakness. And everyone has something to get them to act in your favor.” Ingrid put a hand on her cheek, “Battle is won by any means, and through information, you gain ways that they have to figure out to defend against. Information is the weapon of the clever. You have neither the power nor wealth to make moves against them. So you much use information.” Ingrid wasn’t a battle specialist but her family made her well aware that even with power you cannot always win. Maybe if Ingrid had been smarter, wiser then she could have outcompeted her cousins.

"By any means?.. So would involving you be another of those means?" Oh Dory, ignorant Dory. To think she never tried a thing like that would be most absurd for most schemers. Perhaps she wasn't made to be the most sneaky of people. "But if I rule Feska. Will you be with me? I need someone by my side after all."

Ingrid went blushed, “Who knows, maybe by that time I will be ruling Eskand or something…” Ingrid was trying to calm herself, Remeber Ingrid, she is dating someone. Don’t be an asshole. She is just accidentally teasing you…I think Ingrid bumped their heads together, “If I can be there to help, I will.”

Dory smirked smugly. "Well if you rule Eskand and I fail. I guess I could live with being one of the great queen's concubines." She poked the other's nose with her own. "But I am determined not to fail! I shall see my country freed to my breath."

Ingrid needed a drink. Dory’s teasing was a lot and hopefully breaking for a drink would be helpful. Ingrid sat up and asked Dory still laying in bed, “Would you like a drink?”

"A drink would be nice. Perhaps it would help ease the previous tensions between us." Dory smiled warmly. Not even knowing what it all might mean. "What kind of wine did you bring with?"

Ingrid smiled as she brought over the bottle with liquid telekinesis to test herself, “I know you like things sweet so I brought over a honey wine.” Ingrid popped the cork off as she poured 2 glasses of it, chilling it slightly to what would be the ambient temperature she remembered from Eskand. “To friendship,” Ingrid raised her glass to toast with Dory.

"Oooh, I didn't know about honey wine. We usually ferment spratz and turn that into wine. Oh, I could ask father to import that with the next batch if you'd like to try it!" It seems the opening of a bottle of alcohol has gotten the girl to speak her mind on the subject. "To friendship!" Dory clang her glass against the other and took a sip. "You know Ingrid, this wine isn't so bad."

Ingrid took a sip, “I like it a lot but that is probably because I grew up with it. That spratz wine sounds interesting, I would love to try it with you.”

The 2 girls continued to drink wine together, jumping from topic to topic. Sometimes it would be more serious and they would comfort each other, other times it was just light-hearted ramblings of 2 intoxicated nobles. Either way, both needed this comfort they found in each other, 1 more than the other. And the night ended with them sleeping together with an empty bottle between them.

In the early morning, Ingrid had to leave to join Zarra and Desmond to continue their exercise routine. Ingrid found it difficult to get out of bed with a Dory grasping her. But Ingrid’s work ethic got her up. Barely managing to slip out without disturbing Dory. Ingrid wrote a note and set the empty bottle on top.

Dear Dory,

As much as I wished to have stayed with you until you awakened, I sadly have to work off the wine bottle we drink together. I hope the hangover isn’t too terrible for you, it fucking hurts already for me. I’ll be seeing you in Arcane class friend.

Ingrid made her way out of the room and was mostly lying about the hangover. What was hurting her head was if they got too intimate and the guilt that comes with that. She is only glad that she doesn’t ever talk to that boyfriend of hers.
A Promised Deal

In the campus library, Zarra patients stares at the copy of 'Helegans: A Missing History' which admitted he had to pulled some strings to attain, sitting rather uncomfortably on the public dark oak seats, their height just low enough for his knees to stick out. Across him is Ingrid, glasses glaring from nearby candle lighting.

Ingrid was reading up on how mana worked in blood. Having absorbed a few aberrations, Ingrid always felt the ick travel through her veins. So to read up on mana manipulation and where the Mana actually resided was in her mind the secret for getting the wand to work. She hoped at least. Little was known about the Hegelans so it was hard to say if it would be useful to study the Hegelans or Mana itself. This duel approach would help a lot. Ingrid took off her glasses to clean them as she talked at Zarra, ”Have you found anything of particular interest yet Zarra?” Ingrid had hoped that his research was baring easy fruits this early into their research.

"Not really, unfortunately. First off, the title itself is a lie, it's not remotely about Helegan history. It's just a story about a dude named Claude who is travelling to a supposed Helegan settlement. 'Day 51, I peed on a rock!', it doesn't obviously say that, but it equates to that. And half the book is him just trying to survive the wildlife with his supposed RAS of 8.88" Zarra looks clearly frustrated he got an adventure autobiography instead of a genuine textbook.

Ingrid chuckled quietly at his frustration with the text before waving her hand at him apologetically.”Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh but the way you stated that was much funnier than I expected.” Ingrid put her glasses back on before speaking in a more assured tone, ”It’s only the first day Zarra, plus your not even done with the journal yet. Their may be more things inside of it. The Hegelans aren’t considered to be mostly legends for nothing. Maybe you can use his geographical area to determine if you should look in other areas.” Ingrid started to read her own book again, and now in a more monotone voice, ”If it makes you feel better, so far this book feels like a very general overview of what I knew. So maybe I also need to dig deeper after this. But that is what research is right?”

"Don't forget your shovel." Zarra says with literalist snark. More awkward time goes by as 1 page flip turns into 5, which turns into 50. After all hope seemed lost they would get something, Zarra furrows and rereads a passage. "Aha. Here, he meets a Helegan on the outskirts of the mountains. He asked about their runes on their faces and armor, and the Helegan responded essentially that it is their language, but also an art. Each rune grows with every generation. It would be the equivalent to plasting your family tree to your clothes… But I am beyond doubtful that my bloodline is Helegan in origin. Plus it doesn't solve how runes are applied to tools, such as a wand."
Zarra puts the book down and pushes his leg while turning his torso, audibly cracking stiff muscles.

In a surprised tone, “Oh so he actually met the Hegelans? That is pretty cool. And they use runes. Old Eskandish uses runes but I doubt that they have any power in them. As for me I have a theory but I need to do more research because it might be a bit to extreme.”

“No Ingrid, I’m not going to sacrifice baby birds to get it work, a man has to have some ethics…” Zarra rolls his eyes at his own sarcasm. “Speaking of a lack of ethics, didn’t you say as part of your blood research, you were gonna engage Trypano? Are they willing to give information out for free?”

Ingrid shook her head a little to play along with the sarcasm, “Zarra I sacrifice at least a bird and 5 baby birds everyday.” Ingrid stopped the sarcasm by changing her tone of voice back to that monotonous way of speaking, “In all reality Trypano would be able to help us for a price but it is a price that I believe you cannot bear very easily. She is also a binder like yourself but I would consider her a higher class one. Apologies, but she may ask for time with the wand as well and I assume you don’t want more people on this project?” Ingrid raised an eyebrow wondering what he truly thought about it.

“You make a good point, I don’t want the wand to play hot potato or I’m never going to see it again. I’m sure I could do the price, it’s just gonna be something likely very weird and out of left field and I’m going to regret all my life decisions up to that point.” Zarra is not really reading the book anymore at this point and has his full attention with the banter between his research partner.

Ingird still having a seriousness to it, “She would probably take parts of your body and experiment on you since you are a rare specimen.” Ingird looked back over to him seeing he had stopped researching. Ingrid started to collect her things, “My research should be over in a couple of days. We can meet up here in a few days or you can come to my room after school when you wish.”

“I would like the latter but I don’t like your guardsman, I’m sure he does it to everyone, but he gives me stares. He probably doesn’t like that I'm a greyborn and can essentially sneak past him at any time I please, plus, my parents have expressed they are in fact coming, so it would be simpler if we shared research while doing that at the same time.” Zarra seems to be trying to make more intelligence decisions this time around, though the futility of that is beyond him.

