Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
11 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
1 yr ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Will try and get a post up sometime tomorrow or on tuesday.
Tony Nicholson


The pair slowly dragged themselves along, moving painfully slowly through the city of Boston. The Alverton Building was a distance away, and Tony was slowly growing anxious. These guys were a lot more terrifying then the PRT - the PRT at least had guidelines, rules they couldn't break. They had to follow the law. Tony knew handing the letter off would be easy - just give it to the secretary and say it's an 'important message.' Still, the place had to be heavily monitored, and the last thing Tony wanted was for his identity to be revealed... Just imagining having to return to his old life in the Wonderland was terrifying. Those people were batshit....



"You didn't have to come here, or agree to show up for the circus... If I were in your situation, I'd want to leave the wonderland to. I'm just saying thanks for doing it for somebody like me."

Tony sighed gently as they just arrived at the Alverton building. Whether those feelings were genuine or just trying to guilt him before he chickened out Tony would never know - but it was too late to back out.

The automatic doors gently opened, revealing a very beautiful lobby area. Tony walked forwards, heart thumping in his chest - he made sure to keep his head down and away from as many cameras as possible. After what felt like an eternity, Robby and Tony made it to the front desk, and the woman there politely addressed them.

"Hello sirs, do you have an appointment today?"

"Just a message - It's very important. Make sure that it ends up on Mr. Maxwell's desk by the end of the day."

Robby nudged Tony's side, bearing a creepy grin. Tony glared daggers at him until it fell, which was relatively quickly. He sure as hell wasn't goin to 'hand it to him personally' like Robby originally suggested. That was just plain stupid, and begging for Tony to get caught. Besides even with his power, getting to Maxwell would be difficult and have little to no payoff.

Tony quickly made his way out of the building, doing his best to hide his face. The last thing he wanted was to get caught on the way out. Finally, they made it out of the sliding doors, and Tony quickly made his way to a safe distance, before sighing in relief.

"We should have seen the guy face-to-face! Then we'd know he would get the message. That receptionist is probably going to just toss it into the junk pile."

"I wanted to stay in there as little time as possible - besides, do you think a guy like him as the free time to see a couple people right off the street? He wouldn't give us the time of day, even if we tried to talk to him."

"Well... You gotta admit, that one was pretty easy! Just get in and get out, no problem!"

"If you're trying to make me feel better about out next visit, it's not really working."

Tony slid his hand into his pocket - this was the hardest part of all. They'd be meeting up with the guy that declared war against every faction in Boston. If they were lucky, he'd be a crazy guy that would be happy to make a return appearance in the circus. If they weren't... They would probably die. At the very least, Robby said they would be meeting in a public place, so they probably wouldn't kill the pair outright...

"Ready to go?"

"Lead the way."

Tony followed the smaller man, praying that he would be able to just walk into the cafe, hand off his invitation, and leave as soon as humanely possible. If he wasn't dead or being hunted down by the end of the day, he'd be able to go to the circus at night... wonderful.

@Holy Soldier
Sorry to hear man, I enjoyed this while it lasted. Hope to see you around!
Will post sometime later today.
- Would you like a more consistent speed with the RP? Faster or this is fine?

I'm honestly fine with anything, as long as we don't have to wait weeks before posting anything.

- Is "1 post per 3-days" too small of a window to make posts?

I can probably handle it - I just have been busy with work and school, mainly.

- Whats the biggest issue for you (personally) that makes you go past the 3-day post timing?

As above - School and work hold me back a lot on stuff I can do on the guild, but I also occasionally have to wait due to family gatherings or hanging out with friends.

- How can I (HueMan) help to fix that issue?

Not really much - though I could probably start posting more frequently if everyone else did, motivation kind of thing.

- Do you have any suggestions or comments regarding the rp so far? Anything goes.

