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"Right, good to see some things remain constant. You know where to find me when we are ready to march."

Rolan was quick to make for the library once it was pointed out that there were indeed plenty of maps to be found there. He hadn't considered that, frankly, given he wasn't certain anything beyond what they could see existed, let alone was detailed enough for inspection. But finding the library was not hard, heading through the appropriate door and making his way there in relatively short order. He didn't know for how long they would be at this particular Candaeln before marching on the brilliant marble city. That was the most confusing landmark of all, quite frankly, nothing of the sort existed in the real world. Not anymore, at any rate, but that was neither here nor there. Gods willing he would find a map that would help clarify matters. Sure enough, once he was in the library it did not take much digging to turn up several maps, laying them all out on a clear table and starting to go over them, locating Candaeln relatively easily. Of course, that was the only thing that was going to be easy about any of this as it was about to turn out.

"...Right, so if this is Candaeln, this direction should be.... No, wait, hang on that doesn't quite align right. Not that it should, this isn't the real world, but significant landmarks don't just up and warp like that..."

Rolan's voice quietly trailed off, already muttering under his breath as he paused, and started aligning the maps to compare side by side instead of simply referencing back and forth. None of of this made any damn sense. Besides a landmark or two, none of the maps agreed at all on the broader scope of the land at all. There was also the fact that, according to every single one of these maps, that gleaming citadel city of white marble was Talderia?! Nonsense, that place wasn't a grand edifice of architecture, it was a blasted hole in the ground that spewed abominations and swallowed fools. Someone had tried to hire him to go look for someone who had been fool enough to go into that wretched hole, and he couldn't have left town much faster if he had tried. The talk of that sinkhole was never good, even when discussing what could be found there, and that was leaving out every problem that ever spawned from that place. One could dedicate an entire knightly order to containing and cordoning the place off, and it still wouldn't be enough on its own. That hole of a ruin couldn't possibly have been a towering edifice of architectural wonder, could it?

Even ignoring all that, if Rolan was a betting man, his coin would be on one simple fact. The ruination of Talderia would be waiting for them in that splendid view that they had seen returning to ground, and they had no other options in where to go, or even to attempt to go around it. The maps couldn't agree on where anything was except their destination, some of them even scrawling an entire region vaguely as 'Akitsushima?'. He had been hoping the maps would provide, well, something of an answer. He was left with a hell of a lot of questions and the unfortunate fact he had confidently identified their destination. He couldn't just go wandering back quite yet, and begun digging through the library for any information he could find that would prove useful, routinely returning to the table full of maps and other documents, his constant confidence even more of a mask than usual. The more information he had on how this particular space worked, the better, and when the time came he was sure someone would come looking for him. Or he would hear violence, and know it was time to get moving. Not like they had a particular rush to get into right now or anything, by the Witch-Knight's own words, they would return but a few minutes at worst past when they had been pulled here.
Oh no, this again.

Rolan would have started quite vocally complaining, despite his usual airs of confidence and collected self, if it wasn't for the fact his whole hearted griping quite literally caught in his throat as the young, icy eyed girl began to speak. Things started making some semblance of sense as she elaborated on recent events. Handpicked Roses, cast into a dream sequence of training that condensed what could not be done in real life over the span of a night's sleep. He begrudgingly had to concede it made good sense to take advantage of a period of time that most times could not be used, even if, personally speaking, spending what was assumed to be a nightmare sequence fighting increasingly impossible foes alone. Apparently they had all passed her initial evaluation, though some tidbits of information given away lingered in his head as he glossed over the less important babbling.

