Avatar of Duoya


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Graduation has happened - I am no longer a teacher. Won't have to work 12 hour days + weekends anymore, so maybe I'll actually have enough time for hobbies.
11 mos ago
I sound like a broken record, but only 2 months left till I'm done teaching. Not sure what's next, but it feels like anything would pay more and be less stressful lol
1 yr ago
Only 6 more months till the school years over. If I renew my contract, someone kill me lmao.
2 yrs ago
Teacher update: I feel like a villain from a cartoon. The laughter of teenagers gives me migraines, and I no longer feel guilt when giving bad grades to kids that sleep through my lessons.
2 yrs ago
First day as a Biology Teacher tomorrow - hopefully the kids will be able to read my handwriting.


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Definitely interested! Leaning towards Envy or Sloth right now, but all options have a lot of applications.
Definitely interested! I'll probably stick with just a Master since people usually want to make a Servant, but if for some reason we are low on players, I can fill a slot if needed.

Quick question though - did the eruption just affect Japan and the surrounding countries, or the world as a whole? My Master will probably be foreign and not as impacted.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:15 PM.
Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Will didn't really expect much to come out of his half-hearted plea to be left behind, so the rejection from Fukuda didn't do too much to his anxiety. Still, even with a helmet concealing his grimace, most could probably tell his disappointment at the fact that he would be accompanying the others. The confidence that the Director spoke when it came to Will's ability to use his power was probably the only reason he was able to still make snarky comments.

"'Not every problem can be solved by smacking it', huh? I agree with you there, but this definitely seems more like a 'smack it' problem..."

It felt strange to be complimented on his power. Will had despised it ever since he Triggered only a few weeks ago. It forced him to watch everything he said to avoid mastering someone, nearly sent him to super juvie or wherever they send superpowered psychos, and every time people learn about it he's treated like a leper.

...But the fact that the Director seemed so sure that Will could help out - that feeling of usefulness. It felt... nice.

"Guess you're right Mr. F - I can have faith in the team to do the heavy lifting. I mean, one of them has a mech, so heavy lifting is pretty much their main schtick."

An exaggerated shrug, followed by mock realization.

"Hey, think they've got a gift shop? They might give us a discount for saving their Wax statue of Guardian, or whatever shit they have there. I'll get you a Trump Card T-Shirt, lil' souvenir."

Before it could be denied, Will snapped a few finger guns Fukuda's way, walking back to the group of Wards as he did so. The anxiety that was building up in his gut was fading slowly, much to Will's frustration. He was talking to the director as a way to weasel out of this mission, not so he could actually get reassured.

That guy was better at his job than Will thought.

"...run fast, and shooting a gun and tasing people are pretty self-explanatory, right?"

As he came up to the others, Carmen was finishing up her description of her abilities. Will only caught the last bit of her speech, but latched onto it so he could make his way into the conversation.

"Yep, pretty self-explanatory - point and shoot. You'll have some problems with recoil and aiming isn't easy in a situation like this, but you don't have to worry too much about wasting ammo with your power."

"Just, uh, wear something for the noise. That's how you get tinnitus."

Even though Will sounded confident and experienced with firearms from how he spoke, he was mostly spouting bullshit he heard in movies and video games. He had fired a gun exactly once in his life, and only the last bit of advice came from that experience.

"Well, I got this thing- It's big and heavy, takes some pretty big punches. Not much else it does, so- you know, just let me handle that? Pretty much a Brute cape when I get in this thing and it's built like a tank. It doesn't really do a lot more, unless you hide behind it so you don't get shot."

Will nodded his head, grinning slightly. While the tinker suit Jan had made initially made him feel terrified and massively inadequate, he now realized that it was probably the best way to keep himself safe in this mission - as long as Will kept it in eyesight, he could just run behind the hunk of metal whenever someone tried attacking him!

"Really liking that last part, will keep that in mind. Just, uh, how does that thing handle stairs? Don't want to be under that thing if you pull an ED-209, y'know?"

The lack of laughter made Will blush a bit in embarrassment, and he muttered inaudibly under his breath.

"...That's a Robocop reference..."

Thankfully, the director spoke up to address Jane's concerns about guidance on the mission. While he certainly didn't like the fact that they didn't know who was attacking a Museum (or why so many capes were needed for the mission), the fact that they had even more backup was incredible news. Not the capes - the Director already talked about them. No, the big news was that PRT forces would be here as well.

Will was never big on the cape scene, but he knew that most weren't immune to bullets or Containment Foam.

Fukuda whipped back to his paperwork, and Will's usual obnoxious confidence was slowly starting to come back to him. He turned to the late arrivals and gave them a quick appraising look. One of the guys was short enough that Will initially assumed that he was actually on the younger end of things, his disheveled appearance and lateness seeming to imply that he slept in... Well, Will couldn't really judge someone for napping in the afternoon, that's pretty much what he did every math class.

The second guy, on the other hand, was tall and somehow paler than Will was. His wrinkled clothes and heavy-looking backpack either meant he was the anxious and overprepared type or, more likely, he was like some of the other Wards and didn't have the best home life...

The Girl was a bit harder to get a read on. Her appearance wasn't as disheveled as the boys, and the prosthetic leg gave him the vibe that she was more of a noncombatant, like Will... Or she could shoot death lasers, or could read the future, or something else crazy like that. This new girl and Jane should get close with Morie - she might be able to give them their limbs back, and Parahuman healing usually costs an arm and a leg.

Snickering under his breath at his unfunny joke, Will took a few steps towards the new arrivals, beckoning them over.

"Hey there you three. Glad we got some more company for this thing - can you believe we're doing a mission on our first day? I think those kids working in coal mines hundreds of years ago had better receptions than this."

"I'm Will, by the way - we can save introductions for after Rachel hooks you guys up with your costumes, but just felt like throwing that out there."

