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Location: The Forked Tower -> Hugo Hunghorasz's Study

Interactions: Jocasta Re & Hugo Hunghorasz @Force and Fury

As Onarr blurted out the number, Ingrid knew in her that the math was correct but to say it without getting a final consensus was brave, to say the least. Immediately after Onarr spoke aloud their answer, Ingrid and the group she found herself with were suddenly transported into a new room. Ingrid was shocked at the junt in space but she quickly orientated herself to appreciate where she was. Outright ignoring the other denizens to rather obsess over the well-stooked study. Her eyes darted from shelves to the magical instruments that lay about the space. Ingrid could spend an eternity in here and never want for more.

Ingrid instinctively reached for one of the books but stopped to consider how she would react if some greedy child touched her personal collection without much care. She took a step back and sighed, returning to what the rest of the group was doing. Refocused on the group, she pondered why an Arch Zeno would send for them. It doesn't appear that the other students have been here very long either so it had to be an Arch Zeno who specialized in temporal magic to move so many people in quick succession. Ingrid looked towards the desk to see… HUGO HUNGHORASZ!?!

Ingrid had gone silent, unable to fathom why he would like to speak to them, lowly first-year students who just solved some simple riddles. But that did not matter to Ingrid. Some of the only noneducational books that held permanent space in her home library, now in crates in her room, were adventurous tall tells of Hugo. One of the many Influences that inspired Ingrid to attend here. She wanted to talk to him but thought it might be awkward to speak to someone who you hold in such high regard and them not to even know you existed till now. He was a living legend after all.

Watching Hugo interact with the rest of the students made Ingrid feel that she had restrained herself too much in front of him. Some spoke to him casually and he did the same. The greatest mage of all time changed slightly in her mind, a bit closer to an old man. Now she just felt regret for not treating him normally and getting a chance to interact with him, even though Ingrid doesn't even know how she would want to interact with him. Like do I need to be super respectful because I'm noble? Do I speak to him like we are equals as in we are both living? Would he be willing to give me some lessons? Can I even ask him for lessons!? Maybe it would be alright just to ask him to look at my bread bomb spell. Oh, I'm sitting down.

Without much active thought, Ingrid ended up sitting down and taking part in his presentation. As Hugo presented the situations at hand it was abundantly clear that we were brought here to help deal with the situation at hand. Who us? Who knows, all Ingrid cares about is that this will be fun! Looking through the papers, it seems Ingrid will be going to deal with some pirates. Sounds pretty awesome all things considered. Upon the option of getting some things, Ingrid wasn't too worried. There should be plenty of oil and black powder on an island full of pirates. But just in case, Ingrid goes over to Jocasta. Ingrid Smiles at the woman and promptly makes her request, "Hello, I have some black powder in my room I would like to grab." Ingrid then turned to Hugo, "Um, Hello there, would it be alright if I ask you to procure some wooded cases for the gunpowder. They would be wooden cylinders that would have a top that could either be sealed in wax of friction fitted with a length of about 30 cm long, an external diameter of about 8 cm, and an internal diameter of 6.5 cm? if that is too specific I would be okay with anything that could properly be used as bomb casing for the black powder." Ingrid started off confidently in making her request but slowly lost nerve as she realized how hyper-specific her wants were on such short notice. Ingrid gave a light bow as she headed to the door to go grab her things she wanted.

Retired Character

Hello! This is the character I would like to put up for review.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Night
Location: Desert
Interactions: @hide on mana Kuroi, @Tae Mikazuki, @Potter Rosaria, @baraquiel Jomari, @13org Nuallán
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul felt reassured as everyone had managed to at least walk on the dunes. Being able to walk was the least they would have to accomplish if they wished to make it to Dugmaghord. Time will tell how long they can endure the heat before they begin to complain. The heat doesn't bother Uzul anymore like it used to. Maybe he has just gotten older or maybe it was one of the other benefits of the hammer tail.

Uzul was paying attention to the group dynamics as the desert could stress your bonds as much as your body. The sand. He tried not to listen in on more pleasant conversations. He still felt a bit awkward listening in on the princess in the bathhouse. But he was keener on the friction between Jomari, Rosaria, and Nuallán. It caused some pause in Uzul. Uzul tends to believe that speaking more openly about things is better as it can quickly clear up misunderstandings but it seems that there might just be an issue with the 2 parties' personalities and how they interact with each other. Those are things that take a while to iron out on any team. Back in Dugmaghord, they could simply settle it through a bout. It was a terrible system but mostly effective for orcs though Uzul doubts it will have the same effect for them. Well for Jomari at least. Nuallán on the other hand seems like he would love to just beat Jomari up and move on. Jomari seems like he will remember it and get back at Nuallán, something Uzul is very familiar with.

