Avatar of Duoya


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4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Will get a sheet out sometime tomorrow since it's pretty late where I am.
In Goblins 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Clelk shrugged at the refusal for the sharpening deal, and the following insults. He really didn't expect Cyrus to agree, considering most warriors were capable of sharpening their own blades, and he really didn't lose anything from it. He only offered it in the first place out of respect to his master, so he should have been celebrating the fact that he didn't have to do extra work. As for the insults, he was used to far worse and had learned a long time ago that retaliation was not worth the effort in the slightest. Words meant little for goblins anyways - actions held far more importance, and no one had dared try attacking Clelk.

"Whatever you say - I'll work on it for the rest of today, but I probably won't finish by the end of today if I run out of wood halfway through, so you're helping out a lot with this."

Clelk had no intention of stiffing Cyrus - that was probably one of his few good qualities. He occasionally procrastinated, but never once had he simply bartered with someone and not upheld his side of the agreement. He grabbed the bar he had just finished, deciding that it would more than suffice for a goblin longsword. He grabbed his tongs and started heating the iron bar in the flames of the already lit furnace while tossing in a large piece of lumber to keep the fire roaring.
@Idol Theory
I'm thinking of making some chuuni that is focused on familiars and golems. I want to keep the rest of their stuff more of a secret until I finish the character sheet.
Interested - will probably end up making a master, since servants (at least for me) seem like a lot more work and people usually want to play those more.
In Goblins 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Clelk did his best to restrain his smirk. He was fairly confident that Cyrus would be willing to bend to his requests since they were fairly minor all things considered. For all either of them knew, Cyrus may never encounter a single ore or human artifact on his own - really the pelts were more than enough alone to make the deal worthwhile.

"Don't worry Cyrus, I'm not expecting you to find either of those things - I'm just taking precautions just in case you do. All I really expect is a little wood and the pelts."

Clelk wasn't going to push his luck when it came to the rest of the pelts - there was no way that Cyrus would betray him since Clelk was one of only two blacksmiths in the whole village. Besides, the reward would actually give Clelk the motivation to finish the sword in a timely matter, rather than procrastinate on it and focus on something else. Clelk paused as Cyrus was about to leave, asking the fatter goblin if anything else was necessary for the deal.

"Oh, only a little agreement I was thinking of - you can reject it if you want, it won't impact the deal we have on the sword in any way."

Clelk grabbed his hammer and placed the cool iron bar onto his anvil, preparing to start heating it for hammering.

"I may be willing to sharpen your blades on-demand - free of charge, of course. In exchange, I only ask that you come to me for anything related to blacksmithing. Leave my old master to himself, unless I give you permission."

Clelk readjusted his apron and was already beginning to heat the iron bar in the furnace. In the end, this second deal was really not a big deal - it was mostly offered so Clelk could pay back the goblin who allowed Clelk to live his current lifestyle. He wouldn't go so far as yo risk his deal with Cyrus solely to give his old master a smaller workload.

"Your choice, of course - be sure that the wood you bring back is as dry as possible, I plan to use it for kindling."
Sorry for being completely radio silent the last week, college had started up again and I was getting back into the swing of things.
Daichi sighed as Mori left to search for more people to add to their afterschool shindig. Daichi mentally reminded himself that he should probably try and keep it to a small gathering rather than a party - the Club President was usually a miser, so any charity that she offered to anyone shouldn't be abused. And he ended up telling Mori to bring as many people as he wanted...

"If he actually gets a bunch of people, the Prez is gonna kill me..."

No one really paid Daichi mind as he said that - the Repair Club only really took notice of him when they needed his AED, his IES, or when one of his friends stopped by for help with something. Not that he really minded, of course. Daichi was perfectly fine with being a Gray Man, especially in a school as crazy as this. Standing out was like being a nail, and every single student could be a potential hammer - therefore, the only smart option is to have as many hammers on your side as possible, and to blend in with everyone else.

At least, that's what Daichi told himself as he sat by himself in the clubroom. Normally he'd go and check in with his mother's office, but that was on the opposite side of the school from his next class. One of the easiest ways to start a fight was to bump into someone, and Daichi didn't want to take any potential risks that increased the odds of bumping into a high-ranker.

A few kids were standing by the window, watching a fight that was going down outside. All Daichi saw was a red cylinder, like a bat or something - he couldn't really care less. He walked out, only keeping note of where the fight was occurring in order to avoid the crowd that would form. Mori's plan to construct an announcers booth out of his AED seemed to be interesting, but in all honesty, would probably only cause the losers to start targeting him - and bailing his friend out of something like that would be pretty difficult...

Daichi paused in the empty hallway. Was Mori a friend? Or merely an acquaintance? He chose to keep walking, scoffing at himself for being so worried about that. They weren't extremely close, but the fact that Daichi was willing to help him if Mori got in trouble was enough to prove that they were at least friends, even if they weren't the closest.

