Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
6 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
9 mos ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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'God this sucks.' Travis thought to himself. 'I thought there was supposed to be explosions and badass fights, not waiting on a stupid train for an hour...'

That was a bit of an overstatement - Travis, like the other members of the mission, had only been on the N-train for about 10 minutes. It's just that, unlike them, Travis had no patience whatsoever. Usually, when he rode one of the E-trains, Travis would talk with one of his friends or listen to music on his phone or something. But since this was a cargo train and he had to wear this stupid earpiece, both of those options were out.

...Well, Travis probably could listen to music since he wasn't on a public transit train. Most people only really use earbuds to avoid annoying other people.

Instead of thinking that though, Travis chose to pace around his car, occasionally lounging on the cushions and chairs. Usually, in those old action movies, the bad guys struck immediately - what was taking so much damn time!? Were the Rocketeers stuck in traffic or something? They have freaking jetpacks!

Travis stood up from his chair, leaning against the wall to look out one of the windows. The East Flank stared back at him - homes, restaurants, laundromats, and all other kinds of buildings flew past at speeds that made it near impossible to recognize any singular structure. If the pirates crashed the train or Travis fell out somehow, even with his durability he'd probably end up as paste on the pavement below.

Travis dropped the line of thought - too morbid. He wasn't going to get knocked out of the train, he was going to kick a bunch of ass. No point in thinking about what ifs, right? Instead, Travis began focusing on his reflection in the glass. A young man in black cargo pants, a white hoodie, with a crappy plastic mask around his neck looked back. There was a cut on his neck from his shave this morning, though Travis hoped that the wooden sword hanging from his belt loop would distract anyone from noticing. He really needed to work on his costume - he'd already been in HERO for a week, and he was wearing stuff he dragged out of his closet. Who knew getting a costume that wouldn't get wrecked up every fight for the few dozen dollars he'd saved up would be so difficult...

Hopefully, this mission would pay out some big bucks. The thought of asking if the food on the train was covered by HERO crossed Travis's mind, but before he could think of who he could even ask, a loud static sound pierced his ear. A second or two later, the Assistant Director's ('You think he'd mind if I called him Ray?') voice rang out through the earpiece, telling the Heroes to watch over their actual objective instead of sitting wherever.

Travis smirked slightly - Finally! Something to do! He quickly got to his feet and began walking towards the back of the train. He had initially chosen a car near the front, thinking that the Rocketeers might attack the rails in order to stop or derail the train. As he walked through, he was starting to think that was pretty dumb - while they destroyed the M-Train, gold was a lot less explosive than Weapon-Grade Thorium. If they tried to derail the train or force a stop, they would risk it getting damaged or blowing up... Probably.

Travis wasn't really sure what 'Thorium' was exactly, but 'Weapon-Grade' made it sound like something that was dangerous to drop.

Finding the final door, Travis was pleased to see that most of the other Heroes assigned to the mission had already shown up. He wasn't sure which ones were assholes yet so he was kind of nervous about making first impressions, but it was probably a lot less boring than hanging around an empty train car. Travis pulled out his HERO ID card and unlocked the door, walking inside just as an absolutely massive man blew a huge cloud of smoke from his vape in Travis's direction.

Travis immediately walked out, coughing into his hand violently.

'Why is his vape pen so huge!? ...And why'd he go with Strawberry?'

Travis had never done well around smokers. Second-hand smoke seemed to irritate his throat and lungs especially quickly thanks to his power, and while the man had never been an asthmatic, he found himself struggling to breathe whenever he was in a room with someone smoking. Thankfully, he didn't need to deal with it too much - his father's drug of choice was injected rather than smoked, and the only one of Travis's friends that vaped, Bomber, did so far from Travis whenever they hung out.

Even though it pissed Travis off a little that he just embarrassed himself in front of the other heroes, he decided to shrug it off. After all, they were kinda doing something important right now - it made sense to try and relieve some stress. Hell, he didn't even see Travis walk in, so he didn't do it maliciously. No reason to hold a grudge over that when they're on a mission...

At least, until that big guy does it on purpose. Then he'd definitely be filed under Asshole.

Deciding that there were probably enough people keeping watch over the safe, Travis chose to walk a few cars down. The Rocketeers wouldn't go straight at the Thorium, most likely targetting one of the other cars in order to minimize the chances of damaging it... Then again, Travis didn't really consider that the safe that contained the material was probably designed to take as much damage as possible without harming the fuel inside. He was mostly just looking for an excuse to wait somewhere else till the action happened.

Thankfully, Travis's breathing was already getting back to normal. If he was lucky, the pirates would only have rockets, and not tear gas. When he decided to stop, Travis found himself in a car alongside one of the other heroes he saw at the station - an attractive woman in trousers and a red dress shirt, with hair tied up in a bun. She looked more like someone about to go to work or some dinner party than fight a group of flying pirates.

Travis was just happy to have someone to talk to, oblivious to the fact that the woman had her eyes closed when he walked in and probably wanted nothing to do with him.

"Do you know how long these things usually take to start? I've only done the 'get cats out of trees and clean up Ambleweeds' kind of missions."

Finished - sorry if it's a little long. Let me know if anything needs to be changed.

Despite the rocky start, Toma seemed to get a lucky break for the rest of the run. The instructor that was shooting the students had moved onto other targets - whether that was because he found someone better to shoot at or Toma had gotten closer to the herd was anyone's guess. Toma just chose to consider himself lucky that he managed to only get hit with two arrows.

Unfortunately, the person that pushed Toma was quickly assaulted by several of the other students. While a part of Toma was pleased that his peers were attempting to punish someone for being an asshole, he couldn't help but feel some pity for the man. At the end of the day, Toma didn't care what happened to him. And Toma was just pushed to the ground - this student was embarrassed in front of their entire class...