Will could feel a small pressure build in the back of his head, but it was small and barely noticeable. He didn't know if these three had already gotten their earpieces yet, so he was pushing his power down. Being late left these three a bit out of the loop, so Will was giving them a bit of an in - after all, if he walked in on a bunch of costumed freaks and a mech suit, he'd wish someone was friendly to him.

...Of course, he was also being nice to try and get in their good books, before he dropped the whole 'I brainwash people' thing on them. Just because Will was being nice didn't exclude him from being a selfish asshole.

Turning to the rest of the room, Will kept up the same energy and continued monologuing.

"So any of you guys ever been to this Museum before? I was going on a field trip there back in middle school, but me and my friends ditched it."

July snuck a 40 from her step-dad's liquor cabinet, and Will had gotten so shit-faced that he nearly fell off the school roof. Just remembering it made him smile - things were a lot more simple back then.

"Would probably be pretty nice to know the layout. Entrances and Exits, choke points, ambush spots - that kind of thing."

And where the safest rooms to hide are.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:13 PM.
Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Will managed to keep Bev up long enough for Rachel to rush over and help him, the aid almost instantly relieving the burden that the boy was carrying.

'Note to self - never carry anyone, people are heavy as hell...'

Rachel quickly made sure that the younger girl was alright, and as soon as Bev found her footing, Will backed off. Not only was she heavy, but she was tense enough that Will was starting to hurt from supporting her... Well, at least Will wasn't the only one who felt uncomfortable here so far.

"Hope your blood sugar is fine - I'd offer gum, but I keep that in my 'not about to die' suit..."

As Rachel spoke up again and began to lead the teens away, Will felt anxiety prickle his skin. And as they rolled up to the Director, this feeling was justified as he confirmed Will's worst fears.

An attack on a museum. Of course. He pinched his leg to see if this was all some bad dream, but Fukuda kept talking, much to Will's chagrin. In only 30 minutes or so, all the Wards would be headed straight to a crime scene, and have to fight someone. Fukuda didn't bother to include the details of their assignment, either because the precogs that predicted this fight didn't know, or because he was allergic to keeping people informed. It was probably for the best though - Will was already grimacing under his helmet.

Near the tail end of the mission briefing, two more people walked into the room - presumably even more Wards. The Will of a few minutes ago might have been disturbed by how many children were being thrown against criminals, but now he couldn't be happier. The more kids there were, the less likely he'd be targetted - that was just basic probability. And since these kids seemed to follow the trend of nigh-adults, maybe this wouldn't be too terrible.

After all, the Wards were supposed to be an under-18 group. If 90% of the team graduates to the Guardians by this time next year, then Will might luck out and this whole thing gets dissolved!

Of course, that's assuming he survived this encounter in the first place. And with the new arrivals, a desperate idea started to come together. As Caiden, Carmen, and the other Wards began to converse about their powers, Will walked up to the Director, who seemed to be trying to make progress on some paperwork.

"H-hey Mr. F. Not sure if you forgot to mention it or anything, but it seems like I'm going to be coming along for this mission too."

Despite his attempt at a nonchalant tone, Will's voice hitched slightly. He managed to get it under control as he continued, however.

"I mean, I can't really throw fireballs or lift a car or anything - I think unless there's a hostage or something, I might just be dead weight... so uh, maybe I should stay outside the museum with the cops. Y'know, until I'm needed or something."

Will barely noticed Eleonore enter the room as he spoke, but he used that to his benefit all the same.

"Look, at this rate, we might need two school buses for the field trip! So I, uh..."

Will frowned a bit under his mask, noticing the Director's face as he spoke. He leaned in slightly and lowered his voice, just above a whisper.

"I just don't think I'm really needed around here."

Everything he said was true, but it was hard to tell where the insecurity ended and the cowardice began. This plan probably wasn't going to work, but the directors wouldn't be able to force him to fight. Worst case scenario, he'd go in the Museum and run around like a dipshit until Overclock and the other Wards did all the real heroing.

Yep, just keep thinking like that, and this will all be over in no time...

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:10 PM.
Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Aliyah shrugged at the mock inquiry, before offering her own input on the matter. Will returned her shrug and kept his smug grin in place, but his insides were still coiling. He was really hoping that she was wrong - if this wasn't a meeting or something PR-related, it was probably a fight.

Will had never been in a fist fight before, let alone a 'throwing fireballs at each other' fight. He wasn't eager to change that either.

Thankfully, he didn't have to keep up the unbothered act for long. Soon, part of the wall near the sofa just bent in on itself, opening up to reveal a woman in a fashionable suit. Will remembered her pretty well - Rachel was the person that inspired his costume. Or, more specifically, he just liked her outfit when they first met, and essentially copied it while adding a helmet. She wasn't the most dominant figure, but considering how Will felt about the Director, 'Fashionista' may as well have been the one really in charge of the kid.

Will noted the silent staring contest between the two directors, but quickly went back to his fake grin when Rachel started talking again.

"You all can call me what you wish, though Rachel's fine! Sadly, due to some...Unforeseen circumstances, we're gonna need to move things along faster than we would have hoped. ...But enough about that! I'll fill you all in on what's what as we go, and I'll get to show you all your costumes! My favorite part!"

She quickly strode to one of the other doors that was in the spartan-like lounge, heels clicking as she did so. The door was thick and looked like some kind of blast shield or vault door, rather than the doors upstairs had been... Actually, that's how most of the doors down here looked. 'Maybe I'm not the only one that struggles to control his power.' Will smirked at the thought. It was easy to Will-proof, just give out some earplugs. How would they 'Blaster-proof' a team of people? Give them all fire-retardant costumes?

Instantly, the smug grin fell from Will's face. That would have been a great thing to ask for! Dammit!

A few seconds passed as Rachel scanned her palm, and the door eventually hissed and slid to the side, allowing the group to enter.

The locker room, at a superficial glance, seemed pretty similar to what Will was used to from his school - lockers lined the walls, white tile floors, and benches to sit on. Of course, it was only similar on the first inspection. Actually looking closely, everything was clearly leagues more developed than a school locker room ('As it should be', Will thought). Each of the lockers seemed to have another one of those panels that Rachel had used to open the Locker room in the first place, and everything here looked specifically designed to take a beating.