Tyaethe was already skilled enough to not be dragged into this, a fair statement on its own, but what was more notable was not subjecting her to this, not being so cruel as to do so. That gave this place more reality, a more grounded understanding, of the past most likely, warped as it no doubt was for this contest. He'd have to prod the more learned of them, the Captain maybe, about the past, might give them an edge to look into what had happened before. Second, a blonde set of twins were quite literally tossed in their general direction, with a broom, and mention of a 'little sister' thinking her apprentice needed some more experience, and they needed more magic. That...Rolan would not comment on, even if he could mouth off like he wanted to right now. Magic was foreign to him, anything he did alchemically was firmly grounded in nature, but there were far too many questions about the....blondes dumped into their metaphorical laps to really muse on that any further.

What he most certainly did not appreciate was being dropped rather unceremoniously through the clouds and downwards. While his gut and sense of balance screamed bloody murder at him, Rolan focused the reasonable part of his brain on what he could see as they descended. Brilliant marble white city, empty green plains in every other direction, and of course the city was squarely in the way of their escape. Escaping was far too simple, and it would be pointless to assume he could just range ahead and slip out unscathed. More problematically, there was no promises that if one of them made it out, that it meant all of them made it out. That meant someone had to stay behind to make sure no one got stuck before being last to leave, and knowing how the last dream sequence of a training session went? No way there was a golden archway, complimentary snacks, and a fond pat on the back before shuffling back to what was real. Or, well, he assumed was real. For all he knew this was multiple layers deep and they had been blatantly lied to. Not like any of them was given the luxury of asking questions.

"Well, this answers what I was going to do, asking around about a certain dream that is. Leaves far too much unanswered, mind you..." The Knight-Captain looked unsteady, making a general statement about needing to move out. Well, yes, Rolan supposed that they had no other luxury besides moving forward. Not like wandering off in any of the other vaguely defined directions would do them any good at this point in time. He didn't know how long they had before hunger and exhaustion set in, assuming they did at all beyond combat exertions, which meant he would be keeping a sharp eye out for supplies. Game, fresh water, the sort of things a war party living off the land might need. It kept his mind grounded and not wandering too much, since there was little time allowed for any sort of questioning or gathering of thoughts as they marched, a most peculiar sight arose.

Candaeln, the Iron Rose base of operations, technically his home too. Not the same one mind, lacked a lot of what one expected to see laying around, and he had to hazard a guess that this was a past, simpler version of the place. The comment on cruelty towards a long lived vampire rang in his head again, and he began running the geography of the kingdom through his head again, working off memory right now. If this was Candaeln, of a sorts, then they could look at the current, modern age to guess at what this place held. Rolan was utterly convinced this was an amalgamation of the past right now, though his train of thought was interrupted by the sight of another legendary figure. Another dead one, mind, but here stood Cyrus the Hammer, as if he hadn't been dead many generations over by now. Right, he was kind of getting tired of legends walking out of the past to 'train' the present, but he didn't exactly get a say in the matter did he?

"Right, living legends all over again. Anyone got a map, I have a theory that I need to check. There have been too many tidbits of information that I think are going to add up to something peculiar. Or I am a completely wrong, who knows." Rolan wanted to compare what they had seen coming down, coupled with being in Candaeln, with the current state of things. That might just give them an inkling of what they were dealing with, or at least could hazard a safe guess. Even a slight bit of planning ahead meant a damn sight more than gawking at a man who could probably carry the assembled Roses without breaking a sweat, and break any number of them nearly as easily, and he would save that gawking for when he wasn't in the middle of trying to escape another damn dream. He didn't even remember going to sleep this time, which was what would have really annoyed him if he dwelled on it for too long.
Alright, with the Master sorted, its Servant time.

"Plenty of pews left to fill, so more the merrier."

Rolan casually remarked on the arrival of....the name either eluded him or the two weren't previously acquainted, it was hard to say. Either way, Rolan didn't pursue that train of thought for very long as the duo went and seated themselves beside Amy. Or, rather, Dame Amy, and a low grin came to rest on Rolan's face, though he didn't have quite the time to get a comment in edgewise. Pursuing a woman of the faith, that took some stones, though from the sounds of it they were already at least somewhat acquainted with each other from previous battlefield encounters. Still, he inclined his head as Amy began the quiet prayer, mulling over the whole situation. To say he was familiar with sitting in a shrine praying would have been a lie, he had never been much of one for faith. Always left that to the priests and such who actually seemed to have a rapport with their divinity of choice, but as the saying went, no such thing as faithless in a battleline, so he never begrudged faith.