But Toma did decide that interacting with that guy might not be the best idea. Getting pushed down during a race was one thing, but adventurers have gotten into bad fights over loot. And some adventurers were so bad, some of the residents in Toma's town called them 'Murder Hobos'. The teachers already said that having fights without proctors was banned, and while Toma wasn't afraid of getting in a brawl, he would never risk his spot at the school - hanging around a guy like that was just begging for trouble.

Other than the student that pushed him, Toma didn't focus on most of the other students during the run - he couldn't see Alexis running, Finn was far up in the front. He didn't know anyone else, so they just didn't stand out much. Some students were wearing armor over their uniform as they ran, causing Toma to fear that he might need to buy some. He definitely didn't have enough gold to get anything nearly as good as what the Dwarf and Human (?) girl had.

Toma quickly started focusing on another student, who had come to run alongside him.

"You ok there?"

A girl, darker-skinned than Toma. Her skin looked a little off, almost like it had the texture of bark...

Was she a 'Wood Elf'? Toma had never seen one before, but that would definitely explain the name... Or maybe she was a human with weird-looking skin? He knew someone from his village with horribly dry elbows - maybe it was something like that, just way less gross? Either way, asking something like that wasn't really appropriate during a run. As he was about to speak, the instructor must have decided that she deserved an arrow for slowing down, and launched it straight into the young woman's shoulder. Toma was quite surprised when she managed to take the blow - heck, she took it better than he would have. Weren't girls supposed to be dainty?

She must have noticed Toma breathing a little harder, or maybe she could tell that he was starting to lose some steam. Whatever the case, she grabbed his arm and began to drag him along, helping to speed him up a little.

"C'mon, there's no time to lose!"

Toma coughed a little in surprise, raising his voice to be heard over their pounding feet.

"S-sure thing! Thanks for the help!"

She did look a little weird, and she probably wasn't human - but it could be worse, right? She wasn't an orc, or goblin, or whatever the heck that snake lady was. And besides, she seemed more than capable of keeping up with the other students - and despite that, decided to slow down near the back of the class in order to help someone she didn't even know.

At least she was friendlier than one of the humans that Toma had met here so far.

Toma hadn't been counting the laps, but they had run around a lot more than he was used to before class even started. He probably would have taken a seat the second they stopped if his classmate hadn't helped him, and even with her assistance, Toma was sweating bullets. Some of the more agile students seemed completely unfazed by the laps, while others were even more tired than Toma was despite not getting shot once. Hopefully, they occasionally warm up with a march or lifting heavy things instead of always doing laps...

His uniform also was a little... wet. He managed to spill on it when trying to get a drink from his waterskin during the run. Thankfully, he had brought an extra, and his bag was nearby - he quickly retrieved the bag from where he dropped it at the beginning of class, before slwoly jogging back.

Sir Baleth had gone to the center of the large arena they were in and had begun explaining the purpose of the mannequins that were standing there since the class started. If the Toma from yesterday was asked to fight them, he would probably ask to take on several all at once. After all, how dangerous could a wooden dummy be?

After seeing so much magic in such a short time, however, Toma had learned that looks could be very deceiving.

Soon, the attractive drow woman from the feast was invited to fight the mannequins, leading the others by example. Toma was just thankful that she'd be fighting magical dummies rather than the students - she could take out her Drow sadism against them instead of Toma or his peers. Toma, like many of his classmates, was somewhat distracted by her figure... Although, the purple skin and exotic curved swords made him quick to lose interest.

'Still a monster, at the end of the day...'

Upon touching the mannequin, the construct began to rise, almost as if awakening from a half-asleep state.

“Greetings Maya Jhalavar, would you like to begin training regiment 56A?”

Yep, definitely magical... Toma was amazed that it was possible to make such creations, but he was a little less impressed than the day before. Athena's crystalline form was a lot more interesting than this wooden imitation of a person.

As if to prove Toma wrong, several of the mannequins seemed to awaken simultaneously. Each was armed with various weapons, and Toma was particularly intimidated by the one wielding a large hammer. It resembled the ones he used to plant fenceposts into the ground - and while he never got hit by one, he knew they were a lot more powerful than they looked.

The woman removed her blades, and before Toma could even process it, the fight had already begun. If Sir Baleth was telling the truth when he said graduates of the academy struggled to handle two of the mannequins at a time, then Miss Jhalavar must have been a genius with those strange swords of hers.

Even considering his lack of skill, Toma could tell that the drow was quite impressive with her weapons. She seemingly danced between the blunted spears and swords, weaving around and parrying hits rather than taking them head on - a very effective strategy if she were in an actual fight to the death. As she pushed away the large maul that came crashing towards her skull, Toma realized that she was not just skilled - she must have been much stronger than he expected in order to accomplish something like that, unless she knew some technique to help her deflect the hit.

Could women be strong like that? Or was it some enchantment on those exotic swords? It would make sense that drow women were stronger than the men...

It didn't really matter, however. Even if drows were exceptionally strong and agile, there was no way Toma could simply attribute his instructor's abilities to her race. She was an incredible fighter - the only person Toma could think of that rivaled her skill with the blade was Tarkus, the paladin that he had known all his life...

No, she was more skilled than even him. Tarkus took blows directly to gain an opening to strike - and while that was effective at times, he was in constant pain from his scars during his last few years. Miss Jhalavar dodged the blows entirely, choosing to counterattack and parry rather than let herself be struck.

The fight had taken maybe 30 seconds. 45 at most.

“Right, who’s ready to start?”

Toma couldn't help but grin, his breathing finally having returned to normal after the run. Finally, he'd actually be allowed to fight!

As it turned out, Toma was terrible at fighting. His sword was on the ground near Sir Baleth, and Toma was instead wielding one of the spare blades that was offered for those without their own equipment. Using the enchanted blade counted as 'using magic', and under threat of receiving another blunted arrow from the masked instructor, Toma was now relying on his own skill with this rented blade rather than the skill his own sword gave him.

'If only I knew where the off button on that thing was, I wouldn't have to use a different sword...'

