Avatar of Duckie
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 2 yrs ago
  • Posts: 59 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Duckie 2 yrs ago
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Current "And so, you did just as you said you never would."
2 yrs ago
The fundamentals of extravagant altitude in attentiveness are all too dull.
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2 yrs ago
Long lost in the abyss of time, swept away for the price of a dime.
2 yrs ago
Thinking about the falling of gentle snow and how it feels to fall so freely; whispering tenderness.
2 yrs ago
Currently fumbling through the site, soaking up potential information!


A keeper of secrets, a hand to hold in the thunderous of storms, a friend lighting your way; that's who I strive to be.

While I'm reclusive most of the time, I peek from behind my hermit ways to try and make friends when the time is right. All the same can fit into the large palm that is writing, as it's the perfect escape from the everyday stress of life and the many structures that cling to it.

I'm 25, answer to any and all pronouns, my mood is constantly changing and I'm an artist. There are many things I enjoy in terms of writing, but budding romances, betrayal, forbidden acquaintances, fantasy and extended periods of character development are my favorite.

If you wish to chat with me about potential writings, simply bring along a snack and you're already halfway there!

Most Recent Posts

A.. Friend?


The song that filled her pointed ears with delight had come to a tender halt, the soothing goosebumps that had rippled over her flesh soon rippling away; off into the wind like the life she despised before these moments. The woman's stomach churned in haste as her body struggled to lift itself from the ground; bumps, scratches and bruises burned her bare feet. Tainted fingers clenched to the woman's, balance wavering to and fro, legs shaking in an uncertainty. It was only the warmth from the serene woman that had allowed her to fight all bodily instincts to falter and fall to the ground, her frame bumping up and against the lady until she was nearly upright. "It's very nice to meet you as well, Ana. I can't believe I was so stupid as to not realize I was just outside of.. Food.." Words lingered as she adorned the lady with a quick nickname, mostly for the fact she hadn't the strength to speak much in these moments. Perhaps if it wasn't for her devastating state of being, she may have noticed the fury in the woman's eyes, but the horned woman simply tucked to her, unsure if she was fond of being used as a support pillar; Calliope truly had no other choice if she was to make her way inside the tavern. "Food.." that was the last bit she had spoken before wrapping her arms to the woman and holding to her waist, face tucked in an effort to remain strong in such vulnerable moments. Calliope was unable to notice the figures of bodies that had slinked and slithered past them on their own journey into the outdoors, her focus on the grumbling of her innards and the sore muscles that were far more telling upon stance.

Calliope couldn't wait to remember the feeling of a warm fire, a full belly and a healed body. Perhaps she found a friend, a place of solace. Time would tell, as would demeanor; she smiled at the thought, attempting to join the woman inside with slow, careful steps.

Bump! Because apparently, I decided to post at 3-4AM.
Hellooo there!

First and foremost, I am very fresh back into the RolePlay scene. As time has gone on and I’ve started my first public set of posts, I realized I’m rusty and could use some practice.

I’m a very open person, to many types of genre. I do, however, enjoy fantasy, mystical settings, enemy-to-romance and outright romance, slice of life and cyber-esque writings. I’m fluid in character creation and change depending on the mood, tone and person I’m writing with.

If you’d like to bounce around ideas and you’re the patient type who will be content with me learning along the way, you’re welcome to contact me on Discord so that we may discuss.

I would also like to mention that replies may be spread at times, as my life can be a little erratic. Any are welcome to bounce around some ideas with me and I’ll understand if you decide to not pursue! Here are my details: D u c k i e#0022
Awake, At Long Last


A chilling roll buried into the depths of the woman's flesh, body that curled upon the uneven ground stirring in rampant shivers. Icy, pale-lilac flesh ribbed in goosebumps, hair upon skin standing in response. It must have been the deepened slumber and the chill of low blood sugar, her stomach rumbling away the bumps; muscles of her abdomen clenched and begged for soothing. A weak hand lowered to rub her midsection in soothing strokes; Calliope's body turning to the most beautiful of songs. Was there a building nearby, perhaps?

At last her eyes opened, the semi-open, blue orbs scanning the blurry image before her. There she was, an angel in her dreary state, the one the elven woman assumed would take her far from this place of utter starvation. "Have I really not eaten in that long? That.. I've been called to death?" she spoke in a groggy tone, body hoisting itself up at the waist to face the woman who resides just before her. A hand grazed the corner of her lips to wipe away the remnants of drool that had persisted during her sleep; oh how she wished her dreams of delicacies and savory masses of consumption had been true to this life.

Such a daze she had been in that she hadn't even focused her eyes enough to view the individual before her, hands rubbing about her body to brush away the cold that sunk into her sore bones. A fingernail caught a single link on the long chain that clung to her neck alongside a thick collar and the softest of whimpers brushed past her lips. In no world would she have felt the sting of metal to her neck if she'd since passed onto the next life, nor would her soul had allowed her to proceed from this life without a full gullet. Another rub of those sky-blue eyes and she was looking at the woman who stood in amazement, such a voice of tranquility. How long had she been standing; nay, why was she awaiting her awakening state?

Calliope felt like a new born babe in this world, so very-much sheltered in her 24 years of life on this planet. The perception she held of people was one of confusion, unknowing of the differences in good and bad until she was shown outright. Instead of pursuing the one before her, she simply acted as if she had not previously spoken, lifting a scarred-knuckled hand from the ground, "I'm Calliope and I like food."


