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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Geb was still stretching, making sure he put himself back together right, when the call rang through out the building. Team to the War room. We've got our first mission so to speak and we shouldn't waste time. Geb quickly recognized Kid flashes voice over the intercom and grew a Cheshire cat grin as he turned to Super boy and Sayaka. "Come on guys!" He said in a clearly excided voice. He then struck a superhero pose, his body becoming more muscular and a curl of hair coming down in front of his for head. "There is villainy afoot!" He said in Superman's voice, literally changing his voice. His body then demuscled back to it's normal scrawny self and his hair returning back to normal. Geb laughed before dashing out of the garage towards the war room. He was taking large strides, stretching his legs out about five feet each time, as he looked for the War room. Once he found it he burst into the room and exclaimed with a large grin on his face. "The Mudslide has arrived!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Before Sayaka could actually help Superboy the alarm went off, she felt a bit happy and excited that they were going to get a mission instead of just standing around doing mindless things and fighting each other like idiots, she walked out of the garage after Geb put on his false Super man act, she walked out calmly as if there wasn't any real situation going on and took her time getting to the war room. When she got to the meeting room she walked up behind of Kid flash," What's the mission ? " She asked in her usual cold and calm tone feeling curious about what the mission is.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


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((Just to help paint out the situation))

To the front of the building everyone was at the mercy of the gunmen, complying to their orders and keeping to the floor like they were told. Some would look up only to be shouted at and had a gun waved at their face, but over time the 'thieves' got themselves situated; three staying in the lobby and the rest going deeper into the building. There were offices behind the lobby along with a hallway in the back of the offices where those who were quick enough escaped to. It seemed to the group though holding hostages wasn't a priority... Instead, they focused on locking down the building and going up the staircase. Two men were left behind in the offices and the rest were in the second floor while the hooded masked female went up the stairs towards the top floor and forced her way into the server room, where she wandered among the huge computers and stopped at a terminal. There she began taking out a device and hooking it to the computer, now simply waiting for the device to do it's job.

In the back hall the two detectives were brushing past the fleeing pedestrians, making their way towards the end of the hall. Unknowing to the two law enforcement officials trouble was right around the corner and their lives were on the line as soon as they stepped into the doorway.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Amani watched Mason give Natel a lecture. It was a bit awkward and she didn't really know what to do with herself. So she just stood there hoping things would cool down soon. Arguments made her uncomfortable, avoiding arguments was something she did everyday back home. Almost every talk with her dad turned into a lecture. How to be proper, being home on time, avoid talking to guys in public. The list went on and on. She just said yes to everything but in the back of her mind she was getting sick of it. Unlike her dad though Nate was really.......mature about it? He didn't start yelling or tried to convince everyone he was right. He admitted he was wrong and even planned to apologize. The way he handled it impressed her. It was shocking to see the difference and Amani honestly expected Nate to be a hothead. She'd been around hotheads her entire life and she was so used to the way her dad and brothers acted. Nate was like a breath of fresh air.

When the alarm sounded her stomach fluttered with nervous butterflies and her knees went weak with excitement. Oh.....they were going on their first mission! Alright so what do we do? What do I do? Nate sounded through the intercom system asking them to meet up in the warroom.

Amani turned to Mason and the others who were still there. "I'm going to change into my costume real quick" She said quickly rushing to her room to change. The luggage on the floor was still scattered all over. Clothes and make up became a whirlwind as Amani tried to find something at the bottom of her suitcase. It was a photograph of her dad and brothers. She always complained but in her heart of hearts she wouldn't want any other family. Amani placed them on her nightstand lovingly. You can keep an eye on me from over there. She thought with a cheeky smile. Stepping over the chaos on the floor of the closet she got to the glass case holding her costume. She pressed on the button which lowered the glass. From the first look she could tell it was very well made. It consisted of a sheer magenta blouse which reached past her waist decorated with black beads around the waistline with a necklace to match. A pair of violet harem pants which flared out at the bottom in the trademark poof with gold bands closing off at her ankles. And most importantly or at least to her were the pair of gold and very impractical heels. When she changed into it she couldn't help but giggle, it was so awesome.

She twirled in front of the mirror looking at it from all sides. There was something missing....... Underneath the mannequin separately contained in another glass case was a veil to be worn over her mouth. That was probably her version of the traditional superhero masks. A smug smile appeared on her face. At least I don't have a cookie cutter mask, this is amazing!