The prayer did not run for terribly long, a good thing as far as Rolan was concerned, and he leaned on the pew he had been standing next to while, what was his name... Spaghetti? No, no that wasn't it, while what's his name introduced his half brother Abele and was practically tripping over his words, at least as far as Rolan was concerned. He cocked an eyebrow at the mention of discussions had in a tent, and a less tactful man might have started snickering right then and there. Oh no, Rolan was a class act, he would start snickering AFTER he opened his mouth. "Courting a lady of faith in the shrine of her goddess, you have to have some serious stones on you mate."

Rolan couldn't help but laugh at his own remark, betraying that, while he was teasing...SERGIO, that was the name, it had to be at least if his memory was to be believed. Reigning in his laughter to a chuckle, he stretched as he stood himself upright from his lean, dusting himself off, mostly as a gesture rather than actually a necessary act. Mockery aside, he had to acknowledge it was a thoughtful gift, long as it didn't turn out to be a burnt husk of a pie or something. Not like he knew his way around a bakery, so it was probably better than anything he could craft. Still, he wasn't keen on watching the love birds making sideways eyes at each other, he wasn't brave enough for romance, too many pitfalls that. "Right, thanks for the prayer Amy, I won't overstay my welcome. Tyaethe, need me to report anywhere, or just stand by for the inevitable marching orders we're bound to get if half of what you've said is to be believed?"

Rolan wouldn't stick around for long after that, either heading off to where he was needed or going for a walkabout to stretch his legs. He really was a restless soul, not able to stay in any one place for longer than completely necessary. Besides, it had been awhile since he had just walked around and took in the sights, so it wouldn't hurt to see what was different since his last walk about the Iron Rose base of operations.

@6slyboy6 @Raineh Daze @VahkiDane
After much delay, finally got the lad sorted out.

The first thing Rolan noticed about the pale horned woman was how chipper and kind she presented herself to be. Between the bow, sudden two handed handshake of a greeting, and her rather intense focus on teasing Tyaethe, well, it was fairly apparent she was peculiar as far as knights were concerned. Of course, he had no room to talk, still dressing and conducting himself like a crossbowman rather than a knight, but given the unique situations the Iron Roses seemed to routinely find themselves facing, having some individuals who were atypical would be a useful boon to have, as far as Rolan was concerned. As far as he could tell, the two couldn't be more different, but her antics still got an amused snort out of the former bounty hunter, which rolled into a chuckle when the vampire started grumbling. "A pleasure to meet you Amy, name's Rolan. I tend to spend a lot of my time on farther flung assignments, but you might catch me between tasks situation depending. From the sounds of it Tyaethe, you got yourself a certified rain maker of a pup right here."

Rolan leaned into the teasing, though mostly lightly piggybacking on Amy's own shenanigans. Once Tyaethe began catching him up to speed, that casual smile faded a notable bit. Assassination attempt, strange relics that shouldn't have been in the nation being stolen, and a consolidation of the entire order in the face of what was to come. Leave it to formal knights to miss the assassin, especially as described, but he couldn't really judge. He had been chasing troublemakers through the wilderness and hills, not standing by the core contingent of the Iron Roses. As the vampire wrapped up her brief summary, Rolan crossed his arms and whistled briefly. "Hell, things have been even busier than I would have wagered. Here I was hoping that strange dream would have been the most concerning thing to happen for the foreseeable future..."