Zarra seems to not like Eirik, Ingrid’s guard, and Ingrid can confirm the feeling is not 1 to 1. No, Eirik dislikes Zarra much more than Zarra dislikes him. In fact it was worrying to say the least but Ingrid trusted Eirik to not kill Zarra just because, even though at times it has felt that way. Essentially, Eirik hates kids like Zarra. So Ingrid lied, “He does indeed stare at everyone. If you are uncomfortable with him, how about we go to my bedchambers? I have essentially another study in there.”

The boy looks confused more than anything, “I assume you bringing it up, that you’re ok with that? You and I both know how dangerous it is with you being such a celebrity.” While it did not come off in a complimentary tone, Zarra genuinely seems to mean that Ingrid is popular and liked enough to be one of the supposed ‘popular kids’ of the school.

“You would be entering my dorm, Zarra. From there I would guide you to my bedroom. No one will see.” Ingrid had collected her things at this point and was beginning to rise from her seat. “Plus my popularity has waned recently so it should be fine.” Ingrid started to head off. It was up to him if he would patiently wait by himself or come to her room to continue her half of the research.

Zarra seems to get up along with Ingrid, not really with purpose like her, more of ‘so what are we doing next’ kind of manner, he continues to follow her as if somehow this question will answer itself.

Ingrid looked at him, “Um, Zarra, I thank you that you believe I’m talented enough to have a theory to test right away but it is going to take a few days to make me comfortable with presenting it to you. I more meant that since your research has come to an end, if you wanted to help me out, I would be in my room…” Ingrid questioned where the miscommunication came from.

"Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to make it awkward, I was under the impression we were going there now. Alright, I'll talk to you later about it."


A few days pass as students from every corner of Ersand participate in the Societies Faire, Zarra and Ingrid are no exceptions. As promised, Zarra meets Ingrid on [undecided day of the week] with his parents, knocking on her dorm door expectantly.

Ingrid wasn’t in tip top shape after all that happened but this needed to happen so she put on a face and moved forward. Ingrid once again had Eirik greet the guests under explicit instruction to be kind and if any attitude would be detected then it was off with his beard. Under this threat Zarra and his family was met with the utmost care and Zarra could swear this was a different person. Once again they met in Ingrid’s study. Upon being told they were entering, Ingrid rose to personally greet them, “You must be Lord and Lady Travendour, it is good to meet you, please have a seat,” Ingird gestured to the finely crafted chairs, Normally there was only 2 but Ingrid had another one brought for Zarra to sit in on the talks as well. Now that they were settled, “My name is Ingrid Penderson, Zarra has informed me that your family are talented ship builders?”

Atlas responded first, his silver hair his most striking feature, it’s likely he’s graying and he just decided to commit to the look, one can only wonder how much they spend on their looks with dyes and obviously well-tailored clothes. Atlas is visibly taller than the rest of his family, but just as scrawny as his son. “Oh no, that’s a myth mostly, I am a ship schematist, I design the boats, we pay for the labor. The only parts we do make are the sails, which is my wife’s specialty.”
The redhead that is just over Zarra’s height pipes up. “Atlas, you haven’t even asked the woman for her name!”
Atlas seems to glaze his eyes towards the wall before coming with a proper response. “Do we need to? You are Ingrid Panderson are you not? And you are aware of our names? Unless my son has failed to communicate such basics.” Zarra is already feeling the exhaustion of listening to dad talk like his entire life is business.

This is going to be exhausting isn't it? From Atlas’s choice of words, to the mother already forgetting or never even acknowledging I gave my name to begin with. You know I assumed that Zarra was a but an unbelievably quirky child that was uniquely odd. Now I see it was hereditary, Ingrid thought as she tried to figure our how to continue the conversation. Playing along was probably the best option, “I am indeed Ingrid Penderson, and I am aware of your names. So to move on, you design the ships and hire shipwrights to build it for you. This is done directly under your supervision no?”

"Yes, exclusively my own. I also own all blueprints, attempting to use them without my express permission will result in legal action."
Milennia adds to the discussion, "Yes, same for all my cloth designs, we take our work very seriously." While Atlas is much more stern in his assessments, Milennia seems to give almost a bored or disappointed tone. Atleast they have their priorities in order. Zarra is starting to pick at his nails and hair like a bored kid brought against their will.

“Alright, I can accept that. So then, will you be gathering materials?” Ingrid asked.

Atlas and Milennia look at each other in confusion, before the mom inquisits further, "You own a mine. Why would we be supplying the matetials?" Zarra actually engages for once, even if it's to be pedantic. "Actually, mom. Her family owns the mine. It isn't under her ownership, just like you are with me." She puts her hand to her face with a 'oh' expression, but doesn't seem that shocked she missed such a detail.

Ingrid chuckled, “While I’m glad you belief I could be the owner of a high production mine and forge, I am sadly only connected to them. I can still arrange for quality materials to be delivered to your works site.” Ingrid seemed confident in this assertion.

Atlas continues with the trade conversation, “I am understanding that you are asking us to exclusively build the ship? And you will compensate us for the labor costs; you will be the owner of the ship. If this is the case, I can make an exception to the no manual labor on our part clause, and I will personally oversee the build, this should easily remove a third of the construction time.”

Ingrid was impressed but kept it under a laxed smile, “I see, then we should get to pricing. Since I’m going to be buying and shipping the materials to you, I would like to put a down payment for your build. Then the rest on completion of the Galleon. I believe this is fair as I’m holding a majority of the risk.”

“Oh, honey. Working this us is not a risk.” It’s a little disconcerting that she doesn’t elaborate on that, Atlas visibly wants to contradict her, while Zarra isn’t really able to, he seemed to have fallen asleep of boredom in his chair. His parents seem entirely unphased by this, like it’s just a thing that happens.

“I mean that if I were to pay you fully right now and purchase the materials and then ship them to you, I would be the one risking their capital. It is not that I do not trust you, it is to make sure that there is incentive for you to finish.” Ingrid hid her irritation at what they said.

Atlas pulls out some sort of large tome, starting to sift through and grasping the information again. He turns to his wife, asking a question in the middle of his study. “Are you going to make them supply the sails? You know the price of making them…” she laughs haughtily. “You know the answer to that.” Atlas furrows and continues to study the book, who someone could easily deduce is a financial record of some kind. “Well, we made the decision to supply the sails ourselves, we only trust explicitly our supplier, and your family surely doesn't have easy access to the many pounds of fabrics required. Avoids headache for everyone. With that in mind, the costs are… Three thousand, five hundred magus?”

Ingrid was quick to ask, “What is the break down between the sails and work?” She was mostly curious. She assumed that sails would be any where between 1400 to 1600 Magus for all the sails.

“They’re about 1500, according to my charting.” Atlas responds, “2000 for labor, and for any hiccups that come up” “That’s so much material, looks like I am not sleeping for a few weeks. Not that I got any with 2 kids, haha.” Milennia tried to break the awkward tension of a sleeping Zarra and only Ingrid and Atlas dominating the conversation, the failure is palpable.

“Alright, that seems reasonable.” Ingrid started pulling out some papers. “So, would a thousand Magus be enough of a down payment for the labor. I believe the sails do not need to be bought right away?”

“No, I was actually just going to ask if you would like a family logo or anything like that on the galleon? And, no, I will not accept ‘just make it white’ as an answer, it’s part of our trademark to do custom sails.” Milennia shares canderously,

“Well give me some time to commission some art for the sails then,” it is a small thing she has to take care of so it shouldn’t be an issue. “So I will start with a down payment of 1000 magus to lock you in and the project will start when the first shipment comes in.” Ingrid wanted to confirm this since they seem to be a bit airy.

Milennia and Atlas huddle together and whisper a little bit to each other. They turn back to Ingrid. “Yep, sounds good to us. We will stay on campus until a contract can be decided.” “Before we do that, my son had brought up the idea of using our hot air balloons for these so called ‘trials’, what is this about?” Milennia hopes asking one of Zarra’s classmates will get her answers.

With the main things laid out, Ingrid asked Åsa to start the contract as Ingrid answered some questions, “Oh, the trials is an event that many schools attend to take part in a variety of games. The overall winners get unknown prizes. And I think a hot Air balloon would be immensely helpful,” Ingrid said as she shook Zarra awake.

