Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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"Do you know who the person your mother wanted to meet is? If we can find them then we will be able to find your mother!"

This was asked after the gargantuan colossus had put the two squirmings, uncomfortable and frightened children back down onto the street. Having been released from the clutches of the giant, the little girl now half-hid behind her brother, holding onto his arm for dear life. She didn't look like she was going to cry anymore, and the sudden release of the two youngsters had caused the crowd of increasingly suspicious people to disperse. Somewhat. Slightly.

"Uhm... M-mom had us help carry the baskets." The boy stammered. "There were sheets in them, for someone in a big house... Mom does their laundry... I think." He explained nervously, trying his best to regain whatever composure a child could manage in the face of El Gigante.

"The people there are strange.." Said the girl, hoarsely and barely audible from behind her brother's back. The boy nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they all have mean faces and carry around dangerous stuff, like knives and bigger knives!" The boy gestured with his hands and arms to emphasize the difference between just a knife and a much bigger knife. "Mom always told us not to talk with them... But one of them came up and started speaking with us, we got scared... So we-"The boy paused. "We got scared and ran. 'Cause mom was in the house, giving back the things... We thought we could run away, and come back before she left... But she never came out, or we missed her... We looked, but couldn't find her." The explanation was graspable if a bit haphazard and all over the place.

"The house is over that way." The girl pointed with her free hand, towards the north-east part of the city.

"Perfect! Let's hurry off then!"

As soon as the child pointed in the direction of the house, Torran immediately started walking that way, only keeping a slow enough pace for the children to keep up. Despite the prospect of their being knives and 'bigger knives' in the house, Torran seemed completely unbothered. Whether that was because he had experience being around a lot of weaponry, or he was just too dull to pay attention to the fact there are armed people in the building is anyone's guess. As he walked down the road, making a large path through the crowd thanks to his massive dimensions, Torran realized he should probably be dispensing some wisdom to these children, as the adventurer he met last night did to him.

"You know, you should never run away from adults - after all, they only want what's best for you!"

Sure, the descriptions of the people in this house seemed a bit dreary and rough, but in Torran's mind, this was surely just children being intimidated by bigger adults than they were used to. After all, these children seemed a little bit like scaredy cats - they were scared of being only 6 feet or so off the ground! As such, Torran completely ignored that there may be dangerous criminals inside of the building, and continued on his way to the house, speaking to the siblings as he did so.

"You must be excited to see your Mother again - a few years ago, I couldn't be without my parents for a few hours without being scared. You two sure are tough!"

While the gargantuan Boaz was making an effort to walk slowly, what was considered slow to him was, in fact, a very brisk pace for two youngsters who had not yet fully grown their legs. Having to almost jog to keep up with the lumbering mass, who was strangely swift and good at clearing a path through a crowd, the two siblings did what they could to stay with him.

The words that blurted out of the fellow's mouth were none too comforting, nor particularly uplifting - as such, the two children only listened, rather than respond. After all, despite being kids, even they could tell that their mother was likely not at the house anymore, since quite a while had passed since their separation. Still, with the big, hulking fellow by their side, even the knife-wielding scary people of that house may be willing to at least tell them in what direction their mother had gone... Maybe?

After a little bit of walking, with no rest or breathers to speak of, the trio finally arrived. A large, dark-colored building of wood, stone, and brick, with dark blue-colored roof tiles and a tall, black iron fence with spiked poles, surrounding the entire compound. There was a gate, but it had been shut and seemed locked, and nobody could be seen in the courtyard or immediately outside the fence or gate. At least, nobody wielding big knives, or even bigger knives.

"Th-this is it." Said the boy, huffing and puffing, trying to catch his breath from the power-walk he had just had to endure to get here. "Mo-Mother went in there to- to hand back their laun... laundry."

"Wha- What now...?" The girl squeaked, tired and teary-eyed.

Torran stared at the building with a relatively benign expression. It didn't look like anything special, and he wasn't really expecting anything dangerous in the first place - he simply saw it as another large building that was in the city. More interesting than the building were the people residing within it. Torran always thought that doing laundry was difficult, but his mother had helped him a lot in learning how to properly clean and dry it... So why did the people here not know how? Perhaps they never learned properly?

Torran never really thought about the fact that they could just be paying someone to do something they simply didn't want to do, and that there was no real hidden meaning behind the action. He decided not to ask about their laundry habits, instead looking at the two children as they spoke.

"Well, now we just have to knock and ask them where your mother is! I'm sure they'll know, adults know a lot of things..."

Torran lied - despite being an adult, he didn't know much at all, and he was well aware of that fact. Most other adults knew many things, like how his mother knew how to cure a cold with warm soup, and his father knew how to tell where a scar or bruise would form. He tried to dismiss this line of thinking, as it always saddened him greatly. To distract himself, he walked up to the door and knocked.

After a short amount of time it opened, and Torran launched into explaining his presence.

"Hello, sir! I found these children on the street, and they said their mother was here earlier - do you know where she could be?"
I was thinking girl, but it really doesn't matter too much.
"I don't think you understand, Daichi. We don't need another building. This'll do fine."

