Ken Ozawa
Ken Ozawa was not like most teenagers his age - rather than spend his time in his room or hanging out with friends, he was currently sitting outside a convenience store with a cheap ice cream bar he bought. Ken was working on his math homework, which was more advanced than the work at his old school. It also probably felt more advanced because he was seriously trying to work on it for once - at his old school, he was far more focused on working at his job and rarely did his homework, or at most copied it from people he sat near before class started. But now, with no job to take up his time and no hobbies, Ken found himself putting serious effort into his education for once.
He was eager to do something more interesting and took a break as soon as he felt a slight pulling on his sleeve. Nothing was there - at least, nothing Ken could see. He wasn't sure what the force was - it had suddenly started manifesting itself a few days prior. While something like this was a bit concerning at first, you'd be surprised how fast you could get used to such an overtly supernatural effect. Normally it was very weak, to the point that Ken would barely notice it was present. It was the same right now, but Ken allowed himself to turn towards where the force pulled him. He did the same thing over the time he had it, and it had only really ever benefitted him.
A short distance away, in the slowly darkening sky, Ken noticed what appeared to be a light floating high in the air. Ken took a few seconds to realize it wasn't the sun - maybe a drone or some sort of public display? All the same, the force had done as he asked and showed him a method to pass the time more smoothly. Ken began to walk his way towards the light, not even noticing the ever so slight pull of his power directing him towards it.
It didn't take long for Ken to realize how horrible of a mistake he made. When he finally entered the park, where the light seemed to originate from, there was something that Ken had never seen in his entire life. A bipedal creature resembling some kind of Arthropod was bursting out of the ground to attack some guy around Ken's age. Ken quickly turned to leave, assuming he was intruding on the set of some movie. It made sense anyways - there was another girl who had a sword made of fire and another man with what appeared to be an ink brush. It took a second for Ken to realize that the special effects were a little too advanced here - didn't people use computers to add in the environment and the monsters to the movies? And the area looked was being destroyed pretty violently...
What convinced Ken was his powers - the force that he had felt the last few days was far stronger, at least thrice as powerful as it was a few minutes prior. And it was still pulling him directly towards that giant monster.
Normally, Ken would leave a situation like this immediately. However, this was the first time he had noticed his powers acting up like this. If he knew where his powers came from, and more importantly, how they could suddenly get so powerful... Well, Ken had quite a few ideas on how to use his strengthened force far more effectively.
Ken kept his distance from the monster, focusing inside of himself. A small barrier of light appeared near him before flickering away when he lost focus. He had other powers besides that force... Well, he only noticed them now since it was so much easier to use these powers right now for some reason. Ken eventually elected to stay away from the fight and jump in if the other guys needed help, or the monster seemed especially weakened - Ken felt the woman with a sword on fire and the girl with what looked like a gun were far more equipped to deal with the creature than he was.