Toma groaned as the mannequin he was fighting slammed the pommel of its longsword into his stomach, before sweeping Toma's legs out from under him. The young man fell to the ground, and when he opened his eyes, the blunted tip of the mannequin's blade was pointed straight at his throat.

“Toma Enow, would you like to decrease training difficu-”

Toma cut off the mannequin as he rose to his feet, coughing as he tried to catch his breath.

"Nope, no, I'm good. Just uh... wasn't watching my feet, I guess."

At least Toma was doing better than some of his more magically-inclined classmates.

As soon as he was ready, the fight started once more. Swing, miss - it dodged to the left and the sword only cut air. It retaliated with its own strike, and Toma could feel it clip him on the shoulder as he tried to pull away. The paladin tightened his grip on his sword to avoid dropping it.

'Give it more room, the blade is longer than you expect...'

Seeing Miss Jhalavar fight taught Toma a valuable lesson - while taking attacks was certainly easier and the opponent might not expect it, avoiding them entirely was a lot safer in the long run. Tarkus was pleased at the attention his scars gave him, but was almost always complaining about the pain they brought him in his daily life. Toma would like to avoid that if he could...

Suddenly, the Mannequin lunged forwards, attacking in the same manner it did in the last fight. It held its sword in one hand, using the free arm to try and shield its body as it closed the distance between them. It was trying to get in close and slam the pommel of its weapon into Toma's stomach again.

No time to dodge, it was already too close - Toma was forced to parry instead. He moved his crossguard against the mannequin's blade, locking the blades against one another. Overpowering the mannequin was a lot easier than all that footwork stuff - it wasn't used to his strength yet, and while it adapted fast, Toma could hold it off for a brief time.


Toma had expected it - that was the only reason he managed to sidestep the mannequin's attempt to sweep his legs. With its balance compromised, Toma pushed his blade harder against the dummy, causing it to fall to the ground.

Breathing heavy, Toma relaxed slightly, standing tall at his victory. Suddenly, the prone dummy swung at Toma, catching the paladin off guard as its blade slammed against his knees. Once again, he fell to the ground, only for the mannequin to climb on his body and hold the dulled sword against his throat.

“Toma Enow, please remember to 'kill' any mannequin you are training with in order to win. Mannequins repair themselves shortly after combat, so there is no risk of damaging academy property.”

Toma groaned. 'Can't I savor my win a little bit before getting punished?' Rising to his feet once again, Toma shook off the sand from his clothes. Hopefully, these mannequins were around outside of class hours - if Toma wanted to catch up to his classmates, he'd need all the practice he could get.

Fighting, as it turned out, was a lot more exhausting than Toma had thought at first. Even when the fights only lasted a minute or two at most, they took an enormous amount of energy. And that wasn't even considering how sore Toma was from the various hits he had taken from his opponents' blunted sword. By the end of his seventh round against the mannequin, he was on the ground panting.

“Would you like to take a small break, Toma Enow?”

Toma was a little shocked - they were allowed to take breaks, just like that? It made sense - someone wouldn't really get better at fighting if they could barely hold their weapon... Maybe Toma assumed the class was more totalitarian than it really was?

... Or maybe he'd get a worse grade if he took a break...

"... Yeah, I'll just get a bit of water. Be right back, Mannequin."

Toma would fight better after recovering his strength. His stamina was far better than his sword skills, so he needed to focus on getting better at fighting, rather than getting better at fighting while exhausted...

And it also gave him time to think up a good name for the Mannequin he was fighting. He was probably going to spend a lot of time with the mannequins during the class, so having something better to call them by would make things more convenient.

...The only question was, what did these mannequins eat?

Probably a good question for the magic class.

Toma quickly took a sip from his waterskin, careful not to spill anymore on himself. Many of the students around him were either tired or taking breaks, but several were continuing to fight without any sign of stopping. Toma spotted his roommate, Finn, and thought about walking over to say hi... but decided against it. It might have just been Toma's imagination, but he was beginning to think that Finn was upset with him...

... No, Toma couldn't think of anything that he did to make his roommate upset. Maybe he woke up badly? Toma didn't get a good look at Finn this morning - even when he tossed that flaky bread on his bed.

It was probably just Toma's imagination.

Noticing the girl that had helped him during his run, he felt a small pang of guilt. She had helped him during the beginning of class, so he should thank her, right? Toma briefly abandoned his mannequin and started walking towards his wood classmate, retrieving his second waterskin from his bag and holding it out to her.

"I don't think I thanked you for the help earlier - I appreciate it."

She'd probably like water right? She looked like a plant, and plants loved water... Well, except when they get too much. Toma cringed slightly, remembering a time in his youth when he had drowned all of the herbs in his mother's potager. Thankfully, she told him off before he could do the same to Tarkus' own garden...

Did he ever apologize to her? Toma couldn't remember. Not that it really mattered. That was back in Whitelot - the academy felt a world away from his old village... even though it was only a weeks' travel away, two at most.

'Keep talking, don't act weird.'

"I should probably introduce myself. My name is Toma."

Suddenly, a thought crossed Toma's mind. While he didn't think his classmate was really made of wood like the mannequins were, and they looked nothing alike, Toma couldn't help but connect them. They were both humanoid, looked wooden, both could beat him up... Maybe they ate the same things...

"...If you don't mind me asking, what are your favorite foods?"

If Toma was lucky, he wouldn't have to wait till magic class to name the mannequin.

If Karya was lucky, Toma would get called back to his mannequin before he took up too much of her time.
Toma was used to waking up early - back on his family's farm the Rooster, Egg, was far louder than his father had been and was eager to crow hours before sunrise. While Toma wasn't very fond of the bird, his journey to the academy had shown him how much he relied on Egg to wake him up in the mornings. More than once he slept in until 9 AM (So late!), and Oats wasn't very eager to wake Toma up to continue their journey. One of the reasons Toma had gone to bed earlier than usual last night, along with limiting how much he drank, was because he wasn't sure if he'd awaken on time for classes.