He felt sorry for the Knight-Captain, given everything that occurred and how much blame would be heaped on her. He still believed no one that young should be forced into such a role, but he didn't hold that against her nor say it out loud. His train of thought was interrupted by the mention of prayers to the moon goddess, either for celebration or necessity. He wouldn't have considered his most recent activities praise worthy, it was clean up duty that someone was going to have to do, and while he had never been devout, there was a saying his father, loathe as he was to remember it, was fond of saying. No such thing as unbelievers in battle lines, and even if he rarely ever prayed or even considered the divine beyond when the subject was brought up around him, he understood that, between a wall and a towering brute, anyone would throw a prayer to whoever they thought fair. Besides, like was said, it couldn't hurt. "I would say the two of you drive a hard bargain, but its not much of a hard sell. I'm rusty on my prayers, so I'll let one of you lead the way in that regard."

@6slyboy6@Raineh Daze
"About time it stopped pissing down rain, was getting tired of wringing out my cloak..."

Rolan Herzog was resting at a small campsite, the sun low in the sky as the day grew close to its end. He had been on assignment, looking into reports of particularly evasive troublemakers that were reported to have ties to the wrong side of the War of the Red Flag. His orders had been to go investigate, and if they were indeed tied to the rebels report back and join the contingent sent to sort them out. If they didn't, he had been given liberty to deal with them himself. It had turned out that, in fact, they had been using the name without any ties and, with that report sent back to Candaeln so he could focus on cleaning up. It had been a busy few weeks, tracking them was tricky under good conditions, and it had been pouring rain for almost the entire time. He had just finished up cleaning out the last of the troublesome individuals, leaving him too late in the evening to depart immediately, instead resting by a campfire on the outskirts of town. While officially grateful, Rolan knew full well that taking advantage of that would go poorly, so he made camp outside the town and planned to depart at dawn. While restringing his crossbow, he found his mind wandering to, once again, how the hell he had found himself as an Iron Rose.

This had been a year ago, and Rolan had been kept incredibly busy chasing and tracking problems ill suited to more conventionally noble knights. Rolan had been careful to keep his family name out of the knowledge of his fellow Knights, simply claiming he had no family name prior to joining the Iron Roses. No one had called him out on it yet, either out of courtesy or genuine lack of knowledge, but it didn't serve him any to make a troubled family history known to his fellows. Fortunately, when out on his own and at camp, it was easy to muse on such things. Especially since, well, it beat just sitting around with an empty head. Satisfied with the maintenance on his crossbow, he stood and rigged his surroundings with some rudimentary alarms. An old trick he learned before the Iron Roses, but anyone not paying attention would trip over them and cause some loosely balanced camping supplies to topple over loudly. Of course this would wake Rolan up, ideally, and it was part of his standard practice when he couldn't take turns standing watch on the times he had company with him. With camp secured, he retired to sleep. He planned to make an early morning of it, and get back to Candaeln. It was almost two weeks out on foot, and the sooner he started the better.

It had been a long two week's march back to Candaeln, though to call a lone Knight returning from a fairly inglorious tasking a march was generous to say the least. What had made it a long march was the fact the damned dream was still keeping him from really focusing his mind on anything else. Had he been going mad already, after only a year of formal service? He would have to discreetly poke around with some of the other knights once he returned to Candaeln. Rolan had slept off the exhaustion that came from that initial day, though he couldn't afford to slow down on that first day, in fact he had made double time back to Candaeln, to look into whether this dream was just limited to him or any of the other Iron Roses. By the time he reached his destination, he at least looked as well rested as someone who just spent weeks on the march.

Rolan stretched as he strolled along, keeping an eye out for anyone of sufficient rank to report back to. Returning to Candaeln was quite the luxury compared to moving through the villages, though he never felt exactly at ease in the seat of the Iron Roses. Sure, he was a Knight and was officially quartered here, but it didn't feel like a home or even a base to operate out of for him, it never had. Hence why he always volunteered for longer, far flung missions that took a bit more of a delicate hand than an armored gauntlet might otherwise offer. Still, it wouldn't take him long to end up passing the Candaeln Shrine, and spot a Knight only the blindest fool would miss, and a complete stranger alongside her.