I'm liking the direction so far and I created what quickly became my favorite character out of any of my guild RPs. Really hoping this doesn't die!
The Machamp alarm clock beeped with intensity that caused it to bounce slightly with each ring, and within seconds, a fist came crashing down on it's head. The clock stopped immediately, and a blackish blur leaped from the covers of the bed, followed by a grayish creature. Quickly, the blur ran out of the room, and down the stairs, followed quickly by the creature. Finally, the blur stopped - Tommy stood in front of his weight room, his haven. Following quickly behind was his faithful companion, Machop, already prepared for the intense workout that was soon to come. Tommy rushed to the bench press, sliding the weight on with extreme fervor, and after stretching for a few minutes at a fast pace, he jumped under the bar. Machop hopped on a right behind Tommy, ready to spot him. Tommy lifted the weight off the safety rack, and quickly completed 8 reps, before Machop assisted him in putting back the weight. The pair immediately switched places, and Machop pushed out 20 reps with complete ease - the creature was simply in another league. They did 3 more sets, before moving onto squats and then rows. By the time they completed their third set of rows, the other two had finally caught up - the croagunk was intentionally walking slowly, while Timburr simply hadn't woken up all the way yet.

"Hurry up guys - It's nearly 6! We need to show up by 8 AM since it's our first day!"

Tommy gave a hearty laugh at this, before his father yelled.

"Tommy, keep it down! I need my beauty sleep to keep myself beautiful as I usually am!"

Tommy snickered slightly, aware that his dad was just joking about the last part. Still, he was respectful above all else, and Tommy decided that they'd skip the deadlifts today - those were far too loud this early in the morning. The group, with the exception of croagunk, began to work out, finally stopping at 6:15 AM. Normally, Tommy would have gone longer since this was a full-body workout, but he still had plenty of things to do. He needed to carry his luggage to his new school, the place he would spend the next few years learning.

Tommy was headed to the Alolan Academy! This was one of the most prestigious academies in the entire world for Pokemon trainers, and while Tommy had no aspirations to become a trainer, the thought of spending time with so many motivated and exemplary people was simply too good to be true! Quickly, Tommy ran for the showers, asking Machop and Timburr to pack their bags while he was busy. In 15 minutes, Tommy was feeling good as new and perfectly dressed for this new life, wearing the school uniform of the academy. He slung the bag, containing all of his personal belongings over his shoulder - he had packed this the night before, having been too excited to sleep. The bag was light, only bearing the essentials - School supplies, multiple changes of clothes, and some hygiene products. The real lifting was downstairs.

In the weight room, Machop already carried the majority of the weight, seeing as he was the strongest Pokemon their. 3 pairs of dumbbells, a barbell, multiple plates... Everything that he needed. Well, he needed the safety rack, but dad said he would send a few machamps over with them later in the day, so that was okay! They were all placed into separate bags, in order to prevent any ripping. Tommy quickly recalled Timburr, who was too lazy to walk, and Croagunk, who didn't want to help and couldn't handle the heat, into their pokeballs. Machop and Tommy devoured a breakfast given to them by Tommy's mother, and the pair made their way out to the harbor where they would meet their teachers.

No one was at the marina... Weird. Tommy expected the teachers to show up early at least, but they were probably busy. For the next 15 minutes, Tommy waited with Machop, both of them standing around and doing their best to spot anybody that might be a teacher or a student. Finally, a boat gently made it's way to the shore, and upon stopping, people began to exit - one of which was a red-haired boy with a growlithe.

"That's strange, There's no one here by this photo in the brochure. I guess we'll just have to wait then."

More people began to exit - a brown haired boy with a Shinx, A brown-haired girl with a buizel, a black-haired girl with an extra friendly Ghastly. Machop quickly tugged on Tommy's trousers, and turning to whatever got his attention, Tommy saw another brown-haired girl start coming towards the group, this one with a Larvesta... Unfortunately, Tommy knew what any of these Pokemon were. He had little care for the types of Pokemon other than the physically powerful, and all of these creatures were nothing he had ever seen on a construction site. Still, that didn't deter him - Tommy quickly began to jog forwards, meeting up with the group of other students. He wasn't the only person who lived on the island apparently - that brown-haired girl had come running earlier from somewhere besides the docks - maybe she knew what to do? Tommy knew the general direction to the academy, but he didn't feel comfortable taking the students all the way there. What if the teachers were just running late? They surely wouldn't want to see none of their students at the designated meeting point! Nope, Tommy simply stood near the back of the group, occasionally switching bags with Machop to give him a rest.
I'll get a post out by tomorrow.

