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Nathaniel Stormlight
Town Square.

Nathaniel was originally supposed to arrive at his new house in Dawnhaven. However, a blizzard that week made it impossible for him to get there. He leaned his head out of the carriage that was transporting him and his things. The cold washed over his face and his breath became visible. People were going about their business. Some people waved to him while others made less pleasant gestures to him. So, this is Dawnhaven? It seems pleasant, he thought to himself, while he brought his head back inside the carriage.

Across from where he was sitting, there was a guard of Aurelia. A man with a middle-aged complexion, a small but trimmed black beard with grey patches, and identical hair. This guard was to keep Nathaniel safe on his journey to Dawnhaven. “So…” the guard spoke, getting Nathaniel’s attention. “Did the Prince inform you that you'll be working with someone to help with the research?” he asked in a grave but commanding tone. Nathaniel nodded, putting his hand in the front part of his coat and pulling out a letter. “Indeed,” Nathaniel said before putting the letter back where it was before. The guard seemed pleased by this. “Tell me, boy, do you know the other one you'll be working with?”

”Eris Hightower?”
Nathaniel shot back. “I’ve heard of her and her skills in magic and research; she's brilliant.”

“Personally?” The guard prodded. Nathaniel shook his head. “No, not on a personal level.” Nathaniel paused for a moment before he asked, “Why do you ask?” This time it was Nathaniel asking the questions.

The guard's position changed, and his form shifted in his seat. “There were rumours. Her mother, Lady Hightower, has been trying to get you to meet her daughter. But that was a while ago.” He coughed, hopefully that'll dismiss the conversation, even if he started it. The guard was indeed correct. But that wasn't the time or the place to ask these questions.

The carriage came to a slow stop, trying its best not to slip on the powdery snow that still littered the roads. “I want to have a look around,” he said, getting out of his seat. The guard said nothing but gave him a subtle nod. “Okay, once we drop your things off at your new home, we'll head back to Aurelia once we've let the horses rest.” Nathaniel handed the guard a couple of gold coins as a token of thank you. The door came open. Taking a step onto the snow that was on the ground, the snow made a satisfying low crunch once Nathaniel’s full weight was on his feet. His cloak caught small breezes. His hair would likely do the same if it wasn't tied up in a loose ponytail. Once the door was closed, the carriage rider clicked his tongue, giving the reins a firm whip and getting the horses to move once more.

Nathaniel was left in the town square, where there were plenty of people going about their daily business. Right now he figured it would be best to get a good layout of the area. Well, I'm finally here, he thought, a smile coming across his face.

Niallus Saberhagen

A Knight with A Queen.

Standing at the top of the stairs waiting, he got a good view of the ballroom. The school really spared no expense. A buffet that was large enough to give Johann indigestion. People of all races, joined together, embracing in common conversations with one another. The music was soothing and distinguished. Niallus was amazed by the amount of people who were attending to the ball. Then again it was for the Queen of Mycromi.

Dressed in a white shirt matched with black waistcoat with silver buttons and trim. An overcoat that matched his silver trim, it was possibly the only thing that he had fancy in his whole attire, it wasn't Eskandr design but he liked it. He brushed on one of his shoulders. Hopefully this is fitting. While adjusting one of his cufflinks.

Upon hearing the fanfare announcing the queen, Niallus stood to attention, he had a job to do, look after the Queen during this time of the ball. He brushed his hand through his brown hair keeping in neat and tidy. Upon gazing at the Queen she had an aura of her, that screamed elegance. He didn't even have to look around to know that all eyes were on her. "Your Majesty." He said bowing in respect to her, when he looked back up to the Queen. A familiar face he saw that caught his attention. It was Marljin, with Jomurr. That son of a- He thought as his attention drifted.

Queen Hylaenii took his hand, covering her mouth with a fan held in her other. "Oh, but Baron Saberhagen," she giggled from behind it, "You look positively like you've seen a ghost!" She leaned in conspiratorially and he caught a hint of a cheeky grin from behind the fan. "Care to let me in on the secret?"

Scratching the tip of his nose in a little embarrassment. Catching a small grin behind her fan, a smile came across his face.

"My apologies my lady." He simply said to her. "I just saw someone that i didn't expect, That's all." He was hoping that would be enough to sway her, but given how his friends have mentioned about her, it might not be.

The queen waved off Niallus with a pouty face. "Oh, you're no fun," she teased. "Nevermind. I'll pry it from you later. For now, hup hup!" She flashed him a fetching smile. "Take my arm, good sir, and escort me down the stairs if you would be so kind?" She held her arm out to link it with his. They were both of a height, at least. "Don't let the queen fall, hmm?"

Niallus chuckled a little by he pouty face. but upon hearing that she'll pry it out of him had him wondering when she will try. But his attention was snapped as she she held her arm out to link with him. "Of course, my lady, if you wish to pry, perhaps it would be best to at least make our way down the stairs first." he said with a smile. He held his arm out to link his arm to her as they walked down the stairs. Her grip was tight around his arm, but there was more pressure than what was needed for a simply walk down the stairs. Catching on the message that she was relaying to him with her body language, seems that she wanted to keep this hidden. "It is my duty to protect you this evening, you have nothing to fear."