Will was confused for a second, but he quickly rationalized it. Some brutes don't know their strength, and if this is where they keep costumes, it's probably where Tinkers will keep their armor. It would make sense for everything here to be built for durability.

Rachel gave a brief run down about where their equipment would be located and where to return it, which made Will a bit relieved. With how things were going, he was seriously thinking that they'd expect him to keep his costume on him - the last thing he wanted was a reminder of this nightmare situation when he was off the clock. Rachel passed out their ID cards, Will taking it from her with little fanfare. His face on the card has a smug, shit-eating grin - it had been taken only a few minutes after he had spiked the coffee in the HQ with laxatives, and 30 minutes after he had clogged every toilet on that floor.

Just looking at it made him realize why some people probably didn't like him. Even Will kind of wanted to wipe that look off his own face.

By now, he had finally given up hope. They were absolutely going into a fight. The look the directors gave one another, the tension in the air - maybe the psychos on this team that signed up willingly were excited, but Will was rapidly losing faith.

The only redeeming factor to this was that, in all likelihood, Will would never actually fight someone. He'd stick with the PRT in the far back, maybe only get sent in to deal with hostages or something. They'd have to be pretty incompetent to send him in to fight with the others...

Will kept silent as he made his way into the male changing rooms and retrieved his costume, slowly getting changed into the much nicer formal wear.

'They're going to send me in with the others, aren't they?'

It was an errant thought - probably more of his pessimistic streak showing. It didn't really make sense to send a Master like him to a fight, but maybe they'd want to use it for PR or as a team-building exercise - Will was focusing on the absolute worst-case scenario, his mood spoiled even further.

Shut up. Breathe. Will leaned against the wall of the changing room, inhaling as deeply as he could, before slowly releasing, the tension in his shoulder ebbing at the motion.

'Another difference from this locker room and the school's - this locker room doesn't smell like ass.'

His panic attack safely avoided, Will took the moment to admire himself in the mirror. The black jacket of the suit was snug and heavier than his 'casual' one, but hugged his torso better - despite his shrimpy body, he actually looked pretty damn good in the thing. The trousers and undershirt weren't anything to write home about, but that was probably for the best. Will wanted to be able to pass off as an average guy, and a suit jacket as expensive-looking as this one just meant that he'd probably get mugged on his patrol. He'd be able to dress down if necessary, and the dress shoes felt like Will could run in them without cutting into his ankles.

The most notable part of the costume, however, was the helmet. Despite the visor being completely blackened, the thing didn't hinder his field of view in the slightest - almost like it was one-way glass or something. With this, he wouldn't need to worry about keeping fake smiles all the time - just has to keep the body language up and he's golden. More importantly, though, the thing had enough cushioning within that it wasn't just comfortable to wear, but would probably keep even someone as fragile as Will from getting a concussion.

All in all, the outfit was basic and discreet - but that was exactly what Will had wanted when he requested it on his last visit. He'd have to thank Rachel. This job so far had been pretty terrible, with the prospect of meeting crazy people that dress in spandex and fly around for a living being one of the worst parts.

But if everyone on the team acted like they have so far, maybe this job wouldn't be as bad as Will thought it would be.

Just as Will thought this, he left the changing rooms and immediately walked in on Caiden poking at the cloth of his costume with some kind of glowing sword. He commented on the durability of the costume, before the others that had also finished began complimenting his ability. He was about to give his own compliment, if only to fit in with the others, when he felt a strange kind of thudding.

Coming from the women's side of the changing room, someone in power armor began walking toward the rest of the group. Will didn't even need to wait for her voice to recognize who it was - they only had two tinkers on the team, and one of them was already here. Jane was now one of the scariest members of the team in Will's mind, and she had instantly shattered the little bit of confidence his costume had given him.

Probably for the best though - last thing Will needed was getting invested in this Hero shit.

Maybe it was because his expectations had already been pretty low, but Will seemed to snap out of the shock of seeing Jane's suit pretty quickly. The boy let loose a long whistle, glad to see that his helmet didn't seem to muffle his voice.

"Yeesh, looks like we found who wins at costumes. Jesus! How long did you have to work on it? I'm not really keen on the Tinker stuff."

Will made a fist and tapped the knuckles on his helmet, eliciting a soft clicking sound as he turned to Rachel.

"Not that I don't appreciate what I got going on - thanks for the hard work, Rachel. Just what I wanted."

Now seemed like a good time to lay praise on her, since everyone else was too - though, she might not have registered it, considering the shock on her face. Will could give her a more sincere thanks when the others weren't around, or maybe send her a gift basket.

He'd been pretending to ignore it, but Will was carefully listening in on Fukuda and Morie's conversation. He hadn't expected her to be the one to be direct about things - as a matter of fact, Will was planning to bitch and moan until they finally gave him an answer to that question. But it didn't really matter how the answer came out - all Will wanted was to know if he'd have to actually do anything for this... Mission? Assignment?

It sounded so ridiculous. All of this was stupid.

But of course, just when he started focusing, things had to go wrong.

A loud clang of metal rang out, and Will snapped towards it, jumping back. He was thankful that his helmet had been darkened as much as it was - otherwise those around him would see the fear on his face.

It sounded too familiar. Too-

Will pushed it down. He quickly made his way to Bev, gently slinging her arm over his shoulder and trying to get her back to her feet.

"Yep, power armor is real cool, no need to fall-"

He only realized halfway through the motion that he was one of the weakest people in the room, second only to the middle school girl Carmen.

"Ah crap, crap... Crap! Okay I'm a twig, someone help please!"

Will didn't see who came to his aid - for all he knew Bev just helped herself back up. This failure only served to cement his position on the team in his mind, however.

