Avatar of Emeth


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10 mos ago
Current The last time I sent my picture to someone... oh wait, I've never done that.
11 mos ago
I will never emotionally recover from the knowledge that Fire Emblem Awakening could have been a Pokemon crossover instead of a waifu simulator.
11 mos ago
I can't find the brain anywhere inside this fog, chief. I think the brain has evaporated. It has become the fog itself.
11 mos ago
Psst. uBlock Origin doesn't have this "we've detected an ad blocker" problem. They also don't literally let companies pay them off to allow their ads through, like some other ad "blockers" out there.
11 mos ago
The ideal number of RPs depends entirely on how active you expect your partners to be, and your own mental bandwidth for keeping track of characters and story threads.


A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for. Time Zone: +9, Korea/Japan/Australia. Hello American night shifters.

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How do I like a post twice

Edit: I added some details about how Raffaella's family situation might affect her Reputation, at the end of the first paragraph. Also, Deja and I are doing a thing. Kaspaan was added to Relations as a childhood acquaintance. It'll be nice to have at least one person other than Tessa that she can talk to "normally" at the start of the RP.
<Snipped quote by Emeth>

Theoretically, Lhoren could at least tell that someone/Raffaella was nearby right? Raffaella still has thoughts that Lhoren's telepathy could "pick up on," even while cloaked, right?

It's an interesting question. With the way I've described her ability, her thoughts would likely be cloaked as well, since that should probably qualify as part of her existence. Though, if her thoughts were "loud" enough to cause some spike in psychic energy, that would maybe count as doing something "high profile" from the perspective of a Psychiccer. There's an interesting interaction there for sure.
@Aeolian Ah, I figured he'd probably get at least a little nerf. Still not opposed to the idea of someone having an "eye of truth" who can see Raffaella.

I definitely want the family situation to be as messy as possible, with all parties at fault but also sympathetic. Probably will keep it out of her profile for now, it'll be fun to unravel.
Ezekiel: exists

Raffaella: Oh no.

Me: Oh, yes.

@Aeolian How taboo is divorce in this universe? I've been giving Raffaella's socioeconomic status some more serious thought. Would being divorced twice cost her dad a significant amount of political favor?
<Snipped quote by Emeth>

I am guessing it would be a general thing not to use the gifts on anyone without permission, mostly because it could become awkward quickly and such characters can find themselves ostracised from the student body due to paranoia. I imagine there is a stigma around certain gifts, and those that invade privacy would be big contenders.

Right, but with the gifts that you can't even tell if they're being used or not, there's an extra layer of paranoia. Also, if there's some kind of competition between the houses, I feel like inter-house mind-reading is definitely a thing that's going to happen, but mind-reading within your own "tribe" might be a personal taboo for some.
This might be Raffaella's ceaseless optimism bleeding through, but does anyone else think that some Psychiccers, or maybe the House of Ivar in particular might have some kind of low-key agreement that they don't use their mind-reading against each other? If only because it would devolve into a big mess, maybe a bit like mutually assured destruction. Just a weird thought I had at work and wanted to share, spitballing.
I for one am looking forward to a completely wholesome friendship with Anastasia, with Raffaella using her as a personal heater.

I'm sorry
Seraph' kiss Mystics take the two 'slots'.

Oh no.

Welp, that's one way to get exposed.
@Mirandae The deed is done. Edits were made accordingly in the un-hidden history and relations sections. I hope I portrayed Tessa well!
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