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Location: Isla d'Amato -> Penny's new whip

Interactions: Trypano @A Lowly Wretch, Desmond @Th3King0fChaos, Penny @Force and Fury

Ingrid was taking time to purge herself of what she saw. She was trying to put what she saw behind her for at least the mission. But the reoccurring image of the dead children kept creeping into her mind. Her conscience wouldn't let her move past it that easily. She wanted to just go home, leave this island and this ever happened but it's not like she could. The alcohol nauseated her less than the images and by the time Desmond arrived Ingrid was dry heaving trying to get a handle on herself.

Ingrid didn't even flinch when the jacket, her guard was down and it wasn't until he tossed the hat on her head that she stiffened up to look at the person who draped her. It was Desmond, not a face Ingrid wanted to see, to be honest. Well, she didn't want to see anyone but having the mission lead come to check on her just told her she was taking too much time composing herself. She listened to what he had to say and a pathetic smile crossed her face as she turned her face away before saying "I know, I know." Ingrid held back tears as she continued, "I … I'm okay. Okay enough. I have to be. I'll head out to the ship after I clean myself up a bit." Ingrid wiped away the tears and let out a sigh like she was trying to refocus. She tied the jacket together to try and cover up a bit more and it was semi-successful. Her current outfit reminds her of the enemy's seductress after succeeding to go home with the naval captain. It was… a look and Ingrid might not have minded it if she wasn't in front of actual people. Hopefully either ship Penny captured has some pants for me, mine are barely holding on. I should figure out how to fix this stuff in the future. She took some of the water out of Desmond's waterskin with kinetic magic, Ingrid wasn't too keen on getting puke lips on her classmate's waterskin. Ingrid quickly rinsed her mouth out and started to make her way out of the alley. Ingrid turned back and said ready, handing back Desmond's hat.

Ingrid tried to make her way quickly to the water where she could make her way to the ship. Her embarrassment of walking in front of so many people in such a scandalous outfit was put on hold for the next moment of rest. She swears to Eshiran that she heard some fucker whistle at her. Whatever the case, when she made it to the water she cheated an ice disk big enough for 2 if Desmond wished to hop on. The ice sheet shot towards the ship, using the waves' movements to propel the forward. It would probably be difficult to stand if you were not used to the ice but Ingrid was more than used to the ice. Ingrid's homeland is mostly ice so this was like walking to her.

As Ingrid approached the ship she just simply did a kinetic jump onto the ship. But Ingrid didn't expect the ice sheet she made to be so thin after the travel to the ship. The water must have been warmer than she expected. The Ice broke underneath her and she went up maybe a foot and then fell into the newly created hole in the ice. She decide to just climb up the side where the ladder was. As she was climbing she slipped and hit her head on one of the steps, dazing her. Hitting the water brought her back to attention. She finally decided to just make a large ice structure to put her on top of a small ice block to get on the ship. As the block grew closer and closer to her goal, the ice flipped as a big wave hit it and sent her off it into the water again. Defeated she yells to Penny and Trypano for a rope. I can't even get on a ship. How humiliating…
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: The desert
Interactions: @FunnyGuy The Other Bandits
Mentions: @hide on mana Kuroi
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a water skin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul had been ready to take on all of the bandits to give Kuroi the space to slip through but they have completely stopped their pace, ensnaring them in battle. They don't seem to have enough battle sense to not challenge us. Very well, I shall not drag this out for longer than needed. An elf wielding light magic, they seem to not be ready for an actual battle. Her light magic will be akin to a beacon to any nearby monsters. I need to silence her. The same can be said about the newt over there. His lightning will produce sound and light. The orc seems to have gone through the rites and defeated a spider of some kind. He will be dangerous for Kuroi. My skin should be able to withstand his attacks in the meantime. The kitten and lizard aren't even worth fighting. They will most likely flee after I end their companions. Uzul greeted the group with an open hand, hiding the other.

The battles had started and it seems their heavier hitters have decided to mark Uzul as their query. Uzul was elated that they chose him. They are following the battle he imagined of them. It was unfortunate that I didn't properly deflect the bolts. The kitten won't be looking over here for an easy mark anymore. A shame. Uzul watched them try and flank him but it was frankly pathetic. The Dragonborn was slow but seemed assured he would cleave Uzul in half. He wasn't the worry at the moment. The speedy orc had leaped at him. Seems he is stupid or insane.

