Avatar of Duoya


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4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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How's this guy look?

EDIT: Not sure if you were busy, but I made a Discord for the RP - Here's the link discord.gg/c6K36aj
Sorry for taking a while, finding good art is a bit of a problem - will post tomorrow!

The man that walked up to greet Haruma was not the normal type that he expected around these parts, to say the least - he had the suit, the jacket, both a navy blue compared to Haruma's dull grey. Unlike Haruma, the man's waist had several accessories adorning it. The wand was expected at events such as this, to the point that Haruma might have considered it permissible in a business setting, and a walkie-talkie was an odd choice but equally excusable. A bible, however, seemed completely out of place - not as strange as the wand, but there was no excusing it. Maybe it was there because Kanamin's enemy of choice was the Roman Catholic Church (A fact that Haruma was blissfully unaware of until that day), but it was a lazy choice in that case.

Ignoring the nagging sensation that this man was not dressed for occasion (and physically blocking his line of sight with the fashion atrocity that was the other representative), Haruma accepted the man's business card in return, noting that it was... much better than his. He'd have to revise it yet again. Haruma patiently listened, his mouth practically salivating at the mention of Brokers, until a sound hit his ear.

Heeeeeey, Noriaki represent!”

The voice wasn't annoying or nasally in any way, but considering the precious information it cut off, it was akin to nails on a chalkboard in Haruma's mind.

“Haruto right? The Private Dick who sometimes uses the second floor janitor’s closest to conduct like investigations an’ junk, cause like it hardly gets used cause of the rumor of the ghosts haunting it due to previous angry janitors?...


“B-but you can find Ken’s oh-so-adowable, pawfect, fuzzy-wuzzy lil mousey wousey right?! H-he’s been s-so-so sad without the toy to smack around, right!?”

The words came out in a spiel that Haruma found nearly as distracting as the other Orbit representatives attire. For one, most of what she said was blatantly false - His name was Haruma, and to a schoolmate he hardly knew it should really be Gotou-Kun at best, he didn't really work with such low payments and such generic requests, and the 'Janitor Closet' was his Office! Well, according to files, it's the 'Investigation Club Room,' but the other members were allowed to call in one favor and the janitor gets 10,000 yen a month to keep his stuff in other rooms, so it's basically his Office now!

"I can... wait for you two to finish."

Shiiiiiiiit! The last thing that Haruma wanted to do was embarrass himself in front of a representative to Orbit Portal Company - how the hell would he get them to respect him if he couldn't even keep his clientele from getting in the way of important business meetings? The decision was basically made for him already - ask her to leave, get back to business, and hope that he can recover any lost ground-

Was she really crying? Oh god dammit... Haruma sighed, doing his best to keep it as discreet as possible. He was going to call her off, get back to business - hell, she can just buy a new toy! Taking out two of his business cards, he quickly scribbled several numbers on it using his black fountain pen. He handed both, along with the pen, over to the Girl.

"Please write your LINE account on that blank one and hand it back to me. I'll take care of your request at the earliest opportunity."

As soon as he got back what he needed, Haruma would turn back to the representative, perform a deep bow, and speak in a low tone.

"I am terribly sorry about my rudeness, Kyuuichiro-Sama. Please forgive me and continue."
Calling dibs on Knight! Slow as hell movement is my favorite!

Edit: If knights aren't tier 1, then I'll start with soldier.
Posted - definitely not the best, my head is killing me. Will fix up sometime later.
@A Lowly Wretch

It was obvious that Kai would not hear Hayim - after all, the god was smaller than most of the bushes by this point, and the blades of grass were coming up to his body. The fire he sprayed burned deep into the wood that encompassed the forest, eliciting a cringing motion from Hayim - who knows how many people would die before he managed to take out the Spire? Hayim abandoned his mission of calling to the dragon god and instead began to race towards the spire.

The sudden heat of the flames was quick to die down, as the fire shifted into the very familiar form of Maple leaves. Hayim, barely realizing this, continued to run deeper into the Spire's aura. Unbeknownst to him, he was leaving behind one of the villagers, who was still hanging onto conscious thought and human features. The rush that had overtaken him was driving him ever forward, forcing him to race towards the spire with constantly increasing speed and vigor. The beating of wings could be heard, and with a turn of his head, Hayim saw the distant figures of Ragnadon's horde, three of his pests.

As if there wasn't enough trouble already with Kai, Hayim turned his movements and rushed into the nearest tree, which had grown to multiple stories tall by this point.

Jumping into the realm of Akhuz, Hayim was immediately shocked to see how it had shifted - it still retained it's meadow-style aesthetic, but the small section he had spawned in was overrun with plant matter and trees. The overflow was nowhere near as bad as the real world - hell, it couldn't even be called a forest, but the fact that the spire was now starting to dig its claws into Hayim's realm was concerning, to say the least. After several more hurried steps, Hayim immediately fell over, his leaves tangling slightly as he did so.

His movements were clunky, unresponsive - leaves were intertwining to form stronger limbs, and he was the fastest he had ever been. But Hayim was not used to the movements in the slightest. It was like suddenly gaining the use of extra arms, or a blind man suddenly gaining sight. Hayim propped his larger body on the nearest bush and, sensing the points he could come out of it into the real world, he hobbled to a nearby tree. For one of the first times in his life, Hayim was nearly too big to teleport through it, the trunk nearly being too thin to fit his frame. Of course, with such a small tree, there was no matching vegetation nearby. Sighing as he prepared, Hayim thrust himself forwards, using the newfound strength his body granted him to launch himself near a shrub he could squeeze into.

Sensing vegetation that was very close to the spire, Hayim allowed himself to fall through the shrub, the branches and leaves taking him back within the Spire's range.

Sprouting out of the shrub, Hayim found himself very close to the Spire, to the point where he could hobble up to it given a minute or two. He needed to figure out how to work it, what he could do to get rid of the mysterious structure. The earlier one had disappeared while Hayim wasn't watching, and he had no idea which of his siblings committed the act. Simply being as close as he was, Hayim could feel his body grow and shift into strange shapes, leaves sprouting by the second.

If he didn't find a way to take out the spire soon, he'd have to retreat to Akhuz and make his way closer. The fear that normally dominated Hayim's life seemed to be absent at that moment - even the thought of touching the massive obelisk didn't strike him as an impossibility. Hayim rested his rapidly growing petal against the shrub he had come out of - the twisted and elongated face of a baby being seen through its branches.

Maybe his lack of fear was because there was a lot more at stake.
Will post tomorrow.
Will post tomorrow.

Alright, to be fair... Never mind, nothing can excuse that, I was just being dumb.
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