Uzul noticed Jomari heading towards the front and tilted his head to greet him with an acknowledging smile. Jomari's question was worrying for Uzul as it has only been a few hours. But what could he expect, they headed off at the worst time to do so. So Uzul pondered for a second looking around and turned to Jomari, "I would say maybe 2-3 days depending on our pace. It is one of my favorite spots. Plenty of shade and a small cave that is usually very cool. I remember visiting there 5 years ago with some other people I guided. They couldn't believe how close it was to the city. A little gem outside the city. I'm sure you will be able to go for a little swim there." Uzul could go on and on about the spot having been there so many times but stopped himself as it might ruin the true spectacle of it.

As the sun drifted closer to the horizon, Uzul started to guide the group closer to a rocky outcrop. Sleeping on the sands risked being buried alive if a sandstorm kicked up during the night. The rocky outcrop will serve as a barrier against the nighttime winds. Uzul wasn't terribly concerned about the danger this far away from the city, they were less than a day away from Myriamor after all. He still would like to set up a watch system during their rest to start prepping them for the rest of the journey. Princess Rosaria and princess Mikazuki wished to be on the first watch as they had to catch up on some things. Uzul was unsure but decided not to show it. It was best for them to see that He trusts them after all. Uzul was working off the framework that his advice may be trusted by the group but he was not.

They packed 3 tents to save room meaning people were going to have to bunk up. Rosaria and Mika were obviously going to be together as they were planning on talking and being on the first watch so it was fine. Uzul assumed that Nuallán and Kuroi would prefer to stay close to their respective princesses leaving Jomari and Uzul. Luckily for Jomari, Uzul rarely sleeps in a tent preferring just his cloak. However with the 2 princesses wanting to chat he would feel like an eyesore so he got in the tent. Uzul looked awkward as he got into the tent. He knew he was big and that he takes up a lot of room. He couldn't help but feel bad for Jomari who seems to believe his life has less value than the others here. Now he has to share a tent with an orc. Uzul turned to Jomari, "Sorry if it is cramped. Normally I would stay outside but I don't want to interrupt their conversation. I hope you understand." Uzul would keep to himself for the rest of the night. He still felt unsure having the both of them on the first watch but it should be fine he hopes

Later that night Uzul awoke to a scream. Uzul was wide awake and would have bounded to his feet if he had not been confined to the tent and potentially hurting Jomari in the process. Uzul squirmed out of the tent to see the bow laying there and footprints heading in opposite directions. Nuallán was already trying to come up with some sort of plan. Uzul listened to him but didn't give him too much mind. He was more interested in the footprints. The size and depth could tell us a lot about what took them. If it was orc then Uzul knew what the general strategy of them would be when it comes to kidnapping. If it wasn't then he had other ideas on how to best get a lead on the situation. The footprints seem to be mixed indicating a bandit group. Not killing the sleeping party means that they are most likely planning to sell them. Uzul believed that no matter what tracks they follow they will end up finding them.

Uzul listened to Nuallán's basic way of communicating and tried to speak up before he dashed off but it was too late. Uzul looked at Kuroi and Jomari, "The communication system is only helpful if you know where other people are going to be. The desert changes in level and if someone is on the low side of a dune they can't see it." The first thing to do is to figure out the general direction the bandits are heading. They wouldn't separate so long with their goods on the line. Uzul started to go to the rock outcrop to climb it to get a better sense of how they are turning their course. It was hard to get a direction even from this height. Uzul looked at Kuroi, "Do you mind helping me Kuroi?" Uzul asks him offering a hand. "I think if I throw you high in the air, we should get an idea of where they are heading before we head out." Uzul hoped Kuroi will trust him on this. It takes little time and could give them valuable information.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Desert
Interactions: @hide on mana Kuroi, @Tae Mikazuki, @Potter Rosaria, @baraquiel Jomari, @13org Nuallán
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

The introductions went surprisingly quickly. Uzul did have questions for Mika but she quickly answered them. He was surprised that these were some of the humans. He thought humans would look more unique, maybe something deserving of the dark elves' hunt. But who knows, they could be holding some kind of odd powers. Uzul would normally advise against traveling through the heart of the desert but time was of the essence. After it was set that they would go through the desert, Uzul pulled from his experience on how much water, the food they might need. With the restriction of 2 camels, they are going to have to rely on an oasis along the way to keep them topped off. The food could also prove to be an issue. He doesn't want to completely overbear the camels as Uzul believes that at least one of the people coming will get injured and require the camel to carry them. Trekking through the desert was a logistical nightmare but it seemed the people coming along were more than capable of handling the planning. Uzul even admits that their ability to quickly plan and gather resources far exceeded his own. Well, all that meant was his true duty was to consult them and guide them to Dugmaghord.