Daichi was slightly perplexed at this - He wanted a mech, but was gonna stick with something small enough to fit in the classroom and leave through the door? Wasn't that more like Power Armor? Not that there was a problem with that - speed and power were extremly important at Shiroyama, so power armor would definitely help a fighter. Whatever the case, Daichi probably was overestimating Mori's goals here - few people had plans big enough that they needed to involve the Club President, so jumping straight to that was probably pretty foolish in retrospect.

"I don't think I want the Student Council finding out about this either."

Now that was more difficult for Daichi to wrap his head around - why? The Student Council, excluding the president who somehow thought making children fight was a good idea, had always seemed pretty reasonable to Daichi. They were kind of controlling to the Repair Club, but as long as their quotas were met, they never really caused any problems. Why did Mori not want to get help from them, or even let them know what was happening?

"Two words, Getter Robo."

That was a bit confusing to Daichi for several seconds - why mention an anime and manga series from the 70's? Then it came together.

"Oh, like a combining robot thing? That sounds pretty cool!"

Daichi tried thinking for a few more seconds, but eventually gave up on the matter, and just addressed his concerns directly.

"But why hide it from the Student Council? It doesn't really seem necessary if you ask me - I doubt they'll regulate it or anything. Plus I don't know how we'll get the funds otherwise - I can clone stuff, but I still need an original copy..."

Torran paused his march down the street as the boy began yelling for his attention. The small children were still distressed, despite his best attempts to placate them. He immediately removed them from his shoulders, seeing as the girl was on the verge of tears - she obviously was afraid of heights, and the sudden rise clearly frightened her. Torran was absolutely appalled at his lack of grace regarding the situation, not thinking of such an obvious fear for a child to have. In fact, Torran was also afraid of heights - he's just used to being tall, unlike the little girl! Torran was completely oblivious to the whispers that started going through the nearby crowd, and the fact that both children were merely frightened by the fact that a complete stranger was trying to take them somewhere by force.

But this presented a big dilemma to Torran. He had to find a Familia, and while his previous idea of looking for their mother and a Familia at the same time was absolutely genius, it now had a big hole in the fact that these children were scared of being as tall as Torran was. But then how in the world could Torran manage to find a Familia? It was honestly baffling. But then, a stroke of incredible intellect struck the lumbering man, and he immediately questioned the children.

"Do you know who the person your mother wanted to meet is? If we can find them then we will be able to find your mother!"

Perfectly deduced - as soon as Torran found this mystery person, he could hand the children off to them, and proceed on his quest to find a Familia that will accept him. Not as elegant as his previous plan, but Torran couldn't immediately think how fear in heights would cause the plan to fail.
Daichi frowned slightly at the comment of his lack of friends - in Daichi's opinion, his large number of friends was the only exceptionally unordinary part about his life, and for good reason. He needed friends to stay safe in this school, and the more he had, the fewer people would try to be picking fights with him.

"Yes, I have friends! In fact, I think I'm popular."

That last part was a blatant lie - Daichi was known due to his repair skills and the fact that he can just clone matter. Other than that, all his friends fit snugly into the 'loser' section of high school, excluding a few people on some sports teams and one of the kids from the music club. Still, no sense in trying to at least establish a veneer of coolness - wasn't it an ordinary person's goal to be popular?

Mori plugged the microphone into his cart, and Daichi cringed slightly at the crackling that followed it. He was worried that Mori would say something and distract everyone, but luckily, the other teenager just pushed his repaired cart into his own shadow and returned to a normal standing position.

God Daichi was jealous of that - he could just turn stuff weightless! That would be extremely useful, especially for someone like Daichi who has to lug around lots of prepared tools to be useful in a fight.

"I guess I'll go to that Karaoke then. Send me the time, later on, are there gonna be other people from the club?"

Daichi smiled, glad that he finally managed to get another person to agree to the outing. To be completely honest, when the club president offered to take Daichi out for Karoke, he didn't know how to react - that was the nicest thing the normally greedy president ever did for him. Hell, he even said Daichi could bring a few friends along with him, which prompted him to ask Mori.

"So far it's just you, me and the Club President, but I'm going to try inviting one or two other people - you can invite someone too if you want!"

Daichi took a few more bites of food, finishing off the tray that he had brought with him from the cafeteria. Normally whenever he saw Mori he got some food from his snack cart, but lunchtime was a different story altogether.

"Oh, maybe we can invite one of the transfer students? They gotta be feeling pretty shy coming to a school like this - inviting them to hang out might ease the stress! I don't their names, but I can probably find out by asking around."

Talking to Mori was generally very relaxing - he sometimes talked shop that Daichi couldn't understand very well, considering he was just a generator and wasn't the most knowledgeable about mechanics, but other times they talked about the new cool anime that came out recently. And the Club President was always trying to get Mori to join the Repair club, especially considering how often the guy came around. But even if he intruded sometimes, he was always nice about it, and rarely asked anything ridiculous.

"Hey, do you want to try to make a mech?"