Zarra shuffles awake, not particularly tired and more of just understimulated. “And so how many will you need? And more importantly, will they be at any risk of damage?” Atlas has for once taken the backseat in the interaction. “Are you done already? I expected that to take longer.” Zarra adds naively.

“I cannot say,” Ingrid replied. Relaxing back into her seat now that business has been finished, “I have never done so but I believe it would be safe to be ready for some in any case.”

“While we absolutely support our son being creative, surely they’re going to set rules about this in the future. If it’s just a one time thing, why bother?” interprets Atlas. “Got anything to defend yourself mister?” Millennia says to her son, rather confrontationally at that. “You never listen to me. I told you it’s for a trial where we have to rise for as long and as high as possible. A balloon would be able to carry my whole class and Ingrid herself is an Arcanist, she could learn it effortlessly.” There’s a subtle undertone between the two, while there’s a veil of resentment, it’s never remotely explicitly expressed, how unhealthy…

Ingrid coughed to make her way back into the conversation, “Lord and Lady Travendour, I believe Zarra’s suggestion was quite ingenious. No one would be able to replicate your technology and if you are worried about the use of it, I am quite capable of keeping it afloat.”

“It is more about the fact being that this is a competition of sorts, there’s a high likelihood someone will attempt to destroy your balloon to make sure you can’t stay afloat.” Atlas fairly reasons.
“We could attempt to use it as advertisement, but I don’t know how good of an idea this is. If Zarra has not told you, I am Revidian, but my husband is Perrence.” Like a true couple, Atlas finishes his partner’s thought.
“The single last thing we want is to brandish ourselves too much and get pulled into the war, as we’ll be betraying one, if not both of our home countries.”

“Lord Travendour, with all do respect, unless you have the population, the children, or the capital, you will find yourself in the war. A balloon that exists as a luxury item would do little to make people weary.” Ingrid was speaking mostly because it seemed to need a mage to operate it. And unless it could directionally move itself, hold hundreds of people, and move vast cargo, then it would at best be a footnote if war was to break out.

"You seem to misunderstand, I am talking about our ships. Being used to transport men and weapons. While our balloons are our prized inventions, they do not always pay our bills." Atlas retorts this in a rather patronizing manner.

“Then simply don’t mark the as your own,” Ingrid responded. “Then when the war is over, I will let you take claim for building it if you are truly worried about this.” Ingrid didn’t care that much since this honestly wasn’t her issue. They want to build the ship and they want the cash.

And so the finalization of the business is done, and Zarra and Ingrid are able to reconvene and share research as promised.

Ingrid had sent word to Zarra,

Meet me in my bed chambers during the early hours of Eshiran. Make sure you are clean and bring a spare set of clothes, I doubt you will be returning to your own bed that night.

Zarra is understandably a little spooked by these instructions but ultimately follows them, bringing a set that he has less remorse for if they happen to become damaged in any way. He knocks formally at her chambers while bringing along a borrowed book from the campus library.

Åsa, Ingrid’s secretary, answered the door and smirked when looking at him, “It seems you followed her message, Zarra. The Lady will be pleased.” She turned as she guided him to the Ingrid’s bed chamber’s. Letting him in before shutting the door behind him

In the room was Ingrid in her normal clothing, maybe dressed down a bit. On her desk were plenty of cloth and sutures. Along with what seemed to be a sharp dagger and a pot of water. Ingrid took notice of Zarra, “ah, Zarra, you made it. I believe I have something to show you,” Ingrid smirked.

"So where's the part where I never see the light of day again?" Zarra quipped while looking at in his mind some sort of sacrificial ritual set-up. "I see we had vastly different ideas on how to handle the wand. I was gonna suggest we attempt to put as much power into it as possible, see what the upper limit of it is, if we learn anything from that…"

Well it is similar, Ingrid thought but decided to cut to the chase. “By my research, the wand is activated by Mana and if combined spells are the line of logic we are using in this case, then I believe cutting yourself to let your blood run over the wand would bring out its power. Essentially, we need to have your mana interact with the wand. But we are neither skilled enough to do that so cutting ourselves should be an effective substitute for our lack of skill.” Ingrid held the dagger in her hand quite confidently.

"Hugo gave me this nice old fancy wand and I'm told I have to bleed on it, gnarly. Does it matter where I'm cut at? It sounds easier to do on like the arm or elbow over a sensitive part like my hand. Just don't make me bleed too much or you're gonna have a dying grayborn in your room." Zarra seems rather squeamish and physically averse to this whole idea.

Ingrid responded bluntly, “Do you hold the wand with your elbow or forearm? We need it to be as close as possible. I would personally recommend we cut a semi sphere into your hand to increase the amount of area it is in contact with your blood” And Ingrid smiled afterwards, “Don’t worry about bleeding out, you are a binder after all. Plus I can always ask the Centuries for help if you are truly dying!” Ingrid was showing an unnerving amount of enthusiasm.

"Look Trypano, I gotta cool moon scare" Zarra says in an intentionally annoying falsetto. He inhales to calm his nerves as he waits for Ingrid to make the incision. There's an obvious look of 'aren't you gonna do it yourself?' but Zarra quickly looks at her like she's legally insane if she expected that to happen.

Ingrid sighed, “Fine.” She boiled the water to sterilize the blade, then cooled it before carefully cutting a semisphere into his hand. Ingrid held him close, almost holding him to make sure he didn’t move. She gave him a piece of leather to bit down on. “Do you best to not pass out Zarra, you are your own healer after all” With that Ingrid did it. Blood started to pool and she said lets begin the testing

The leather did little to help as Zarra instead basically just screamed, one of which could probably top Ayla in pitch. "Son of an actual woofaworf! God damn that freaking hurt. Who designs magic items to bleed on?? That's how you get like, every infection in the book!" Zarra shouts exasperatedly

Ingrid covered his mouth to muffle the screams. Last thing she needs is the Centuries busting in and believing she is a blood mage. “Quiet…” Ingrid said as she tried to calm him down. “Now look at that bath filled with hot water. It is very salinated and should be difficult to freeze with your RAS. Absorb from it as much as you can without holding the wand, taking note how you feel.”

Zarra instinctively tries to use his unsliced hand on the water but Ingrid basically stops him and forces him to use the sliced hand. Zarra is understanding he has to freeze the water. Which is made more annoying as he visibly bleeds into it, "Yah. I can feel it cooling but barely, if it were any hotter it'd burn." Zarra impatiently waits for Ingrid to hand him the wand so he can try and get this strange trial over with.

Ingird said, “Good, Now release the heat back into the water and I’ll bring it back up to where it was.” Once the tub had been reset, “Roll the wand in your blood and then set the pearl in the wound, then draw and see if you feel any difference.” Ingrid was doing her best to comfort him by holding him as he went though a lot of pain.

“Do I put the wand in the water? Do I use my hand after touching the pearl? Gotta be a little more specific here…”
What sounds like basic instructions to the Penderson clearly does translate well to the Travendour.

“Grab the wand like you would hold it in the injured hand. Do not put in water, draw the heat at a safe distance now using the wand and trying to focus on it. Then release the heat back into the water and note any differences. Do you understand”

“No, absolutely not,” Zarra proceeds to do exactly as Ingrid asks, making the denial to be entirely rhetorical. As Zarra does so, the water visibly stops steaming and if he decided to push for any longer, he could get the water to freeze as well.

“Alright, that is a small change! But a change is a change! Lets repeat this a few hundred cycles tonight and then tomorrow we can do some kinetic testing on ships bobbying up and down in the on the dock!” Ingrid seemed to be wanting to kill this poor boy… Like she had some ulterior motives. Or she could just be excited about researching.

“Uh, Ingrid, I am going to probably cry tears of boredom if you think I’m going to stay here for hundreds of tests. I’m happy to do less than that, but at that point any possible benefit the wand would have would be canceled out by my complete lack of focus.” Zarra argues while he wipes down the bloody and wet wand with his undershirt.