Uzul couldn't help but feel uneasy about who was traveling with them. Both Rosaria and Nuallán were not only light elves but were in the highest social circles of sun elven society. Both seemed well versed in a wide array of subjects but Nuallán worried him on base principle. At the end of the day, Uzul was once a marauder who murdered many sun elves within their lands during the raids. Nuallán was Rosaria's protector and he could see Uzul as a threat because of his past. He hoped it wouldn't come to that but he had to keep it as a possibility. It wasn't long until they gathered the supplies and the group headed into the desert.

Jomari was mildly interesting to Uzul, he wanted to come into the desert when it seemed the rest of the humans were staying. He couldn't tell if he was brave or dumb for that. He had an air of charm he carried and he seemed to have had irritated some of the people here. However, he didn't look like a traditional warrior to Uzul and that worried him. Everyone else here had some confidence in their ability to fight. He looks to be more of a manipulator, someone who fights through less physical means. Those skills were of course useful but unless he can convince a wyvern to turn away with his words, they didn't mean much yet. He could prove useful for tricking more neutral orcs potentially. Uzul will be keeping a close guard on him, monsters like to go after what they perceive to be the easiest meal. Uzul couldn't get a good read on Kuroi as he joined later but Mika seemed confident with him so Uzul won't worry about him as much

Once Mika had finally adjusted to walking on the shifting sands, she asked Uzul a question. Uzul turned to Mika and thought on how to answer her question. The desert may be full of monsters but they only made it harder to survive it. Uzul was speaking to Mika but he made his voice loud enough for others to hear clearly. "The desert is full of monsters to watch out for but even more dangerous are the smaller animals that can bite and poison you. Not only that, it's best to keep your mouth and nose covered. Sand will get into your mouth and dry you out. Conserve your energy the best you can. If you can't walk either me or the camels will carry you." Uzul keeps walking until he can see a scorpion then heading towards it to grab it by the back of its tail. He presents it to the group, "This is a scorpion, they are small bug with a tail long curled tail, the stinger on the ends is sharp and stabs into you to deliver poison into you. Smaller doesn't mean less poisonous. What matters is species, this one will cause some pain, swelling, and labor your breathing. Very few can actually kill you but they make it harder to survive so be wary of them." Uzul kept going over the other dangers of the desert. He kept the actual monsters of the desert to the very end as in his eyes to warriors they are a threat that they can handle but a small insignificant sting from one of them can get you killed.

After giving what he can on how to be safer in the harsh sands, he finally got into how they Will be chartering the desert. Uzul speaks again with little space between his safety instructions, "As everyone knows, time is of the essence and we need to move quickly through the desert. We will be moving through the heart of this land where we can run into some of the worse this place has to offer. Our survival will rest on following what I told you and moving from Oasis to Oasis. These Oasis are almost guaranteed to have dangerous creatures near them. If you feel this is getting too much, please let me know and I'll do my best to take care of all of you. If you see another orc, consider them a threat until it is completely confirmed they are not"

Uzul continued walking in front, keeping them on the right path. He understands how determined they are but he can't help but worry that they aren't prepared to fight in less than ideal conditions. You will never be in top shape while traveling in the desert, that is what the desert does to you. He will do what he can for the princess and her entourage.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Bed and Breakfast
Interactions: Slick @FunnyGuy, Leaf @Helo, Jomari @baraquiel, Caelan @Alivefalling, Nuallán @13org, Sophie @princess, Aurora @Mole
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul followed Mika to what seemed to be their destination, a bed and breakfast. Uzul was curious who were the comrades of the princess. Warriors don't always fit into these kinds of establishments. Coming into the establishment, Uzul worried if he would fit well into the building. Many things in Myriamor were built for more average-sized folk. This place was like most, he had to duck under door frames and was going to have to sit on the floor. He didn't want to break their chairs after all. Uzul watched Mika start to waive over to a green-eyed light elf with raven hair. Uzul felt slightly uncomfortable with a light elf. Uzul had murdered more light elves than he can remember and for her, his decades that seem so long ago might still be fresh memories of senseless raiding. But all he could do is continue.

