Once again, Brasikha’s response came almost startlingly quickly. “You speak of my ancient title. It was a title of a man who saw in his mind a clear future. A title that speaks of military conquest. Of domination. It was the title of a man who would bring order to chaos, and it was the title of a man who lacked perspective.”
Though he still acted aware of the others, there was still a somewhat unnerving stare from him towards Hale. “The perspective of time is one of my perspectives, yes. The one often associated with Rothians. For me, it has felt like nations rise and fall as if with the tides. I have seen the cycle play out repeatedly among Rothians, Humans, and most other intelligent species. They do not all share the same cause, of course, but self-interest even in the face of disaster is one that repeats. It has never been the way of the Rahn’Saki to intercede in the waxing and waning of alien civilizations. You have the right to determine your own course as much as we do. But, this crisis threatens more than you.”
Finally, there was just a slight pause, and for the briefest of moments, it seemed like he might have actually been thinking. Though, the delay was still short-lived. “Before I continue, I would ask you this: what exactly is it that you fear to lose should the other species learn of the potential threat we have identified in the form of the Hegemon?”
Though he still acted aware of the others, there was still a somewhat unnerving stare from him towards Hale. “The perspective of time is one of my perspectives, yes. The one often associated with Rothians. For me, it has felt like nations rise and fall as if with the tides. I have seen the cycle play out repeatedly among Rothians, Humans, and most other intelligent species. They do not all share the same cause, of course, but self-interest even in the face of disaster is one that repeats. It has never been the way of the Rahn’Saki to intercede in the waxing and waning of alien civilizations. You have the right to determine your own course as much as we do. But, this crisis threatens more than you.”
Finally, there was just a slight pause, and for the briefest of moments, it seemed like he might have actually been thinking. Though, the delay was still short-lived. “Before I continue, I would ask you this: what exactly is it that you fear to lose should the other species learn of the potential threat we have identified in the form of the Hegemon?”