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Damn I thought Malena would be the oldest :P
Cast is growing bigger #excited!!
Nice characters you guys!
Great to see some more girls, I thought this would become more of a guys thing. Glad I'm wrong :P

I have a character in my roleplay vault named Floure. She's my favorite character to write as and the only one who made it to the end of a roleplay lol

The Bronx - Fordham University | Sector Br6

The hastily constructed barricade was faltering quickly. With each crash of feral bodies against the door, the bed shook dangerously, the legs of the table screeching across the floor. The strength of the unnaturally grown ivy was being tested to its limits. The woody vines squeaked under the pressure, some of the leaves falling off in the process. One by one they started to unravel of the wall, making a snapping sound. With each snap his chances of staying alive were getting slimmer. Francesco didn't want to think what would happen if they got through the door. They would eat him alive and he would feel all of it. They could tear off his limbs like plucking the petals of a flower. Claws ripping through his skin like a knife through butter. Maybe it would be better to throw himself out of the window, that would be quicker and hopefully less painful.

His poorly improvised suicide plan was thwarted by an act of unexpected heroism on the other side of the door. Francesco didn't know what was going on, a flash of bright red light shone through the small window at the top of the door. It was quickly followed by the screeches of ferals, howling in pain, like they were being attacked themselves. From what he'd seen these beasts worked together, so why would they suddenly turn on each other? If that was what was going on anyway. If that wasn't the case and the ferals were being attacked by something else, what could be strong enough to take them on? He got up from the floor, returning to his full height after being reduced to a lump of misery and despair. The frenzied sounds of crazed ferals clawing at the door were gone. In their place the nauseating smell of burned flesh. It filled his nostrils which in turn caused the sides of his mouth to draw down in disgust. He tried not to breathe through his nose too much, which left the other option of breathing through his mouth. He didn't even want to know what he was breathing in if he did that for too long. So he braved the smell and cautiously made his way to the door.

He wanted to know how he was saved, or better yet if he was safe. Who knows what could have caused this to happen. The red light made him think of a flare gun, but flare guns weren't strong enough to cause the disturbing smell of burned flesh. Not as bad as he was smelling anyway. Moving carefully, eyes fixated on the door he pushed past the hospital bed and whatever else had remained of his barricade. Francesco was two steps away from the entrance when he froze in his tracks, hearing a knock and soon thereafter a male voice.

"Umm... hello? Anyone alive in there? I, uh... I need help. And from the looks of things, so do you."

"...Look, if there's 'alive inside,' ya gotta tell me now, dude. We gotta move, and fast, before more of those fuckers show up."

Francesco nearly burst into tears of relief, perhaps a slight exaggeration, but he had never been as happy to hear a stranger's voice in his life. His felt his heart skip a beat, hope came flooding back in waves, at just a few simple words. The thought of someone else having survived whatever was going made him feel a lot less desperate and alone. He needed help and so did the guy on the other side of the door. It was enough for him to spring back into action, a person in need had always been a good motivator for Francesco.
He gathered up his stuff when a sudden and wholly unimportant thought crossed his mind. They would probably be going outside and in his rush to escape the dorms he hadn’t had the sense to bring a jacket. He did bring his schoolbag, since it had his laptop and some other personal items in there, which he wouldn’t trust his roommates not to snatch. All he had on were a pair of slim fit jeans, grey all stars and a chunky wool sweater which although warm left his neck completely exposed. It had a boat neck neckline which he normally loved but now despised for two reasons. One it did nothing to hide the thorny scabs on his neck and two it would be pretty cold.

Yeah…..only he could worry about his outfit during an apocalypse. Normal had their priorities sorted but no he was thinking about the neckline of his sweater. Speaking of which he grabbed the pillowcase which held the medical kits he made. It was time to get a move on, he slung his school bag over his shoulder and took a last glance in the mirror. He looked like crap, his messy bun was looking beyond messy and the green skin didn’t help much either. Then again nobody would really care what he looked like, everyone was trying to stay alive, so was he.