Uzul unclasped his cloak with his exposed hand, keeping eye contact with the ax-wielding newt, showing no fear or worry of his presence. From the other hand, Uzul prepared to launch his metal gauntlets at the Dragonborn. Uzul believed that the orc had killed a spider. His perception had probably raised from the spider, which is why he is comfortable leaping at me. He will be ready to adjust if I swing at my max range and then strike me leading to a critical strike from both sides. So I must keep my focus on the newt for now and trust that my experience will guide my strike when he finally drops his guard. As they closed in Uzul let his century of combat be his guide. Originally he was going to use his spear but he instinctually switched to his gauntlets right before he made his move.

Uzul crouched, briefly hiding his exposed hand. The once exposed hand was busily tensing up to throw 1 of the heavy metal gauntlet as the other hidden hand readied for the counter on the orc. The gauntlet had flown to the newt carrying the cloak with it, obscuring Uzul for but a moment. A powerful twist of his torso turned uzul the other way and he went for a high hook with the other metal gauntlet. Uzul hoped that his instincts hadn't failed him for he had to remove the obstacles between him and the princess's for he was their guide.

Location: Isla d'Amato


Ingrid listened to the princess's speech. Ingrid had heard so many boastful speeches of war recently that it just feels unoriginal. Spinning this to really be about the rightful ruler and painting your side as righteous was a classic. They were classic for a reason, they worked. Ingrid felt herself being moved by it slightly. Amelia's speech was reminiscent of some of the books Ingrid read as a child. Ooh! I wonder if she has read the True King of the South? Or maybe the Oriflamme Epic. Such good reads. As these warm feelings washed over Ingrid, she continued to clear the debris.

Ingrid's mind was on where Penny might be. With the sky lightening with the approaching day, Ingrid should be able to make out landmarks to look for her. Whatever the case they need to at least confirm if she is alive or not. Ingrid shuttered at the thought of what pirates might do to a captured girl. Well whatever, I need to finish clearing the debris before I can go look. There are probably more people trapped in the rubble. Ingrid took a look around, she would be here for a long time if she kept holding back. Now that she knows that the princess wasn't going to try to kill them at the moment, Ingrid could finally use her telekinesis fully.

It was mere moments after Ingrid started, A loud crack rippled in the air. It sounded like canons, Ingrid turned her head to prepare for battle but instead was met with the amplified voice of Penny! Ingrid felt a great deal of relief seeing she was alive. The 2 ships were surprising, to say the least. Where could she have gotten them Ingrid pondered for but a moment before returning to debris clearing now more at ease with one less dead teammate. I'm sure Penny is going to have a hell of a story to tell us. Ingrid went back to cleaning up the rubble.

As Ingrid got deeper into the rubble of the storehouse, the injuries got more severe. The most she could do was cauterize some of the injuries. They would need medical attention from an actual doctor. Then Ingrid finally uncovered someone who had already died. Ingrid paused. She had been removing debris when she came across what looked to be one of the beams that she blew up in the previous fight. As Ingrid the shards of wood she came across the mangled corpse of a young boy, maybe 13 if Ingrid were to guess. Ingrid seemed to shut down. That momentary relief of not having to fight the princess and Penny being alive no longer mattered. The sight of the body sent her into a haze. She kept cleaning the rubble when now she overcame an injured woman trying to get into what seemed like a crushed dresser even as the rubble covered her. She screamed over something about her child. Ingrid's blood ran cold. She didn't want to see what she had done but she had to. The sight was revolting. Her stomach turned and twisted and she felt horrid.

In another show of power, Ingrid began to draw in more energy than normal. She didn't want to be here she needed space. The rubble moved quickly overhead and was stacked in the growing pile. The Injured were moved to a separate area out of the way. Ingrid broke away to take a moment in the alley to try to calm herself. It wasn't long until she was spewing the alcohol she had drunk earlier trying to make a deal with Captain Xavier Falzon. Some tears were shed over what she had done. Ingrid wasn't trying to process her thoughts, more like expel them for the moment while the mission was still going. Ingrid will be there for a few minutes.