No sooner were they at the bottom than Hylaenii was pulling Niallus off in a direction before anyone had a chance to claim her attention. "Do keep up, loyal protector," she teased. She leaned in. "There are some people present who I very much would like to speak to," she admitted, "and others I would very much like to avoid." She patted him on the arm. "You can help me with that, hmm?" She grinned, eyes darting about surreptitiously.

Niallus gave her playful smile with a nod. "Of course my lady." He leaned into her as he looked at her gaze. "Now, where would you like to go first?" He said in a kind, friendly manner. "For the people that wish to avoid just mention them to me, and we will steer clear." with her latched to his arm. He walked with her, matching her pace.

Alas, before long, the queen was cornered and caught. It was the duke of Arsica - a notably long-winded fellow with wandering eyes that tickled up and down her svelte figure and a tongue that wagged on endlessly in either self-aggrandizing tale or the most trivial of matters. Hylaenii nodded along politely enough through her suffering, covering some of her reactions by drinking copiously or feigning some small issue and twisting away momentarily.

In the background, others danced and twirled. Music played. One could variously see Baron Rikard, Countess Taleja, Duchess Ayla, Lady Zarina, and Jarl Sven and Esmii in the midst of a rather... intimate dance. It seemed as if most all of the school had turned out. About half of the Arch-Zenos were present as well, including Marbrand, Fabio, Tarthas, Masson, Afraval, and Giacomo the Crow: the only one who'd been alive for the last state visit by Mycormii. The Zenith was not currently present, officially for the reason of not making matters seem overly formal or weighty, but all knew how greatly he was Upta's opposite: Joshe Intaba was both a scholar and a warrior and he abhorred high society events such as this, avoiding them wherever possible.

For a moment, after throwing back a full glass of champagne, Hylaenii leaned over and shot Niallus a look that seemed to say nothing so much as "save me!"

Upon catching a glimpse of his friends Sven and Esmii, he was glad that they were enjoying themselves. When he sees them like this, they felt like they were the perfect match for one another. He was glad that his friend had someone he loved with all his heart. How long will they last before they lead the other one off to a quiet secluded area.

Niallus found this man in front of himself and the Queen to be a real pest, when he came into both of them, Niallus was so startled by him, he resisted the urge to punch him on reflex. But listening to this oaf waffle on and on was even trying his patience with the Duke's wandering eyes on Hylaenii. It was a bit unsettling but how to get rid of him. After Hylaenii finished downing her glass, he had an idea to at least get rid of this depraved man. He took Hylaenii's glass from her, holding it out to the Duke.

"It appears that her glass is empty and she requires another refill, please do this favour for the queen and refill it." his tone was so professional and formal, it even completely fooled himself with how he spoke. For now he waited for the Duke to take the task while Niallus and Hylaenii could hide into the crowd.

Duke Domenico's eyes widened at the thinly-veiled insult. "I... we have servants for -" He stumbled, face turning red. He was not a young man and was rather overweight. Normally, he'd never have challenged someone such as Niallus to a duel, but he'd boasted at such length of his exploits that to not do so here would cause him an indelible loss of face.

Hylaenii merely glanced between the two men expectantly. "It appears offence has been both given and taken," she declared.

"Indeed!" roared the duke. "I demand satisfaction!"

Lady Hilarii's eyes widened and she reached down in alarm to unlock her wheelchair's brakes. Though she was far too short to be noticed amid the crowd and struggled to push her way through, Lady Sanette faced no such difficulty. Still unaware of the little golden frog perched contentedly in her hair, she also began to hurry over, her progress easily marked by the summit of her great wig. For a moment, the queen seemed to waver, and she clutched at Niallus' arm before diplomatically separating herself.

"Please, my lord. He is but young," Sanette entreated, arriving breathlessly. "Young and Eskandish."

Hilarii arrived moments later and picked up from her friend. "His blood yet runs hot. Surely, he merely forgot himself for a moment. Will he not apologize for this slight?"

"No blood need be shed over such a small matter," remarked Lady Sanette, the frog peering out of her hair approvingly.

Eyes turned to Niallus, including those of the queen, perfectly pokerfaced, awaiting his response.

Niallus placed his free hand up to the Duke. "Kind sir, I meant no offence of course." a kind smile brushed across his face as he politly continued. "I only asked you this, as a fine duke like yourself, you must have a long list of fine taste in champagne and other exquisite beverages."

The duke's face, if anything, became even uglier, screwing up in disgust. "Do you mock me, boy!?" he demanded.

This Dumpling of a Duke was really starting to get on his nerves. "Well there is plenty to mock." He said flatly.

The duke struggled for a moment to peel off one of his white gloves. Face puckered, he took this in his hand and slapped Niallus across the face with it, after which, he dropped it at the youth's feet.

"The gauntlet has been thrown!" the crier announced, seeming to come up almost out of nowhere. He'd been paid enough to do extra duty like this, perhaps.