He pushed against the door and with little effort it swung open, the ivy hanging limb where it was still attached to the door. Nothing could have prepared him for what he ran into on the other side. It was a scene straight out of a horror movie. Half burned bodies of what had previously been humans were scattered around the hallway. They were unrecognizable in their blackened state and even though these might have been people he once knew, he couldn’t tell them apart, their wounds were too severe. As far as he could bear to look there were around six or seven of them. His hand came up to his mouth involuntarily, shocked at what he was seeing.

He was so caught up in the display of gore that he hadn’t seen the guy who was probably responsible for this standing next to the door, next to him. Francesco tried to keep his face composed and refrained from making eye contact right away. It was hard not to look at the crystal-like growths, or his hands which seemed to be completely covered in them, fingers, and all. Francesco wasn’t grossed out, not like he was when he’d seen his own mutations for the first time. All that he could think of was that the mutations of this guy must hurt, a lot.

“I’m….I…” He croaked, his voice wasn’t cooperating at all. His throat was still dry and he simply didn’t know what to say, he was still shocked about all this. Obviously, he was alive so that question was answered without any words. He took a deep breath, he was too rattled to even act normal, it was ridiculous.

“Thank you…..I thought I was a goner for sure” He was used to looking up at people but this guy was about his height just a little taller. It was easier to make eye contact, though his eyes were admittedly kind of scary. The whites had gone black and his iris was vivid red, just like the crystals. He smiled a bit nervously and noticed the scratches on his cheek. They were deep and he had no idea how this guy wasn’t flinching in pain right now.

“That looks pretty bad.” Francesco said, touching his own left cheek so the guy knew what he was referring to. He glanced over his shoulder still a bit on edge, despite being relatively safe for now. More could always be coming. He’d seen groups of ferals outside of the building and there were probably many more still inside. If they wanted to stand a chance, the best option would be to sneak out of the building and hole up elsewhere, somewhere less crowded.

Where the hell could they go that would be safe? At least safer than the University. He didn’t know much about these ferals. All he’d seen was how they reacted to sound, they didn’t have great eyesight either. If they were quiet and avoided areas were large groups of them were stalking they would be okay……well kind of. He was far from okay, but he could deal with his own drama later.

“We can take one of the emergency exits, then we’ll be at the back of the University”

The emergency exits were at the bottom of the emergency stairway, usually no one was allowed in there, unless it was an emergency exercise. He was betting on them being empty so they could sneak out unseen.

The Bronx - Fordham University | Sector Br6

It had grown quiet outside of the medical supply room. Francesco could still make out some faint growling and distant screaming. It sounded like most of them had gone to the far end of the hallway. His arms sank down beside his body and he allowed himself to relax slightly. His entire frame had been tense, in a constant fight or flight response, wedged in between the wall and one of the closets. He let out a quiet breath while staring blankly ahead, studying the grey wall opposite to him.

He listened for a little while longer, trying to judge if the hallway was completely empty while also gathering up the courage to leave his hiding spot. Eventually he got out, the movement positioning him right in front of the window. Something was terribly wrong, whatever was happening wasn'’t limited to his school. It stretched much further than that. The sky had darkened ominously. Down on the streets he could see the gas station. The lights of the sign above the entrance had gone out, but much more disturbing was the horde of beastly humans throwing themselves at the concrete walls of the establishment. They were clawing over each other, pushing without any sort of coordinated movement.

An awful thought crept into his mind. What if there were people hiding in there? They would be trapped just like him. The beasts didn’'t seem to tire either, the horror of the scene compelled him to see what was going to happen and he couldn'’t tear his gaze away from the attack. Somewhere in the back of his mind a little voice warned him that they could look up and spot him, which ignited a tingle of unfounded fear in his stomach. Then he suddenly remembered what floor he was on. The fourth. It would be impossible for those things to see him. He closed the blinds quietly, turning his back to the window. The magnitude of the events weighed down on him, feeling like something heavy was pushing down on his shoulders. It made him sick to his stomach. There was nothing he could do to help them from up here, he could barely keep himself safe.