Ingrid grips onto Zarra, “Zarra? This is research. And if we want to get to use this during the Trials to win then we need to put forth a grand amount of effort. Now sit down and do magic” Ingird voice seemed friendly but it seemed a little threatening in the way a tutor would.

Zarra sighs before sitting down, deciding he better get comfortable. And with that Zarra is not seen for the entire rest of the day and night. Some say you can still hear his girly screams from the floor below. The end.

The end of that day! Ingrid was not done with her training of Zarra to unlock the potential of the Wand. Every day she was cutting him open to get him used to casting with it. From moving boats to increasing chemical reactions to simply burning things. More tests to get him used to the wand. Ingrid was ruthless. Zarra cried a lot. Like a lot. But in the end, he could pull a decent amount out of the wand but their was no idea if they had reached the bottom of the wand's potential.

Location: Ersand'Enise

Interactions: All the charaters@Force and Fury

Ingrid’s time before the Scholastic Faire was busier than she originally planned. She was able to catch up on her schooling and even come up with a line of thought for her Atomic project. The speed dating event she put together was in retrospect enjoyable with her making new friends and rekindling some old ones. She somehow even got into a contract to help Zarra out with studying the wand in exchange for pretty broad favors. But the favors didn’t mean much as Ingrid didn’t have the heart to do anything that terrible with them.

I can only imagine how worried his parents are for him with his slipshod way of doing business, Ingrid could only think as she looked over the contract Zarra shined. Ingrid felt a burden on her from the trust he put in her. We barely know each other Zarra and you signed this. You sure are interesting.

Besides that, Ingrid had her sleepover that went mostly to plan. Ingrid still cringes as she remembered she tried to kiss Dory and hit on Ayla. Of course, nothing happened but the memory of it will haunt her for many sleepless nights. There was some benefit though. Ingrid found out about what happened to Dory and how wrong seemingly everything had gone on the ship. Ingrid found herself putting away the feelings she absorbed that night from Dory. Ingrid wanted to fight them on her behalf but that wouldn’t do anyone any good.

The thing that didn’t go as planned that night was hopefully opening up about what she had done to those poor people. She wanted to confide in her friends to try to lessen the weight but instead, she couldn’t even say the name of the girl who died. Pathetic was all that was.

Then tension of the war started to escalate and she could see the line being drawn. Cliches of the same nationality started to pop up more and more. Higher nobility started to mobilize their influence to make those lower than themselves get in line with their will. It was all so arduous. Eskandish Nobility was slow as Ingrid expected. As much as they wished for revenge, many were worried about if this was a false ploy. Many Eskandish had ties to Revidia and now their ancient enemy, the Perrench, was now a supposed ally that saved their king. The confliction between the 2 sides just never settled.

Ingrid had been swepped up in all of this. She was one of the higher RAS students from Eskand and her family had many connections outside of Eskand so her attitude towards things was highly scrutinized by her own countrymen. Some of the bolder Eskand Nobles tried to let her in on what was nothing but a thinly veiled assault on Revidian commoners and artisans under the guise of looking for something stolen. Ingrid didn’t participate and did her best to pressure things to stay away from physical violence the best she could. Luckily the presence of the Centuries at Ernise’Ersand made such conflict a fleeting dream.

The events were tiring. Shipments from her own family had started to make more sense. More arms were being produced and made than normal. Some of her own generation of Penderson’s were investing in artisans to produce more armor and weapons. Some she worried had started to buy the service of blood mages based on some of the transcripts. And here Ingrid was looking to purchase a galleon.

No wonder certain nobles felt emboldened. Smiths are churning out spears and cannons. Some are even producing rifles. And here I am looking to purchase a galleon in the middle of this. Maybe I should wait. No, Zarra already sent word to his parents and it would be rude not to consider it. Ingrid couldn’t help but stress. Ingrid was aware if war broke out she would likely be safe from it as she is at school but she couldn’t help but worry for her family that was out of school. All 8.0’s that specialize in explosives were going to be used extensively if war breaks out. Sven with his surprisingly high RAS may be pulled out to fight as their family wouldn’t have much else to contribute to a war effort.

All these events were under the influence of the aberration she absorbed with the others in the desert. It was larger than the first and gave her more power but with that came more side effects. Ingrid could handle the constant headaches but small things not going her way that would normally be passed by inconsequential as they were, suddenly became genuine annoyances and that took some time to forget. It was tiring to be so easily angered. Benny was infuriating in many ways and the aberration was making it worse. So as much as Ingrid wished to not ignore him, she did limit her interactions with him wishing to not damage her budding friendship with him. However, she did let him know that the aberration was affecting her strongly enough that she wanted to postpone their dinner date.

But as much worry as there was, Ingrid felt she did a good job monitoring herself and keeping a firm grasp on her emotions. And her reward with the sway of the aberration was the Faire. She was excited about the clubs. She even purchased a new dress out of impulse, maybe that was also the sway of the aberration she laughed to herself. She wanted to go with friends on that day considering there was no school. She thought it would be the perfect time to see Benny again, A little walking, a little talking, seeing the performances, maybe going home… Ingrid thought. She knew it was going to be crowded but thought it would be on equal footing. She sent an invite. And was rejected outright. It stung as she didn’t really set any backup plans so she resolved to just go by herself. She just put the pretty dress away and reserved it for the next event she goes to…

Not having anyone there to talk with made it less enjoyable. She knew she could be eccentric at times but even she liked good company for events. She tried her best to correct her mood from the start by going to Zeno Bucks for the Grand Opening.

The store was busy but Ingrid was able to get her coffee in a reasonable amount of time. She ordered a large café au lait with no sweetener. The warm milk was more than enough to blunt the natural bitterness of coffee. Plus the subtle flavor of dairy from the milk was delightful to Ingrid as she was used to much more dairy in her diet before coming to Ersand’Enise and she frankly missed it. She knew she has to go pet some of the kæmpe ko if they will let her, as they were but the cutest cows in the world. With her coffee, she got a yum yum mostly for the name itself. It was fun to say and it was very sweet. The perfect pastry to raise her spirits for the rest of the day.

Ingrid’s first club was conveniently just across the street from Zeno Bucks. The Pumpernickle club! The stall was popular not just for the people wishing to join but for the absolutely scrumptious pastries and bread that they have set up. From the variety of bread they had to the butter that they use depending on the good, this was completely unthinkable to Ingrid. The trade connections they have are amazing. But the thing that did it for Ingrid was the dark loaf of bread with kæmpe ko butter spread on it. It was the best taste of home she had in months. She had some starter for the bread they make at her dorm from time to time but the technique the Pumpernickle club uses is on a different level. Very nervously Ingrid asked if she could join and they said there would be a test. Ingrid nodded and they said to come back when you think you're ready. Ingrid smiled and bought some more bread to eat for the day.

Ingrid noticed that there were some girls behind the Pumpernickle stand using a mixture of Kinetic, Magnetic, and Arcane magic to make a high fat butter without having to constantly squeeze the water out and save time in the process. Ingrid thought the technique was interesting but Ingrid was more interested if they made the kæmpe ko butter fresh this morning. Surprisingly, they had and said they were given some from the Fauna club in the early hours of Shune. Seems things are looking up for me, Ingrid thought as she made her way to the Fauna club

Ingrid showed little self control and started to munch on some pillowy enriched yeast rolls as she strolled through the Arbortoreum to go visit the Fauna club. She had no real intention to join the Fauna club but from what the butter churners said, there will be a calf or two. The Arboretum, which was usually one of the quieter places on campus was now bustling as well with people. Still, it acted as a slight break from the loud roads of Ernise’Ersand. It wasn’t long before Ingrid could see the massive kæmpe ko that seemed to be a part of the club’s petting zoo. Ingrid spoke to some of the club members and they let her in, taking her bread so that way she doesn’t feed them intentionally or not.