The queen's eyes widened, and they darted between the two men. Niallus bent down slowly to pick it up. "No need to strain yourself bending over, your grace," the Eskandishman replied. "I'll get that for you." He bent double, lifted it from the floor with a visible effort to hide his distaste, and handed it to his second who was... the queen, in this case. Perhaps he simply didn't understand the etiquette of the matter. Even she looked alarmed, quickly handing it to Roslyn.

"Make way!" cried the crier, as he led a burgeoning crowd through the opulent double doors and out into the night. "Duke Domenico IV of Arsica demands the satisfaction of Baron Niallus Saberhagen of Eskand Ath for insults rendered while in the company of the queen. Gentlemen!" He turned to take them both in as they joined him in the dimly lit plaza. The warm dancing light of the indoors spilled eagerly out into the darkness. "Shall this be a fight to first blood or to the death?"

Spotting the commotion, Roslyn inwardly groaned and moved closer. She pinched her nose when she heard the challenge. It turned out her senses about trouble were accurate. Taking the glove from the Queen, the girl followed the rest. "I swear, it seems Niallus likes to poke the bear. Especially whenever a pretty lady is involved." She muttered.

Niallus took his overcoat off, handing it to one of the Queen's handlers. Then undone the buttons to his waistcoat. "First blood should be fine. Death seems like it would kill the mood." He focused on the Duke, even though he was more horizontal, he could sense a decent amount of RAS. He wasn't going to let his guard down "When you are ready? " He simply said.

The queen floated out on her large ballgown, her entourage surrounding her with pursed lips and furrowed brows. She knitted her fingers together and clenched them. A few others filed in close to her: Taleja, Roslyn, Yuliya, and Xiuyang. Then, it was just Niallus and this obnoxious man. Perhaps the hot-blooded Eskandishman had provoked the fight on purpose. Perhaps he had not. He was, to many of those gathered, an enigma.

The duke regarded him with both anger and - beneath a show of bravado - fear. Perhaps this was a bridge too far, but he could not have merely accepted the insult. He opened his mouth to speak when Niallus pre-empted him. "Scared to match magic with your social better, then, boy." He nodded. "Very well." He began to take off his jacket, handing it to one of his sons, who was roughly of an age with his opponent.

The queen, meanwhile, twisted to regard Roslyn with an enigmatic look of her own. "Mm, yes, he certainly does." She cracked a coy smile and fixed her hair, turning back to the fight, chin raised, to watch.

A circle formed around the duellists and Zenos Paireni and Sectoxomactex took up their places at either end to officiate.

"This duel will be fought to first blood!" the crier announced. "Outside interference is strictly forbidden and will result in immediate intervention and forfeiture. The combatants are Duke Domenico of Arsica and Baron Niallus of Saberhagen. They will draw once the cloth hits the ground." He raised his hand, a golden cloth fluttering in the light breeze and all eyes seized upon it.

It dropped.

The duke drew immediately and quickly and then there were three of him, already spreading out to surround the youth. "Which one is the real me, boy?" all three taunted. "You're in over your head!"

Niallus drew in manas but kept them on standby. As he saw his opponent create illusions of himself "What's wrong, don't want to fight properly and resort to hiding." He figured he'd have to draw him out, let him slip up and then strike at first chance. Using his ability in pyromancy he cast a simple Arcane spell to increase the temperature of the area around him.

Duke Domenico had expected some sort of slashing attack that split his opponent's power between three targets, and he was prepared for it, too! This, however, was another matter entirely. A generalized heat spell? Who opened with that!? He maintained his concentration, keeping the illusions up, but he began sweating immediately and profusely and he blinked in discomfort, launching triple kinetic slashes aimed right for the boy's neck.

Looking straight at his attacker, he knew exactly where he was, training on how to combat illusions, by making this butter ball sweat. Using Kinetic he avoided his attacks, once in the clear he dashed towards him wanting to punch him in the face with minor Kinetic embedded into it.

The attack was so sudden and ferocious that it caught Niallus across the shoulder, burning a blackened swathe in his clothing and raising blisters on his skin, but it didn't draw blood. All it would take was for one of those to pop, however, and the duke would eke out a win on a technicality. He may have been old and fat, but he was determined, and a canny fighter.

The attack was so sudden and ferocious that it caught Niallus across the shoulder, burning a blackened swathe in his clothing and raising blisters on his skin, but it didn't draw blood. All it would take was for one of those to pop, however, and the duke would eke out a win on a technicality. He may have been old and fat, but he was determined, and a canny fighter.

Niallus was getting tired of this, seems that the Duke is getting more force in his attacks, Niallus needs to end this dual before this loon gets someone else killed he drew once more for another kinetic hit, this time more or a kinetic shock wave.

The wave took the duke in the midsection and simply folded him. He flew backwards into the crowd, his momentum stopped only through the intervention of Zeno Secto. The Xolectan scowled and shook his head tightly. Had he shot a proud smile Niallus' way?