He kept wrecking his brain on what could possibly have caused this to happen. If the entire city was like this, maybe it had something to do with the government and the war. They might have released some type of biological weapon. Maybe the water resources were tampered with? As if to test his theory he went to the sink and turned on the faucet, a steady stream of clear water ran down into the drain. He frowned, well what was he expecting anyway? Fluorescent yellow or green, something radioactive like you’ would see in the movies. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, laughing at his own ridiculous thoughts. He could be such an idiot sometimes.

Another terrifying realization dawned on him. If this was happening everywhere……...... He immediately got out his phone, noticing his hands were shaking. He raced through his caller list looking up the phone number of his little brother Massimo and pressed call. Francesco felt his heart pounding in his chest, so fast it almost started to hurt. His brother rarely picked up when he called, but he really hoped he would right now. He needed to answer his phone.
“"Hey…."” The low voice of his eighteen-year-old brother sounded through the other end. Francesco felt a lump form in his throat. He was relieved because if his brother could pick up the phone it meant he hadn’'t gone crazy like everyone else.

“"Fransh …what the hell is going on outside?”" Massimo asked his brother in his typically irritated tone of voice. Usually Francesco would snap back at him to watch his tone but right now he could care less. His phone beeped right through his call with Massimo, it meant his battery was running low.

Damn it. He thought cursing at himself. Why did he always forget to charge his phone? He didn’t know how long the call would last and started to panic.
“"Mas listen to me, lock all the doors and draw down the blinds”." He began to give his brother instructions. If these beastly humans were everywhere his brother needed to haul up in his room and call for help. But what if the police were affected too? Who the hell did he want his brother to call then? Francesco lost himself in thoughts of worst case scenario’s but was brought back by his little brother’s annoyed voice.

"“I already did that, why..? What’s happening?”"
“"I don'’t know what’s going on, just listen to what I say”!" He snapped at Massimo. He had no time to argue, he just needed him to be safe.
“"Go to my room and grab the knife set on the top of my closet, the one I kept for when I would be moving out.” “Take out the biggest one and keep it with you at all times."” He was spewing out instructions leaving no room for his brother to interrupt.

Another beep, his battery was almost dead. Francesco'’s heart skipped a beat. He was not’ done…

“"Call everyone, see if they pick up. Don’'t leave the house under any circumstances.”" He was talking increasingly faster as he went on. Massimo was used to his brother talking this fast and he could follow. The seriousness and panic of his usually calm brother freaked him out though.
“"Yeah okay…..."” He replied in an equally serious voice. He started to realize something was very wrong.
“"I’ll be there soon…..I lo…."”

The phone died. Both brothers looked at their phones. Massimo saw the picture of one of his brother’s favorite video game character. He had attached that picture to his big brother’s caller id. Francesco on the other hand only saw a black screen.

A drop of water splattered on the dead screen of his phone, followed by a second one and right after a third. Francesco dropped to the floor, laying down his phone next to him. He pulled his legs up to his chest and buried his head into his knees. Quiet sobs shook his body, while he cried soundlessly, trying to be as quiet as he could. It was all coming to a head. The adrenaline rush of earlier had allowed him to escape the dorms relatively unharmed. But the images of his roommates turning into beasts, the desperate call with his brother and being hauled up in the medical supply room had no mercy on his mental stability.

It would be useless to try and hold it in like he usually did. He just cried and cried and cried some more. He didn’'t care about his dripping nose dirtying the sleeves of his sweater. When he couldn’'t press out any more tears, crying became painful until it eventually stopped. He gently wiped his raw face with his sleeves, a blank look in his eyes. He let out a shuddered breath and he wrapped his arms around his shoulders, studying each corner of the room.

Closets full of medical supplies lined the walls in a u shape. Their lineup was interrupted by the sink, which was placed rather awkwardly between yet two more closets. A mobile hospital bed sat in front of the two closets right of the entry door. Two sets of IV poles were placed randomly inside the already cramped room. Next to the door tugged away into a corner sat a potted plant, but you could barely make out what kind. Some smart ass figured it was a good idea to plant a creeping ivy in the same pot. The winding plant had nearly taken over its host. Placed in the center was a long table filled with all kinds of hospital stuff, most of which he wasn’'t even allowed to use yet, heck he wasn’t even allowed to be in here under normal circumstances.

