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The journey to Alexandria was unbelievable, unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. It felt amazing as if she was bathing in the clouds, pleasantly soft and.....it was over before she realized it. They had arrived in the library of Alexandria and again like the journey the destination was astonishing. Mila was stunned, she had never seen this many books, scrolls and everything else one would use to document in one place. It was immense and she felt her jaw drop which she had to close with her hand. Just unbelievable. If there was one place who had the information she needed it would be here. Though the Rusalka didn't have time to take in the magnificence of the library and the possibilities it held. Isis was perched upon the shoulder of the stone man in the shape of a beautiful bird, her divine voice sounding through their minds. Their journey was beginning. Faster than she'd expected to. Before she had any time to take in the guardians they were to face, one of the team members already launched himself at them, thrown by the man made of shining onyx.

Mila shrieked and covered her head with her arms as the statue came to life, not a very smart move if you were wanting to stay alive. For Gods sake. She thought peeking up cautiously to see what was happening. I'm a lover not a fighter, I'm not cut out for this kind of thing. She saw a shadow on the ground steadily growing larger. It wasn't hers nor anybody else's. At least no one could have a shadow of that size, unless...... The statue was coming down!

"Watch out!" She screamed. She didn't know if the team member who launched himself at the statue was hurt, she hoped he had survived his crazy dive. The guardians of Alexandria were immense. Mila knew she didn't have the kind of juice to even scratch their stony surface. Besides she doubted they could be drowned and if that wasn't the case she was pretty useless, at least it felt that way. Lucky for her, the team had some heavy hitters along. However it didn't stop her from taking part in the action. She quickly threw off her trenchcoat, since one it was too hot and two it would be easier to move around.

In absence of Henry she turned to the second most familiar face, the red wolf Veti.

"What do we do?" She called out. Mila kept a close eye on each team member, making sure to warn them when they got in sweeping distance of the stone guardians. If there was one thing she could do from the sidelines it was to be the eyes and ears. The Rusalka knew a pair of extra eyes watching out for you while fighting against something a tenth your size could keep you from ending up like a pancake.
Eeek! We're going to fight huge statues, how awesome is that? ^.^
Great to be approved ^.^
I hate to be OCD about this but you misspelled Katerina's name. Also I shamefully forgot this, females are named Petrova were men are called Petrov.

Mila was surprised Mr Makarov recognized her. As far as she could remember they hadn't met before. The Rusalka had been so absorbed in her research the past month, it didn't leave much room for socializing. Bain & Hoyle did have some interesting faces around, ones worth meeting. Her research had just been more important. Seymor Makarov was a an undead as far as she could tell. She didn't know what kind, if his name was any indication he could be of Russian origin. Russia was a good distance from Bulgaria but still part of Eastern Europe. For some reason the fact he was from Eastern Europe made her feel like she could trust him more easily.

"I'm convinced you won't disappoint" She said with a slight bow, which made her hair fall over her shoulders in waves of red copper. Whoever invented that brush shaped hair dryer was a genius. With a final polite smile to Mr Makarov the Rusalka made her way to the others gathering underneath the wings of Isis. Her wings were magnificent and strikingly beautiful as was the rest of the Goddess. Mila almost caught a sense of envy only to realize comparing herself to a Goddess was ridiculous.

It had seemed inevitable for the group to spilt up after Atticus made his proposal. For some the decision had been easier than others. The way they split was quite the spectacle. A rush of green fire spread across the lines appearing on the ground after Atticus had inserted the mysterious artifact into one of the stones. Mila quickly followed Mr Makarov to the Egyptian Goddess, wings outstretched ready to whisk them away to the lands of the deserts. Butterflies were fluttering wildly in her stomach, not so much at the prospect of flying but more so at the scorching desert sun. It had been a long time since she'd traveled to a land such as Egypt. Her memories about her previous "vacation" weren't all that pleasant.

"I much prefer the depths of European lakes, I tend to get a sun burn quickly" She joked. While that was largely true, Mila had spent most of the last century at her lake in Bulgaria. A change of scenery and company would be good. It filled her with a sense of reality and purpose, instead of the dream like existence she sometimes slipped into. Bathing, combing her hair and dancing with strikingly handsome young men was incredibly fun but not enough to satisfy her, not anymore.

Her green-blue eyes passed all of the employees in team Ankh as she dubbed it. She realized with a hint of panic, Henry wasn't there and she couldn't remember him stating he would join them either. She had expected he would. The desert probably wasn't his favorite place either but he was part of the team who knew Max right? A troubled look played across her features and she crossed her arms in front of her chest. She wanted Henry to go too. Who else was she supposed to joke around with? She wanted to make a bet to see who would dry out first. Henry probably, since she had her comb with her and could summon water anytime she needed to. Hopefully he didn't know that, besides it wouldn't be cheating. She called it making use of your resources.