She was down the hallway in a matter of minutes, remarkably fast considering her footwear but stumbled into the war room rather comically. So much for her running in heels. She let out a surprised squeal falling face first onto the floor. When she got up she brushed herself off with an embarrassed smile. "I'm here" she said while wrestling with her shoes jumping around on one foot. "Can someone help me turn these into regular slippers, they're impossible" She said gesturing towards the pair of gold heels dangling in the air.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Ember practically combust when the alarm went off. He had finally settled back into a comfortable, quiet corner of the library. And now... more noise! He chucked the book away from him. An alarm, an alarm! What kind of alarm though..? Because if it was a fire alarm, Ember needed to leave or find somewhere safe. He didn't want to be anywhere near if water sprinklers went off. Slowly, Ember stood up and eyed the window. He'd probably be able to climb down the building without splattering. Well, he hoped so anyway. Falling out of a window, outside of combat, would be the lamest way for a superhero to die.

"Team to the War room. We've got our first mission so to speak and we shouldn't waste time."

Ember let out a sigh of relief. A mission meant the sprinklers wouldn't go off. Or, at least, they shouldn't go off. But this poised a different problem. Where... was the war room? Thankfully, Ember was in the best place to find that answer. After finding a few maps of the building in the library, he headed towards the elevator. Eventually, after getting lost despite the fact he had a map, he wondered into the war room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mason was nothing short of surprised to hear Nathaniel's response to him, that was indeed a shock to him. He let his ears misjudge the boy and think that he was a hotheaded aggressive loudmouth. He'd apologize sometime, his thoughts were replaced by the sound of an alarm resonating in his mind. "Hmm..." He was a little surprised as to how soon everything was starting, even still, it was a nice start. He walked his way up the stairs and into the hallway, sighing a bit as he made the voyage to his room.

Figuratively gliding past Amani's room he quickly got to his room which in actuality wasn't that far away from hers. He opened the door to his room, stepped in, and shut it behind him. He undressed and redressed into an under armor style of clothing. He then put on his costume for the first time, he was a little surprised about how heavy the metals were, he could handle the weight as if it didn't exist, he was just a little surprised.

He clicked on his utility belt, his eyes met the sets of weapons that had been on the small platform beside the mannequin that once donned his costume. He placed twenty miniatures ball-shaped devices that glowed a gray color, ten others that had a red hue, and five with a light blue hue. He picked up what he viewed as an energy staff that seemed to have a middle that disconnected. He unclenched his closed fist a bit, light blue energy claws came out from the fingertips, he slashed in the air, the blue energy trailed behind his strikes. "Wow.." He said to himself.

He held onto the the staff and twirled it around momentarily before slamming it against the ground, a light blue energy discharge flowed around the floor in a radial wave. "Whoa..." Mason said in complete shock and awe, he had never seen anything like this. He grabbed a set of shurukens from the platform as well. The young hero left his room with his staff and weapons and headed his way down the stairs.

After making his way down he overheard Amani talking, he could only guess that she was in costume already. He was still holding his mask in his left hand, he pressed a button on his staff and it collapsed to a smaller size, allowing him to place it on his belt. With the amount of surprise on his face, his eyebrows could have hit the ceiling in a comical manner. "Wow, Amani...you look great..." He said, smiling at her before walking in front of her, eyeing her shoes. "I wish they were slippers..." He said audibly toward her, gesturing at the slippers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Pretty soon everybody was in the room and waiting for a briefing which Kid Flash was still thinking up in his head. Contrary to his usual character Kid Flash was fairly focused on the job at hand. He needed to think through virtually every possibility and then pass out assignments accordingly. He was trying to think of the best team ups. It was necessary to try and make it out to run as smoothly as possible. He hadn't even noticed when the others began coming until he turned around and saw them. he glanced down at Sayaka and opened his mouth as if to speak before pausing for a moment. "Alright. I'm only gonna explain once. So let's try and make this as easy as we can." He said ca he pressed a few buttons quickly and a hologram appeared.

"Robin scored us some blueprints and we've been getting information on the situation." He began as he the building seemed to com apart as his beck and call and he focused on specific areas. "Right now hostages are primarily here guarded by 3 armed men. There are others in the building. Right now it's being reported as a simple robbery, but we can't be completely sure so we'll need to proceed with caution. Our priority is to make sure none of the hostages get hurt and put the criminals behind bars. Got it?" He asked as he continued with his explanation.