Luckily, Athena was more than capable of fulfilling Egg's role as an alarm clock.

"...report to the Hall of Combat with any equipment that you require. If you do not have the appropriate equipment it will be provided for you on site."

Athena definitely said something before that, but in the time it took for Toma to wake up and fully remember where he was, he only managed to catch the last part of her announcement...

Well, at least he heard the important part! Assuming the announcement was about their first class, Toma hopped out of his bed, stretching his arms and legs. More than a few crumbs from his late-night snacking cascaded to the floor as he did so.

"Morning Finn - I'm not taking a shower, but I'm going to clean up the bathroom real fast if you need to."

Toma was used to taking showers maybe once a week, and while he wanted to bathe at least once a day to fit in with his wealthy classmates, Toma didn't really feel comfortable taking one and risking being late for class.

Besides, he took a shower last night - surely that'd be good enough until lunch. What mattered more was getting his uniform ready.

But when Toma walked into the bathroom, ready to clean his uniform of leftover donkey feces as quickly as possible, he found... nothing. Well, nothing out of place - the room looked just like it did the first time Toma saw it, with no sign of his sullied uniform in sight, the floor cleaner than the bowls that Toma had in his pack.

Toma had only ever heard of magic from the stories that Tarkus told him - and while the old Paladin seemed so fond of the fireballs and rays of light that spellcasters used so often, Toma was starting to grow infatuated with this 'convenience magic' or whatever it was that the academy used to amaze him. Maybe he could take a magic class and learn some of these tricks? A cleaning spell would have given him so much more time to play when he was younger.

Walking out of the bathroom, Toma checked the drawer - and as he expected, Toma found a perfectly clean uniform. He couldn't tell if it was a new uniform, or it was cleaned so thoroughly it just appeared new. Either way, it fits him perfectly, and Toma began packing one of his smaller bags with any equipment he felt he needed for class. A few filled waterskins, some snacks, a candle or two, a flint...

What did you need for class? Toma had never been in formal education, so he really didn't know what to bring. His hand hovered over one of his few vials of holy water, but he quickly dismissed the idea. Tarkus only left him a few of those, and he wasn't eager to accidentally drop and break them.

Pulling his bag over the same shoulder as his baldric, Toma made his way to the door. Suddenly, he remembered his roommate - reaching into his pack, he pulled out one of his bread rolls and tossed it at the foot of Finn's bed.

"In case you get hungry and don't have time to get breakfast - I'm going to stop by the stables and visit Oats, but I'll say hi to you in class."

Oats seemed to have been quite annoyed to be awoken so early in the morning - and when he realized that his master didn't come with treats this time, he ignored the young man's attention and went back to sleep. Toma was just glad that the stables at the academy seemed to be as well cared for as the rest of its facilities. Making sure his donkey didn't wake up and being extra careful to avoid another manure pile, Toma made his way for the Hall of Combat - he wasn't used to the layout of the school yet, but luckily the map-scroll from yesterday was still working.

Despite his detour to the stables, Toma was still among the early arrivals. It was to be expected - he left the feast earlier than he would have liked, but from what he saw, more than a few students were drinking pretty heavily. Toma silently thanked his past self - he could handle his alcohol better than most his age, but he was no dwarf. Maybe if most of the students were hungover, the teacher would go easy on them and Toma could catch up to the others...

Eventually, everyone arrived, and Toma quickly realized that he was one of the few that brought a bag. Hopefully he wouldn't get in trouble...

Several of the senior staff were present. The man, Vermont Baleth, had a name that Toma recognized somewhat. He had no clue where he recognized it - he had never met the man before, and he hadn't spoken during the feast. Toma was a little too distracted to remember. Next to Baleth was the Drow, putting Toma a little on edge. While she was attractive quite attractive, Toma had heard many stories about how the Drow treated other races, especially the men - although, according to his father, 'Drow men had it the worst.' The masked man... Well, Toma didn't feel as creeped out by him.

"...The third rule, is that anyone who fails this class will be removed from the school for at least a year. So don't fail. And the fourth rule....is that you'd better keep up."

It took nearly a second for the young Paladin to realize what was happening. Almost instantly, he dropped his bag and quickly grabbed a waterskin from it, before immediately running after his instructor. While the threat of expulsion was intimidating, Toma was actually a little relieved - if it was a writing assessment, Toma would have been in serious trouble. He wasn't the fastest. Hell, he wasn't even the fastest back in his village. But when it came to Stamina, Toma felt confident that he wouldn't be the last person in the class...

Toma was right. After a few minutes of running, he was near the middle of the herd of students, but he could already see a few students near him beginning to slow down. It helped that among all the students, it seemed Toma was one of the few that had water. Hell, many of the students probably didn't eat yet, and Toma felt he had energy to spare. Even with those advantages, the Instructor was still leading the pack, dressed in full plate and running in the sand. Toma was really starting to wonder if the man was as old as he looked...

Suddenly, a pained gasp from near the back of the group. Toma turned his head, just as he heard someone ahead swear loudly. A human student was lying on the ground, clutching their side. Next to them was a large mace, and they had seemed to have modified their uniform somewhat - it seemed he wasn't a runner, and his larger weapon had slowed him down. Toma would have thought the taller student would be faster, but maybe he wasn't taking the class as seriously. Or he was teasing one of the students in the back...

It almost seemed like everyone slowed down except Baleth had slowed down, if only to gawk at the audacity of the masked instructor. As he began to reach for another arrow from his quiver, everyone began to speed back up again, redoubling their efforts to keep ahead of one another.

Toma frowned. Looks like this wasn't going to be easy as he thought - endurance wouldn't help if he ended up near the back and was being pelted by arrows. Even if they weren't tipped, they could easily make a student slow down and get left behind. At his current pace though, Toma wouldn't have to worry - he didn't need to be at the head of the group, just ahead of the slower students.