Domenico was let down limp on the ground, multiple ribs broken and organs ruptured, and Zeno Paireni rushed forward to heal him. The brutality of the attack had left no uncertainty in the matter: Niallus was vastly the stronger of the two, but it also hadn't been aimed to cut or slice. Only the gushing of the man's nose had given Niallus the win, technically speaking, not that there was anything left to fight for. The duke's son stepped in to see to his father and, for a moment, shot a venomous look Niallus' way. An older woman who might've been his mother scowled and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder to pull him back, shaking her head tightly as her husband was healed.

Meanwhile, thanks to Yvain's and Xiuyang's efforts, the monarch had kept her feet and the crowd had been distracted from her weakness, though she still seemed wobbly. She nodded in thanks to the both of them, holding onto Yvain's arm for a moment longer, and he noticed what must've been almost her entire weight on it. The crowd swirled, carrying Rikard, Roslyn, and Taleja away, and she seemed well enough to recover at that point. "Goodness!" she exclaimed, "Perhaps a bit too much excitement for a frail little flower like me for one day." She fanned herself, nodding again to dismiss their efforts and, just like that, she seemed to be standing steadily again, her entourage, with the exception of the tethered Hilarii, closing around her.

Hylaenii waved them off, particularly Siimond's warning look. "I am quite well," she assured them, "Truly." She turned her gaze toward the triumphant Niallus and flashed a smile, looking him up and down. "It seems the victory is yours, good sir. That is certainly one way to accomplish the task."

Most of the crowd was cheering. Some were discussing. Money was changing hands. "I shall retreat for a time indoors to have a word with the lovely Lord Berbignon who has just rescued my dignity, but I beg of you, attend me in ten minutes time when we are finished?"

Niallus smiled at Hylaenii "Thank you my lady." He bowed to her. "I didn'twant to push it too far, but since he was trying to kill me, he left me with little choice." His face winced from the pain of his shoulder, as he moved it slightly, while also looking for his overcoat.

Roslyn stood waiting for Niallus, holding his overcoat, once he was dismissed. She pulled him off to the side then smacked the glove on his chest to hold. Drawing in the light, she began to bind his small wounds until they vanished from sight. "You owe me a beer. "

Niallus laughed when Roslyn hit with a glove to hold. "Thanks Roslyn." He said while waiting to be healed. ”I'll try to get you a few bottles from this ball after it is over." It didn't take long before his wound was fully healed. Once healed he put his coat back on, giving it a tug, "Best get back to my job." He said walking back in the ballroom.

It was not ten minutes but, rather, fifteen, when the queen emerged from that room, lips pressed together in a most satisfied smile. Monsieur de Berbignon departed about a minute later with one of her ladies in waiting and it was not long until they were a feature on the dance floor.

Most notable, however, was Queen Hylaenii herself. Emerging like a vision, swirling with kinetic magic, she took Niallus' hand, pulled him in close, and twirled with him on the floor. She leaned in until her lips brushed his ear. "You were incredible," she whispered, "It was nothing." he whispered back to her. The music ebbed and flowed before they two knew it, the people around them had their eyes on them as they danced each step that Niallus took, Hylaenii would follow, her form looked as if she was gliding across the ground as her movements were graceful. The world faded away. If she was one of the first to leave the dance floor, she was also one of the happiest, and she did not leave alone.

Niallus Saberhagen

Ransom Demand.

Niallus Saberhagen

Location: Ersand'Enise
Characters: Niallus @Echotech71,Abdel, Dayanara, Qadira, @YummyYummy, Johann @Force And Fury, Xiuyang @Emeth, Oksana,@Ti.

Feeling something grip on his sleeve, From his first glance, he originally thought it was Mahal. But seeing the Goma Cat by her side turns out it was the other one, Lunara. Hearing her apologise for gripping him to help keep her steady. "No, no it's alright." listening to the ideas that was mentioned by the his fellow biros. When Jamboi mentioned about the diversion. Niallus agreed. "A Diversion would be good." cupping his chin, pondering on what more input could be added to help.

"If we have a small group looking for Jaxon while the the others cause a distraction. I can take part im looking Like Jamboi said, Most of their priorities will be on this meeting, more likely be one high goons and a few lackys at best." Thinking more about it, his gaze turned to Daxon. "Would you be able to provide a description of your son? Or Hair colour, length, height that sort of thing. Or even how he talks. It can help the group who are searching for him have an easier time."

Niallus spoke to on his thoughts, "The well dressed Yasoi is a bit strange. But it could be just a coincidence, We can always find more information on them." leaning to a wall, he crossed his arms and continued. "It would be best to gather as much information as we can, pool it together, build a better understanding of the situation and why abducte this one?" He simply suggested to the group.

"Small groups are good, but so can large groups, however large groups that are consisting a handful nobles and Yasoi in one group, people will be suspicious. "
"With that being said."

He readies himself to get ready to leave he double checks his satchal, to see if he has everything. "I'm going to investigate that well dressed Yasoi. I'll report back, if anyone wants to come along they can?"

Following the Skugvars to the destination. Passing through crowds that gave a wide berth, mostly so they did provoke the Skugvars. Conversations between people would pause, as they walked past then would continue once more. The merchant selling their trade, still continued. “I have some excellent wares if you fine, group of people interested in?” Niallus ignored what the merchant was selling, besides it was more likely to have been looted off some corpses during the revolution that happened a week ago.