Petting animals was a very soothing time indeed but Ingrid was still on the lookout for the truest prize. She saw one of the kæmpe ko move and then, Baby kæmpe ko! Ingrid was smiling ear to ear as she calmed herself before getting closer. The mother didn’t seem to care since it was massive but the calf was having none of Ingrid trying to pet it. She spent a pathetic amount of time trying to pet the baby. Eventually, almost as if the calf learned that Ingrid was a very diligent petter, gave up and Ingrid was able to pet the adorable creature. A true moment of bliss for Ingrid and a moment of weakness that would lead to the calf’s downfall as now that it was staying still many other petters came over. By the end, Ingrid was satisfied and the kæmpe ko calf, now named Koko, was laying on the ground being cuddled and petted from all sides.

Having completed her goal, Ingrid made her way to the Fingersteepler stall, checking out Ipte’s Courtyard along the way. If it wasn’t directly on the path to her true goal then she wouldn’t either bother. Her lack of interest was definitely a shift from her original plans for the school. God things have changed, Ingrid reminisced. At the beginning of the school year, Ipte’s Courtyard would probably been her only way to find some romance but after some of the recent events, Ingrid was feeling fine about her chances. Even if her current romantic prospect doesn't work out, Ingrid thinks she can find someone else. Hopefully.

Ipte’s courtyard was what she expected and although the attention from very attractive men was nice, it wasn’t good enough for her to join. She enjoyed the realer moments of throwing herself out there and hoping for the best even if it did lead to her being alone for the first day of the fair. Ingrid left the club to go to the Fingersteeplers.

Ingrid could see the stage but no one was there right now. Ingrid shrugged and took a seat across the street from it and turned her attention to some of the pastries and bread she had picked up earlier. Just one or two, Ingrid promised to herself, still being conscious of the weight she was gaining at this school. However, the sweets were dangerous and Ingrid ended up eating closer to three to 4 while waiting. Suddenly the stage came alive and a masked man announced the club. Ingrid watched giddily, this may have been embarrassing to some but to Ingrid, this was just cool. She watched the Choc Force spread out to find their victims. One happened to be Ingrid and she was more than ready to play along. She took the flyer and the chocolate.

With her time at the Fingersteeplers over, Ingrid had a decision to make. The day has been wonderful so far but maybe it could be greater if I were with someone. Maybe I should just go to the clubs I’m joining and enjoy the fair tomorrow. I already had a good time already so maybe… Unable to decide, Ingrid flipped a coin. Guess that means I’m going to rush my clubs today.

Now knowing that she wasn't here to wander about, Ingrid hastened her speed and tried to go to the remaining clubs on her list. They were fun for what it was worth but she knew that revisiting them tomorrow with someone would be even better. Ingrid already knew that she wanted Sven to accompany her tomorrow since he was always fun to talk with. And it would be cute to watch him randomly nerd out. Luckily Ingrid met him at the Draconic Order club and they were able to set it up.

With that, Ingrid went to her dorm where she had set up small things ahead of time. Her servants were made aware that she was trying to bring home a man and they kept themselves away from the front door, waiting to hear the door open. When Ingrid entered, she let out a slightly frustrated, ”It’s just me.” A small chuckle and a small snort was heard from the side rooms, obviously from her servants. Ingrid let them know that no one was coming and that they could eat the cheeseboard. However, her servants were cheeky, as they showed they already ate the cheeseboard, knowing Ingrid wouldn’t have succeeded. Irritating to say the least. But whatever, Ingrid thought. Their friendly jests were of no actual pain to her. They knew her well at this point and knows she plans a bit too much. Ingrid grabbed another set of clothes for tomorrow as she was still at her Zeno’s at the moment. Ingrid gave them the rest of the pastries and whatever else Ingrid had picked up along the way. Ragnhild was sharp with her tongue though, “Wise lady Penderson! Any more and I would have to get your dresses refitted!” That one stung. She left a little red from embarrassment and made her way to her Zeno’s abode.

She took a bath before just talking a little with her Zeno group. And went to bed

On the second day, Ingrid woke up and talked to Dory and Ismette a bit, proclaiming that she was going out with Sven today. She skipped breakfast to meet Sven at Zeno bucks. Ingrid had looked forward to today. The nerd himself was quickly growing to be his best friend.

But the day didn’t go as she wanted. Things started nicely. Some light talking and laughing. Going to a few clubs nearby. It was nice. Exactly what Ingrid wanted. But everything changed when Ingrid discovered a large aberration near a club stall behind some crates. Ingrid only came here to get out of the sun and wait for Sven to grab some snacks. It was scary to see one here. Why would it be here? Ingrid waited for Sven to come back but he never did. Ingrid couldn’t leave it here since this place was so densely packed. She decided because of its size and her own RAS she would take it in to make sure someone with lower RAS doesn’t absorb it.

As she plunged her hand in it she immediately felt regret. The aline feeling was even worse, hor body became wracked with pain like she was resisting it. Images flooded her head and she lost her mind until she collapsed.

To an onlooker, they swore that the woman had just died.

Ingrid rose from the ground in an unsettling way, lumbering. She seemed to be in a daze but soon she held her head and swayed side to side like something akin to a madman. Her eyes were red and they had no tears, they just seemed wrathful, more wrath than one who knows Ingrid could assume she had. She ran through the central street, trying to avoid anyone she may have known. She just needed to get home. She needs to hide before she lets loose on someone.

But as she crossed the junction she saw another aberration. Her mind didn’t even resist, it pounced on it as she needed it. She knew she would go crazy but she didn’t care under the influence of the aberration. It was almost as large as the other one. Silas had started to absorb it as well, maybe trying to stop her but Ingrid succeeded in touching it before it disappeared. As she drew even a lick of it, Ingrid had gone fully mad.

The first one to gain her ire was Silas. He had stolen from her. She lashed out at him and kicked him in the stomach with a slight bit of kinetic magic like you would a stray dog that tried to nip at you. She assumed he dies as the commoner body went a decent way. And she turned to see someone she once cared for

Dory had been unlucky to be the one Ingrid saw. The care and worry she had for the Feskan girl had twisted her image of her as someone who she abhorred and detested. Someone that needed to be squashed. With more kinetic energy Ingrid grabbed Dory and slammed her into a wall but Ingrid wasn’t done as there was a sadistic and vile feeling welling up in Ingrid that felt like euphoria. Ingrid held her life in her hands. It was but a game. She wanted to inflict pain upon her friend. Dorry tried fighting back but Ingrid was too fast at this point as she was augmenting herself with kinetic magic. Ingrid wanted to crush her into the ground and when she couldn’t it was no longer fun.

Ingrid took a step back and drew the fire and ambient heat and light darkening the area immediately near them and what took form was a large fireball that was destined to kill Dory. All of the magic Ingrid used before was almost random uses of magic, unplanned, unrefined. But this was different the girl had let off thousands of explosions and this was built into her like the lunge of a duelist. The fireball launched with an intensity that the Feskan girl couldn’t attend with. When it all seemed lost, Manfred came in and helped match the intensity saving Dory.

Ingrid yelled in frustration that they were still standing. The fight lasted a little longer but Ingrid could no longer get away with casting such a huge fireball. Even with all his experience, Manfred couldn’t restrain Ingrid with her large size being supported by this heretical strength. The fight wasn’t looking good until Dory gained confidence and used internal chemicals to weaken and sedate Ingrid. Dory's sedation had calmed the situation but she needed to still restrain Ingrid as there were moments when Ingrid came back and was still as rabid.

When Ingrid came too, she simply stared up at Kaspar, not completely aware of what happened. She just knew there were people on her. She didn't know what was happening but things started to happen

Ingrid continued to make her way to Luna’s. Her emotions were mixed and hard to process. She had no one to find comfort in now in her mind. Sven is probably furious that I ran off. Hopefully, he doesn’t know what happened… Ingrid had a pained look on her face, Of course he will Ingrid, it happened near the magic clubs, we talked about going there after the Orators society! I was then taken by two Centuries to the Violet Enclave! Everyone will see that. People are nasty and it won’t be long until everyone knows! Fuck!