Toma turned around, quickly racing to the student that got knocked down. Toma grabbed his arm and yanked the other man to his feet as he spoke.

"C'mon, hurry - grab your mace after class, you don't need the weight."

As soon as the injured student got to his feet, he pushed off of Toma, knocking the paladin on his ass.

"Thanks for the help, dumbass! See you in a year!"

Toma looked to his side - luckily, the student had taken his advice and left the mace behind. Toma could already see the student catching up to the others, running much faster than before. Toma began to get to his feet, but the masked instructor loosed another arrow. It struck Toma in the side, knocking the breath out of his lungs and causing him to fall again.

Toma learned his lesson and got up faster, ignoring the burning in his chest. He broke into a faster run, eager to catch up to the class that had gained a respectable distance on him. After maybe a dozen seconds, another arrow was nocked. Toma suddenly remembered a story Tarkus told quite often - he had once known a Paladin from his order that would slice an arrow out of the air if asked. Toma unsheathed his sword as he saw the arrow was about to release.

Light, Justice, Vigilance... Light, Justice, Vigil-

Toma swung the sword, and it cleaved through the air with ease. A half-second later, the arrow hit Toma in the legs, knocking the man to the ground again and making him drop his sword. Of course it didn't work - even if it was a pretty lucky first try, Toma was far too unskilled with a sword to do something so advanced. And even if he could pull it off the speed Toma lost wasn't worth it if it just resulted in him falling. Getting to his feet was harder this time - even if they were blunted, an arrow from a good bowman could move very fast. And this instructor was a very good bowman.

Toma grabbed his blade and kept running, sheathing it as he did so. He was closing the distance pretty quickly, but even after such a short run, he was breathing heavily. If he was less tough, he'd probably have worse than a few bruises. Toma would have to make sure he didn't get knocked down again - a few more good hits and he'd slow down too much to catch back up. Looking ahead, it seemed the student that fell earlier was near the middle of the group - he and Toma seemed to have traded positions.

When Toma saw the instructor ready another arrow, he internally groaned.

'Why the hell did I do that...'

Darrin pulled his coat closer to his body as he trudged through the snow, shaking softly in the freezing temperatures. Even with three layers of clothes, the mountain was far colder than anything the young man had ever experienced. He felt like this must have been what Frankenstein must have been feeling when he was discovered by Captain Walton in the artic. And to think, Darrin thought it was bad when he finally returned to St. Austell...

"A-are we there yet...?"

Darrin's voice creaked from behind chattering teeth, the young man eager to reach cover. Around 3 meters away, Cu Sith was walking slowly into the storm, moving in a strange path that zigged and shifted at random. Darrin had learned to follow the path his familiar set when he plunged knee-deep in the snow, soaking his pants and boots. The beast turned and shook its head at its master, eliciting a cracking sound from the bark that made up its neck.

Darrin sighed.

'I'm biting the bullet - Can we start going to the cave?'

And almost immediately, Darrin felt his arm completely lose feeling from the elbow down, shooting out to the right without any input on Darrin's part.

Darrin nodded and broke into a jog - or, at least as close to one as he could manage in the snow. It was a terribly uncomfortable feeling; as if someone had emptied out Darrin's arm and jammed their own inside it, wearing it like some kind of meat suit. But Cernunnos didn't like talking, and this was how the god directed Darrin back to his home months ago - so Darrin knew that eventually, he'd regain control and it'd be like nothing happened...

Darrin was still going to rush this as much as he could though. Just because he knew it was harmless didn't mean it wasn't super uncomfortable...

When he was visited by the voices in his dreams and given the options for getting to Sky Palace (Dennis? Darrin really couldn't keep track of all the names), Darrin wanted to avoid considering the path with spiders and other bugs. He wasn't really sure how easily he could get help if any were venomous, and he'd never been spelunking before. But at this point, he felt like a few stings would be worth it if only to take a break from the chill and the wind.

Within minutes, the cave opening came into view. Cu Sith entered first and sat a few meters inside, and Darrin was quick to follow. Even the mouth of the cave felt significantly warmer than the outside, if only because it was shielded from the intense winds from outside. Darrin squatted against the cave wall and removed his gloves, pressing his hands deep into Cu Sith's fur. The dog's skin really felt like wood... but at least it was warm. Darrin pet the dog in this manner for a minute or so, the creature uncaring for the attention.

Darrin stared deeper into the cave as he put his gloves back on. It was... definitely dark. Reaching into his pack, Darrin removed a flashlight and flicked it on. Darrin smiled as the cave suddenly lit up, a few small spiders skittering away from the sudden brightness.

"Man, I'd have killed for one of these a few years ago..."

As it turned out, navigating a cave was really hard. Like, really hard. Everything looked the exact same, and there were more than a few times when Darrin's arm threw itself in a seemingly random direction only for him to notice an opening that had blended in with the shadows cast from his flashlight. Cu Sith thankfully was in the lead, breaking through webs and taking dozens of bites without flinching.

Eventually, they reached an opening in the system that made navigation much more simple. Darrin rubbed his forearm, thankful to finally have it back under his own control.

"Never going to get used to that..."

Unfortunately, the freedom from his god giving him directions came at the cost of way more spiders... The ground seemed to have already been cleared, a path of green goo and splattered exoskeletons indicating that someone must have walked through recently. Pointing his light to the ceiling, Darrin felt nauseous when it looked like the top of the cave was moving. A sea of spiders, agitated by the sudden lighting, seemed to border holes in the ceiling of the cave. Pointing his light back down, Darrin simply followed the path his predecessors laid out, hoping the squished spiders might dissuade other spiders from coming. It seemed like the majority of the spiders stayed near the ceiling for some reason.