The group decided to take a little stop to get something that was called, Buudvuud. Niallus had never had this before but from the aroma that it was emitting, it was worth a try. Niallus was the last of the group to order his Buudvuud. While thinking about what to have he asked the worker something simple. Face to face with this zit filled teenager. "Being the owner, you see a lot of interesting things here in the area?" the kid arched an eyebrow at the Eskands question. “Me? I'm not the owner.” His voice was nasally and drone. “I wasn't even supposed to work today.” His voice, getting a little annoyed about it. “The owner's younger brother was supposed to be in today, but he suddenly took a vacation, so the owner made me come in.”

The kid went back to Niallus’ question about anything interesting, he tilted his head. “What do you mean by anything interesting?” "Oh, It's just because I'm not from around here, that's all." letting out a warm smile. "Just wanted some insight of what to expect in this area and what to steer clear of. I don't want to cause trouble with my first visit." letting out a light chuckle. In response to the worker's answer, about him complaining about work. " Damn that sucks, so they've done this multiple times? Do you know the reason why?" The Kid started to get nervous as he quickly changed the subject “Are you going to order a Buudvuud or not?”

Not wanting to push the matter, Niallus went back to ordering his Buudvuud. "Yes, sorry." Looking through, "I'll order that one." ordering the spicy one. As Niallus paid for his order he slipped a magnus to him, "That's to keep our conversation secret. Ok?" He quickly took and hid it on his person.

After a nice stop for food, even if Niallus’ Buudvuud was spicy. "Gods above, my mouth is on fire." walking through the residential area following the Skugvars. Some locals glared at Niallus and the group, he gave them a little wave, they stuck their middle finger up at him in return. "Charming…" He mumbled. The group came to a stop at this house, "Why does this one look more run down than the others around?" He wondered. His attention went to Abdel as he asked him to talk to the neighbours. "Sure." He said walking off to one of the houses that was next to the one Abdel and Johann. Standing in front of the door, Niallus gave it a knock, before pausing. "Hello?"
Niallus Saberhagen

Location: Ersand'Enise
Characters: Niallus @Echotech71,Abdel, Dayanara, Qadira, @YummyYummySeviin,Penny, Johann @Force And Fury, Xiuyang @Emeth, Lunara @BlackRoseSiren, Oksana, Ashon,@Ti, Dory @jasbraq.

When the document was passed to Niallus. Reading through what was written. It did intrigue him. There were a few familiar faces in the group, while a couple he didn't. Still, he didn't mind. But he wondered if it was the old administration that brought this Yasoi family forward. It would kinda make sense, if it was the new Administration they could have just gone to them. Then again, given how matters have escalated they decided not to get the Admins involved cause it might've drawn suspicions, deciding to go with a “Hail Dami” with some students. Simply nodding to put his thoughts to rest, he saw Penny rolling her eyes at him. There was no need for him to think of the theories. Once he finished reading he passed it along to the next person. With a little stretch of his arms, before heading out, he double checked what he had before heading out to the address. He had an idea on how to point them in the right direction.
Niallus Saberhagen

Event: Interview with the Enthish Queen of Clubs.

Characters Niallus Saberhagen, @EchoTech71 Tannifer Marbrand @YummyYummy

The office you walk into is one you would expect to radiate gloom and imminent doom. At least, that’s what the rumours would suggest surrounding Tannifer Marbrand’s inclinations for experimental, some say dangerous, methods of teachings and the overbearing expectation she had for her students. But her office is anything but darkness with rows of three arched shaped windows on each side of the rectangle-shaped and spacious room. The drapes are pearl white with the sun’s rays shining bright through them. Where there isn’t thoroughly clean glass are paintings of green sceneries, some supposedly from her home, and others were portraits of people: One of an older gentleman, another of a man bearing a striking resemblance to Arch Zeno Vaughn Marbrand in his youth, one is of herself in a time matching her brother’s snapshot, and finally of a saucy seven or so year old with a mischievous smile that contrasts strongly with the rest of the solemn expressions.

“Give the door a good push, would you?” asks the middle aged Enthish woman with a matching accent. She sits behind an old Wyrmwood desk, one much older than herself, with a pile of folders stacked neatly to her right, a good half-dozen shoved into a bin a few feet away and only one set opposite to the stack. “Well,” she begins as she shoots you her first scrutinising look toward you. “Take a seat and introduce yourself.” she tilted her head slightly to the left with an expectant look and a demanding tone.

Niallus read through a couple of notes that he scribbled down. His hair was well kept, his attire was formal for these sort of things. He made it this far with it, might as well see how far he goes with it.

He took a deep breath before opening the door to the room for his interview. Seeing his Zeno group teacher behind her desk was a little intimidating. He knew this was going to difficult. He calmed himself after she spoke to him. "My name is Niallus Saberhagen." he stated, taking a seat while bowing his head a little in respect.