Ingrid made it to Luna’s and grabbed her bag and headed up to the roof. She just stayed their. Crying intemtitedly when she thinks on how she fucked up. Ingird popped a bottle of spirits out of her bag and got absolutely hammered on the roof. They day got cooler as the sun went down yet Ingird didn’t feel like getting up. She didn’t want people to see her. Especially not Dory. What she saw when she was temporally displaced fucked with her mind but she thinks she understands hugo’s motives at least for just looping the time line over and over again. Her mind was filled with a lot of thoughts.

Ingrid stayed up on the roof the entire night and only left once the sun had risen and she could go to Zeno Bucks to grab 2 cups of coffee along with some pastries to fuel herself. She knew she should have felt tired from not sleeping and all the other things but she didn’t feel much other than mentally exhausted. She still has so much to do and she thinks if she stops she'll sink.

Location: Ersand'Enise

Interactions: Zarra @BreathOfTheWoof, Trypano @A Lowly Wretch, Sven @Force and Fury, Ayla @Ti, Zarina @YummyYummy, Silas @Tackytaff.

Mentioned: Luna, Benny.

After returning to her dorm at Ersand'Enise, Ingrid couldn't wait to rest as a constant headache hammered her head. But there was no rest. Ingrid had not only left her academic responsibilities to the wind, but also left her servants with not even a note to let her know she was out. They knew that at times of high stress Ingrid would go to nature to calm herself but she would never leave them with nothing. All they knew was Ingrid was gone and she had left with her backpack. So when she returned in a sarong carrying a bag of unknown make that was filled with 3 Wyrm Pearls and 10 Wyrm Scales they were in fact very worried. Ragnhild scolded Ingrid as it was not only her job too but also because Ragnhild had watched Ingrid grow and she had never been this inconsiderate.

Ingrid was stung by those words as they were true. She snuck out in the middle of the night in the during a storm with no explanation and came back with unimaginable things. Ingrid could only apologize but Ragnhild wanted none of it, she simply told Ingrid to ready herself for a bath and then to go to sleep. The night ended after the bath and she would have to face any consequences of her actions in the morning.

Day 1

Ingrid had been awoken about an hour earlier than usual. It was quite dark out, not even a sign that the sun would be rising soon. Ingrid's day was going to be full. She had left in the middle of studying, classes that she missed, paperwork that needed to be done, finalizing her speed dating event, apologizing to all her teachers that she may have offended. Unloading the Wyrm pearls and looking into the book from Sileen would have to come later.

Ingrid spent her entire week flooded trying to fix the entire week she disappeared. Ingrid planned to make herself less available during the coming week for her speed dating event but now she has no choice to be unseen as she was swamped with responsibility and some very disapointed servants. Ingrid's plans to have her dinner date with Benedetto also had to be postponed. She felt bad but he seemed to understand for the most part.

Her work load during the first week was immense. There were times that she could remember staring over notes and books and thinking, maybe I should just run away, be a pirate before centering herself and continuing. Ingrid was mostly thankful that she listened to Luna about not taking a 3rd magic class because from what she hears, chemical class is very study intensive. Thanks Luna for making me realize I was indeed a nugget before it was too late.

The first Zeno day back was challenging. Ingrid felt like she betrayed Luna's trust and was ready for a thrashing. But Luna was chill and she seemed to be in the loop. In fact this led to a completely different effect. Some of the students were spreading rumors that Ingrid had went off on one of the Zeno's errands. This did more for her school status than she could have imagined. She let Åsa know ahead of time that she needs to prepare more food for the incoming guests.

Now having caught up on her student responsibilities after a full week of overtime, Ingrid could now try to off load some of the pearls. It was hard to find a buyer on short notice but she was able to find one. She hoped to get at minimum 2500 neskals for it but secretly hoped for 3000 neskals. Ingrid was offered 2600 neskals for it. It was crucial that Ingrid have funds ready for the speed dating event and for certain clubs she wished to join. She accepted the deal and handed over her smallest pearls. Now secured in her personal funding for the mean times she could relax a little and wait for the speed date in 2 days.

The day before the event, Ingrid was finally able to hang with Benny. It wasn't the dinner date that she promised but more of a casual hang out with someone she was trying to get to know better. A little flirty but nothing as bold as making out with him randomly. She was curious about him and how he thought. Of course she was attracted to Benny but at the moment she wanted to solidify their friendship more than anything else and Ingrid wasn't comfortable enough to see if he been willing for a casual relationship.
Other than that, it was fun to see him outside the mission

On the day of the speed dating event, Ingrid was up early with her servants preparing the food. Ingrid was in charge of cooking the meats and making the pates. Ragnhild was in charge of baking, decoration, and presentation. Åsa was in charge of making the jams, jellies, and drinks. Ingrid also made Ice creams and sorbets, using her magic to make them fast and impossibly good. Eirik was setting up chairs and making sure his weapons were sharp just in case.

Afterward she spent about an hour and half getting ready. Dress, makeup, going over manners, refreshing herself on potential suitors. Then Eirik took it upon himself to make sure Ingrid could defend herself in her more tighter and restrictive wear. Ingrid was able to demonstrate her defensive skills with a similar level of proficiency as she would show in training. Eirik was still disappointed how winded Ingrid was after a small demonstration. Ingrid knew she needed to take better care of herself.

The speed dating event begins…

A speed dating event that has been rumored to take place at in the week prior to the student social club. Many suitors were looking to make themselves known as Ingrid Penderson is considered a very good investment for almost any noble. A 8.4 RAS, beauty, a wealthy family, good connections across the continents, and many other resources at her family's disposal. Although many nobles have tried to woo her already, Ingrid monopolizes her time and keeps them at bay. This may be some of their only chance to leave an impression on the Eskandish woman.

The event is open to all people and all social levels. From lowly gardener to prince can come if they please. From a spry fresh face man to an elderly Zeno. Participants are to wait in and out of Ingrid's dorm. Her maid will provide food and drink for those who want it. Fine food from many regions have been procured and replicated in house. It is said that some of the entrées and desserts were made by Ingrid herself.

Each date lasts for 5 minutes and is controlled by a finely crafted hourglass. When the time is up the head maid will see you out and pick the next suitor at random. Gifts are not required but if a gift is brought, you may hand it to Ingrid directly to her if you wish. If not it will be taken away by her guardian to a side room and the head maid will inform Ingrid that you brought something.

Ingrid had dreaded this day since coming to the school. It was everything she disliked and it was going to be all on her. Being at a party where there was other people to talk to was more her style. But Ingrid put on a mask and went through the event with strength.

The event was pretty sleezy. She wasn't interested in almost anyone. Some were rich and would be her family's option. Some had the RAS that was near her own. Others were just damn attractive. But none made the 5 minutes feel good. And none could get her to extend the time. However, there were a few people that made the time special.






The event was tiring to say the least, She maybe saw 40 or so people. She looked forward to the gifts that were brought. Fianlly seeing them was quite a sight, hundreds of bluebells. There are so many! The florist should be well off for the foreseeable future. Well either way, Ingrid's work was not done. Ingrid had the prepare her investment for Zarina along with prepare a vessel to hold the gland of the creature. Once that was settled, Ingrid headed off to sleep.

Ingrid woke up early to grab the gland, using telekinesis to hold it aloft in its vessel. Ingrid knew her classes were and had a letter be delivered to Trypano for them to meet at luncheon. At lunch, Ingrid made her way to Trypano's dorm with the acid gland in tow.

Ingrid met with Trypano at her dorm. Ingrid brought the jar of acid and was there more for a quick conversation.

"Good afternoon Trypano, I have a trade offer I would like to make." Ingrid shows the bottle of Wyrm Acid.

Trypano was at her desk when someone approached from the doorway to their dorm. Turning in her chair she looked up to see Ingrid with a jar of what she could identify as a bottle wyrm acid.

"I would gather this would be pertaining to Silas's wyrm acid gland correct? I already have samples of the wyrm acid itself."

"Indeed, He came to me to sell it and I decided you would be most likely to trade for it quickly. What do you have to offer?" Ingrid knew what she would want to trade for but had no idea if Trypano would trade the gland for the egg.