Looking at everyone in the room, Will couldn't help but feel a little annoyed - one of them could make swords out of light, another could make a gun out of thin air. One of them was apparently so good that they had a fanboy on the team, and one girl had a damn suit of power armor. Everyone here could kick his ass. Most of them could do it with both hands tied behind their back.

Will was out of his league here, and he knew it. He just...

He just really hoped that the Directors knew it too.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:07 PM.
Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Memento seemed to be a little more like Andrew than Will initially thought - while she wasn't nearly as forthcoming with information on her personal life, it only took a bit of prodding from Fukuda and Beverly for her to start giving a more elaborate explanation of her abilities.

Of course, Will didn't really mind that. It was the best-case scenario - he hated the whole cloak and dagger shtick, so the sooner everyone else aired out their baggage and secrets, the sooner Will wouldn't feel the need to hold onto his own.

"I guess I don't really heal--m-more like I move the injury over to myself. It's a bit morbid, but it's not q-quite as limited as it seems, because I can make duplicates of myself. They take t-time to create, but I can use them to 'heal' a bunch of wounds or illnesses until... the body can't take on any more and dies, or w-whatever. A-and then I can absorb those duplicates to give myself, um, basic Brute stuff... i-it's a kind of organic matter manipulation at its core, basically..."

The display was a bit macabre, but nothing compared to the freakshit that some capes could do. Will hadn't even tried to hide his interest in her explanation, leaning in as the wound seemed to migrate between the arms of the girls.

He didn't think too much of it during her initial introduction. Didn't want to risk going to that dark place. But this changed everything.

Could she heal Will's mother? Memento might go into a coma, but if she could just wake up in another body, would that really matter? What if this was-

Don't get excited. Will's grip on the chair instantly relaxed and he turned away from the display, heart racing.

'Don't lose your cool pal. You don't know if her shit would work on something like that, you don't know if she would help you pro bono, and you don't even know her. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment.'

Had to keep himself in check. He's gotten too used to building himself up, only to come crashing down.

That's right. Will could just ask her once this dumb meeting was over. 'Hey, you probably get asked this a lot, but could you heal my terminally ill family member?' That kind of emotional blackmail didn't really sit right with him, but he was willing to take whatever chance he could.

Of course, Overclock's question of 'pain immunity' never even crossed Will's mind. It wasn't that he didn't think of it - he just didn't care enough to ask. Too focused on the application rather than the process.

Quickly, Will focused back on the kid next to him - Andy. He had started talking again, responding to what Jane had asked.

"I volunteered. I'm an orphan living in the orphanage near the docks and I wanted a new home - Aka this place's dorms - and money. I know it's too late to get a family now that I'm 14, but I presume that I can get a bit of financial independence."

Will was almost impressed with how easily Andrew said what he needed to know - now Will knew that this guy was one of the nutjobs that actually signed up to this willingly. Didn't even need to press him, considering how loose-lipped the younger boy was with his personal life...

Will could already see that being a problem in the future. Gonna need to break that habit for him if he ever needs to know confidential shit.

What Andrew said also caused Will's train of thought to flicker. Dorms? It made sense, considering some of the people here didn't exactly look like they had a home to head back to, but Will didn't really grasp how... ubiquitous this team would be to some of the kids here. Andy was talking about basically leaving everyone he's ever known and living with strangers until he outgrew the Wards. And if Jane's living situation was half as Mad Max as she looked, she probably wouldn't be too far behind the kid.

The thought of hopping into the dorm situation made Will a little sick to his stomach. He wasn't fond of living with his brother, but at least he liked Will enough that he didn't need to wear special earplugs.

Andy kept talking, and Fukuda underwent the burden of answering his more obvious questions (Maybe he didn't get interviewed before coming here? The first thing Will asked about during that was the pay). Will started to tune out the discussion going on - but when Will made his comment on guardians, Fukuda had to chip in again.

"You may have a point there, Wilbur. Most people know the risks with this kind of position, and are rightfully afraid. Still, perhaps we can avoid digging into everyone's circumstances, mmm?"

Will bit his cheek and tried to avoid making his glare obvious, but he doubted that Fukuda could really miss it. 'Let's not get into people's personal business huh? Little hypocritical, considering the whole 'Your teammate is a master and will master you guys' thing.'

You're talking to yourself again. Will shook the train of thought. Fukuda was forced to babysit a team of super brats - one that had Will on it.

He wasn't really in a good situation career-wise. No sense harping on the guy. Instead, Will chose to listen in on Sean's introduction, curious as to why Andy was so obsessed with him.

Initially, Will had been pretty hopeful - Sean's comments on the PRT thus far had been firmly set in the 'edgy teen that doesn't appreciate authority trying to protect them' camp. Which was exactly the same way Will felt about the whole Ward thing. But then the guy started going into how he had 'discipline as a hero' and the new 'call to action' quickly snuffed Will's hopes.

Another guy that thought the whole 'parahuman in spandex' thing going on is serious business. Disappointing, but if Andy's opinion was anything to go off, this guy at least brought some power to the team - and the more of that around, the less Will had to worry about getting crushed by a thrown car, or shot with an energy beam, or whatever other weird shit he'd have to be paranoid about from now on.

It was around now that Memento (Morie? Marie? Will couldn't really hear the name that she gave Carmen) and Bev made their way towards the team's rugrat, clearly wanting to make her feel more comfortable. Will was able to easily ignore Andrew's more blunt commentary, but this act was what nearly made the boy cringe. A bunch of (near) adults crowding around a pipsqueak and talking down to her didn't seem like the best way to avoid being intimidating.

Carmen was pretty good at masking her feelings though - Will wasn't sure if his estimate was off the mark, or if she was just used to the behavior.

Before he could get much further into playing armchair psychologist and badly analyzing his teammates, Will was distracted by a sudden ringing. Fukuda reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, raising a finger to his mouth to signal silence as he did so.

Of course, Will took that chance to be an asshole.

