Amani watched Mason give Natel a lecture. It was a bit awkward and she didn't really know what to do with herself. So she just stood there hoping things would cool down soon. Arguments made her uncomfortable, avoiding arguments was something she did everyday back home. Almost every talk with her dad turned into a lecture. How to be proper, being home on time, avoid talking to guys in public. The list went on and on. She just said yes to everything but in the back of her mind she was getting sick of it. Unlike her dad though Nate was really.......mature about it? He didn't start yelling or tried to convince everyone he was right. He admitted he was wrong and even planned to apologize. The way he handled it impressed her. It was shocking to see the difference and Amani honestly expected Nate to be a hothead. She'd been around hotheads her entire life and she was so used to the way her dad and brothers acted. Nate was like a breath of fresh air.
When the alarm sounded her stomach fluttered with nervous butterflies and her knees went weak with excitement. Oh.....they were going on their first mission! Alright so what do we do? What do I do? Nate sounded through the intercom system asking them to meet up in the warroom.
Amani turned to Mason and the others who were still there. "I'm going to change into my costume real quick" She said quickly rushing to her room to change. The luggage on the floor was still scattered all over. Clothes and make up became a whirlwind as Amani tried to find something at the bottom of her suitcase. It was a photograph of her dad and brothers. She always complained but in her heart of hearts she wouldn't want any other family. Amani placed them on her nightstand lovingly. You can keep an eye on me from over there. She thought with a cheeky smile. Stepping over the chaos on the floor of the closet she got to the glass case holding her costume. She pressed on the button which lowered the glass. From the first look she could tell it was very well made. It consisted of a sheer magenta blouse which reached past her waist decorated with black beads around the waistline with a necklace to match. A pair of violet harem pants which flared out at the bottom in the trademark poof with gold bands closing off at her ankles. And most importantly or at least to her were the pair of gold and very impractical heels. When she changed into it she couldn't help but giggle, it was so awesome.
She twirled in front of the mirror looking at it from all sides. There was something missing....... Underneath the mannequin separately contained in another glass case was a veil to be worn over her mouth. That was probably her version of the traditional superhero masks. A smug smile appeared on her face. At least I don't have a cookie cutter mask, this is amazing!
She was down the hallway in a matter of minutes, remarkably fast considering her footwear but stumbled into the war room rather comically. So much for her running in heels. She let out a surprised squeal falling face first onto the floor. When she got up she brushed herself off with an embarrassed smile. "I'm here" she said while wrestling with her shoes jumping around on one foot. "Can someone help me turn these into regular slippers, they're impossible" She said gesturing towards the pair of gold heels dangling in the air.