Francesco hauled himself up from the dusty floor. He crossed his arms and let out his last sigh. He was done crying. If the world was really going to hell, he'’d seen enough movies to know what to do. Even though Hollywood logic usually didn'’t make any sense it was his best reference point. He hadn’'t lived through a world apocalypse recently so…..

He searched through the closets to inspect the contents, opening, and closing each one very quietly and carefully. He kept his rummaging to a minimum, instead judging what he saw by sight to make as less sound as possible. He only took things which he recognized and knew how to use. Slowly but surely, he had assembled his own personalized first aid kit. He made two kits in case he’d run into anyone who needed it. They were too big to put into his school bag seeing what was already in there, so he stuffed them into an empty pillow case. He emptied one of the tables, throwing whatever was on there into one of the closets.

Keeping his hands busy also kept his mind distracted. Ideas came flooding one after the other, he made a mental to do list. He had packed a first aid kit, now he needed to let any hopeful survivors outside know he was in here. After that he would barricade the door. There weren’'t any empty pillowcases left, he was planning to make a sign and hang it out of the window but there was nothing to write on. He'’d already managed to find a black marker pen. He bit his lip, searching the room for the fifth time in a row. All the while he failed to spot the pillow on the hospital bed, which had a perfectly usable fabric casing around it. Francesco only realized this when he flopped onto the bed in defeat.

Did he just not see the pillow sitting there this entire time? Not for the first time that day he smiled at his own stupidity. He spread out the pillowcase on the table neatly, smoothing out the folds. Writing the word HELP on fabric wasn’t as easy as you'’d think. It ended up readable and luckily large enough to be seen from the floor he was on. He made two small holes in the top corners of the pillow case with a scissor and looped a thread through it, which he then tied to the iron bars of the heating system underneath the window. He opened the window carefully and wind rushed inside. He lowered the pillowcase against the walls of the building, it flapped in the wind resting just underneath the bottom edge of the window.

He really hoped it would stay visible and not get blown away by the wind. SOS sign done, he checked it off of his mental to do list. A growling noise which rivaled the human beasts escaped from his stomach and his face flashed hot with embarrassment, even though there was no one around to hear it. He grabbed his bag and took out his lunchbox. He looked at the two sandwiches contemplating if he would eat both of them. He didn't know how long he'd be in here. It could hours, maybe even days. What if he was discovered by those beasts before he escaped? Eager to dismiss the last thought he munched down on a peanut butter sandwich. He was thinking of the best way to barricade the door. Moving one of the closets would make way too much noise and he doubted he had the muscle to move it anyway. His best bet would be to wheel the hospital bed in front of the door, maybe move that potted plant too, with one of the tables for good measure. When he finished his lunch he got to work. The plant was the smallest of his three makeshift barricade materials so that was up first.

He wiped his hands on his jeans, they were kind of clammy, before grabbing the plant at its base using his left leg to guide it to the door. It was deceptively heavy, probably because of the soil inside the pot. He grunted while he moved it into what he thought a strategic position, when suddenly he looked at his hands. The veins were swollen, just like the ones on his face but they were glowing a crazy traffic light green. Startled he let go immediately, the glow dimming after he released the plant. What the hell was that?! He blinked a few times, the glow was gone.

He tentatively touched the plant again and the glow returned, only now he felt the leaves stir against his skin, the base of the plant seemed to move underneath his palm. It kind of felt like a pulse, slowly beating against his hand. A loud crash erupted somewhere down the hallway, it sounded like doors being demolished. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and fear toyed with his stomach. The glow of his veins increased to a bright green and then something extremely disturbing happened. It was like his panic was feeding the ivy plant. It started to grow at an unnatural pace, like something you'd see in a timelapse video, where seedlings grew into full formed plants in a matter of minutes. It wrapped its vines on anything that it could find, weaving like a spiderweb across the door. It snaked around the handle,creeping underneath the door. All the while Francesco watched with wide eyes, unable to let go, not knowing what he was doing. The ivy seemed to fortify the door, creating a net on the inside of the medical room, covering most of the wall, in which the door was placed. If someone would open the door they would push into a hedgework of tough leafy vines.