When Niallus arrived, Tannifer Marbrand was putting away the last file on her desk into her bag. It looked as though he was the last today, meaning he had little insight as to how many files had been kept so far. Only his file, and those on the pile that were yet to pass, remained and she quickly skimmed through it between the time of his arrival and when he'd take his seat.

"Saberhagen." scoffed the Zeno in light amusement. "Some must give you a hard time with low hanging fruit jokes." she jested, although her hawkish gaze reverted any sort of ease to the tension in the air brought by her cold voice and rigid demeanor. "Although perhaps schoolyard drama is the least of your worries when you so easily suggest lending your family's armed resources to another nation when your very own country is about to go to war." the tips of her claws hit the edge of her wooden desk and dug into the material. "One's left to wonder what sort of Zeno you would make with such 'intuition'."

The golden claws brushed through a specific page she had opened. "You were in ReTan. You made the decision to side with a government many would call tyrannic. And yet you make a stance against slavery in yours. How do you begin to reconcile these notions?" she raised a brow after posing her query. "Is it merely political or material gain?”

When Tannifer mentioned him lending some of his family's resources. He probably wouldn't be able to do it so that would be a bit much. With war looming over, they'll probably need all of his family's higher trained soldiers would be called for war. Placing his hand on his chin, he wondered before speaking. "With war looming over the nations, lending my families might be a bit difficult. I could possibly have a highly trained person to help train the soldiers."

When she asked about ReTan "I was in ReTan and I did." he weaved his fingers together as he listened to what she said next. "I know it sounds a bit stupid when you put it like that. I've made mistakes, so has everyone. I made my friends safety my main priority."

Tannifer scoffed. "You will provide no such thing if you wish to keep the little power your family has left, Saberhagen." the Zeno shook her head and roughly closed the folder she had opened. "Ersand'Enise is a neutral nation. Which leads one to wonder where your allegiences lie in these turbulent times. Are you trying to play a geopolitical game or are you merely clueless, young man?" her hawkish eyes did not leave his frame and the claw-tapping had been brought to an end.

The Zeno took a deep breath - too much anxiety was bad for her joints. "Anyway. You didn't explain your reasoning. I was expecting more, Niallus." the lack of any honorifics was staggeringly clear to any lord and she seemed completely unbothered by the unconventional practice. "Why did you actively participate in the revolution? I really am curious to understand your thought process, Saberhagen.”

Feeling her gaze on him was intimidating but he didn't let it get to him. Looking towards her. He took a deep breath in an attempt to help focus himself on her questions.

Tannifer scoffed. "You will provide no such thing if you wish to keep the little power your family has left, Saberhagen." the Zeno shook her head and roughly closed the folder she had opened. "Ersand'Enise is a neutral nation. Which leads one to wonder where your allegiences lie in these turbulent times. Are you trying to play a geopolitical game or are you merely clueless, young man?" her hawkish eyes did not leave his frame and the claw-tapping had been brought to an end.

The Zeno took a deep breath - too much anxiety was bad for her joints. "Anyway. You didn't explain your reasoning. I was expecting more, Niallus." the lack of any honorifics was staggeringly clear to any lord and she seemed completely unbothered by the unconventional practice. "Why did you actively participate in the revolution? I really am curious to understand your thought process, Saberhagen."

When she asked about why he took part in the revolution "I took part in it," pausing for a moment. "I actively took part mostly to help make sure the other students came back to Ersand'Enise." There was one person that took more priority than the others, he thought it would be best not to bore her with trivial things. "Originally it what we were tasked to do, to help build relationships with other nations with Ersand'Enise. Go to ReTan, find out information about the rebellion and bring it to justice." he wasn't sure if he was right or wrong.

Tannifer let out the briefest of chuckles. "I would have expected such a response. I can see that you are not the proactive type, Niallus. Are you sure it was not for the demonic artifact, young man?" she exhaled from her nose and pointed right at him with her gold claw. "You did not answer my second question, why did you side against the old administration during the revolution?”

Niallus sat there slightly worried about where she was going with this. "I did get a demonic artifact for helping the Emperors in ReTan. The same demonic artifact that I gave as a bargaining tool for Penny's safety."

"I sided against the old administration, because peoples lives were in danger because of this, I had to make a choice. Honestly I wasn't sure if the decision I made was a good one in the eyes of some people, but to me, at that point it was the right thing to do in my eyes." he calmly stated.

Tannifer Marbrand raised an eyebrow. "Why is that? Why weren't you sure? An extreme decision like this does not just come from a place of uncertainty, Niallus Saberhagen." not too impressed, the Zeno crossed her arms and leaned back on her seat.

"A part of me thinks it was the right thing. I helped rescue Penny, I also kept my friends and other students safe. There was no political reason behind it. It was basically a morality choice." he takes a deep breath, he focused once more.

"I understand it sounds stupid me saying not knowing the reason why. I shouldn't have said that before. I apologise."

Tannifer shrugged. "We all make mistakes when put on the spot." she said sympathetically. "However, your inability to articulate why you take up arms is concerning. You will be leading a select amount of courses as a Tan-Zeno, as an assistance and occasionally on your own." she explained with her claw-hand gesturing with elegant and calm motions. "After this exchange, do you believe yourself to be qualified for this program at this moment? Or should we wait?”