As he passed by a mound of spiders, Darrin pointed his light at it, causing them to move slightly and show what they were swarming. Some bat-like creature was being eaten by the spiders, having been restrained by bandages and left to die. That explained why there were so many more on the ceiling of the cave - they must eat these bats. The restrained bat wriggled as the light hit it, only enticing more spiders to come investigate the catch. Darrin, decided now would probably be a good time to leave, before a big spider found the free meal someone left for it. The thought of using his power crossed Darrin's mind - making the cave harder to navigate would mean he'd have a much easier time escaping from any more of these bat things and spiders...

...Then again, it'd also be a death sentence for anyone else here. Darrin didn't really want to accidentally kill anyone, especially if they were new communicators like him. And if gods were as petty as the stories made them out to be, then killing their communicators was probably an easy way to end up on their shit list.

Instead, he continued walking down the path, allowing Cu Sith to squish any spiders they encountered and doing his best to think about how warm Sky Palace probably was. It felt like days had passed by the time they finally reached a dead end, though really Darrin knew it had been an hour at most. A loud rumbling caught Darrin's attention, and immediately he slid behind a stalagmite and flicked his flashlight off. Peaking from his hiding position, Darrin saw two humanoid shapes holding torches next to a doorway. Darrin sighed and left his hiding position, walking towards the figures. Those most have been the people who were walking in front of him - Darrin would have to thank them for taking care of all the big stuff!

As he came closer, however, Darrin saw that they had both stopped and were now in defensive stances. Peering over, the young man soon realized why the pair were nervous - they were right in front of a giant cobra!

... Well, it wasn't actually that scary. Darrin had never seen a cobra before, but the anacondas in the rainforest were a lot longer than this thing. And while it was probably still intimidating for these guys, Darrin had nothing to fear from snakes anymore.

Darrin focused on the creature, imagining himself wearing its body like a skinsuit, displacing its flesh with his own, splintering its bones, eating it alive. When Darrin blinked, he opened the snake's eyes.

'Weird! No move body, want move! MOVE! BITE!'

God (Gods?), this felt weird both ways, huh? Darrin ignored the snake's thoughts, trying to justify the guilt he felt at taking over its body. He could hear it after all - it wanted to kill these people, so he shouldn't feel guilty at what he was about to do. It took a few seconds of flailing around to get used to the snake's body before Darrin managed to twist it onto its back, exposing the neck and vital organs.

"Cu Sith, I can't really see right now - mind walking me to them?"

The dog quickly responded, lightly biting Darrin's sleeve and dragging him over to the pair. As he came into the snake's vision, Darrin waved to the two other communicators.

"Hey, sorry if that freaked you guys out! I don't get to use the 'Controlling Snakes' thing much, so it might have looked a little weird..."

'AHHHHHHHHHH! Stop showing stomach! DANGER! Strike while prey distracted! Strike now, move! WHY BODY NO MOVE!?'

Darrin shook his head slightly. He'd have to ask one of the voices if there was a way to mute these things the next time he went to sleep.

"Not sure if you guys want to kill it or let it loose, but it's pretty angry right now. I'd probably have to send it a bit back into the cave if we're doing the latter."

@Hitman@King Cosmos
Despite his best efforts to mask how uncomfortable he was, Toma wasn't skilled enough to hide it. That was probably to be expected - he wasn't really sure how to act when he was near so many people for the first time, and while he was far from an introvert, it would probably take a while before he could avoid feeling claustrophobic in such a large crowd.

Toma jumped slightly when another student sat in the chair next to him, suprised.

"Hello. My name is Alexis. I could taste your fear from across the room. Mind kicking it up a notch? My favorite flavor is abject terror."

Toma felt a little disturbed thanks to her choice of words, but she was smiling and her voice was amiable. Maybe it was a city thing to talk about tasting fear, or it was some kind of joke...

Eventually, he relented and began to relax. Even if she was a little eccentric, she was willing to initiate a conversation with him - Storalla knows that he probably wouldn't have worked up the courage to talk to another student during the feast.

"I'm sorry to disappoint, but I am not very good at being scared on command..."

Toma stopped talking for several seconds until he realized that he hadn't introduced himself yet and had pretty much shut down any conversation from happening.

"Oh, um, my name is Toma - it is a pleasure to meet you, Alexis."

Toma wasn't exactly sure what the people at Hoseforn would be like, especially since the only people his age that he knew left Whitelot years before for various apprenticeships, but he felt Alexis was pretty tolerable. Wait, that sounded kind of harsh... Toma really didn't know anything about her other than how she looked, so he was struggling to form an opinion on her. Alexis' white hair and red eyes made Toma think that she was some kind of nonhuman, but other than that she looked like a normal person - maybe she was an elf, or a human that really doesn't go outside, like, ever.

Really, even if she was an Orc, Toma was just glad that he could finally talk to someone his age.

"How are you enjoying things at the academy so far? I only arrived an hour or two ago, and the stables here could easily fit all the livestock from my hometown. That's not even mentioning the water-dispensing contraption in our rooms - that's probably worth more than the rest of my village put together!"

Small talk - his mother had told Toma before he left that the best way to get better at talking with people... was by talking with people.

The room was mostly full at this point, with the table the pair were sitting at being one of the least populated. Toma was honestly a little glad for that - there were hundreds of people within the hall and having a table that was relatively unfilled made him feel less crowded.

The lights began to dim, and Toma turned to look at the part of the hall that remained lit. An empty table was slowly being filled with people, presumably the head staff of the school. Toma was a little uncomfortable with the presence of the Goblin and Drow (Toma never heard of a goblin smart enough to be a teacher, but considering his own illiteracy, he didn't feel right to pass too much judgment), but only became concerned when a woman with the lower half of a snake literally slithered into view.

Toma knew that he would struggle with interacting with nonhumans - he had only ever seen a few Elves and a Dwarf before, with the rest of his knowledge on other races coming from stories he heard by older adults... And most of those stories usually started with Orcs eating people or Sirens singing men to their graves. But this lady actually looked like a monster - he might mistake a Siren or an Orc for a human if it was dark, but no one would think that a person that was half snake was a human. If she was a student, Toma felt he could probably just keep his distance and try not to talk too much with her. But she was a teacher - what could he do? Sit in the back of her classes and pray that she gets full from eating the other students first?