"Oh, phones are allowed in class? Glad to hear, I got a crazy game of Minesweeper going-"

Will paused mid-bit, not because of the glare that Fukuda gave him, but because the older man had simply answered the phone anyways. Will was a dick, but judging by the look on the Director's face, this was actually important.

Fukuda started speaking with whoever was on the other end of the call - and while the group was only hearing a one-sided portion of the conversation, what Will pieced together was making him pretty damn intimidated.

Guardians were being called up, there was only an hour to get ready, and Elton...?

Oh, Fashionista. That was the costume lady. Well, one mystery solved, god knows how many more to go.

The fact that they would be needing their costumes was what made Will the most nervous - he had assumed today would be more like an orientation than anything else. If they needed their costumes, it meant that they needed to do cape shit, or at least looked like they did cape shit.

Will really hoped it was the latter. He had focused a lot more on the drip of his costume than the actual functionality - best defense he had was a damn motorcycle helmet.

The teen quickly began looking at things logically. It couldn't be too bad, right? If it was villains, why would the Guardians be alerted while we were 'prepared'? And why would the 'higher-ups' need to be told off if this was something out of everyone's control?

Will kept trying to pick at little things like that - the way Fukuda used certain words, as if that meant anything and wasn't just Will deluding himself into a sense of security.

Relax. Breathe.

Will complained under his breath, though he didn't really do a good job at concealing the venom in his words.

"I swear if this is cape shit on day 1, I'm going to find if this place has an HR and bitch so hard..."

Grumbling out of the way, Will looked around quickly - a decent chunk of the group was getting antsy, with Carmen and Caiden already asking the important questions. No need for Will to do the same, even though he was probably the one shitting his pants about it the most.

Oh, and Carmen can just make items out of thin air. Will would have to remember to not call her a pipsqueak or something, or else he'd have to worry about a hormone-filled tween with a firearm.

Will leaned towards Aaliyah, cupping his hand around his mouth as he spoke in a loud mock-whisper.

"My moneys on the Superhero PTA finding out we're a thing - what you thinking?"

A last-ditch effort to leave a good impression on the teleporter - Will didn't know how far south this thing was going, so it would be good to make sure that Master fuck up from earlier was water under the bridge.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:05 PM.
Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

The introduction seemed to go well enough - thank god, because Will's heart was still pounding from the sudden arrival of Alliyah and that confetti explosion. Will wasn't ashamed of being a coward, but the usual 'hero' type often had a problem with that kind of thing.

Or at least they did in the movies. Will had never really interacted with a Hero before, more so because he didn't care for capes rather than a lack of opportunities. But relying on movies only steered him wrong a few dozen times in the past - no sense stopping now...

Will quickly snapped back to attention when Andy started talking to him again, seeming to start up their conversation from before the introductions had started. He didn't bother to reintroduce himself to Alliyah either, a fact that nearly made Will smirk.

Perfect ice breaker right there. 'Oh hey there Alliyah, I don't think you've met my friend Andy yet! We were going shoping later, want in?' Boom. Friend #3, easy.

When Will realized the pause in the conversation, he was about to confirm the lunch invitation - the easiest way to get animals to like you was by feeding them, same was probably true people. But before he could, Andy started speaking to Fukuda.

"Okay, did I say anything wrong? Most of my social interaction was between people I grew up with or are older than me or are younger than me. So I really don't know if I am failing at talking to people right now."

Yeesh, the kid wasn't lying. Probably would have been eaten alive if he went to the same school Will did.

Not that Will was complaining. Plenty to glean from that response.

Andy probably didn't have any friends his age, and asking Fukuda rather than just Will meant he had a bit of obedience to authority. Oh, and the fact that he changed his hair color meant he was probably a Changer of some kind. Did everyone here wantonly flaunt their powers? Confetti bombs, portals, on-the-fly hair dye.

Well, Will wasn't really exempt from that jab at the team. Hell, he mastered one of them on accident already, so he was probably the worst of the bunch...

"On second thought, forget lunch and forget what I said if you want to forget - Let's just be friends."

"Sure thing - I could honestly use some friends right about now."

A grin there with a little bit of tooth. Relax your shoulders. Lean back, show comfort in the situation.

Well, that was easier than expected. Already got one of these guys, which was the biggest blessing that Will could have hoped for. Making friends gets exponentially easier the more friends you already have - one or two more, and the others will have to ignore the whole 'I can master you on accident' thing.


Right. Cause that was definitely how it worked, dipshit.

"So, are we waiting for anyone? Do we have an initial assignment? Is Overclock our squad leader?"

There was no visible change in Will's posture, but his self-deprecation immediately veered into abject terror. He hadn't even entertained the idea of an 'intial assignment' - was that how these things went?! Would they be flung out on a mission on their first day? God it would be hard to get respect if everyone here was throwing fireballs and shit while Will cowered behind a dump-

"...Currently, no. Today will mostly be briefing, getting to know each other, and become familiar with your Headquarters down here. At most, if we're good on time, there'll be some nighttime patrols to get you all started. As for a leader..."

The tension released as suddenly as it appeared. Thank god - nighttime patrols weren't too intimidating of a gateway into this hero thing. If that nice costume lady took his design into account and didn't flair it up for the PR team, he doubted that anyone would even think of him as a Hero. Just a motorcyclist that was walking home...

Not the best disguise, but at least it wasn't a skin-tight jumpsuit or something.

Will only paid the barest attention to the whole 'leader' debate. A part of him liked the idea of being in charge - he was the head of the Drama club at school, and the attention a position of leadership gave you was nice. But being the leader of a hero team was probably the biggest target you could possibly draw on yourself.

"If we all get a vote on that whole leadership thing, I'm gonna need a dartboard and some name tags."

Mock realization quickly flashed across the teen's face.

"ooh, or one of those big spinners with all of our pictures."

Will quickly mimed spinning some gameshow wheel, making a clicking sound as he did so. Eventually, he got tired of his bit and leaned back into his seat.