Daichi stopped drinking from the water bottle he was holding and started to cough slightly in response to Mori's question.

"A-a mech? Like from an anime or something? I mean... I'm sure guys from the club would be happy to help if you paid them somehow, and I'm always willing to lend a hand to a friend, but it really depends on how big it is."

Daichi paused forming a small action figure of a mech from a popular, long-running anime from his AED as a demonstration - he had the same action figure since childhood, and he kept the original in his bedroom.

"Like, if we wanted something like this, we'd kind of have a hard limit at 10 feet tall - we wouldn't be able to work on it in the classroom if it was bigger, and I don't know where we'd store it. I mean, unless you get the president to help, which you probably can - then we might be able to use the courtyard, appeal to the student council..."

Daichi paused as he thought.

"Hell, he's the club president - he could probably just make a new building to house it while we make it."

Daichi clapped his friend on the shoulder and laughed.

"That's all theory though -it would take a lot of time and resources to build and bribe some of the guys here. Definitely sounds possible though, and I'm always willing to lend a hand!"


@Vinsmoke Goji
He can get to “standing on two legs” if he focuses hard, but normally he is only slightly more humanoid than Grimer.
Daichi Fukunaga is your average, everyday first-year High school student. He goes to classes, has a pretty large number of friends, scores decently on exams, and tries to keep his head down around the bigger kids on campus. Really, the thing that stood out most about him was the fact he went to one of 14 Battle schools in Japan, alongside hundreds of other students at Shiroyama High. Really, that was the only stain on what Daichi would consider an otherwise flawless life - something he did his best to avoid. It took a lot of heckling from his club members for Daichi to ascend beyond rank 0, and he only did so by paying off higher ranking students to lose on purpose. He saw no problem with doing so, and only really wanted to be concerned with his friends and the next exam.

He was just coming back to the Repair Clubroom from the cafeteria, carrying a tray with a pretty decent selection of food - Shiroyama at least had that going for it. Hell, he even had a small pack of cookies! Today was going to be glorious. As he entered into the clubroom, he got a cheerful greeting from quite a few students - him being one of the Generator Students in the club meant a lot of builders 'borrowed' him to help them on their projects. A few minutes of providing temporary tools later, Daichi was just about to begin digging into his lunch when someone called out as they opened the clubroom door.

"Hey Fukunaga, you in here?"

Daichi waved when he saw Mori - Daichi liked to consider the two friends since the latter usually came into the clubroom and Daichi had provided quite a bit of help with Mori's various activities. It was usually a good distraction, and Mori was one of the smarter kids that went to this school - he saw the battles here as a bit unnecessary as well. Daichi waved to the man.

"Hey Noriyama-San, I'm over here!"

Mori quickly went about revealing his AED, which Daichi had always found to be one of the more inventive in the school - among all the swords and weapons, it was nice for another kid to prefer some utility. Plus, Mori's IED was pretty cool - lot's of kids in the Repair club talked about it since it seemed to make things weightless, and that was a big deal to the Matter generators. Even Daichi was a little jealous, but revealing that kind of stuff was really rude, ya know? When Mori got the cart out and wheeled it over, he started to address why he was in the clubroom in the first place.

"My Mic broke, I wanted to test the sound system out on some unsuspecting fools but I need to get it fixed first."

That was a bit concerning, considering who Mori was - a megaphone and the word 'fools' didn't really belong in the same sentence if it was innocent. Then again, it didn't really matter - it wasn't like he was the one using the microphone. Daichi nodded at his friend and responded in between bites of tater tots.

"Sure thing man, I'm sure we can take care of it - kinda surprised you had to come to us though. Not very familiar with sound systems?"

Daichi held out his hand and, upon getting the microphone, quickly screwed off the bottom cap, and removed the plastic shell that shielded the inner circuitry. Daichi was nothing compared to the other guys that worked in the repair club - hell, Mori surpassed him in most areas like this. But, if it was a simple repair job, Daichi was definitely one of the fastest kids in the school - all he really had to do was find the problem, and run his hands over it thanks to his IED. And he didn't even need to find the problem if he just touched everything.

Which he proceeded to do since he wasn't sure if the problem was with the circuitry. As soon as he finished repairing it, he reassembled the disconnected parts and handed them back to Mori, speaking as he did so.

"Alright, good as new - I don't normally do stuff for free, but we're friends, so I don't see a problem with doing something small like this."

Daichi motioned to the seat next to him as he continued to speak.

"Want to hang out for a while, Noriyama-san? We still got a few minutes till classes start, and we can talk shop if you want - you know everyone here is always excited to hear what you got planning!"

A couple of students nearby did seem to perk up at this, but the rest were too engrossed with the usual assignment they were given by the Student Council or occasional student buying their services.

"If not, that's cool. Oh, but I was gonna try and see if you and some of my other friends wanted to have a karaoke night or something - that sound cool to you, or will you be busy? You can text me later if you're not sure right now."

Will get a post out sometime Sunday.
@Vinsmoke Goji
This guy alright, or should I make any changes?

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