"From this exchange, it appears that I have a lot to learn. I don't want to risk people's lives based on my inability." he simply says, "I don't mind waiting, I think it's the right thing."

Zeno Marbrand nodded and offered him a warm smile. Perhaps even slightly motherly. "I'm glad you have the maturity to admit this." she reached down for a drawer and produced a caramel candy she slid to the other end of her desk. "If you wish to apply next year - I think we'll be doing this again - then I will gladly receive you, love." she winked.

He smiled at the Zeno for her praising him he took the Caramel from the desk. "Of course." he simply said to her question, before getting up.
Niallus Saberhagen

Event: Aftermath.

Niallus sat, daydreaming as always. The fires of Revolution seem to have dimmed, but what's to say that something will rekindle it. Surveying the landscape it had some resemblance of a street, but with all the debris, it was difficult to tell. From where he sat, he wasn't too far away from Himself, Rikard, Roslyn, Johann and a little Cazenax stood their ground against a small army.

It was an extremely close call for himself as he suffered quite a few injuries. Luckily for him someone from the long range support group, must have noticed his group was in trouble, deciding to provide heals and buffs to Niallus and his group. Knowing what was at stake, he stood his ground with the others and continued fighting. Rikard managed to wipe out quite a few in succession. Niallus managed to take down a few, and also used Bottom Feeder to drain some of the rebel’s Manas. He didn't want to use it, but given the situation, he had little choice, he needed every advantage, his home was under attack.

Looking back, after the fight when his group managed to succeed in defeating the army they were against. At some point during the fight, the little Cazenax seemed to run away. When the students all came together. They broke off into groups once more. Niallus' group broke off in an attempt to rescue Penny. Pushing forward towards an idea where Penny could have been held, it was a difficult journey to get there. Navigating through a maze avoiding deadly traps.

His thoughts come back as his satchel falls onto the floor, spilling its contents; some sheets of parchment fall out of a book that was in his"Crap." as he leaned down to pick them up, he went through the sheets, checking if they were intact. Some sheets had sketches on them out of charcoal. Some were of landmarks, The Forked Tower, The Evertree. There were a few portraits of some of his friends. Even one of Albion. Seems that they were all accounted for. Need to be a bit careful with these. Sketching has been somewhat of an interesting hobby, as his work seemed to be paying off as they were pretty good. Portraits of people were far better than landscapes, but he was making steady progress. Placing them and the book back he found his application form for the opening for Tan-Zeno.

His application was complete. He was still debating whether he should hand in his application, as he wasn't sure if he was good enough for it. Thinking his answers were lacklustre, mediocre at best. Come on, at least try. Trying to motivate himself to go through with it. Taking a deep breath, deciding that he might as well get this over with, he went to hand in his application.

Niallus Saberhagen

Event: One's Purpose

Location: Zarinas party.

After some time. Niallus approached Jocasta and Yalen. It had been a while since he talked to either one. "Yalan, Jocasta." he almost called her by her title as Zeno. Luckily he managed to save himself. He wasn't exactly sure what to say. So he took a little breath to help him relax then spoke.

"So, how long until the wedding? so I have time to pick out a suitable gift for you both." a slight chuckle escaped his lips.

Jocasta seemed to slump visibly. "That's number thirty-seven?" she inquired with a dullness in her voice. Yalen, beside her, consulted a small piece of parchment. "Thirty-six, actually." He shook his head and smiled. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, dearest."

Then, he turned to Niallus. "Many thanks." He rose and shook the much taller youth's hand. "It's in a couple months, on the First of Ardanes," Jocasta piped up, rolling around the table a bit to be closer. "Fortuna," Yalen added. "She *insisted* it be on an auspicious day," he teased. "Never knew she was so superstitious."

"I'm going to go rub Penny for good luck later," Jocasta replied, deadpan.

"See?" Yalen offered, with a helpless shake of his head. "Anyhow, don't spend all your money on us, *really*. She makes a decent enough wage as a Tan-Zeno and I come from a rich family."

Jocasta shot him a look and Niallus could only guess at the dynamic behind it. "So, how about you?" Yalen continued, changing tracks. "Haven't seen you around much, except in the Trials."

Jocasta nodded eagerly. "Your relationship -" Yalen's hand covered her mouth with incredible speed, muffling whatever she'd have said next. Jocasta batted it away and shot him a second stabbing look. "Your relationship with the school: any better than all the other Eskandr? The other day was... nuts, and now everyone who's on that 'side' is busy raising a ruckus over it."

"Sweetie, do we really have to talk politics?" whined Yalen.

"Why yes, dear," Jocasta responded, "Because I'm going to rip someone's intestines out through their mouth if I have to have one more conversation about wedding dresses."

"I never knew girls could get tired of that," Yalen mumbled.

"I'm spiritually kicking you in the balls right now, dearest."