"Now on to teams. We'll group up and all focus on our specific tasks." He said simply before beginning to point out individuals. "Amani, Druid, Mudslide. You're Alpha squad along with the masked magic guy. He's squad leader because he's good at thinking up plans and strategizing. You're primary objective will be to get the hostages out of there and run crowd control. Don't let any of the civvies get hurt if you can help it. It's our job as heroes." He said calmly before continuing. "Beta squad is gonna be me, Robin, Superboy and Void Wolf. Our primary objective will be to find any and all bad guys and take them down. No killing. No excessive force. We just need to subdue them and put 'em away." He then listed the final team.

"Last but most certainly not least we have Omega squad. Your team will consist of Ember, Rachel and Sayaka and you'll be stationed on roof tops surrounding the exterior of the building. use long range and stealth to make sure nobody escapes and if you can take down the bad guys in the front lobby and keep and eye on Alpha and Beta squad. You guys are our eyes and ears everywhere we can't see or hear." He finally finished and glanced around. "Questions?" He asked with a look that was code for there was no room for debate and they had to move out because team was of the essence.

"Good. Now make sure you're all ready to go and let's move out." He said as he pulled his Kid Flash Cowl on and made a few last minutes checks to be sure he was prepared to go.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Looking down at his things in his cloak he noticed the one strange girl came up to him and asked if the other kid broke his things... looking down most things weren't broken other than the irreplaceable game board. Looking at the girl with a sigh after listening to the other kid practically yell at KF who said he would make it up to him some how the kid in the black cloak looked back down at his things and was about to speak before the alarm cut him off. Standing up slowly, still holding everything in a his cloak with no place to put his belongings the nameless teen looked at her and said in the uncharacteristic sad tone, " No... nobody can..."

With that he walked into a random room to place his things down as he quickly drew up the same runes as he placed in the other room to protect his items for at least an hour or two. By the time he finished the majority was already ready by the time he finished and so he walked into the war room, now rather hesitant to even fight with this group of individuals. What the Speedster said about making it up to him was a thought that angered him most. To the cloaked teen the speedster didn't care about anyone other than himself and will be the team's downfall in the end. Even so the rage he felt inside was something that was growing more than the sadness he had from what happened. Even though he didn't want to work with these other people he wanted to release his rage to it's fullest potential more, just to feel slightly better. So far only two people he noticed actually did care though even then he had doubts.

After listening to the orders of their "leader" the Masked teen looked around at the group, he was shocked that he was placed as leader of a team though he was also furious on the fact that he wasn't going to fight at all. He was practically useless on the team though after clenching his fist and holding in his anger he let it go. Maybe he would be able to do something other than talk and play a leadership role... something he never done before. Looking at the others and seeing the hologram on the he saw where and how the attackers were positioned though he also knew that they would be moving around as well. seeing the inside of the building like this was strange though it was also easily planned out and hearing the names of his teammates also brought in some thought. ' Almani... Her powers could be useful if I'm correct on what they do... Druid... Druids were one with nature in legend, she could better prevent the pawns of the group from attacking.... Mudslide... he seems... okay... He'd make fair protection for the civilians as a shield as well...' He continued to think on his partner's names and how to use them as a strategy though he also wasn't sure about exactly what to do... He doesn't know his team well and doesn't know what to really do with them other than base their abilities off of their name.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sayaka nodded," Got it sir." She saluted Nathaniel, Sayaka left the room to get some of her gear, she grabbed her high powered sniper rifle and took it apart before putting it in her backpack, she grabbed some clips that had tranqs in them and put them into her back pack as well, she grabbed a grey large cloth like blanket and folded it before putting it into the backpack as well, she zipped up her backpack then put it on her back before she returned to the war room ready to go.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Ember nodded, looking over at the members of his group. Rachael and Sayaka- team Omega. As Nathanial stated, they would be the eyes and ears of the operation. That would be perfectly fine with Ember. With his years of gymnastic experience and his manipulation of fire, he could stay silent but still attack if necessary. He could even attack from far away and keep hidden, but... Ember was definitely going to have to be careful. He did have pretty stable control over his ability but accidents were still possible. Ember probably wouldn't use any of his fire unless absolutely necessary.

He smiled towards Rachael and Sayaka. "Glad to be-" But Sayaka was already heading out of the door. Ember turned his attention to Rachael. "Working with you." From the kitchen incident he knew Rachael was good with knives, but Ember would have really liked some extra time to get to know her abilities. It was definitely going to be difficult to work together without knowing the completely set of skills and weaknesses of his teammates. "I need to go get changed. Let's meet up an find Sayaka before we leave, okay? It might help to know each other's abilities." He suggested, giving Rachael the chance to either agree or say she was busy or something. Whenever she would answer, yes or no, Ember would leave the room.

