Fiona Enters the Tavern

Fiona had been traveling for weeks. She had gotten lost during a bad storm seeking shelter. She was forced away from the river she was using as a landmark to navigate by. The storm had dropped a lot of water all at once and the slow-moving river had quickly turned to rapids with water rising along its banks. Fiona didn’t want to be caught in a flash flood and had moved away from the river in case it flooded. She had finally found a cave in some rocky foothills to take shelter in. She had set up camp in the dark dank cave and was grateful when she finally got the wet wood to catch that she had picked up along the way once she had spotted the cave. The fire at least dried out an area big enough for her to set out her sleeping roll. She made herself a quick dinner of stew using some of her dried jerky and lentils she carried with her. Once she had eaten and cleaned up she had snuggled down for some sleep.
Fiona had awoken the next day. Looking out the cave entrance confirmed the day had dawned sunny and bright. The sun would hopefully dry out the land quickly to make traveling easier. She quickly got ready for her day. She packed up all her gear and climbed to the top of the hill. She wanted to see if she recognized any of the landmarks around her. Her worst fears were confirmed as she looked east towards where the river flowed. A slash of mud and debris left a huge marks across the landscape. The river had flooded and had taken out the bridge she had been headed for. She would need to find another place to cross. She would have to find another bridge, a ferry, or a place she could ford across. She didn’t dare try fording across the river till it went down some. She would continue south in a parallel course as close as she could maintain to the river.
The following week her travels were plagued by heavy fog. She had trouble seeing where she was going. It was then she had managed to get completely lost. She had found herself in a forest shrouded with heavy mist. Shadows and gloom plagued her steps through the eerie forest. It lacked the sounds of animals and insect life which made it all the creepier. She seemed to stumble out of the forest into a glen where the mists lessened. She spotted the warm glow of firelight in the distance. She moved towards the light which slowly appeared to be a structure. She made her toward it. Structures meant people. Maybe they could help her find her way once more.
Fiona was unsure what kind of building she had found. It was large with at least two stories as far as she tell from the outside. It had a large porch. As she approached the entrance to the building. She caught a glimpse of the interior as the door shut just as she approached from someone entering. She thought she had seen a bar. It looked like a local tavern. She grinned she was due some good luck. She pulled open the heavy wooden door and entered the structure looking around on the small landing. She moved out of the doorway and paused to take a look around.
Fiona was short at 4 foot tall. She had long red hair that was braided in tight rows to pull it away from her face. It fell down her back in long soft waves. Intricate braids decorated with golden beads and jewelry created an elaborate hairstyle and adorned her long red beard. Fiona was young and beautiful for a dwarf. She was dressed in dwarven steel plated leather armor in dark brown. She had a wine-colored cloak on lined in cream colored fur. A large traveling pack with a bed roll tied to the bottom of it resided across her shoulders. A Warhammer hung from a wide leather belt around her waist. A few leather pouches and a dagger also hung from the belt. Her amber colored eyes flowed around the bar area as she tried to figure out the best place to get a drink. She began to make her way through the bar dodging around other patrons. She took a barstool away from the others and politely waited to see how business was conducted here.