It seemed the princess caught something on her side. He already took a quick scan of the room and didn't find anything odd. And as he took a closer look it just seemed like 2 men have a date. Nothing weird. But as she approached, it became clear that this was another comrade of hers. Uzul let out a small chuckle as the princess tried to make her disappointment clear to this Slick. Slick seemed to be pretty normal at first glance but the crossbow made it clear that he was a marksman. Uzul didn't have much thought towards the feline demi-human, he was just there. It doesn't seem like Mika was bothered that Slick someone unknown to a place where they were supposed to meet her friends.

Mika turned to apologize to Uzul about her friend, Uzul shook his head from side to side, "There is no need to apologize to me Mika, nothing ever goes completely to plan." Once Mika started to head to the table, Uzul turned towards slick and the demi-human, "It was good to meet you Slick, I look forward to working with you." Uzul moved away from Slick, saying "Enjoy your date" while waving goodbye to the people at the table

After Mika gave her introduction, Uzul felt he should give a quick one as well. Uzul straightened his spear out and kept a firm grip on it as he put his other hand just above his stomach, he spoke as clearly as he could, trying to get rid of any odd mannerisms in his speech, "My name Is Uzul, I hope to be of service to you all." He hoped that was good enough. He felt really stiff in front of them. Things should relax soon hopefully.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: The streets of Myriamor
Interactions:@Tae Mikazuki
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul stood in the shade of a palm tree just outside of the Sapphire Oasis, waiting on whom he assume is Princess Mikazuki. Uzul could only imagine the pressure Mika was under at the moment, he can't even fault her for her trying to relax. Uzul had guarded many people in the past but none of them has been as important. Though he can say he has never guided someone to Dugmaghord since he left. Uzul keeps an active record of their whereabouts, trying to avoid them and to guide people away from there. I really hope that the princess was accompanied by some people other than old politicians. Hopefully at least one warrior of note with some decent speed to them, it would make for a more well-rounded guard for the Princess. Luckily we won't have to worry about ranged attacks other than some bolas, nets, spears, and rocks. There is the worry that some other strong orcs have appeared but I doubt too many. As Uzul rambled on in his head, Mika made her way out of the bathhouse.

Mika would see Uzul being covered in a yellow cloak that seems to have a few patches on it along with a large spear that was currently wrapped in cloth. As he turned to face her, Mika would be able to see the gauntlets he carries on his left him. Uzul was quick to notice the outfit, an outfit to fit in was a good way to move around in this city. The swords on open display though were a bit contrasting but not the most off-putting if you consider how close Roshmi is. Uzul just hopes that the sword aren't known to be her or else her disguise would be for nothing. "It was no trouble waiting on you and I would love to join you for breakfast. The fruit salad is spectacular this time of year." Uzul smiled back at Mika as he followed her to whatever restaurant Mika and her companion had decided on prior.

When Mika wanted to make small talk, Uzul was eager to oblige. "Me? I don't live in Myriamor, you just caught me after guiding some lost spice traders. You wouldn't believe how far they were off the normal routes. I was going to take them back to the normal path but it seemed that the caravan leader had instilled in them that if the shipment was late, heads would roll. So to ease some of their worries I guided them through the wyvern and spider dens. I tell you, that caravan leader was a real slave driver, I was up for two and half days protecting it from wyverns and spiders the entire way. It was quite an adventure."
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: The Sapphire Oasis
Interactions: @Tae Mikazuki
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul sat there not expecting much from this conversation, starting on the admission of eavesdropping is usually a surefire way to get someone on the defensive. But to Uzul's surprise, his ability to take her to Dugmaghord seemed to outweigh the invasion of privacy. He let out a bit of a chuckle at how excited she was. It was a pure expression and helped show her character to Uzul. He chose to let her continue speaking without interruptions, the situation is probably complicated enough that she might need some time to convey it.

As she stopped before her name Uzul immediately assumed her name held some weight if she was cautious of using it. He just nodded his head in agreeance that they should be very cautious. As she described her recent journey, Uzul could feel the desperation. He may not agree to this course of action, but if one needed quick power, the Grand Chieftain Pâsh is a great choice. Uzul isn't completely sure that Pâsh would help. There are more non-dark elves to slaughter than dark elves. But with how fast the dark elves are moving it may be the only way. He heard earlier on in the day that the dark elves are occupying Roshmi, so she has to be from there. Uzul's curiosity on who she was to go seek Pâsh personally was settled quickly when she gave her name Mika everything clicked.