Thank you so much for the invite, I honestly don’t mind who replies to me via this roleplay, as I’m testing waters with public settings and letting myself unwind. You’re welcome to interact with her anytime, as is anyone. Just kind of a fun post to help me figure things out. First time doing this.
Calliope's Lasting Slumber


It felt like the harshest of journey's despite the years it had taken for her to escape that dreary, cobweb-filled box of a home. Calliope's feet scraped against the ground at every step, her mind twirling about thoughts of gratefulness for her escapades of adventures as a child and the callouses on her feet. Though, it didn't stop the occasional snag of flesh, cuts and soft bumps of pain present on the soles of her tired feet. A positive attitude is what the woman kept as she lousily trotted along, at this point unable to navigate safe and appropriate steps due to the aching muscles of her legs giving way to the weight of her being.

"Though, the chains could quiet down. Stupid leash, collar thing that makes me look like I'm some animal. I wish I'd have thought to grab something to get this thing off my neck..." The thought was trailed off, a fine set of digits raising to yank at the collar that littered her neck with scuffs. One foot after the other, she hadn't moved with haste quite yet; besides, he'd never come after her. He's far too lazy, at least she made herself believe. "On to the next adventure!" she spoke in a semi-joyful tone, trying to tug at the happy strings of her heart to surpass the pain she felt in both joints and stomach. Perhaps she could chow down on some grass? Nuh-uh, she needed some hearty meat and potatoes to fill her stomach; one of her favorites. Such a simple food, but one she enjoyed thoroughly for any meal of the day. Then came the thoughts of money, funds; she had but one golden coin tucked within the corset of her shirt, a family heirloom. Surely this currency could get her something, anything, once she was able to stumble upon any other form of life that intertwined paths with her in this elongated journey of survival.

The young Elf-Tiefling's stature was beginning to fade until she was hunched over and lost all of the prior hope; hours had drained on until her vision became fuzzy and she pout amidst the music of stomach grumbling and crackling bones. Ah, did the ground look fertile and refreshing in this moment, eyes lulled shut with a flash of black.

// THONK //

There she went, cold as ice against the ground, body rigid as a board. Though devastatingly positioned, a smile adorned her face; she dreamed of doughnuts, fine meats, potatoes and a soup so savory it made her stomach yearn for more. Chocolate cakes topped with whipped cream, crispy cookies with chips of goodness, pies stuffed with fresh fruit, mmn..

Calliope's eyes fluttered back open and down fell the thickest chunk of dirt, mouth filled with the earth's essence in the most vile of ways. A gag and heave commenced before she decided maybe, just maybe, she'd lay outside and hope for better when she had awaken. Face tucked to the ground and mouth cleared of the filthy dirt, she laid to rest. Little did she know, a tavern rest only moments from her body; how she didn't see or hear, no one knows.

Calliope Elara D'zeqi




  • Name: Calliope Elara D'zeqi
  • Age: 24
  • Height: 5'3"
  • Weight: 130 lbs.
  • Build: Moderately Athletic, Weight is carried from the hips, down.
  • Sexuality: To Be Discovered
  • Species: Elf-Tiefling [Fey-ri]
  • Physical Discrepancies: Sensitive flesh due to scarring, heat and cold cause major changes in demeanor. Body is in a current state of weakness due to recovery [TBA].

General Traits

  • Softly Spoken, Hesitant [Upon initial greeting.]
  • Spacey, clumsy to a fault, vaguely immature.
  • Book smart, knowledgeable, mistakenly viewed as fragile.
  • Hot-headed and prone to outbursts that last very temporarily; will not physically engage.

Cardinal Facts

  • Very closed off when it comes to getting to know someone.
  • Has very little currently to her name, one horn is cracked and ready to crumble at any given moment.
  • While she may come off as a little "dumb", she in-fact is book smart. Street smart, not so much. Has been practically spoiled her entire life, until as of late. Only child.
  • Despises flying insects, but loves any other creature of the world.
  • Has a distaste for dark beer, but anything else is appropriate; may sneak milk from time to time.
  • Was bred for the sake of her hometown species, married off at 22 to a random man who kept her chained in the dark. She never gave up and it took her many scars and two years to escape. Now she has nothing but the clothes on her back.
  • This character is very-much one I am using to develop as I write, more traits, facts, likes and dislikes will be added as character development persists.


Introduction & Appearance

Although Calliope stands at a shorter stature, the woman may be described as a powerhouse from the waist down, hips and muscle of her legs and thighs evident in every, single graze of her presence into this world. Her arms loom curiosity, their flesh sprinkled with scars and newly found cuts, back scattered with this same remark. As is, the muscles of her hands are deadly; that is, if she wasn't thoroughly tired from her prior engagements. It has been years since she's seen the light of day, lilac flesh met with sun that's rippled over her in newfound freckles; most evident if it wasn't for the thick cladding of metal chains she lugged with her. Feet bare, head high to its finest capability, she is off to explore not only the world, but herself. How's a spoiled, only child to grow and change without some time alone to think, mmn? Calliope has never been one to present herself in such a vulnerable state, but she has no choice. Shamefully wearing the toils of her failed engagement; she had escaped after her parents sold her off; she now wears the scars that tarnished her once perfect skin. A smile still shines bright on her face, despite the trials she's faced. Pessimism truly is a vile sword during these trying times, alas, she cannot let it take her over.

Theme Song(s)

"28 Reasons" - Seulgi
Atlas, Eyes (ft. Will Samson) - Illuminine [By MrSuicideSheep]

Ah, boy do I love a romance that blossoms realistically, instead of the "love at first sight" stuff. Welcome and enjoy!
Welcome, I hope you find exactly what you're looking for!
Welcome and I hope you can find something slow and fiery!
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