Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Nah it's totally fine man - honestly, it's probably pretty likely that a few kids in a high school are gonna have the same given name. Hell, probably a few will have the same surname if it's generic.
"I'll form the head!"
"Fuck you, I'm forming the head!"
That would be sick, Not sure if Daichi would join a Voltron fight thing, but he'd definitely help make it!
Will get a sheet up sometime tomorrow, it's pretty late where I am right now.
In Goblins 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Sorry for taking a bit longer than I said I would, my power went out yesterday so I wasn't able to post anything.
In Goblins 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
As the warrior moved on and made his way towards the Shaman's hut, Clelk adjusted his gaze to focus on some of the other goblins that were making their way around the village. Many were extremely thin, and even those that were packing a little extra muscle and fat couldn't approach Clelk in terms of width. That earned him quite a few nasty glares, especially from the farmers who Clelk basically stole from. While the attention was mild at best, it still didn't sit right with the fat goblin - being the center of attention was only a real benefit when humans were around to see.

Clelk slowly lumbered back into his hut, deciding to turn his snack and drink break into a full-fledged meal. He needed to finish off his stores sometime soon so he could replace it without fear of letting any rot, so this was for the best anyways. It wasn't like a well-deserved rest after nearly 5 hours of work was going to severely dampen his forging process - he was at a perfect stopping point. Clelk grinned as he stuffed a handful of grains into his open maw of a mouth, eating extremely quickly as he did so. It wasn't a good stew, but a nice meal of grains and vegetables was always welcome.

After around 10 minutes of gorging himself rapidly, Clelk relaxed next to his iron pot, using the reflective surface to help him as he picked his teeth for morsels. Eventually, he sighed and rolled back to a sitting position with some effort, and rose to his feet. He sighed and slowly lumbered back to the forge - while it would be completely wrong to say that he didn't enjoy smithing, it was by far the most stressful part of his day. A single mistake could ruin hours of work and require reforging, especially if he tried making a thin blade like a knife. Clelk liked to think that it was understandable to want to procrastinate somewhat - standing in the heat of a furnace was absolutely stifling, especially for someone as large as himself. Still, heat and stress aside, he had to do his job - even Clelk acknowledged that he abused his privileges to an absurd degree, and not proving himself to be adept at his role in the tribe would easily cause his peers to turn against him.

And Clelk did not trust in his ability to defend himself should the other goblins turn against him. Clelk made his way over to the bloom of iron and started to fire up his furnace, preparing to hammer the bloom down into a bar.
Interested if there is still room.
In Goblins 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Will get a post out sometime tomorrow.
Torran calmly wandered through the streets of Orario, having fled his parent's home only a few hours prior. He had finally started his long journey down the path of an Adventurer, and he was beaming with excitement at the prospect of finally doing something as interesting as going in the dungeon! The sun beamed down with a soft intensity, and while it might have been a bit hot otherwise, a gentle breeze made it the perfect setting for going down into the dungeon - at least, to Torran it did. He maneuvered through the streets with some difficulty due to the crowd, but he knew his way around the city thanks to outings with his father to the Tower. It was always really exciting going there, but rather than talk to one of the many adventurers that shopped and made a living there, Torran was going to become one of them and explore the depths of the dungeon.

Well, he was, but it was about halfway to the Tower when he finally remembered something that the Adventurer who came to his home said. If he wanted to actually do well in the dungeon, he was going to have to find a Familia... Joining one of the familias in the Tower was a definite possibility, but that would lead to quite a few awkward conversations with his father whenever the man came to sell his wares...

This conundrum quickly gave Torran pause, and he physically had to stop and sit down on a nearby bench in order to think of a solution to his predicament. Where could he possibly find a Familia? He could visit the Tower and ask around there, but they might just tell him to join the familias that worked on the upper floors, which he couldn't do. Maybe search around and look for one of the homes that familias operate out of? But the manors that proudly displayed this status were so big and intimidating - if Torran embarrassed himself in one of them, he'd probably just end up going back home with his tail between his legs.

The issue was incredibly difficult to figure out for someone of Torran's intellect, so when a distraction presented itself, he leaped at the chance to push this problem aside. A pair of children were wandering around the street he was on, nervously asking anyone they saw where their mother was. The average person would almost certainly assume based on their dreary wardrobe that they were orphans or urchins, and looking for a parent would be a fruitless endeavor - unfortunately, Torran lacked the mental prowess that the normal person possessed. He quickly rose from his seat and made his way towards the pair with a purposeful stride, which only made the massive man look more intimidating.

"What's wrong? Do you two need any help?"

The girl seemed somewhat intimidated by Torran's approach, but the boy was eager to accept any help that he could get.

"We're trying to find our mother - have you seen her, Mister?"

Torran thought hard for several seconds before giving up - he had to admit that he had never met their mother in his life. This was expected of course - he didn't even ask them what their mother's name was.

"I don't think so... Oh, I know! Let's ask some people nearby!"

The girl's face dropped at this slightly - her brother and her had been doing just that for what felt like hours so far, and while he seemed eager to continue, she was starting to get sore from all the running around. Her brother responded to Torran's statement in her stead.

"We've been doing that already, and it's not working very well..."

Torran paused at this and thought carefully. After another few seconds of introspection, he had an ingenious idea! The Boaz gently picked up both children (who immediately began freaking out in response) and placed them on his shoulders. His shoulders were wide enough to give both children amble sitting room, although the girl was even more apprehensive and intimidated now. Torran spoke to them as he began walking, and several other people on the street gawked at his display.

"If you're up this high, it'll be much easier to see your mother! We can look for her while I try to find a familia!"

Torran was quite pleased with his ingenuity here - two birds with one stone, right? He was oblivious to the reactions of the people around him as well as the children he placed on his shoulders, instead continuing on his search for where he might find a familia to join.
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