"Well, good as time as any to report my return. Get a measure for this new person too..."

Approaching the shrine, Rolan made no efforts to try and stall any further. Might as well check in, see what he missed, and if he was lucky get a new set of marching orders. Unlikely, he would probably have to at least check in with the Knight-Captain given how long he had been on assignment, but at least he could get everything in motion right now. He announced himself upon entering the shrine properly, hand raised in casual greeting. Tyaethe was a well known face, even if he spent more time away from the other Iron Roses than most, but he honestly did not recognize the smaller, pale woman. Horns, pale skin, pale hair, like someone had pulled a plug and drained the color from her. He had better things to do than gawk and judge though.

"Tyaethe, found yourself a new friend, looks like. Finished that clean up job, my last report on them not being related to any remnants of the rebels made it back here I assume."

@6slyboy6@Raineh Daze
Time to throw my hat into the ring, as it were.


Watcher was content to spot that his first salvo had been effective on all counts. The dish had taken critical damage, the one team of MAs had been torn to shreds by the smart munitions, and the turret housing the cannon he had targeted was down for the count. Fire support effective, and while monitoring other pilot activities, he noted that Fallen Angel was effectively engaging the enemy, though not engaging in lethal tactics. He was tracking targets as they went down, noting the attacks had disabled rather than killed. As long as the enemy was dealt with and couldn't get back up, that would suffice for these circumstances. In an actual war, that was not the best plan, because while dragging back downed allies did take more resources, they could be sent back into combat at a later point. Dead was dead, and would require fully replacing. But, given the situation, it would not be worth pursuing any sort of commentary.

The warning on avoiding his ear drums getting blown out by the wall of noise being sent towards the Ultima comms channels. Better them than Watcher, though he synced his fire control systems with the newcomer as well, gathering further information while considering the circumstances. Four Augs were a tough thing to slow down, let alone stop, and that would continue to be the case when he picked up a new target while preparing to continue mopping up cannons before they could target lock and open fire. Arthropod, slow, durable, and capable of bringing incredible force into the battlefield. Besides the obvious main heavy laser cannon, the variety of turrets meant possible point defenses. He couldn't hammer it down alone, but he didn't have to. Right now he was in a relatively safe spot to act, being the farthest away, and in spite of the locking cannons and sudden Arthropod line threat, his voice was dead calm.

"Blinding the Arthropod with countermeasures, stay clear. Recommend focus firing cannons during countermeasure window, then coordinating all points attack on the Arthropod." While Walker spoke, he was loading another missile firing sequence into PAMS. First missile was HMAA, aimed at one of the cannons still operational. A top/down strike by the missile would hopefully bypass armor. The remaining three missiles in this batch would fire nearly at the same time, one HMAA and the deliberately named 'Countermeasures', two of his three WPCF missiles. The first HMAA would hopefully draw initial point defense fire, so that one of the WPCF missiles could effectively blind the Arthropod. With everything in order, Watcher sent the launch signal, the next batch of missiles firing off. The HMAA tasked towards a cannon would arc deliberately high before spiking down towards the, hopefully, vulnerable top armor. The remaining three would hurtle towards the Arthropod, the HMAA aimed for the base of the heavy laser cannon. The two WPCF missiles would be armed to detonate in front of the Arthropod, scattering an initial screen of chaff and flares to interfere with non visual targeting systems, while the White Phosphorus smoke screen would block visual acquisitions. With the agility of the team, they would be able to move around the blocking screen if need be should it overstay its welcome, and buy them enough time to finish the cannons ideally. Almost as an afterthought, Watcher fired his reloaded Thermal Accelerators, aiming at the cannon he had sent an HMAA missile towards, focusing his fire to bring another cannon down before beginning to reload all spent systems.
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