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Oh this is so exciting! I have this awesome character in mind. I'm going to start writing tonight, shamefully excited for this
Do you need help Demon? Maybe you could have someone wish they were on location and have Amani transport the team like she did earlier. Nate could give each team another quick run down before we split up into squads. It's pretty important we get there fast right? :)
As a long time secret stalker (well not so secret anymore) of episode 1 of this lovely story I'd like to express my interest. I've missed you guys terribly after Along the Darkest Road came to an end. ^.^ I loved our breakfast banter among many other things.
Yes ^.^

Eos Le Fey

Eighteen years of age
She is a woman if that wasn't obvious
The Fair Folk

Traditionally beautiful, taking after her mother's family with high cheekbones, clear blue eyes and thick auburn hair. Her figure has been described as petite, graceful and womanly. She has the rosy complexion of a healthy and well cared for young woman. There seems to be an ever-present look of wonder in her eyes despite her having matured a great deal in recent years.
Outside of her occupation Eos can often be seen in long feminine garments in soft hues of pink, blue, lavender or green. She favors loose hairstyles over elaborately don up hair, resulting in a compromise between the two. A piece of dainty jewelry is often seen around her neck. Her overall attire is meant to convey a look of innocence and modesty.

When tending to wounded men in the infirmary as a nurse she wears simple dresses which can be easily washed. The color isn't of any importance and neither is the cut or the embroidery which is usually lacking. When she works she wears her hair in a braided bun against the back of her head. Around her waist she wears an apron to dry and clean her hands.

Growing up Eos was a naive idealist. She genuinely believes there is good in everyone. The war is an unfortunate turn of events but Eos is convinced neither Roriek, Alden or Lilith wanted it to happen, this war which was tearing apart the kingdom. She is soft spoken and kind without expecting anything in return. A pure young woman though not without fault. Her naivety tends to stir up disbelief in others, especially the seasoned soldiers she cares for. They try to tell her the world isn't a fairytale but when Eos is confronted by this harsh reality she does anything but accept it. She takes her perceived truths and moves forward. Even in the face of adversity she is able to focus on these ideals. Love, kindness and deep faith. No religious faith of any kind but faith in the good of the world. For every disappointment there has been a confirmation that men are just.

There is good and evil in the world and there always will be. She accepted this fact as she grew older and after four years at the infirmary she has matured a great deal. She forgives but doesn't forget. The knights of the tales aren't always gallant and young. They are fathers, sometimes even grandfathers. Their family is waiting for them back home. She learned that true heroes are few and far between and often fearless bravery is a sign of inexperience or foolishness.
Now at eighteen years of age many traits from her childhood remain but she knows the world isn't a fairytale. She has grown and where as before she was an easy victim she isn't anymore.

-Magic, Specializing in restorative and light magic. She is formally schooled in the use of these magics and has all the theoretical knowledge. Though the way she uses her magic is very organic. She has learned much more from actually using it instead of reading about it. She can heal minor and severe wounds, broken bones, disease, illness and poisoning. The source of her power is the light inside of herself. Every Fair Folk has their own light which glows bright when healthy but dims when not, losing part of it when you are wounded or sick. Eos shares some of her light to speed up the healing process. Depending on the severity this can be very tiring. Eos has been trained in using her light, balancing it in a way so she can help others without exhausting herself. Like most magics it can be used to defend yourself. The light is an extension of oneself. It can burn hot and glow bright. Eos can create glowing spheres with enough force to send someone flying and break through doors by sheer force of will.
- Lithe and quick on her feet
- Decently skilled at archery

Eos le Fey was raised a lady, and possesses the traditional feminine graces of her milieu, with a keen interest in music, poetry, singing, dancing, embroidery, and other traditional feminine activities. Like many girls at a young age Eos was enthralled by songs and stories of romance and adventure, particularly those depicting handsome princes, honorable knights, chivalry, and love. Initially those song and stories were Eos's vision of the world, but she was later "cured" of such innocent romanticized notions.

She had a sheltered upbringing and up until she turned fourteen her life had been fairly uneventful. It was a day like any other, a routine of events following one another. Though it was on the afternoon of this day that the direction of her life changed drastically. A mortally wounded soldier was brought to the infirmary of the Le Fey Keep. Mirre, Eos's handmaiden who in many ways had taken up the role of a mentor decided it would be good for Eos to witness the healers at work. Initially the fourteen year old girl was shocked. The wounds were messy and bloody and the groans and pain filled cries made her cringe. With Mirre at her side Eos walked past the beds. They stopped at the bedside of the soldier whom they had just brought in.
He was weak, his breathing forced and rattled, like there was something keeping him from breathing. Mirre left shortly after she made sure Eos was seated beside the man. Like a trembling little bird the young girl sat at his side. She'd never seen a dying man. The man clasped her hands and he must have felt like his last breath was near. It was overwhelming for the girl and she cried at the unfairness of his death. She didn't even know him. But the man didn't die. Eos like many of the Fair Folk possessed the gift of magic. Spontaneous as well as powerful Eos used it to save the man's life. It was raw and untrained but it was the potential Mirre had hoped to awaken by bringing her there. A teacher of restorative magic was immediately employed in the services of the Le Fey family to guide the young apprentice.