Location: Isla d'Amato

Interactions: Trypano @A Lowly Wretch, Desmond @Th3King0fChaos, Amelea, Nerio, and Ismet'ych'lahin'dichora @Force and Fury, Onarr @Bork Lazer

Ingrid wasn't naïve enough to think Benedetto would simply take this laying down but she didn't expect a rant. Benedetto's gathering energy was threatening but his words lacked the substance to make an impact on Ingrid at the moment. He seemed to be on the edge from even some resistance to his actions like a child being questioned. Ingrid couldn't make sense if this was truly his thoughts or emotions being enhanced by the fight he was in. Something wasn't right with him so Ingrid kept her guard up around him knowing she couldn't do anything against him.

As Benedetto made his exit, Ingrid was mostly done with the conversation. She expected to be threatened as he seemed to be a bit nutty but instead he ranted. Whatever the case, Ingrid had to go get the people out of the destroyed buildings. Ingrid started with the building that she destroyed. Carefully but with haste, Ingrid removed the debris revealing the injured. This situation wasn't dissimilar to the lessons she has been taught how to remove debris if a mine ever collapsed when she was inside or to help save the minors. Ingrid was grateful for all those boring classes in evacuation and rescue her family forced her to learn. Grimace took hold of her face as she revealed one gratuitous injury one after another. I have to at least try to help especially when I'm the one who caused their misfortune. Ingrid hadn't seen any of the dead yet by the time the princess came to.

Trypano gave some basic instructions to keep the ball rolling. Ingrid couldn't trust the princess with how big her gestures were and how she referred to the pentad. Ingrid has met many nobles and they are always worried about optics. Ingrid would bet the same about a princess. The gathering energy in the princess made Ingrid suspicious of her. Ingrid wasn't sure if her teammates saw the princess take off into the sky so easily before she was captured. Ingrid decided it best to keep a side-eye on the conversation while clearing the rubble. Ingrid noticed Desmond's message but she already is suspicious of the princess.

Location: Isla d'Amato

Interactions: Trypano @A Lowly Wretch, Desmond @Th3King0fChaos, Amelea, Nerio, Benedetto, and Ismet'ych'lahin'dichora @Force and Fury, Onarr @Bork Lazer

Ingrid only caught a glimpse of the Atomic mage's escape with the princess. The bullet had failed to find its mark and she had just spent some energy incinerating Trypano's enemy. Ingrid could grit her teeth as the princess was whisked away. Wvysen had died, Onarr could be dead, and she hasn't even seen Penny or Benedetto in this fight. The shame she would have felt about failing so terribly had little time to set in before a sickening crash could be heard from the Atomic mage's direction.

The Atomic mage was cracked into by none other than Benedetto, sending the princess falling and the captor whirling. Ingrid believed that the princess would be saved by Trypano for no more reason than a basic level of trust, after all, she managed during the fight. Benedetto was loud, screaming things that she could only imagine a power-crazed child to yell. A scary occurrence as Benedetto has proven that he is much stronger than the atomic mage and completely untouchable to where Ingrid was. Just how weak am I? was all Ingrid could think. She knew she wasn't trained in actual combat but this was a difference in pure use of the gift. Ingrid was completely outclassed by the Atomic mage and was a candle in the wind compared to Benedetto.

This realization of her weakness was only compounded when the Greyborn had shown up again to attack Desmond and he ended it without even a scratch. She realized that the only thing she could probably do here is put out the fires before they spread to the rest of the town. She absorbed the energy out of the fires to extinguish them then transferring the heat into a wave of hot air that made its way to the forest as a small heatwave. With the fire out, Ingrid watched as Benedetto return covered in blood that was obviously not his own. Ingrid grew meek in the presence of Benedetto, especially after he described this feat as nothing.

That meekness and self-doubt were replaced with scorn when he commented on Wvysen's death. To make fun of a comrade's death, especially when you were apparently spending time with a hooker was inconceivable. This scorn built and almost came to a head until Ingrid remembered just who she would be scorning. Benedetto, a child that killed the Atomic mage without issue and could very easily do the same to her. Scorn turned to rational cowardice. Ingrid was embarrassed by how spineless she was in front of someone stronger than her.