Her frown quickly turned into a hearty smile at the sight of the tall stone man. She'd glanced at him during the meeting now and again. She had thought him to be all dark and mysterious which made his gesture all the more endearing. He was covering his eyes with a large polished hand. The Rusalka walked over to him stifling a giggle, a playful gleam in her eyes. The top of her head didn't even get to his chest so she couldn't reach the hand covering his eyes. Instead she took hold of his other hand, tugging gently at his arm. If he was truly a stone man, he must have had a beating heart somewhere since his "skin" wasn't cold like real stone, not as cold as hers. Her skin never regained the warmth it had when she was alive.

"She's not as scary as she looks" She said with a amused giggle. Mina couldn't quite tell why he was covering his eyes, but people tended to do that when they were scared and e seemed to be quite human. She couldn't say the same for the rest of her team. Veti had transformed into a magnificent red wolf and a dryad was towering over them a little ways away. It was awesome, she had never seen so many supernatural beings free of their humane disguise. Even she housed a somewhat monstrous transformation.
I'm still here too! And welcome back Tirg great to hear from you again. The past few days, including the weekend have been awfully bussy, baking for a bake sale and babysitting my cousin is like a full time job
Roses grow best when stolen. Gardeners saying. If that was a compliment thanks :) If not, well XD
Moon said
@dreamingflowers: Did you see tonights episode? Haha, I love Katherine. And I like your character as well. Be careful though, she is very similar to the show's Katherine so you might want to do a bit to seperate her a little more. Good though! Will be accepted once you finish it up.

I'm guilty I know, I really didn't want to copy a character straight from a tv show and I promise I will do anything I can to add enough differences to make it good ^.^ Actually I'm halfway into season 2. it's terrible I know. The character just appealed to me so much, I love her sense of survival and I admire that about her. I could have changed her name and appearance of course but even that I liked. It was kind of perfect really. Though I had my doubts, it would be kind of weird seeing "parts of" a character from someplace else in a original story. It is not my intention to play as the Katherine from the show or I would have joined a The Vampire Diaries roleplay. There were just lots of things about her that really inspired me to play a similar character and much can be used in any other setting in my opinion. I still have one part left to fill in. My grandma is coming over next week and she's going to help me with it since she's Romani. She knowns a lot about Shivani's and what they do.
Awww Viewtiful, well like Moon said you're welcome back anytime. I think it would be possible to jump in somewhere, I doubt we'll get to the end in three weeks. At least I hope not ^.^ I haven't finished my sheets yet, but I wouldn't mind some constructive critisism.
Name: Katerina Petrova (born) Katherine Pierce (English)

Family: Petrova

Innate Ability: Precognitive dreaming, the power to perceive future events while dreaming.

Katerina has the ability to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, visions of the future are subject to frequent shifting. While not being able to select futures her dreams may assist in possible courses of action.

This ability only works when she falls asleep naturally. The dreams are always symbolic but can be from multiple perspectives, including her own or somebody else's. She finds it hard to differentiate between different perspectives which often confuses her. The symbolism in her dreams however is something she's very skilled at deciphering. It's a skill she had to learn in order to make some sense of her visions. Strange enough she rarely dreams about herself which annoys her to no end. For someone who puts survival above all else you'd understand why.

Age: 21


Katerina is an extraordinarily beautiful and seductive young woman. She has an oval face with fine bone structure, a wealth of brown curly hair, and almond-shaped, deep brown eyes with thick dark lashes. She has a slim body with a hourglass figure. She often pairs a sensually cut outfit with heels and is not above using her beauty to her advantage. With heels she sports an inch above her usual 5'5".

Her typical wardrobe consists of darker more sensual colors and almost every piece of clothing she owns hugs her body snuggly. She is vain and spends a considerable amount of time on her looks. She knows how to dress well. Everything she wears is chosen with purpose and care. In her community a woman's value is partly based on what she looks like. So her vanity can be somewhat justified.

Katerina hasn't had an easy life and it left its mark. She is tough, independent, selfish, feisty, smart, vain and has an incredible sense of self-preservation. There is nothing she wouldn't do to ensure her own survival. She has been known to have a knack for creating elaborate plans and deceptions. If a task needs doing, she'll find a way to accomplish it, usually through a combination of uncompromising will and skilled manipulation of people and circumstances. If you cross her prepare for vengeance, she has incredible patience as long as she knows you'll get what's coming to you. Her eyes always seem to be hiding something Her mannerisms are more deliberate, her true feelings hidden, almost as though she is performing for an audience. She is such a skilled liar and actress that her "friends" are often left wondering. Did she really care about me or did she just use me?

Katerina displays the same sense of survival towards her family in the sense that she would do anything to protect them. They are the only people who matter to her and she is aware they are her weakness. She is never selfish or insensitive when she's with them. It is a difference of night and day and some might think her "default" personality is all an act. But that begs the question. What is she really like?