Daichi's thoughts were bothered yet again as he heard the shouting of some girl. Looking through the front windows of the main building were all Daichi needed to confirm the owner of the voice - Yume Fukano. She was almost an antithesis to Daichi's stance on issues regarding the school, and while he tried to be friendly, he couldn't really consider them close friends. They shared a few classes since they were both first years, but other than knowing her name and a few of her eccentric mannerisms, Daichi didn't really know her too well. She was standing between one of the many delinquents enrolled in the school and... someone's dad? Daichi didn't really feel comfortable that there was some middle-aged man on campus, but considering Fukano was defending him, he was probably her older brother, or uncle, or something.

Daichi chose to duck below the windows and quickly crouch run until he was out of view from the conflict. The delinquents were volatile, but Daichi was fairly neutral with most of them - whenever they pressured him to make them cigarettes, they usually left him alone for a few days. He didn't want to risk ruining the symbiosis they had by being on the scene when they had the tar kicked out of them. Fukano wasn't some super martial artist, but the delinquents in this school weren't much to talk about - it was only recently that they started smarting up and forming a club to get more benefits from the school system.

This place is a hellscape - already walked by two fights, and that's better than usual...

After what felt like an eternity, Daichi finally made it to his next class. There were quite a few minutes until lunch period was over, but coming early meant that he wouldn't get slowed down in the inevitable flood of students that would come with the lunch bell. Daichi scanned over the classroom - the teacher was absent for now, and other than a few other early students, all the items in the room seemed in good condition. Daichi slid into his seat and put his blue school bag onto the floor, pulling out his needed books and the homework from last class as he did so. This class was World History, which he wasn't very exuberant about, but he didn't hate either. The teacher was nice at least, if a bit too passionate about his job - the kind of guy that would probably be a much better fit at an elementary school rather than a battle school.

Daichi pulled out his phone and played with it a bit - he didn't play any games on it since he felt mobile games were actually disgusting, unlike many of his peers, but he did enjoy chatting with people he knew on Line and exploring online message boards. It was a lot easier to stand out online when there wasn't a constant threat of someone attacking you.

Daichi wasn't really feeling it today, so he put his phone back into his pocket. The whole 'keep secrets from the Student Council' thing with Mori was really disturbing him. The Student Council were actually insane for enforcing this absurd battle system, but they were insane and crazy strong. Hiding something from them, even if it is just a personal project that they had no right being a part of, just seemed like a recipe for disaster. Normally Daichi wouldn't really care too much since he was only going to provide materials, but Mori was his friend...

Now wasn't the time to be worrying about that. Daichi had managed to survive his way to class - now he just needed to focus and get a good grade, like any normal student at any normal school. Daichi chose to use some of his remaining lunchtime to double-check his History homework, rather than just stare at a half-filled blackboard.
In Goblins 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Clelk managed to get a few swings into his work when the same warrior from before ran up to him, calling out to Clelk. Clelk immediately stopped, not wanting to risk a distraction and breaking the bar, which would result in another hour or so of work reforging. It took a solid 5 seconds before Clelk managed to recognize this warrior - they had talked at length about making an Iron sword and Clelk spitballed some costs in order to get the goblin to leave him alone. He didn't expect Cyrus to actually collect all of the pelts since that took a level of self-discipline that most goblins lacked.

"Clelk! I have the pelts! I can give you half now if you start on the sword!"

Clelk set down his hammer and quickly jogged towards the approaching warrior, gently rubbing his meaty hands on the soft fur of the pelts. Even with half of them, Clelk would make up most of what his pot cost him, and the other half would put him well on his way to purchasing some other human knick-knack.

"My, if it isn't Cyrus! Glad to see that you are eager to begin our little agreement... By the way, did you know a sword is one of the most metal-intensive things I can forge?"

Even if the pelts were enough to cover his expenses for a while, Clelk knew that his services were valuable. Why settle for less when he could maximize his profits on what is, admittedly, a bigger project?

"I'm not sure if I'll be able to replenish my stores easily, especially considering how far the human village is, and how heavy Iron can be... I mean, I'm no powerful warrior after all!"

Clelk didn't expect Cyrus to trade for metal with the humans, and the thought that Cyrus could find the ore himself was laughable. Clelk had no idea where to find Iron since the village had no real supply or mine to draw from. No, instead this was an attempt at something that would only benefit Clelk, rather than the tribe as a whole.

"It might ease my consciousness using so much Iron if you could do something for me - would probably motivate me to work a lot faster too... If you ever find anything that looks human-made or some shiny rocks, I'd really appreciate you showing me before anyone else. And bringing some dry wood to me every now and then would be nice."

Clelk honestly thought he could have gone for more, but considering too high of a price might cause the warrior to ask his old master for the sword, Clelk chose to settle for less. The goblin was getting much older, and while he still worked the forge, his new apprentices were the ones doing the heavy lifting of the metals. Adding onto the old man's workload, even if unintentionally, would really be something that Clelk would regret.

Besides, even if he only managed to convince the warrior to gather wood for him, that was a major chore taken care of - leaving plenty of time to laze about, or even work on something if he felt like it.
In Goblins 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
None that I can really think of at the moment, but I'll PM you or ping you in OOC if I can think of any.
In Goblins 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Will get a post out sometime tomorrow.
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