Will was just here to do his time, not to be the captain of the 'Beat up criminals or you're going to jail' team. He couldn't care less who got the position, and would probably use his vote to gain favor with anyone that didn't like him by the time that rolled around.

Soon the introductions started up again, much to Will's relief. Jane seemed interesting, to say the least. Or rather, she seemed more grounded than the others, which was a bit of a surprise considering the robo arm. He didn't know the first thing about Tinkers so he didn't know if making power armor was really cool - if he went off his frame of reference though, making a mech out of garbage was a lot better than being able to lie to people.

Will kind of hoped that they would give her dinner though. She didn't really look like she was getting enough to eat at home... Well, if she has a home. For all Will knew, she was a runaway - that would really ease up on the whole 'get guardian permission' part of the ward program.

Soon though, the elevator dinged once more. Those stragglers that Fukuda had talked about must have shown up finally.

If he had known it was so laissez-faire, Will probably wouldn't have been in such a rush to get here...

The new guy was, like the others, on the older end of teen. Tall, muscular, more casual than some of the others.

“Nice digs, Team, Director. Sorry I’m late, had some trouble with the family. Mind sliding me a pair, boss,”

The guy was flamboyant to the extreme, his colorful clothes and white hair catching most of the attention in the room. But what Will noticed (and was horrified by) was how this guy carried himself. Confident stride, colorful clothes, muscular build, actual introduction - it could only mean one thing.

“I’m Caiden McKay by the by, I’ll be Crosspoint, in costume, but Caiden is fine otherwise. I hope we can get along.”

This guy wasn't a loser! Shit!

Wait, was it bad? Most of the jocks at school were pretty cool - hell, Greg was a running back, and he was one of Will's bes-


It was incredible how fast you can push down those emotions when they come. One instant, Will felt like he got doused in ice water, and a few breaths later, he was back to normal.

Ignore it. Don't think about him. Everything is fine.

False alarm on the Caiden situation. Must have just been worried since all the jocks in teen dramas are usually douches - it's not like that in real life. Will's annoying smirk quickly returned to his face.

Right as he regained his bearing, another Ward member showed- oh jeez, this one was a baby huh? The girl that came in was absolutely tiny, to the point that Will was firmly knocked out of his delusion that he was on the younger side of the Wards. She at least seemed friendly, if a bit embarrassed that she was the last to arrive.

Will refrained from talking to her just yet - Caiden had grabbed some earpieces already, but this new girl was still vulnerable. Considering how uncomfortable it felt when Will's master effect broke, he decided silently returning her wave was the safest option.

Jane started speaking up again, shocking Will somewhat. He had pegged her for a shy kid.

"So- uh. Hm. I guess this is everyone, huh? In that case- I was wondering. Us? I mean- There’s plenty of kids around here who got their acts together better than some of us do. What- what made you wanna pick us in particular? Why us?"

Will paused slightly at this. He had assumed that was the entire point - it'd be a lot easier to get a cape brat to join your experimental team if you could blackmail them, or absolve them of their crimes. Why go for a nice team that might do what you say, when you can go for a naughty one that you could force to do what you want?

”Or were we just- did we just get picked first?”

Will opened his mouth, ready to deliver a snarky response to Jane's inquiry. Maybe something like 'No, I'm sure he picked us after carefully considering who he could blackmail.' Or maybe 'Oh, we're just the ones he managed to nab before recess was over'. It was hard to guess, since Will usually started speaking before he sorted out whatever he was going to say.

But he didn't this time. He tripped up slightly before throwing out a casual remark.

"M-my bet's that our guardians are the only ones that were willing to sign off on it. 'Send your kid to fight crime' is a pretty hard sell, after all."

Will passed off the stumble as a cough before regaining his relaxed pose, and he did his best to glance at Fukuda without being noticed. Will had simply assumed that everyone here was like him. Forced to be here. That the Wards used those loopholes in parahuman law that the Guardians loved to take advantage of, scooped some delinquents up before they became some hardened spandex-wearing supervillain. After all, what kind of psychopath would want to risk their life fighting superhumans in a dumb costume?

But that was the thing - these guys could totally be that kind of psychopath. For all Will knew, every single one of them volunteered for this, parents either bribed or deluded into thinking this was what was best for them.

Telling them that he had been pressganged into the Ward program would just be revealing his hand to the others. Fukuda had already done a fine job doing that for Will, so he couldn't risk telling them anything else that would turn them off more. Losing any more clout with these kids wasn't an option. Not with how some of them looked at him already.

Will could wait it out. If he was lucky, he'd find out which of these guys were the crazies, and avoid stepping on any toes.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 6:00 PM.
Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Fukuda was looking as displeased as ever, and Will could sense a little unease in his gaze. Or maybe it was weariness, or just annoyance - hard to tell, since the guy seemed to only have a limited set of facial expressions.

"Call me Director. As for the question... You can be the judge of that."

Oh yeah, definitely annoyance. Will tried to keep his smirk from growing. Even if he regretted it, Will couldn't help but take a bit of pride in his work. He resolved to check if they unclogged all the toilets when this meeting was over.

'That's what they get for being innocent bystanders in the warpath of your temper tantrum.' Will thought to himself, but he quickly shook it. Self-deprecation was only useful to make yourself seem more approachable, or to get a laugh out of someone - not too good to stick to that mindset.

The next guy showed up only a minute later, a boy that seemed closer to Will's age than everyone else in the room. He fanboy'd a little over the older kid in the room, but the information he provided was very useful - the kid with the sweet jacket was Overclock!

...Well, it would probably be more useful if Will knew jack shit about heroes. A big chunk of Redline knew about Overclock, Will included, but his wealth of knowledge on the vigilante ended at 'He's a really fast speedster.' If Will knew that he'd be on a team with the guy, he probably would have hung out with the Cape Nerds more often during lunch.

"So, what's your name? Mine's Andrew, but you can call me Andy!"

Will snapped out of his thoughts, and turned to the guy that walked in just now. He was sitting in the chair next to Will, and was actually starting up a conversation.