Toma didn't seem to realize how ridiculous it was to think a teacher at a famous academy would devour a student.

As Ms. Rickter spoke, Toma only grew more uncomfortable. He was still nervous about her being a Naga - a lifetime of prejudice wouldn't be erased with a short speech. However, this was dwarfed by how ashamed Toma felt. She didn't speak like a monster, and when she was talking about the rules, Toma found them to be quite reasonable. If someone had stolen from him, he would definitely want them to be punished (Though he'd prefer to kick their ass rather than have them be expelled from such a nice school...) - it only made sense that she would have felt the same way, if he had said something about her appearance.

When she spoke about classes, Toma desperately hoped that he would not be placed into any that Ms. Rickter instructed - if he felt this ashamed just from judging the woman too quickly, he couldn't imagine how bad he'd feel if he did something to offend her.

Toma was shocked again as food seemingly materialized on the table, but he was beginning to grow less surprised as his day went on. Not that things were becoming less fantastical - but after so many impossible events in a row and a week since his last hot meal, Toma really didn't have the energy to be shocked at his ignorance of magic. Instead, he reached for the pitcher of wine and began to fill his cup, before grabbing the roasted leg of some bird he couldn't identify.

"Our Teachers seen quite... Unique, don't you think? I didn't expect Mr. Hoseforn to be so brief."

Toma ate voraciously, finding the food to be far tastier than anything he had back in Whitelot. The young man had never even had salt before, let alone the more exotic seasonings and spices that covered the food. Despite the small town's proximity to a coastal trade city like Windlton, Whitelot lacked the funds necessary to buy luxury items like spices. Soon the feelings of shame at his racism began to fade, instead being replaced by curiosity.

Tarkus, the paladin who had applied Toma to Hoseforn, didn't seem very rich. He was an accomplished adventurer or at least claimed to be, but he settled down in a backwater town with only a single magic item to his name. Did the man just save every gold piece he ever received and used that to pay for Toma's admission? Toma couldn't imagine the Paladin doing that, even if they did have a good relationship, but what other explanation was there? Even if Toma knew what a scholarship was, he would doubt that someone illiterate like he was could receive one.

The hall had seemed to erupt in conversation after the food appeared, students eager to talk with one another and make friends. A few students, seemingly uninterested in the food, were already leaving. As he finished his second glass of wine, Toma paused and reached for the pitcher of water. Classes were starting tomorrow, and while he wouldn't be surprised if Hoseforn Academy had some magical hangover cure, Toma really didn't want to risk a blinding headache on his first day.

Toma also grabbed several apples and carrots, placing them into his pack for later. Oats, like his name suggests, favored cereal and grains more than fruits and vegetables... But Toma really doubted that the donkey would complain about a free meal. Remembering that girls were usually fond of animals, Toma spoke up again.

"Did you have any pets back home, Alexis? I used to live on a farm, so I had quite a few. I wish I could have brought my favorite hen, Mouse, with me..."

Toma had left the Chicken back on his family farm, after realizing that it did more work than the Donkey. Like Oats, she was named after her favorite food - She was an even better mouser than the neighbor's cat.

Toma had eaten quite a bit of food in a short span of time - he had several older siblings when he was growing up, so he had to eat quickly if he wanted to get enough. He still picked up various pieces of exotic fruits and strange meats and snacked on them, but that was mostly out of curiosity rather than hunger. He'd probably take some of the various loaves of bread with him for later, if he decided to copy some of the more asocial students that had already left the feast.

Toma stretched as he came to the main gate of Hoseforn. The journey had taken a week of constant walking, and while the young man enjoyed the difference in scenery, his donkey Oats was far less amicable with the distance they had to move. Toma couldn't really blame him - after all, if he was the one pulling the cart, Toma would probably have liked the trip much less. Toma could see a few other of the new arrivals as well - although, he was the only one who was walking. Everyone else was either coming by horseback or carriage, and Toma tried to shake the jealousy he felt. He wanted to ride the small wagon he brought with him, but it was small enough that even a slight bump or hole in the path sent him falling off.

Still, no reason to be jealous - he probably could have hocked some items in Windleton if he really wanted to purchase a ride to Hoseforn. And besides, Whitelot was pretty close to Hoseforn, all things considered.

Toma directed his cart inside the academy, doing his best not to cause too much of a disturbance as he made his way through the crowd of students. He spent 10 minutes wandering around aimlessly, but luckily he managed to find the stables (after a particularly annoyed book vendor at the Hall of Preparation yelled at him). Trusting the Stable Master with Oats and his wagon, Toma quickly shifted directions to the Main Hall. Everyone else was headed there, so he probably needed to go there too!

The man marveled at the various buildings he saw in the grounds of the academy - many of the vendor stalls in the Hall of Preparation were larger than most of the houses in his home village, and the church in his town was nothing compared to the Main Hall he was walking up to. As he followed another student in, he saw a massive crystal, easily twice as tall as his home.


Toma had seen a gemstone before - Mrs. Redwood had a ring with a small sapphire as its stone, something her husband had bought in Windleton for their 10th anniversary. But Toma couldn't even imagine what kind of monster would need a crystal this big to make a ring...

Toma's odd train of thought had seemed to take up a bit of time - another student was waiting behind him, clearly annoyed at how he wasn't going to the crystal in front of him. Snapping to attention (and apologizing to the student), Toma quickly walked up the gargantuan crystal. Finally, the exacerbated student grabbed Toma's shoulder and pointed towards one of the booths nearby.

"S-sorry, thank you..."

Head down and blushing, Toma quickly shuffled to the booth he was directed to. Suddenly, a rainbow of colors appeared in front of Toma, and he nearly fell back in shock, his small scream of fear causing several students to turn and look at him.