"Oh my....god"

It felt like the room was spinning for a second and he steadied himself on one of the IV poles. He was feeling really light headed. His throat was dry, like he hadn't had a drink in hours. He swallowed a couple of times, waiting for the dizziness to fade.

There was no time to admire his handiwork, because he could hear them stalking through the hallway like before. Francesco quickly wheeled the hospital bed in front of the door. He pushed one of the tables against the bed. The fact that he was creating noise by doing that was lost on him, he still couldn't get over what he had just done. The barricade wouldn't get any stronger than this, because one he was out of material and two, the room was already cramped. He moved as far back as possible, hoping somebody would spot his sign before.......
I have a test tomorrow, but the weekend should be good for a first post.
Still need to figure out a few things for my starting location/situation too.

M a l e ● T w e n t y - F o u r ● A B - P o s i t i v e

✦ Plant manipulation
Francesco’s mutation has given him the psychic ability to connect with and manipulate vegetation such as plants and flowers, and control their growing process. All he needs is fertile soil, a place where plants can grow naturally. He can make plants bigger and larger, push them beyond their limits like a 50 feet apple tree, but the size of the apples will remain normal. No basketball sized fruits. Plants without a wood base seem to take him the least amount of time to grow. He can grow a potato or lettuce in a matter of minutes while a small, let’s say shoulder height apple tree might take up to half an hour. He also seems to be better at growing plants that yield food, as that is the only type of plants he’s had practice at growing. His ability is erratic and uncontrollable. He needs his full concentration to cause something to happen.
✦ Pheromone generation
A second mutation which lies dormant and is connected to his bloodstream and the veins popping up to the surface. It is as if the veins are trying to emulate vines, the little flower buds that have appeared randomly will eventually enable him to release a plant based pheromone from his body. The type of pheromone dictates the effect it will have on its environment e.g. calming, arousing, fear inducing. The scent is vaguely floral but almost undetectable by the human nose.

After the change set in Francesco’s skin changed into a greenish hue. His veins have pushed themselves closer to the surface in a permanently swollen state, kind of like the veins you see on old people’s hands. The skin that covers these veins has darkened and toughened to protect the fluids running underneath. In some places, small dots have appeared which seem to grow slightly bigger each day. They look like dark green skin tags, shaped similarly to a flower bud. When he uses his powers his veins glow a bright green, the intensity of the glow depends on the amount of power he uses.

Thorns grow on random places but are seemingly focused on the more vulnerable parts of his body, E.g. the neck, chest. They have attached themselves like scabs and can be torn off which is painful to him. His eyes give off a pale light when it is dark, a form of bioluminescence like that of a glowing fungus.

Aside from his mutations what is left of his appearance has remained human. Francesco looks young for his age, like he’s in his late teens. He has dark brown wavy hair which he usually wears up out of his face. His eyes are light brown and slightly almond shaped. He has an oval shape face with a pointed nose, full lips, and thick long brows. Occasionally he keeps a bit of neatly trimmed facial hair. His body is slim and toned but without much visible muscle, also he’s not the tallest guy in the world at only 5’5’’.

Helpful and naïve are two words which sum up his character pretty well. If you need help with anything, anything at all you should go to him. Even if he can’t help you he’ll find someone who will. He tries to see the good in everyone and the upside to every downside. He’s an introvert, calm, shy, and somewhat withdrawn. A very sensitive young man who often feels misunderstood. He hates to argue, or see other people argue and is a peace keeper, crossing his own personal limits to ensure group harmony. Often lost in thought he can come across as dreamy, passive and a push over. Add to this the fact that he has a very strong drive to care for others, a maternal instinct he has no qualms about hiding and you have an eccentric guy.