Thank god someone here was friendly! If Will was lucky, maybe he could get this 'Andy' kid to be his friend before he had to reveal that he was a master. For some reason, the fact you can mess with someone's brain by just talking to them really turns people off. Crazy, huh?

"Real pleasure to meet you Andy, name's Will."

Young, younger than me but not by much. Some muscle definition, maybe sports? His clothes look worn in, they're probably second hand and he couldn't afford new ones-

Jackpot. Will smiled now that he found his in.

"Not usually a fan of the ripped jean aesthetic, but you pull it off man. If you're not busy after this, maybe we could go clothes shopping."

Casual, leaned back. Pause a second. Make it look like it's no big deal.

"I'm getting a new jacket anyway, so no skin off my back."

Perfect. If he was lucky, Andrew's fashion sense was more out of necessity than simply not caring. A few dozen dollars and maybe some shoplifting, and Will could have a friend that felt indebted to him. It's a lot easier to get friendly with a group if another person is already your friend - the Wards couldn't be an exception. The only way it could be better is if Andy was already friendless, but his casual introduction didn't really give Will that kind of feeling.

Before the conversation could get much further, another girl entered. She just walked in without saying a word, and chose to stand in the corner by one of the terminals while listening to her music. It was hard to tell if she was just shy, or wasn't really a talkative type - whatever the case, Will was starting to notice a pattern.

Everyone was older than him.

Well, Andy wasn't - Will even was under the impression that Andy was younger than him. But the pair were quickly joining a minority in the room.

'Well of course they're older - they're doing crazy fighting shit. If some tween got mutilated, they'd get more flak than they could handle. They can afford to get a baby like me, I'm going to be on the sidelines and won't risk bad PR.'

Will silently nodded at his conclusion - that had to be the reason why there were so many big kids.

Or he was just overthinking things, and the parents of older teens were just more willing to sign the papers the PRT needed them to.

Will shook his head. The tangent was pointless to think about - the new girl liked music, so maybe he could get close with song recommendations? She might like Tchaikovsky, Cole was a big fan of classical... Nah, she didn't look like a douchebag, probably have different tastes in music.

"Before we continue, you all will be needing these."

Will caught the container that was slid his way, noting the earpieces that laid within. He realized their purpose too late, and couldn't speak before Fukuda continued.

"Those earbuds will allow communication between the lot of you, as well as between you and me. Additionally...They're a necessary precaution to ensure Gray Man can't pull anything on you."

Of course, as soon as Fukuda said that, everyone in the room started staring at Will. The young man cursed at the Director under his breath - normally he'd love this kind of attention, but he had learned what those looks meant all too well.




No one really liked a Master - especially the ones that could affect you, instead of doing whatever minion shit some of them had. Will understood that, and it made sense on a logical level. But god it was annoying to be treated like a leper when they learn that little piece of information.

...But Will couldn't really be too mad. It made sense to hand out something that stopped your fresh team of capes from being Master'd on accident by one of their own. He just wished that Fukuda could have let him break the news instead.

'Well at least now I can be guilt-free about the Coffee thing. An eye for an eye, or whatever.'

One of the standing girls was eyeing him up particularly hard, though she was doing a better job than some at hiding it. Maybe Will could break the ice with a snide comment? 'Like 'em on the younger side? I don't min-' No, Will could tell she was the shy type just from the way she was standing. Calling her out would just embarrass her, and Will needed all the clout he could get right now...

Didn't stop Will from giving her a sly wink. The shy ones were the most fun to mess with, after all.

"Once you've got those situated, I believe some introductions are in order..."

Will perked up - finally, the part he was waiting for!

First girl to speak up was the Tinker- er, the Tinker without the metal arm. Bev. Bit of an accent, but he couldn't place it. Kept messing with that device in her lap even while she talked. She seemed nice enough, maybe a-

All of a sudden, a massive stream of confetti whirled out of the device in her lap, quickly burying the girl in a stream of confetti - quite a few strips of colored paper landed on Will, though he was too shocked to be too annoyed. A hand burst out of the pile and formed a thumbs-up as Bev called out from within, and the shy girl from earlier ran forward to help. Well, makes sense why she was picked - Will on the other hand, chose to protect himself from the harmless exposion of paper, rather than help Bev up.

Phew. Wow, uh, nice Terminator 2 reference, but could ya warn us next time you-

All of a sudden, a portal appeared within feet of Will and the Director, and another girl promptly walked out. This time, Will clearly jumped in surprise and nearly let out a yelp, cheeks flushing red in embarrassment as he sat back in his seat.

'Tinkers can make their paper bombs, so portal girls can make their portals - should have seen that one coming, Wilbur.'

The girl, who introduced herself as Aaliyah, quickly sat in a nearby seat, the shock of the situation making it so that Will couldn't pick up much more than her name. And other than a final anxious look at him, Memento - had to ask her real name after this, Will was not a fan of the made-up names everyone had going on - had such a brief introduction that Will couldn't glean much from it. She was definitely heroic, and healing was a power that everyone was interested in. But if it was just simple healing, she would make a much bigger difference by just walking in hospitals and healing the sick...

Will shrugged. Maybe she knows that if she does that, she'd have to spend most of her day doing nothing but healing people. Or maybe her power is limited too much to do that. Whatever the case, she'd be real popular once she got past her shyness their lives a few times.

After Memento stepped to the side, Will cleared his throat and started speaking.

"Wow, already a pretty colorful cast of characters, huh?" Will exaggeratedly wiped a few of the bright pieces of confetti from his shoulder as he spoke. "In more ways than one. Kudos by the way Aaliyah, lot of panache in that entrance."

Lean forward. Straighten your back. Smile- no, with your eyes too, dippy. The slight change in posture and his false cheer quickly made Will look more like a used car salesman, rather than a prospective Ward.

"You guys can call me Will, or if you're a fan of the whole made-up name thing, Gray Man works. I enjoy long walks on the beach, slasher flicks, an- oh, and I got a little side bid-ness, so if you guys need a fake ID, come to me after the meeting and I'll hook you up!"