"Greeting's new student. I am Athena. Welcome to Hoseforn's Academy for Gifted Adventurers. I apologize for any surprise I may have caused you."

Toma got back up, staring uncomfortably at the crystal. He never really seen much magic before - the odd healing spell from Tarkus, the town paladin, was about all he had ever seen. Nothing nearly as advanced as this crazy crystal...

"O-oh, it's okay... Just spooked me a little, that's-"

"Please present your acceptance scroll now."

Toma quickly pulled out the scroll he had found a week ago. While most of his luggage was horribly dirty from the trip, he had managed to keep the scroll in almost pristine condition. He didn't know how to read, after all, so he wasn't sure how much damage it could take before it was illegible. A ray of light shown on the scroll as the man opened it up, and before he could be surprised again, the crystal had managed to finish its observation.

"Letter accepted. Welcome, Toma Enow."

The scroll changed before Toma's eyes, the ink shifting shape and colors until a map was formed.

"This is a map of the school grounds, your dorm number is 645. A fresh uniform and any supplies you require will be waiting for you. Please change... bathe... and return to the Main Hall within 34 minutes for the welcoming feast. Attendance is mandatory."

Toma nodded to himself, thankful that there was clearly a line leading him from the hall to his room. He wasn't exactly the most well-read, and his sense of direction wasn't the best either - trying to find his dorm would probably be impossible if not for that.

"Where's the river? I will need water if I'm to bathe."

"There is a bath within your room."

Toma shook his head and began leaving for his room. He was thankful for the help that the weird crystal thing had given him, but a bath in his room? He had heard luxuries like that existed in Windleton, for the wealthy, but he had never bathed in a private bath. He had always done so in the river...

Still, if the Crystal said it was true, it probably was. It had to know far more about this place than Toma did. Toma hastened his pace, desperate to not be late for the feast - attendance to that was mandatory!

Eventually, he came to his room - he didn't even notice the small click as the door unlocked itself for him. He did notice the luxury of the room before him, however. The dorm room was only slightly smaller than his old home... but when you considered that his old home was a single room large, and this dorm room was part of a massive academy and filled to the brim with furniture of the highest quality, Toma quickly realized that the place was probably worth more than many of the houses in his old village combined...

Toma gulped, finally coming to the realization that he really shouldn't be here. There was no way in hell he could afford it if he had to pay to be here, and Tarkus didn't exactly seem like a crazy rich guy... He fingered his Sword slightly, the thought of asking it a question coming to mind.

He shook his head and began undressing, dismissing the thought. The spirit within was far from coherent, and if he asked it a question it might go on some nonsensical word-vomit monologue again. He had given up talking to it on his journey to the academy, and Toma really didn't have the time to worry about it right now.

Peeling off his sweat-stained tunic and breeches as quickly as he could, Toma explored the room, searching for the bath that the crystal was talking about. The wardrobe had a few uniformed within, and Toma would probably leave his old clothes there only to forget about them later. There were two beds, so obviously he must share this room with another student...

Toma must have gotten here too late and they already left for the main hall! Hopefully whoever they were nice, whoever his roommate was.

Toma finally found the bath, and after about 10 minutes of investigating and burning himself, he finally managed to find how the water worked. He didn't even know what to call the tub, or how the knobs managed to make water warm - but warm water was something he was not familiar bathing with, and it felt very nice! Eager to finish as soon as possible, Toma rushed through his shower and took one of the towels nearby to cover himself with.

"How the hell do I put this on...?"

Toma had managed to don most of the school uniform, just struggling in tying the cape... cowl? The only thing he ever wore similar to it was a cloak, and he didn't see the point of such a garish item... Giving up, he simply decided he would not wear the item. If someone was upset by that, he could just ask them to show him how to put it on.

Or kick their ass if they're mean about it...

Toma fixed his belt and Baldric, making sure he wouldn't accidentally hit someone with his scabbard. Satisfied, he grabbed his map and quickly began following it towards the Main Hall, thankful that it was once more giving him directions.

As he arrived at the Main Hall, Toma was shocked by the sheer number of students. He didn't think he was late, but clearly, he must have been pretty close to the time the feast started. There were more people here than he had ever seen in his life...

Toma looked around, eager to find somewhere to sit and eat after his journey. Many of the tables were already claimed, older students having congregated and forming their own cliches.

Luckily, since many people were sitting with each other, there were still a few empty tables. A few tables caught his eye, especially one with a few kids dressed in weird cloaks and a dwarf (aren't they fun to eat with? They probably know the best beers). But Toma really didn't want to be rude and ask to sit with someone - besides, one of the humans looked a little annoyed already. Instead, the young man chose to sit alone - people might come in later looking for seats, and worst-case scenario, he really didn't mind eating alone. What mattered was that he was getting a free meal.

... And that he was sitting away from the more exotic students. Toma was very surprised to see so many nonhumans in the hall - humans were still the majority, but Toma would guess that a little under half were another species. Most of them were Elves and Dwarves, the odd Orc making Toma a little more nervous. Orc slaves were pretty big in Windleton thanks to their strength, similar to how Elves were valued for their dexterity and speed. Because of that, more than a few escaped Orc slaves arrived at Whitelot because of its proximity to Windleton, and while Toma couldn't remember any trouble being caused by the Orcs, he had definitely heard stories from older villagers.

Some of the students even had wings and other more exotic body parts - one girl had a fox tail, which really weirded Toma out. He never heard about a race like that... If he didn't think it would be frowned on, Toma probably would have kept a hand on his sword the whole feast.

But they were students too, right? Toma breathed slowly, making sure that he wouldn't embarrass himself as he did with the crystal from earlier. If they were too dangerous or monstrous, the academy wouldn't have accepted them. Treating them badly when he didn't know them would just make him an asshole. If they were training to be adventurers, that meant they had to be good people.

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