EDIT: Work kept me busy - Post should be up in the morning, mid-afternoon at the latest.
So, so many options... All of them shitty. They could go to the consortium, a place that makes money off of selling secrets, and if they found out that Tony was connected to Wonderland... it probably wouldn't end well. The same could be said for the PRT - while they may find him, he did not want to challenge arguably the strongest forces in the nation into finding who offered them an invite - hell, Tony might even get blamed if they get raided in the middle of a fight! That leaves option the former... The guys that have been all across the news for awhile now, and have challenged every faction in Boston to war... The Covenant.

"Why in hell are we even delivering invites to the PRT? It's like we're begging to be arrested."

"There are more than a few crooked heroes, man. PRT probably have their hands full with the Covenants recent activity, so they probably don't have the time to send people to raid us. Lucky, right?"

Tony rolled his eyes, before plucking the white envelope from Robby's hand.

"I don't want to be anywhere near the assholes that literally declared war on us, and the Consortium is great at holding blackmail - at least this way, I won't have to sell my kidney for hush money or wind up dead in an alley..."

"That's the spirit!"

Tony sighed slightly, dreading what was going to come up. If he was lucky, they would find a corrupt hero quick - like Robby said, they weren't exactly rare. But on the off chance they met someone that recognized either of them, or they couldn't find someone to hand the letter off to... well, they were kind of boned.

"C'mon - place is in Mission Hill. I'll lead the way."

Tony wasn't exactly foreign to the PRT - they always had some force around, making sure that the gangs in the city were keeping to some degree of order. But the anxiety that crept up his spine as he walked towards he massive monolith that floated over Boston Harbor. The safest place in the city, and arguably one of the most well protected places in the country, this pyramid floated over the harbor with ease... The perfect defensive position. Several police officers and PRT enforcers patrolled the surrounding ground, making sure that suspicious activity was kept to a minimum. The number of tourists and guards, however, was far lower than usual, and it was almost chilling to see the lack of people.

"What's your ingenious way of getting the letter to someone? We can't really walk in and hand it to somebody we recognize, can we?"

"...I was hoping they'd have a mailbox or something."

Tony held back the urge to strangle his companion, and quickly thought over the situation - there was no way in hell they'd be able to get inside, especially with heightened security concerns thanks to the Covenant...

A flash of inspiration struck Tony, and he quickly began to walk towards one of the people in a PRT uniform, motioning for Robby to stay while he did so. Tony gave the man a curt wave, and began to speak before the man interrupted him.

"I'm glad to find someone like you! I am an officer from the New York branch - I was told about a particularly... aggressive hero in your jurisdiction. I have written a very important message for them, and I was hoping someone would be able to deliver it for me."

"O-of course sir! Do you mind telling me who you particularly have in mind?"

Tony narrowed his eyes.

"I was told that they were a problem - is this problem so menial that not everyone knows about it?"

"No sir! I promise that they'll get it by the end of the day!"

"Good - I'm glad I could find someone so reliable! I'll be sure to put in a good word in about you with Director Armstrong."

Tony turned on his heels, the guard saying "Thank you, sir!" as he did so. The white envelope was clutched gently in his hand, and Troy walked to a somewhat disturbed Robby.

"You sure that'll work? Guy will probably just tear it up. And who the hell were you talking about when you said 'Particularly aggressive'?"

"It'll work - trust me. Next up is Consortium - this will hopefully be pretty easy."

Tony walked forwards, speaking after a few seconds of silence as if he just heard Robby.

"Oh, I have no clue what hero he'll give it to. All I know is that Pipeline wants a bloodshow, and if we're lucky, that guard knows someone particularly dangerous. Hell, maybe he'll even give it to that one kid - Septima, or something. That'd be pretty interesting for the psychos that show up to these Circuses."

The pair walked forwards, making their way towards the Alverton Building.