Francesco wasn’t slow to realize that he’s not your typical guy’s guy, but doesn’t attempt to act differently. Instead he’s accepted the fact that he is the way he is. He’ll always be a bit awkward around guys and more at ease around girls. In social situations, he tends to speak only when spoken to and sticks with the people he’s comfortable around. He’s always the last one to voice his opinion and often only when asked for. He’s a late bloomer and while he has experience in some areas he has a complete lack of experience in others.


Smartphone- Not much to say here, only that his battery has nearly run out, which isn't unusual for him by any means.
Wallet- Most of the paper in there are receipts he forgot to throw away, pictures of his family and friends and cards from psychics and mediums he saved from a fair he went to.
First aid kit- He "compiled" (stole) at school. It has the standard things in there, bandages, pain killers, stitching thread and a needle.
Housekey- Doubtful if he'll be going home anytime soon.
Schoolbag- The contents aren't extraordinary, a small laptop, notebook, pencil, a bag of nuts, a lunchbox with two sandwiches, a stale apple and a bottle of water.

✦ "Nurse in the making" Francesco is in his first year of nursing school and has a lot of know-how but lacks the practical experience. For example, he knows how to measure blood pressure, apply bandages, check a pulse or basic first aid, but he has zero experience with these in the field. He practiced on either his super healthy class mates or on human dolls.

✦ "Herbals are the way to go" A hobby which has gone completely out of control. He has tons of books about the subject and can name an herbal medicine for most common ailments. Some are better than regular medicine and others don’t have much noticeable effect. It works on a case to case basis as everyone’s body has a slightly different genetic makeup. He knows the basics and it comes in handy especially with his new powers.

✦ "Kitchen Prince" A home cook but good at what he does. He knows Italian food inside and out and can cook a mean dish of pasta among other things.

✦ "I’m here to listen" Years of family arguments, a failed but instructive education as a social worker and now studying to be a nurse has left him with the talent of listening to someone’s burdens. He tries to not be judgy or come up with solutions that never work. People often feel at ease around him and trust him with difficult life issues. It comes natural to him.

✦ "No family no bueno." Without his family or friends, he’s an emotional wreck, he becomes a recluse and refrains from making much contact with strangers. He needs someone to care for as that is what he does best. Knowing someone will have his back no matter what eases a lot of fear he has for the future.

✦ "No...No way I can't do that!" Francesco has extreme self-esteem issues. He thinks very lowly of himself and what he can do, or rather what he can’t do. The things he’s done right and the stuff people admire him for are barely registered by him, if at all. His confidence is easily shaken and all around he’s just easily discouraged.

✦ "Right.....or left?" Maybe not one of the worst quirks to have, but Francesco has a horrible sense of direction. He can’t read a map to save his life and never pays attention to where he’s going.

✦ "No plants without dirt" His powers only work when there is fertile soil. If the area is tainted by toxic waste, radiation, or any other kind of pollution he can’t grow anything, not even a patch of weeds.

✦ "Death by fire" Due to the nature of Francesco’s mutation his physicality has developed a dangerous and possible life threatening sensitivity to fire. He has a severe asthmatic reaction to smoke. Minimal exposure is required to burn his skin and his burns are much more severe than they would be on other Changed or even The Pure.

✦ "Close to nature" Whenever Francesco overextends the use of his power, either by using a large amount of power at once or continuous strain, he will begin to suffer adverse affects. His psychic connection to vegetation has a downside. The plants seem to sap moisture from his body when he pushes them and himself too far and at this point it will become dangerous. Symptoms not unlike those of dehydration will start to impare his bodily functions. At best he'll experience dizziness a headache, tiredness, dry lips, eyes and mouth. A loss of strength and stamina. At worst he'll start to shrivel, his skin will crack and his organs will seize to work. If he doesn't increase his intake of water, or receives moisture in any other kind of way he'll most likely die.

Oh sorry!! ;(
I feel terrible now. Maybe as a compromise I can help you think of something new?
We can brainstorm in the chat.
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