Rather than answer she stood from her chair, moving over to a section of wall within the room. It was close by so she could tell if any others were using magic in a similar capacity on that section of wall. Using a gentle amount of drawing she unsealed a section of brick before removing it from the wall, opening an aperture wherein the froabas egg laid. She removed it before turning back to address Ingrid.

"I'd say given the demand present I'd be happy to exchange this for the gland and twenty Corona to make up part of the difference in market value."

Ingrid smiled, "That seems to be a pretty fair trade. I'll have my servant bring it in." Ingrid signaled to bring it in, showing how much she believed Trypano would want it. "Here you are Trypano. Pleasure seeing you" As Ingrid takes the egg and leaves promptly as she is very busy.

"Ah, before you go-" Trypano interjected just as she was about to leave. "I have something to discuss with yourself and Desmond regarding a matter from our mission, something that pertains to an events slated to come in a few weeks time."

"Do let him know to meet up at some point in the future for discussion, preferably somewhere discrete."
She paused a moment, before adding "Unless I spot him first of course. If you do still, my thanks regardless."

With that, Ingrid continued her plan to get Silas the most money. Selling this reticulated dragon egg just before people could join the dragon club is perfect. It is a rare and noble beast that is sure to catch a high bid in this market. Now to hope that she can sell it before clubs begin to make good on her promise to Silas.

The market was not what Ingrid has inspected. She thought that a reticulated frobass egg would be more than 2500 neskal, it seemed that breeders had flooded the market. All she could get was a measly 2500. She felt disappointed in herself for not considering the breeding rates of the dragons this year. So stupid of her. She even saw how many a wild group had. She could have predicted this.

Ingrid decided to bite the bullet and buy the egg for 800 Neskal to at least get him a sizable amount as she couldn't buy the egg for its true price. Ingrid apologized for not getting him more. She left in a hurry, not even able to say that she was unable to even sell it.

To cheer herself up she asked Sven to have lunch with her and showed him the dragon egg. His nerdiness was the medicine Ingrid needed to cheer up a little. Ingrid decided to raise it after failing the beautiful egg so terribly. Sven was obviously excited and Ingrid put it out that she would love the help since he is an expert. Sven was more than up for it. It was a dragon one of his passions. Ingrid also offered one more thing. A Wyrm scale. That way he could join the dragon club with ease. News should be making way to the school of the dragon hunt and with this, he can get into the club if they are being rude to him. Just an easy layer of insurance to help a new friend out.

With that, the School club activities begin.

Location: Sirrahi research lab -> a Desert

Interactions: Trypano @A Lowly Wretch, Desmond @Th3King0fChaos, Sileen@Force and Fury

Ingrid had been serious about not going through with this if it posed too great of a risk to Nine and her siblings. Nine seemed resolved to accept what might come about from this for the sake of bettering her people. Ingrid couldn't argue with that. Ingrid had never thought too deeply on the way the world operated, she was always too focused on her social standing in the past to care. For someone who has traveled across the continent, her worldview is much more narrow than she thought. Perhaps it is time to change that.

With Seven directing Ten to prepare the transport and revealing how little time they had left, Ingrid only felt how little time there was. She wanted to talk to them more about their world and understand them even if it was superficial. She wanted to spend some time with Nine, not as a test subject but as equals. But there was little opportunity for us now.

Everyone rushed through the halls, Ingrid wasn't in the best shape so she relied on the Gift to enhance her body, using kinetic magic to help keep her going at a reasonable speed. The stairs provided a unique challenge to someone who failed oh so miserably getting on the boat earlier. Ingrid leapt through the air, clearing them ease and as she descended she drew her own momentum of falling to fuel more of her run knowing Penny might need to draw more than the rest of us only having 1 leg after all.

As they ran, Nine decided to start the explaining what exactly were they studying. To Ingrid it seemed like a simple test. The hypothesis felt like it came from someone trying to confirm a bias rather than actually test anything. Ingrid knew but was important to retest things as that is the nature of science but she couldn't help but see their professor as a dick. Some of their talks went over Ingrid's head but she got most of the information about the experiment. Seven came to a stop and they entered the room that seemed to hold their means of transporting us.

The room was a busy-looking room. Full of everything one would need to have their own laboratory, somewhat similar to Hugo's chambers. It was different and Ingrid could tell that they were researchers, there was a certain air to it. It was mystifying how much they could achieve with technology. The energies they had under their control without the Gift was astonishing. Using so many with such ease and a surprising amount of magnetism.

Nine seemed to bring up Seven's interruption to her earlier to our benefit as Seven quickly relinquished and gave an opportunity for us to grab some stuff as a reward of some sort. Ingrid believed the memories were more than enough but there was no time to talk about that. Ten had called over for the coordinates that they needed and Ingrid found that hard to answer as they she had no way of describing the school other than saying its name, an issue that would have never mattered to her if it wasn't for this one moment. Ismette seemed to be able to handle it and was the first to ask for her reward.

Temporal magic? Ingrid thought as she heard Ismette's request. More interesting to Ingrid though was this 'cure' Ismette was looking for. Ingrid wanted to know more about what was going on and if she could be any help to her so she made a quick note of it for after they get home. They seemed receptive to Ismette receiving it. It touched Ingrid that Nine would openly say that she would trust us with that kind of knowledge. Ingrid had some time to look around before Nine returned to help her pick her final selection.

Ingrid smiled at Nine, "Finished up with Desmond?" Ingrid asked, seeing if she had Nine to herself even if it was just for a few moments. Seeing that the coast was clear, Ingrid moved herself and Nine behind the shelves to get a smidgen of privacy. "Hey," Ingrid said shyly as she rubbed the back of her neck then smiled at Nine, "I know we don't have long but I wanted to thank you. I know you said that this time with us has changed you but it has changed me as well." Ingrid looked away as she tried to summarize her thoughts in an efficient way. "Before coming here I was so focused on myself. I think I always cared for people but I never allowed it to be my focus. I never took a hard look at myself or the bubble of a world I lived in. I learned so much from this time away from the academy. It was painful and scary but it has opened my eyes to many things. I only know now that there is much more for me to do before I can say I have bettered myself now." Ingrid looked into Nine's eyes, placing her hand on her cheek, "Whether you know it or not, your passion has changed me. I want to go out into the world and learn about it in a way I could never see before." Ingrid went in for a quick kiss before backing away again to continue. "I want to help you with your own mission. I can get information and interact with humans in a way that you can't right now. That is why I want Temporal magic. To send you pieces of our culture. To give you information that is needed to convince your own people. I want to help people on my side as well and sadly the only way for me is to increase my standing through skill. I…" Ingrid was cut off as they had ran out of time and had to get to the platform.

Ingrid wasn't a crier and she held herself until Nine said her goodbyes and told Ingrid that she could call her Sileen. "It was wonderful getting to know you Sileen. I have no idea when we will be able to meet again but I will promise to never forget you." Ingird felt bitter sweet about the goodbye. She didn't know how long it would be until she could help Sileen but in any case, Ingrid knew she would never say forget her.

The portal wasn't that intimidating after all Ingrid has been through. She was ready to go through when Sileen turned her around and kissed her. Ingrid closed her eyes and let it happen. A last kiss to send her off. It was nice Ingrid thought but as Ingrid took one last look at Sileen, she could see Sileen wink at her. There was something in that wink but she couldn't tell what it could be at the time.

There was no time to ponder what the wink met as it seems the coordinates that Ismette gave put them into the desert. A very hot desert. Luckily Ingrid was dressed pretty lightly. Benedetto pointed immediately to the army of thousands marching towards a compound. Oh for the love of the Pentad Ingrid thought. From the hired hands of the Doge to now thousands of soldiers. Could things get worst? Of course they could, they be dragons now.