Trypano moved to start giving commands on what to do next. Oh right, Ingrid thought, this wasn't even the end of the mission they had to still dispose of the pirate captain and acquire the artifact. Trypano's instructions were met with just a nod as Ingrid made her way and felt the energies inside of the princess. There wasn't much in her but there was enough that it made Ingrid feel uncomfortable leaving in her. Ingrid place her hand on her head and slowly started to draw out the radiation, moving her hand down her body like she was carefully removing each affected part of her. Ingrid wondered how long would she would have to stay on this mission. Her confidence was at an all-time low. She couldn't see anyone raising as much as a word against Benedetto after what he showed but she was wrong. Desmond just told him to shut the fuck up without even so much as a smile to soften it.

Ingrid was immediately concerned for Desmond's wellbeing. Benedetto didn't seem to have much stability to him. Desmond was the one to go to the brothel with him originally so maybe this is more okay? More likely this was the norm and this was too much for Desmond to not say something. Ingrid agreed with him but was scared to speak up. The cowardice she was showing made her stomach turn. This wasn't like her. The first real challenge to her morals and she crumbled. Cowardice surged into disgust for herself. She couldn't stay silent. Ingrid stood up and looked towards Benedetto, still filled with fear but now had enough disgust in herself to have her act. "You should be respectful to the dead Benedetto. If not for your enemies then at least for your allies. Speaking ill of the deceased only lowers you to that of a scoundrel and you are not that." Ingrid's words came out clear with no trepidation to be found in them. If she showed weakness in her words then she would lose morally as well.
I'm pretty interested. Got a character in mind as well.

Location: Isla d'Amato -> The Main

Interactions: Onarr @Bork Lazer, Xavier Falzon @Force and Fury

Ingrid was curious what the inside of The Main would look like. She had expected a smoke-filled room, scantily clad women as servers and even a brawl or two over a bad roll of the dice. But it was surprisingly calm and had an air of structure to it. With the shipping schedules and circular tables, it was more akin to a merchant house. A place that Ingrid frequented often with her father and mentors to gain experience. Ingrid had also entered alone and she remembers not getting as much respect from the merchants.

The forwardness of the pirates here had Ingrid on her feet. They knew why we entered and now she had to navigate who to make a deal with. One person after another left lackluster impressions on her for one reason or more. With each offer she deflected or denied, her trepidation grew. To have a merchant go after her you would have to do something drastic but pirates were a different thing entirely. These pirates may be professional but if they can't get what they want, she wouldn't put it past them to mug her and Onarr.

But then something good happened, someone noticed their magic. To notice their magic mean he or someone he employs could spot them. Ingrid gave him a bit of the side-eye, obviously inspecting him. His crew was large and he was interested in a cash exchange. Ingrid tried to weigh the offer but frankly, he did have some of the characteristics she was looking for. He made his proposal quick and immediate. His show of his crew felt less like a threat and more of a show of capability. He already read what kind of person Ingrid was looking for. Ingrid let out a sly grin, and turned towards him, "I think we can make a deal of some sort. How about we find a place to discuss this a bit more privately?" Ingrid pulled out the bottle given to them by Desmond to show it off, "I'll even provide the drinks." Ingrid tried to build some quick trust by offering some drinks to go with their talks.

Location: Isla d'Amato

Interactions: Onarr @Bork Lazer

Ingrid let out a small chuckle as Onarr asked if the plan would be loud. "Do not fret Onarr, I'm not insane enough to go in bombing places for information though I will keep it in mind," Ingrid gave him a wink before continuing, "I know this may seem a little naïve but I believe that this can be pretty simple. All these pirates live together on this island for what reason? I believe beyond the protection it gives, it is for economic gain. It's essentially a merchant hub. So if we go to the right people to buy information, I believe we should get some of the missing pieces we need to complete this mission." Ingrid took a breath out. She knew what is being risked but she believes that as long as they are careful, people will prioritize profits over most things. Ingrid attempts to sell this to Onarr by speaking her plan a bit simpler. "We'll go and do what merchants do best, make deals and profit."