Tony Nicholson

Tony awoke silently, rising out of bed at the early time of 5:40 AM, before hopping in the shower. He always woke up at ungodly hours, and both his sleep and awakening were dead silent - a year or two of living in Wonderland will do that to ya... The cold water hit Tony's back with annoying pattering, and he quickly rushed through his shower with the autonomy of a man who had done something a thousand times over. He pulled on his robe, and quickly shaved his face, leaving the bathroom at 6. He slowly walked over to his own room, before throwing on an old pair of jeans and a shirt that gave him a look of your average city dweller. He then slid onto the couch in the living room, before turning on the morning news - obviously, the top story was about The Covenant, the group that had managed to cause a good portion of Boston to enter lock down for an entire week... All Tony knew was that a declaration of war wasn't going to sit well with anybody from the Wonderland - he knew, cause it sure as hell didn't sit right with him. These people were, more than likely, just crazy people who got some powers. Nothing special. But something about them made them seemed... Organized. Like they actively plan things out, rather than doing something that just sounds cool or satisfies their twisted desires.

Daniel exited the bathroom around 6:30, wearing a nice dress shirt, tie, suit pants, and hurriedly putting a coat on. The kid always woke up a little later than he was supposed to be somewhere, and his morning rush was already normal to Tony.

"Don't forget to pay rent your half of the rent!"

Daniel slammed the door as he ran out, the words he shouted barely heard by Troy. The guy was probably a little paranoid about Troy being able to pay at all considering he only ever saw Tony sitting around all day, and lord knows he is too busy to get more hours at his dead end job. Tony chuckled slightly - with this power, he had already gotten about 5k, all by just saying a few words during poker games or selling things online. This apartment was nice, but nowhere near 10K a month - Tony was able to afford this place alone if he wanted to. But in all honesty, living alone wasn't worth it. After staying in the Wonderland, you are too paranoid about the sounds during the night - it's good when you have somebody that you can blame them on. Tony looked at his new phone, arguably the best he ever owned - 9:45... Well, another movie couldn't hurt. Tony moved from his sitting position to lay down on flat on the couch, before flicking through channels for something good. With this power, he could spend the rest of his life like this - hell, he could probably live even better if he was smart.

A knock at the door alerted him. Groaning, Tony climbed out of the couch, and made his way to the door, fixing his hair as he did so. Upon opening it, he was face-to-face with one of his only friends, arguably the closest he ever had. The scrawny frame fit perfectly with Robby's rat-like appearance, and the dirty clothes he wore only amplified the similarities. Before he even opened his mouth, Tony grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled him into the apartment, closing the door swiftly as he did so.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

Robby had fallen to the ground, spilling envelopes everywhere as he did so. He slowly rose to his feet, gathering the envelopes into a pile as he did so.

"Geez man, way to welcome an old friend. I got you off the streets you know."

Tony sighed, helping Robby from the ground. The guy was always good at guilt tripping people, but Tony was pretty used to it. After all, he brought that up for the smallest of reasons, including trying to get a muffin Tony bought for breakfast. Tony smirked - Robby hadn't changed in the slightest.

"Guess I'm just a little anxious to find out what a member of one of the craziest gangs in Boston wants with me."

"Yeah, very funny. Look, Pipeline told me to give you a message - We're having another circus, and he wants you to be a ringleader, so be sure to stop by sometime -."

Tony grabbed Robby by the shoulder, before shaking his head.

"Love the offer, but I can't man. No offense, but the time I spent there was god awful - I'd be fine with never seeing another circus in my life."

This was when it came on - the puppy dog eyes, the stammering, Robby's secret weapon.

"C'mon man, it'll be just like old times... B-besides, Pipeline said you could even keep any money we win!"

"Dammit... Fine. You owe me for this - I want as little to do with that place as possible."

Robby smirked.

"Thanks man, saved me. Quick question though... You busy right now?"

Tony sighed, not liking where this was going.

"What is it?"

"Nothing big - I just need to go and deliver some 'invitations'. Wouldn't mind having a little extra muscle in case things go sour though."

Tony covered his face with his hand, hiding his contemplation. He could go, but that would mean getting needlessly involved with Wonderland again... He sure as hell knew that anybody that caught him working with a bunch of crazies like that would shoot first and ask questions later... But Pipeline knew who was okay and who was a problem, so they most likely wouldn't encounter any rats or people who wanted to start a fight with them...

"Fucking fine... Wait a little bit."

Tony ran to his room, grabbed a coat hanging on the door handle, and jogged back, sliding it on as Robby opened the door for him.

"It's great to have you back, buddy."

The pair exited the apartment, before making there way onto the unusually barren streets.

"Who's first?"

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