Eventually, Ember found a bathroom and changed his clothes. He wasn't about to wear any spandex, nothing-to-the-imagination outfit but... Ember needed something comfortable. He put on some black track pants and a matching hoodie. After all, if omega was going to be stealth Ember needed to stick with dark clothing. He pulled up the hoodie, not really caring for a mask or anything. There were tons of blonde teenagers in the United States. The only real significant mark he had was the mole on his face, but... Honestly, Ember could be any blonde-haired kid. He wasn't really attractive or ugly. He was normal and normality was the best mask there was. Besides, the best part of his clothing was it was completely flame retardant. Not that this was any really different than his normal clothes. Ember wasn't really that fond of winding up naked because he burnt his clothes off.

Once he was dressed, Ember went off to look for Rachael and Sayaka.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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To say Geb was excided about the mission would be like saying that a nuclear bomb is firecracker. He was all ears for the mission briefing. When the teams were assigned Geb couldn't help but exclaim his excitement with a simple "Whoa woo". He gave a smile to his squad mates. "Team Alpha! Awesome right guys?!" He said as he moved over to them. "Oh right, I haven't introduced myself properly." He then took a breath before his body began to shift. His clothes and body began to melt together, his hair and facial features despairing, until the only thing standing where Geb once stood was a greyish brown mannequin like being, the only features on it's face were two empty eye sockets and a small crevice where a mouth should be. It looked over the group for a moment before the crevice bent into a smile. "Mudslide at your service." It said with unmoving lips before offering a hand to shake to each of them, growing an extra arm and hand to offer his third teammate.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Amani looked at Mason who was standing nearby. The look on his face made her giggle, he was gawking and his brows had disappeared into his shaggy hair. She looked over her shoulders but didn't see Rachel or any of the other girls. She raised her brows questioningly. "Wow, Amani...you look great..." Oh he was looking at me The girl rolled her eyes at her own cluelessness. Sometimes her attempts at toning down her flirting made her oblivious. "Thanks Mason" She said, though it was hard to tell if she thanked him for his compliment or his wish. "Though you better pay attention to the briefing" She pointed to Nate and the holograms with a cheeky smile.

She tied up her flowing curls into a high ponytail which made them bounce around even more and donned her veil. Anything to make her look different than her civilian look. Now her shoes.
"Volo Dari" Amani spoke, the familiar eerie echo sounding through her voice. At the snap of her fingers the pair of gold heels started to float in the air. A glowing light started to cover them and they appeared to be liquid for a few seconds. The heels disappeared and the shape started to resemble a slipper. After they settled into a final shape they became solid again, the glow disappearing. Amani didn't even have time to catch them because they fell to the floor with a dull thump. Mmmhh I really have to work on my timing. She thought. Her powers were unpredictable at best and she knew that better than anyone. Falling shoes weren't that bad but falling team members yeah not that great. But worrying beforehand wasn't going to make it any better. She decided not to drive herself too crazy. Besides she wasn't alone, she had a whole team behind her. Some she trusted more than others. Though that was based on who she knew best. Right now she hoped to have either Mason, Nate or Superboy on her team. On the other hand if she wasn't on their team she had a chance to get to know the others.

Amani slipped her feet into her new shoes with a smile. Much better A chase sequence would be no problem in these. Amani joined the rest of the team just in time to hear she was on Alpha Squad. Saving hostages, awesome! I anything that was the most important part, getting civilians to safety. She walked over to her squad shaking Mudslide's outstretched third hand with a cheerful giggle. Amani then bowed like she had done a couple of hours earlier.
"Djinn and your wish is my command" She said looking up at Druid and the magic guy. "So how are we going to get there?" She didn't know how to drive a car to save her life and they couldn't fly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mason blushed slightly reaction to what Amani had said to him, she had a point though, what if he missed something important. "Hmm..." He averted his eyes and viewed the hologram, listening to what Kid Flash had to say carefully. He couldn't help but glance at the glowing liquid-like light that appeared around Amani's heels which then turned into slippers. that was interesting, the power of a wish could do some very cool things, he wondered how he could help her help the team. He was surprised to hear his role or accompanying Beta Squad, he'd be on the offensive with Superboy and Robin, that was good. "Hmm..." No killing or excessive force he says, Mason only ever killed one person and he could control his anger, he wasn't going to harm anyone anymore than he needed unless absolutely necessary. With that Mason put on his mask and was ready to leave Mt. Justice.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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After scraping the last of Geb out of his hair and brushing his teeth... Thoroughly... Superboy made his way to the briefing room with everyone else and sat quietly as Kid explained the plan, Hostage Situation, seemed routine. He also noted that Kid seemed to look at him when he said No excessive force "Oh yeah, that one time. Come on, the guy had a gun and he was a Rapist... He'll walk again... in a couple of months..." He also noted that all of the girls were in Omega Team. As soon as the briefing was over, he walked towards Kid and the rest of Beta squad. "Well, this should be a nice juxtaposition for you, Kid, this time it's the ladies watching your ass." he smirked. "Seriously though, no time for questions, let's get moving, every minute is a trigger finger getting itchier."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The two detectives made their way through a now almost deserted hall with their weapons at the ready. They could hear shouting just ahead mixed with whimpers, cries of terrors, and pleas for life. When Lewis stepped up to the door he spotted a man checking the cubicles with an assault rifle at hand. He didn't give them the chance to even look at eachother in the eye before he raised his gun, squeezing the trigger.