Uzul realized that she was none other than Princess Mikazuki. He was having a bit of a hard time processing that he met a princess by eavesdropping on someone in the Sapphire Oasis. But he has accepted that he would have to guide her to Dugmaghord. Even with her status as princess, Uzul doubts that the orcs of Dugmaghord wouldn't just go to kill her for entertainment. She needed an orc to assure some level of protection. Uzul stood up and shook his head in understanding, "I see, you seem to have had a rough journey so far. If you would let me, I would gladly guide you, Mika. There is much more that we need to discuss but that can wait until you are done relaxing. I will be out front waiting." Uzul smiled at Mika as he left to try to assure her that he wasn't going to just take off before going off to grab his things and get dressed.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: The Sapphire Oasis, Myriamor
Interactions:@Tae Mikazuki
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul had spent his day relaxing in some of the luxuries that Myriamor had to offer. The Rattlesnake bar had provided him all he wanted from it. He rented a room for the night and headed up to rest before he tried to get some sleep. Uzul pulled out his Journal and wrote about his time he had in Myriamor. Although Uzul enjoyed his time in Myriamor, he believed that he shouldn't stay long as indulging in the civilized city. Enjoying himself this freely made him feel nervous, that something was bound to go wrong. However, it has been so long since he had taken care of himself that he felt he should stay at least until he refills on supplies. He let out a long sigh as he started to lay down in the bed that was too small.

The night was unrestful for Uzul, waking up minutes before the sun rose over the horizon to start illuminating the desert once again. The beautiful sunrise was undercut by the other prominent features in the room. The rickety bed seemed to collapse under Uzul's weight. The room was hot and humid, and the smell of stale beer and fermenting fruit-filled his room. He must have gotten the room right above the back room. Uzul wasted no time getting up, he wanted to pick up some supplies before he ventured into the desert again. As he headed out, he caught a whiff of himself and it was clear he needed a bath.

Walking around in the early morning, Uzul learned about the dark elves attacks. More worryingly was they were offering a bounty on these humans. Uzul had never met a human and honestly wouldn't even know what to look for. He had never gone further than the desert so who knows what they could look like. Uzul could only imagine how stressful it could be to be hunted by the dark elves of all the races. He wished them the best and hope this would just blow over not fully grasping what was going on.

Uzul had a list of supplies he wanted to get while he was still in the city. First, he went to a blacksmith's shop to negotiate a price for some weapon oil. He uses his weapons often in the desert and he needs to maintain them. The blacksmith had his more technical pieces on display to lure in potential buyers but Uzul wasn't there for that. After some quick chatting, they agreed on 10 amas, a little pricier than he wanted but his weapons were more than worth it. After that, he went to a more general store to pick up some odds and ends to repair his cloak. He thought about picking up some potions but he hasn't been injured since he defeated the Hammer Tail. Well, he should at least have some for any injured travelers he happened to come upon his journey.

He used the sewing parts to repair his cloak. Although it may be an odd shade of yellow and seems like it is starting to be more patches, he can't bring himself to let it go. It held a special place in his heart and he couldn't imagine getting rid of it for just some new cloak. Besides as long as it isn't completely shredded he can always repair it.

As he sat under a shady palm repairing his cloak, a small child approached Uzul. It seemed to be a feline demi-human, but all Uzul could see was a curious kitten. The little one just seemed to just move around and study him. Like they have never seen an orc. That could be the case, the little one didn't look too old and their clothes looked to be fairly expensive. After getting whatever they wanted, Uzul guesses to just observe him, the child started to walk away. The interaction was innocent and brought a small smile to his face. Then the child turned and shouted that he smelled like a drunk. Uzul was immediately embarrassed. He started to stand up, with slightly yellow cheeks. He murmured under his breath, "Nothing like a child's honesty to get you to realize something," Uzul started to walk to one of the city's bathhouses, "Time to take care of this."

He ended up going to the Sapphire Oasis, a popular bathhouse in Myriamor. They were pretty affordable which was one of the biggest selling points for Uzul. With him rarely being here, Uzul decided to spend the extra but to really clean himself up. He spent about 60 amas here to get himself clean. He prefers to not feel his body. After receiving the power from the Hammer Tail his body always feels chiseled and smooth. A constant reminder of the monster. Although, if it was going to be stone-like it could at least not smell but nope, it smells just like before. After bathing, Uzul felt a little thrown off remembering everything and he desperately wanted the headache that was coming on. Uzul rubbed his neck, "I should have bought those small red potions when I had a chance." He went to the sauna room to just relax and hopefully rid himself of the headache.