Ingrid looked up and saw the froabases. They already deemed us to be the prey they were looking for. With the army over there in sight, Ingrid didn't want to do anything that would garner their attention. Trypano already made a hole to hide from them. Honestly, it seemed like the most reasonable option considering not being on the army's radar sounded nice. So I guess it was time to dive into the hole. Before going into the hole she whipped up the sand around her to create a blind spot for the dragons. Ingrid went down into the hole with less flare than Desmond as she was trying to create a dust storm to cover their stealth from the dragons. Ingrid did her best not to get wet though as she had no idea if the chainsaw would blow up if dunked into the water Trypano was making. As she made it to Trypano Ingrid smiled and said, "Thanks for the hole. Hopefully, the dust storm above gets them to waste a bit of time for us to escape." Another adventure awaits them in the desert now.

Location: Underground Base

Interactions: Benedetto @Force and Fury

As much as Trypano's and Desmond's questions were frankly a better use of time, Ingrid decided that she wanted to indulge in some more light-hearted questions about their culture. Romance had always captured Ingrid's Imagination with how much it changed from place to place. Some seemed familiar, some seemed alien but in the end, it was a culture she wanted to learn about. Somehow that ended up with Ingrid hitting on Nine and Nine wanting to take a hand at teasing her. Ingrid would back off normally but this seems like a perfect distraction from all those thoughts trying to creep into her mind. The kiss happened, it was Ingrid's first. Well, that was nice. I think? It was kind of fun, crossed Ingrid's mind before the other Sirrahi seemed to have a mental explosion watching that. She knew they fed off of each other's energy but Ingrid couldn't help but chuckle to herself as they so boldly announced who they wanted to kiss.

Those bursts of energy throughout the night had finally come to an end and they had guided us to a bed chamber. It was interesting, to say the least. 1 large bed fit for the entire family line from Ingrid's point of view. She knew sharing a bed was common for the lower class but with how insanely advanced they are, Ingrid had to take its construction as a product of their culture. Ingrid thought for a moment about how she would feel sleeping with her whole family. Maybe they would have been closer. Maybe they would have actually cared about each other more than a single connection. Maybe. Ingrid lightly shook her head as she laid down, relegating those questions as wishful thinking. She made herself a target of her cousins and siblings with her RAS and let her guard down and became the 'slacker' of the family.

As the group settled down, Ingrid's mind was hostage to her thoughts like most nights except instead of beautiful theorems and visualizations there was only the death she caused. She knew she needed sleep but her essence was restless, it begged for some relief from the guilt she held. The wasted time, the cluelessness, the failure, the death sat on her chest paralyzing her thought. For what felt like hours she laid there just reliving the last day until her mind went still. I never thought I would have to kill someone like this. I knew one day I might have to defend my land or protect someone but I killed because I decided to come on this mission. I let myself get involved in killing. I didn't need to do this. My studies are going well and although my research for my family feels slow it wasn't something that felt unobtainable. So why? Ingrid felt anger well up in her chest as she berated herself. Why did you join this mission? Why did you think you could do this? Because I wanted to selfishly gain favor like a fool. I'm a fucking idiot for thinking that killing was worth whatever reward this will have. Those thoughts stung as Ingrid realized there was no promised reward. Nothing had been promised to her and even more so if this was a test then she would not be the first to receive any kind of reward.

Desmond found the Princess and acted as the general orchestrator of the mission. Penny went off on her own, gaining valuable information, and somehow stole the lantern and captured 2 ships! Benedetto saved the Princess after we failed to stop that damn atomic mage, put out the fire and made Ingrid realize that the rubble needed to be cleaned, and then saved us again after I failed to guide the shot into the Maria Nera after he literally stated he wouldn't help us again. God damn it! All I was able to do was distract the damn atomic mage and almost die twice to be saved by the person we were supposed to rescue! Just Fuck! Normally when this utterly frustrated she would get up and walk around but she didn't want to wake people up. She just had to lie there, getting more heated. She needed to put this away. She took a few deeper breaths to calm herself. Little by little she put herself in check.

Okay, Ingrid thought as she started to review her performance. Something that was drilled into her since childhood, all narrated in the voice of her disappointed father. You killed people. It was not how you imagined it to be but you chose this and you knew what was the mission. You can claim no innocence here. You were blinded by your greed for knowledge that you didn't even weigh the lives of others. You failed to live to your ideals and didn't hold yourself to the standards you set for yourself. Many were injured and 2 children died directly from your negligence. No matter the circumstances you should have been more cautious. You should have reached out to feel their metabolic energy. Anything but blow up the building as a distraction. You survived the atomic mage but that wasn't the term for success. Eliminating the enemy to keep the Princess safe was your goal. You are lucky that you get another chance and thank Benedetto that he was competent enough to make up for your failure. The children… Ingrid couldn't bring herself to think of them directly so she just skipped it to not risk her mental state again. You failed to even board the ship and had to have them hoist you onto the boat, shameful at face. You did well at getting some reaction out of the lamp. You failed to land the shot on the Maria Nera, you can only assign so much blame on Desmond who had no chance to actually guide the shot as it reached further. It was your mistake for failing to succeed in another critical moment. Once again thankfully Benedetto was strong enough to save you from what could have easily been death.

Ingrid stopped her evaluation as she believes that all things considered, the meeting of the Sirrhai is a good thing. There wasn't anything to say to herself besides 'Hey, maybe don't make out with some cute snake girl because you are fucked in the head at the moment.' That point actually stung as she realized that Nine probably also did it because she is fucked in the head at the moment. Fuck, Ingrid thought as she realized that shit was manipulative as hell to her at the moment, seems I have to apologize to Nine. I should have thought that she was just being excessively nice to make up for how she was feeling. Great job Ingrid, great job. Ingrid fell asleep quickly after that.

Sometime later, Ingrid was woken up by Nine crying, she was only half awake at the time so she isn't completely sure of what they discussed earlier but all she knew was that was apparently Nine's sister wasn't killed by us humans but by her own race. It was the Kasssseels, the person that the others had growled at earlier. Seems there was already some bad blood between the 2 groups. It was terrible that her sister was killed by them but frankly Ingrid didn't think revenge was a good option. If they have laws then revenge is rarely recognized as you get to more complex and progressive societies. Not only that, her entire family could be punished. The guilt that would be crushing. Nine seemed pretty determined to seek revenge and Ingrid could understand her wrath but she kept thinking it wouldn't turn out well.

As they made it to the weapon armory, Ingrid was quick to pick her chosen weapons. She had been quite a shot when she would test them at the mines and the production houses. She even hunted with them. Ingrid took the pistol as she wanted to have a free hand for the grenades. Ingrid looked towards Benedetto, she wanted to apologize for earlier and thank him but doing it here would feel disingenuous. At the same time, a part of Ingrid honestly thought Benedetto doesn't give a shit about that and it was better now than later. Ingrid approached him after he was already geared and prompted the conversation. "Hey Benedetto, I just wanted to say sorry. I shouldn't have placed my standards on someone I don't even know. I don't know your life. And I also wanted to say thanks, I couldn't beat the atomic mage. And no matter how weak he was to you, without your help the princess would have been taken. And even after that you still came to help when you said you wouldn't help again. You saved the mission then saved my life so thanks you, truly" Ingrid left after that. Whether Benedetto likes it or not he is getting a present from her when she gets back. Maybe a pendant? Or maybe some quality gauntlets with how much he likes to punch things.

"Yeah, he was pretty fuckin' tough," Benny replied. He shrugged. "Not tough enough, though, and he was a piece of shit anyways." He said nothing more. He wasn't sure why this girl who hated him was being all nice all of a sudden. People were never nice unless they wanted something. Maybe she just wanted the D, but he didn't know and it kind of unnerved him. He also didn't have magic right now and that was unnerving him more. He went to select his weapons: things that would protect him from death. Honestly, he didn't wanna do it. He had no magic and no reason to care about some snake girl, even if it was sad that she died. He was basically a prisoner of these reptiles, they were taking away his magic while smiling at him, and he hadn't even done anything 'bad' for once. As for Penny, she was stupid. She kept putting herself and others at risk and why was it his job to save her from herself? People either fuck up and learn or they fuck up and die. If you keep helping them, they never do either and just keep being a liability for you. Benny didn't wanna live with liabilities. Why should he?
Hello, I would be interested in joining if you have the room.
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