Right when Lewis raised his weapon the stranger looked at him and raised an assault rifle in return. Only one burst of gunfire went off before he was met by a volley of pistol rounds by the two cops now standing beside one another and shooting until he was down on the floor. During that time a few remaining civilians rushed to the door where the detectives were, brushing past them in an effort to get to the garage. It wasn't long though until the second gunman stepped forward and started shooting, this time having the advantage of a first shot.

Lewis ducked instinctively to the staccato pops of an assault rifle and began herding the fleeing workers from behind, shouting over the gunfire. "Get out! Get out go!" There was a brief moment of silence when the detective reached the door and let the civilians out followed by one more burst of assault rifle fire. Turning around he saw the other detective staggering and disoriented, a patch of blood in the wall nearby. Immediately, Lewis walked over to the detective who was mumbling a series of profane terms along with an assurance that he was okay. "Cmon we gotta get you outta here. Cmon lets go!" They were in one heck of a pickle now, an injured detective with a group of armed thugs between them and whatever help they have coming

"The hell was that?!" A voice rang up from the lobby as the shooter went over to his downed buddy, sighing under his breath before shouting back.

"The cops are here and they shot Ray!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rachel whipped her head around at the sound of the alarm, as Kid Flash announced the meeting in the war room. She followed him there and listened silently as he formed the teams. She was rather annoyed that he would put her on a roof as a sentry when she was more effective in that building, but kept her complaints to herself. No point starting a fight now, and if things went bad she would be the first one to enter the building, orders be damned.

As her teammates came and tried to get a plan together, she simply walked out of the war room and ignored them. "I'll be back in fifteen minutes." She spoke flatly to the room and returned to her bedroom to change into her costume and equip herself. She brought along her daggers and throwing knives, and opted to bring her rifle and a her pistols along. She would have brought her SMGs, but had a feeling the rest her "team" wouldn't be too enthused about her desire to enter that building and fight. That's what I was brought up to do, so don't expect me to do anything else. She grumbled silently in her mind, before returning to the war room.

"I'm ready to leave." She muttered quietly before leaning back against the wall and staring at her teammates, waiting for one of them to make the first move.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drakel


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Sayaka just left out the war room looking at Rachel, she had both her hands clung tightly to the straps of her back pack, she looked up to Rachel with a very stoic look, " The next time just go when your ready, the longer you stand around the longer someone has to endure the trama of being around a gun, and have to live with what they have been through, also take non-lethal shots, and you might as well leave the knives, we probably won't need the melee weapons." Sayaka said to her in a cold tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rachel slapped Sayaka, her entire body shaking. "Don't talk to me about trauma and living with what people have been through." Rachel hissed coldly, before turning on her heels and departing the room. She glared at Kid Flash, as if she was blaming him for putting her on Sayaka's team. "And nobody gives me orders." She added quietly, but dangerously and viciously as she left the room. She headed to her bike, but as she passed Sayaka, she whispered a warning to the other girl.

"If you're afraid I'll take lethal shots, then stay out of my line of fire."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sayaka was surprised by the slap but still kept her calm,, stoic, demeanor, she felt she knew where Rachel was going with how she was acting when she mentioned the word trama, she followed behind of Rachel fast enough to catch up to her, Sayaka grabbed one of Rachel's arms before she could keep going and pulled her back," Your not the only person who has been through physical and emotional pain." Sayaka told her sounding a little angered by how Rachel was acting,
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