Will threw a glance at the Director, and made a few scared expressions.

"N-nah, I don't do that kind of stuff, heh..." Will added in a couple exaggerated winks for flavor, and grinned at the wriggling sensation in his gut. Test successful. Just confessed he lied, and the master effect broke - clearly these earpieces weren't too effecti-

Wait, no. False alarm. Aaliyah just hadn't put hers in yet.

Damn it.

"Oh shit, sorry Aaliyah - wasn't intentional, that will go away in a second. Mr. F, you, uh, got any more of those earpieces?" Will paused for a second, waiting to make sure everyone had their earplugs in before he continued. "Yeah sorry about that, just wanted to see if those things would work or if you guys would have that classic 'Wooooah, I just got Master'd!' look. Give whoever made these things a raise, Mr. F." Will shook his empty earpiece container as he spoke.

"But yeah, I'm starting to get bored - I'm the team Cheerleader and Comedic Relief, that's basically all I got going on. If you want to get into a concert for free or need something that doesn't involve punching a guy in the face, hit me up."

Lean back. Relax. Ease up on the smiling, a smirk works for now. No sense telling them how his power worked - he was already dragging on a bit long, and could always tell them later. Will did his best to keep a casual disposition, but was eagerly observing how everyone took his introduction. It was hard dealing with new people - but once he got a better grip on their personalities, maybe he could do the 'make friends' thing more seriously. If they laughed, he could keep hamming it up - if they cringe, well it looks like they take their spandex crime-fighting very seriously, and he'd need to lean off the jokes.

However they took it, it didn't really matter. Will was already wearing a mask - he just needed to find the right one to swap to, the one that they'd like.

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022. 5:55 PM.
Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Buildings passed by the window of the Taxi, Will tracing their path as he stared at each one. Traffic was less intense than usual today - pretty surprising, since everyone should be getting off work around now. Will leaned his head against the glass and closed his eyes, enjoying the darkness that accompanied the action.

He'd really considered just skipping out today. He doubted that he'd be liked wherever he was going, or even if he'd be useful. Besides, he'd probably handle the alternative well enough with his powers and minimal offenses. Maybe he could even skip town if he left right now.

But at the end of the day, he still chose to go to the PRT. He could say that it was because he wanted to do the right thing, help people, turn his life around, or any number of excuses. But every one of them would be bullshit, lies he told himself and others to make himself feel better.

No, the only reason he was here was because he was a coward. Because this was the only option if he wanted to keep having a normal life, the only way he could-

"That'll be $11.34, kid."

Will slowly opened his eyes as the taxi came to a stop. The driver was leaning around his seat, holding his hand out to Will, an impatient look on his face. For a second, the thought of gaslighting the driver briefly crossed Will's mind - his power would make it easy, he just paid when he entered, didn't the driver remember-

"Sure thing man. Here you go."

Will fished around in his pocket for bills and some change, and the driver peeled away as soon as he closed the door. The taxi could have a camera, and Will really didn't want to go through the trouble the PRT might put him through just to save 12 bucks.

The icy wind blew across Will's face as he walked, causing him to cringe slightly - his outfit was as formal as usual, and while the business suit and vest provided decent protection from the cold, his hat was clearly designed to be an aesthetic piece rather than insulate him.

At least his umbrella kept him dry.

As he stared at the structure in front of him, Will sighed slightly. The PRT HQ was dreadfully dull, clearly designed for form over function. He'd been here only a few days ago for a tour, and had caused a real big ruckus after what his brother said on the drive there.

'Really messed up my first impression with these guys - hope they're not too mad about that coffee thing...'

Will shook his head, dismissing the thought. It didn't really matter if they were mad - they were collateral, and he wasn't even an official part of the Wards then. They'd forgive him pretty quickly - and if not, he'd just make friends with his new teammates instead. He was here against his will, so hopefully they'd attribute the coffee thing to that instead.

Will entered the building a few minutes before 6 PM, and quickly walked up to the receptionist. Will noticed the annoyance on her face as soon as she saw him, and quickly flashed a winning smile.

"Excuse me ma'am, but I'm here to report a robbery - I think my heart was just stolen."

"Sir, can you explain how you are alive if your heart is missing?"

Will groaned internally - shouldn't have pushed his luck. A slight pressure began to build up in his head, almost like his brain was pushing against his skull. Soon after, Will could feel his power begin to 'retreat'. Still pushing, he pulled a small slip of paper out of his jacket pocket and began to read it, monotone.

"I am a student and my heart has been stolen by a Bio Tinker. Please assist me."

Almost instantly, the light worm-like sensation in his stomach started up, and the woman's eyes snapped open as the Master effect broke. Her mouth pulled itself into a tight frown, and a few seconds later, two armored officers approached and began to lead Will towards the elevator. Will actually got a little nervous when they got to the prison level, but he thankfully didn't start any trouble and one of the guards got them past the retinal scanner.

Hopefully, this was just a meeting place, and not their main headquarters - Will did not want to have to do the cloak and dagger schtick with the receptionist every time he clocked into work.

The elevator opened up into a spacious room that, like most of the building, was more focused on utility than being pretty to look at. There were some comfy chairs, a couple of screens, but the walls were almost entirely bare. There seemed to be a few Wards who'd already arrived. Or it at least seemed that way - he had no idea how many Wards there were. Chick with the metal arm was obviously one, and the other girl who was- oh okay, so Tinkers can just do their thing here. Good to know. The other guy looked close to their ages, so he was either another Ward, or the PRT was hiring young...

"Hey hey everybody, real excited to be here. Pretty cold out today, huh? Love the jacket bro, nice fit. Gotta let me know where you got it after we're done."

Will snapped some finger guns at the guy that looked around his age, before he slid into the chair directly next to Director Fukuda, and drummed his fingers on the armrest.

"Hey there Mr. F, I'm here for daycare. Did you miss me?"

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