"I'm grateful it is only spiritually." Then, Yalen turned back to Niallus. "Ah, yes, sorry!" he chirped. "So about your whole take on the issue...?”
Niallus couldn't help but chuckle. He didn't think Jocasta was superstitious, then again it was Jocasta, the woman was full of surprises. But he raised an eyebrow, when Yalen covered his fiancé's mouth. "My relationship with other Eskandr is ok, mostly because of my family's services."

Watching Jocasta go off to rub a Penny. "She never changes." a smile breaking across his face. Getting back to what Yalen had mentioned, "Indeed. The other day was crazy. I did have some trouble with some Eskandishmen. I tried my best not to anger them, since chaos was already going everywhere. Luckily the students and the Zenos were able to defuse it. At least for the time being."

He sat down on a chair offering Yalen to sit opposite him. "So where were you during all that. But I know you, you would have tried to keep order."

Jocasta arched an eyebrow at Niallus. "I'm right here, genius." She rolled her eyes. "It was a joke." She regarded Niallus for a moment. "You alright?" Yalen nodded along. I wouldn't listen to idiots like that, except that they may end up in charge before very long." He sighed and downed some of his drink. Jocasta took a bit of hers as well, testing it for poisons first, of course, *always* testing it. "He was in Belleville, dealing with the... over a thousand refugees from Tanso, Parmoy, and Yarsoc there now?" She shook her head. "I was there with him. While we're busy bickering amongst ourselves, the world outside hasn't stopped moving. The Tarlonese everyone seems eager to cozy up with here are still invading, charm offensive or not."

"How about you, Niallus?" Asked Yalen, verbatim. "What do you stand for?" Jocasta nodded. "What's your cause?" she asked. "Seems like everyone needs to have one these days."

Listening to what the pair were saying. Seems that everyone has their hands full during these difficult times "Over a Thousand..." resting his drink down on the table. Clasping his hands together. "I honestly feel like this is just the beginning, no doubt those numbers will increase. It'll only be a matter of time before it's everywhere."

Hearing Yalen and Jocasta ask him, What does he stand for? What's his cause? "My cause?"
Leaning back into his seat, tilting his head back, thinking about it. "I haven't given it much thought. I've been wrapped up in too much trying to live up to the standards that my family and other Eskandr that have close ties. Sometimes I wonder If I can't even do that." leaning his head forward to face the two once more.

"I suppose It'll take some time to think about it. When I need it the most, it'll probably become more clear then." disappointed that he couldn't give a real answer to their question. But he wondered if he listened to what they had to say on the topic, it could give him some insight on finding his own.
"Can I ask you both the same question?"

"I know it's a bit of a lame answer," Yalen replied, "and probably the expected one, but... to do justice." He shrugged. "Just because I've left the order doesn't mean that I've left all of its tenets behind." He shook his head. "On the contrary, I think I'm headed someplace where I can do more and do it immediately." Jocasta glanced his was and he glanced back at her. They exchanged a small, knowing smile.

"I guess I'm like you, big guy," she addressed Niallus, "floating about without any direction." She swirled the drink in her wine glass pensively. "Though I guess I'm following his lead for now." She reached out and squeezed Yalen's hand. "He's my purpose."

Niallus appeared to have received his answers, but would they lead him anywhere? Give him anything? A gust of wind buffeted him and caused all of the little banners strung up above and all of the posters and notices festooning the fence, which they were quite near. Two ripped off and fluttered right into him. Jocasta batted another away and it fell by one of her front wheels.

Presently, she bent over to retrieve it before another gust came and blew it out of her reach. "Well, well..." she exclaimed, trailing off for dramatic effect as she straightened. "If that isn't Dami sending a message, I don't know what is." Hers was a protest pamphlet, outlining the charges of 'The Conderned Student Body' against 'The Brazen Corruption of the School Administration.'

Niallus' was a recruitment poster from the Lamplighters: 'Calling All Good-Natured, Law-Abiding Students to the Defense of Our Academy Against these Violent Protests that hath Disturbed the Peace of Late.' The final one was a missing cat poster, with a reward of two magus.

Listening to what both Yalen and Jocasta had to say about their purposes. He smiled at them. They managed to give him some idea of what his could be. "Thank you both for your insight. You two are really perfect for each other." he said to them both.

Upon Jocasta showing him the poster of himself for the Lamplighters. He was grabbing the other flyer that she couldn't reach. Upon see the recruitment poster. He paused for a few seconds "Wow..." he simply said to it. After his eyes read the missing cat poster.
"I might go into this Lamplighter poster. Or this corruption thing. Might help me think about what you two have said, Maybe it might prove fortunate.." he finished his drink before standing up
"Thank you both for your time. I'll put them back on the wall."

Jocasta handed him the final paper and offered up a parting smile and a wave. "You stay safe, Niallus!" Yalen downed some wine. "You stay awesome!""

He now held, in his hands, the opportunity to go and do something impactful, to be part of something that could change or save the status quo. Or... he could go save a cat for two magus.

Niallus looked at both posters. His decision was easy. He went back to the board and stuck the cat poster back on it "There we go." keeping the other poster. "After the party, I'll pay a visit to the Lamplighters." he said to himself. Then, the cat girl steals the cat poster. She brings it over for Raffie to look at. "Look, kitties!”
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