Eos felt like she found her purpose in life and worked diligently to perfect her magic leaving behind her childhood activities of music and dance. Stories as they had in her childhood sought to educate her, only this time they came from soldiers. They were still stories but closer to reality than any she ever heard, it wizened her. Caring for the wounded was very satisfying and nothing gave her more purpose than to save lives. Yet she couldn't help but feel like she was trying to empty the sea with her hands. As long as war raged the infirmary would never be empty of soldiers.

Whisper post
There are soldiers who never make it to the healers in the infirmary. They are heroes of war spending most if not their entire life in service, even taking their last breath on the battlefield. The battlefield was no place for an inexperienced field nurse like Eos, but it was in the aftermath of a great battle that she bonded with her whisper.

In one of the many valleys a young soldier was looking up at the sky. He couldn't move and his legs were broken, his body battered. He had fought bravely and fiercely and they had won the battle, but he would not be around to celebrate. The sky would be the last thing he would see. He was no longer afraid of death. As young as he was he'd accepted this. The softness of the grass and the lullaby of the nearby river made him appreciate these last moments. I could have ended up in a worse place. He thought wistfully. The sky was turning black, or was he closing his eyes? He didn't know but felt his consciousness slipping away from him. Then suddenly the darkness was split by a gentle blue light. With a grunt he managed to lift up his head high enough to see an orb hovering over his body. It bobbed up and down excitedly. It was an unclaimed whisper, he could tell by the spherical shape. Without warning it started to dart towards the trees until its glow had disappeared. There were little flecks floating in front of his eyes. I guess he didn't like me much. He thought with a sad grin before losing consciousness again.

Meanwhile in that same valley the whisper was still darting through the trees and pathways with great haste. It seemed to know where it was going. It stopped in front of a surprised young girl. Eos dismounted her horse careful not to startle the whisper. There was no one with her, her handmaidens were still at the estate. It had to have come for her. She stepped forward hesitantly. The whisper mimicked her movements which made her giggle. She couldn't explain it but she felt like it was distressed or in a hurry. When it rushed towards her she let out a little squeal of surprise. It touched her hand and dispersed into countless sparkling particles of light. They came together to form the shape of a doe. Graceful and lithe it immediately started to rush back from where it came. Eos knew she had been right about its restlessness and quickly followed after it on horseback. It lead her the bank of a small stream. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of the fallen soldier.
She got of her horse and quickly ran to his side pressing her fingers to his neck. He was alive, but barely. She did everything she could not to focus on the gruesome and twisted position of his body, trying to remember everything she'd been taught. It would be dangerous to move him too much so she cradled his head in her lap brushing away his hair matted with blood. The young man slowly opened his eyes. He looked up at her and a soft smile spread across his face. His voice was coarse, probably because his throat had dried out. "To see something so beautiful in my last moments, I'm a blessed man"

This peeked my interest ^.^ And I have a question right off the bat. Is it possible for a character from the fair folk to align him or herself with the allegiance or the exiled? I love your signature by the by very cute
Amani looked at Mason who was standing nearby. The look on his face made her giggle, he was gawking and his brows had disappeared into his shaggy hair. She looked over her shoulders but didn't see Rachel or any of the other girls. She raised her brows questioningly. "Wow, Amani...you look great..." Oh he was looking at me The girl rolled her eyes at her own cluelessness. Sometimes her attempts at toning down her flirting made her oblivious. "Thanks Mason" She said, though it was hard to tell if she thanked him for his compliment or his wish. "Though you better pay attention to the briefing" She pointed to Nate and the holograms with a cheeky smile.

She tied up her flowing curls into a high ponytail which made them bounce around even more and donned her veil. Anything to make her look different than her civilian look. Now her shoes.
"Volo Dari" Amani spoke, the familiar eerie echo sounding through her voice. At the snap of her fingers the pair of gold heels started to float in the air. A glowing light started to cover them and they appeared to be liquid for a few seconds. The heels disappeared and the shape started to resemble a slipper. After they settled into a final shape they became solid again, the glow disappearing. Amani didn't even have time to catch them because they fell to the floor with a dull thump. Mmmhh I really have to work on my timing. She thought. Her powers were unpredictable at best and she knew that better than anyone. Falling shoes weren't that bad but falling team members yeah not that great. But worrying beforehand wasn't going to make it any better. She decided not to drive herself too crazy. Besides she wasn't alone, she had a whole team behind her. Some she trusted more than others. Though that was based on who she knew best. Right now she hoped to have either Mason, Nate or Superboy on her team. On the other hand if she wasn't on their team she had a chance to get to know the others.

Amani slipped her feet into her new shoes with a smile. Much better A chase sequence would be no problem in these. Amani joined the rest of the team just in time to hear she was on Alpha Squad. Saving hostages, awesome! I anything that was the most important part, getting civilians to safety. She walked over to her squad shaking Mudslide's outstretched third hand with a cheerful giggle. Amani then bowed like she had done a couple of hours earlier.
"Djinn and your wish is my command" She said looking up at Druid and the magic guy. "So how are we going to get there?" She didn't know how to drive a car to save her life and they couldn't fly.
Stryder said
What if she wished for temporal powers? That lasted say, fiteen minutes?

I thought about this but who's saying she knows how to use them once she has them? I mean it's cool to have temporary powers but she has no idea how to use them It's like you have a car but don't know how to drive it.
Holds up my fist. I'm Djinn we are using superhero names!
Embarassing entrance to the warroom check!
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