In that bit of time they had left Ingrid did some light observations of the people walking about, scanning for key characteristics of a leader here. There wasn't enough time for her to make anything close to a deep analysis but hopefully enough to keep her from making a fool's mistake. Who they choose to interact with is critical to the success of the mission. When they were within 10 meters of 'The Main', Ingrid stopped and looked at Onarr, "Are you ready? Anything we want to discuss before going in?"
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Desert
Interactions: @hide on mana Kuroi
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul made note of Kuroi's excellent show of self-discipline in the situation. Whether this equanimity originates from his soul or if this is a byproduct of Kuroi's training was unknown to Uzul but either way, it would be helpful. Uzul cupped his hands and had Kuroi step into them. Uzul started by taking a small step forward, following them by a series of incrementally springier steps, hopping from one rocky ridge to the other. It all cumulated at the end of the ridge, compressing Uzul's body into a tense spring. Uzul's body strained against the forces he was imposing on himself and retaliated by launching up, releasing the built-up energy into a magnificent leap. Uzul at the last minute changed the direction of the energy to launch it into Kuroi's feet, sending him high into the air to get a vantage point of the situation.

Uzul prepared to do another leap to grab Kuro to break the fall for him as Uzul knew he could manage a fall from high in the air but Kuroi he was not sure about. After that, it was time to make a mad dash after the princesses.

Location: Hugo Hunghorasz's Study -> Isla d'Amato

Interactions: Onarr @Bork Lazer, Trypano @A Lowly Wretch, Desmond @Th3King0fChaos, VVvysin @Ypnosi, Ismet'ych'lahin'dichora, Penny Pellegrin, Benedetto Corvi @Force and Fury

Ingrid didn't have much the say about the mission. She felt inadequate for the task and knew that her magic wasn't suited for stealth. Maybe I could provide a distraction? Or who knows, I could be exceptional at sneaking around a den of criminals. Ingrid was overtaken with a moment of spontaneous optimism about the mission. Even appeared excited about it as Desmond handed over the outfit, feeding in to her compulsion to dress for the occasion. The outfit fitted well enough. Ingrid was quite fond of the outfit. The shirt had a lower cut than Ingrid would normally choose for herself but modesty isn't a pirate characteristic is it. The small vest helped her feel a bit more covered until she thought it would just bring more focus to her chest. Dressing in such a way was new to her and added to her ever-growing excitement. The portals Were to be opening soon and her optimism was starting to wane. Ingrid questioned if she could do the things that would be needed. Trepidation started to build in Ingrid's mind. But all those thoughts were cut short by the opening of the portals.

Ingrid had always been interested in explosions. From chemical reactants to massive transfers of kinetic energy that create craters, Ingrid is in love with all of it. For that reason, temporal magic has never interested her. But when Ingrid witnessed Hugo's temporal magic, the beauty of it was chilling. The power of what he did made her shiver. Her lips curled into an uncontrollable smile as she could only imagine what other beauties she could witness if she continued with the mission. Blinded by beauty, Ingrid's genuine worries were set aside as her desire took the reigns. She followed the rest of her group into the portal


The air here was drastically different from the room, it felt sticky and warm. It brought some discomfort but it was interesting to her. There had to be a lot of energy present for it to feel oh so terrible. She started to excitedly look around. Trying to gather a basic sense of where she was. Desmond started to go over the brief plan. The first step was to gain information on our target. Ingrid understood that this was extremely important but also wanted to release this excitement by blowing up a ship. But she contained her energy and went along with the plan. Desmond directed them to go to 'The Main', an establishment that is sure to be useful under the small stipulation that we can actually speak to them. Ingrid didn't know the language so that left Onarr.

Ingrid looks down towards Onarr, "Thanks for the fork in the tower by the way." Ingrid wished to make sure that a thank you was given before they continue, only then turning towards 'The Main'. "I think we can do it. I can't speak Dorvalish but there is a language I believe everyone understands" Ingrid pulls out a coin, tossing it in the air and catching it. She began to slowly walk over to 'The Main', turning her head steadily more towards Onarr, giving a most bewitching smile, attempting to lure him into her shaky plan.
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