Katerina was born in the "Hotel Heaven", an apartment complex in a slum in Yambol, Bulgaria. She was the seventh and youngest child of Anna and Dimitri Petrov, a Romani couple. The Petrov family lived a life of extreme poverty having left the roads generations ago. As poor as they get, the Petrov household turned over every penny three times before spending it. The Romani as in many other parts of the world were heavily discriminated against. They were not welcome in the city and driven out to live in the slums.
As a result neither Katerina or her six brothers received proper education. Their life was tough from the get go. Her brothers tried to find a job but were shunned almost every where. Their community didn't have the best reputation, but they were well known for one thing. The Shuvihano and Shuvihani were men and women who were rumored to be able to work magic in your favor. Katerina's grandmother especially was famed for her love spells. She was not allowed to take a "regular" job, instead she was raised a housewife. Cleaning, cooking and taking care of at least five children, that was going to be her future. The only advantage to her stay at home life was her grandmother teaching her magic, a very useful skill which would change her life.

The Petrov family had long since abandoned their nomadic life style but their traditions remained, maybe even stronger than before. Katerina would marry someone of their choice as soon as she hit puberty. When she turned sixteen her parents arranged for her to marry one of the wealthier young men in the community, wealthy meaning having a paid job. He was going to look after their precious daughter and in extension her family. She was being used like a bargaining chip. Now if Katerina had been a meek young girl with no voice of her own she might have agreed to this, but she was a Gyspy witch. Katerina took matters into her own hands when a client came to visit her grandmother conveniently accompanied by his teenage son.

They were rich outsiders and outside was exactly where she wanted to go. She knew eloping was frowned upon, there would be consequences. But Katerina was convinced this life was going to end her, or she would end it. She wanted out, there was so much more out there in the world. She made the decision to leave the "Hotel Heaven", cutting all ties with her family before they could. She seduced the wealthy client's son and cast a powerful love spell to make him obsessed with her. The father was forced to take her with them to America at his sons request. Katerina very quickly adapted to the American way of life. She was smart and witty, her broken English improved tremendously and after two years she spoke it fluently. Changing her name to a more English sounding name, she started to enjoy life and explore what it had to offer her.

A year after she left her brothers realized the kind of life their sister was living in America. Katerina didn't have to worry about there being no food on the table, she was living off the riches of the American outsiders. She had the guts to make a better life for herself. Only her youngest brother hadn't settled down yet. He could still do the same, elope like she had. Deyan was a legal adult and allowed to leave the country so he contacted his sister and together they arranged for him to come to America. Katerina used the same love spell, to get her brother settled in comfortably. Obviously the siblings were the source of much gossip in the uper class neighbourhood. It seemed the family's reputation preceded them.

Others: She is aware of the magic blood in her family.
Witch Family Sheet

Family Name: Petrov (men) Petrova (women)

Leader/Notable Members: Katerina's grandmother is the Shuvihani of their community which is the highest position you can have. She knows everything about Gypsy witchcraft and it is her people turn to for good fortune, love spells, wedding rituals and baptisms.

Economic Standing: extremely poor.

Magical Standing: The women of the Petrov family have been arrant fortune-tellers for generations. They plied their trade while traveling and they have never relinquished the practice. Often innate magical talents were the key to their skill. Precognition and retrocognition in all its varations seem to run in the Petrov family line. They don't possess any raw destructive magical power. Their approach is more subtle, binding ones who have that kind of power to them by means of love spells.

Values: The Petrov family puts family ties above all else, they pride themselves upon their unity. Betraying a member of the family is punishable by death. This means the needs of the indivuals are second to those of the community. It is a remnant of life on the road. Leaving the community is frowned upon but not unforgiveable. They are capable of doing anything to ensure the survival of the family. They trust only their own despite how convincing they might be, don't be fooled.

Magical Style: The Petrov family practices Gypsy Witchcraft which is a type of magic created by the traveling Romani people. Also called Traveler magic, it is a rich tradition of spells and rituals to bring about healing, protection and love. Urban gypsies have adapted their rituals in order to suit the city . Though all Romani agree, true magic can only be practiced on the roads. It is said they draw power from ordinary objects turning them into amulets and charms. They draw down the moon for love spells. Their magic is very practical and requires no sacrifice or preperation of weeks on end. You just need to be in the right place at the right time, with the right items.

Family History: The Petrov family descends from the first Romani to arrive in Bulgaria. However In this current day and age they are scattered across the world. The younger generation especially often marry outside of the community. Though they may be separated the family (in laws included) always keeps tabs on each other. A cousin twice removed is as much family as a full brother or sister. While many think scattering of the community to be a weakness, the Petrov's are never truly separated. They tend to live close to each other whichever part of the world they are in. There aren't many true Petrov's left due to marriage outside of the community becoming less of a taboo though the fact they have power in numbers can't be denied.
*Fills up two plates with steaming hot slightly darker than usual (due to the cinnamon) colored pan cakes* Here you go guys! ^.^ Pancakes can be enjoyed any time of the day, even as a midnight snack attack.
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