Like most of the time, he tried to stay out of people's way and occupied one of the corners. As much as he tried to zone out people he was still very aware of people's presence. The conversations he heard would get remembered quickly and then forgotten trying to respect their privacy but that's when he heard the voice of a young woman. Not much to be interested in at the start, however that changed when she started to let her issues out in the sauna. Uzul could feel the anxiety and worry coming from her. He hoped it was the usual worry that the young people fret over. But it became clear it was something much more than the normal stress of a young adult. His heart hurt for her, losing someone and your home was something he can still remember vividly. Uzul learned to live somewhat with these wounds but they never closed. He just wished that the girl's wounds would heal. The elderly woman seemed to help ease the girl. Uzul let out a sigh until he tensed up again when he heard this young woman was looking for a way to Dugmaghord.

Uzul looked towards the voice for the first time, seeing it was a relatively small demi-human. Why was she seeking Dugmaghord? Does she know what kind of people are from there? Someone needs to stop her. Countless thoughts crossed his mind on why she would go there. He could create endless theories but the moment needed action. Uzul got up and turned to approach the girl. His face was neutral while approaching, trying to hide his own worry. He put his hand forward in a clumsy attempt to make her aware he was coming over to speak.

Uzul sat down near her then turned himself to face her. Uzul took a quick sigh out before he started to speak to her. Uzul made eye contact as he spoke, trying to understand her intentions, "My name is Uzul and I must apologize for eavesdropping. I heard that you have a lot going on in your life and my heart truly goes out for you but there is something that takes more precedence. You said you are looking for a guide to Dugmaghord. I can promise you I can get you there safely but I want to know why you would want to go to such a terrible place." Uzul hoped that this search for Dugmaghord wasn't important. The people there are not kind and he worried for her if it was dire enough to go there.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Rattlesnake Bar
Inventory: An old yellow cloak, an old set of clothes, a waterskin, some smoked meats, a set of very old Metal Gauntlets, and an old Spear.

Uzul was just wandering through the desert when he came across some very lost spice traders. A dust storm apparently came in and they got turned around and now they were running low on supplies. Uzul, being who he is, offered to get them to Myriamor safely. He doesn't know how they ended up this far off their original path but it doesn't matter to him. The journey was difficult because of the merchants. They were quite whiney and kept talking about losing their heads if they didn't deliver the spices in time. Uzul could tell this was hyperbole but he could also tell some of the younger workers had fallen for their supervisor's story. Some prayed that they would get to at least say goodbye to their families. Uzul couldn't stand the pitiful sight and took them through a quicker, more dangerous path.

The path was had a few wyverns and giant spiders. They weren't much issue to Uzul but protecting their entire caravan was tiring, to say the least. He had to stay awake for two and half days to ensure their safety. He would have liked to gather their poisons for trade later but that supervisor wasn't worth annoying. Thanks to their constant travel they were able to make it on time, arriving on the dawn of the promised day. They offered Uzul some money but honestly not hearing that man anymore was more than worth the weary journey. Uzul waved goodbye as he believed it would be a good enough occasion to drink. He headed to the Rattlesnake Bar to drink and rest. It was cheap and he feels less awkward there in his old clothes than in some of the finer establishments.

Even after all these years he still finds the architecture of Myriamor mesmerizing. Uzul hasn't been to any other great city but the way the city mixes the desert motif with the life that can be found around the oasis is beautiful to him. A part of him can think that if things had gone differently he would have liked to just be a hermit with a little homestead around an oasis himself. The vibrant people make him feel at ease as well, some still judge him, but most mind their own and have learned to live alongside each other and create prosperity. He settled down near one of the gardens with a fruit salad for an hour or two, enjoying the sweet and well-spiced fruit. After zoning out, he chuckled a bit and remembered he was heading off to the bar.

Arriving in the bar just before noon, Uzul grabbed a corner table. Being his size, him sitting towards the center just makes it hard on everyone. After setting down his stuff, Uzul went and got a beer, "Could I also get some fried bread and fried vegetables as well?" The bartender nodded and handed him his beer and gestured for Uzul to go sit down and wait. As the food was brought, Uzul thanked the bartender and started to relax as he ate. As he worked on his beer he just watched people come in and out of the bar for the next few hours.
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