Avatar of Emeth


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10 mos ago
Current The last time I sent my picture to someone... oh wait, I've never done that.
10 mos ago
I will never emotionally recover from the knowledge that Fire Emblem Awakening could have been a Pokemon crossover instead of a waifu simulator.
11 mos ago
I can't find the brain anywhere inside this fog, chief. I think the brain has evaporated. It has become the fog itself.
11 mos ago
Psst. uBlock Origin doesn't have this "we've detected an ad blocker" problem. They also don't literally let companies pay them off to allow their ads through, like some other ad "blockers" out there.
11 mos ago
The ideal number of RPs depends entirely on how active you expect your partners to be, and your own mental bandwidth for keeping track of characters and story threads.


A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for. Time Zone: +9, Korea/Japan/Australia. Hello American night shifters.

Most Recent Posts

Might make Raffaella's experience of emotions directed at her involuntary, for fun drama. But I'll keep my twitchy finger off the edit button today.

I'll just be here vibrating in anticipation.
The AI art is very adorable, but I think I'll go with my original picks. I like their dreamy, wispy, almost ghostly vibe which suits her to a T. Fashionable Raffaella is cute but out-of-character, the more I think about it. They could be a fun reference for later if she has to attend some social event and Tessa insists that wearing the school uniform is unacceptable. A glow-up montage sounds like a fun time.

Edit: I like the way Myrion #9 is looking at me. I'm banning the rest for levitating cup hacks though.
Manny's such an adorable little gremlin.

Anastasia #5 is just... squeal

Edit: Lol, that pose is anatomically impossible though. Also #6 has an extra arm. Just AI things.
<Snipped quote by Emeth>

End-game boss where the Gupoo's merge into one... what horror have you unleashed.

An adorable one.

Still, run.
@MirandaeLove the kimono variations, especially the pouty ones. #1, #3, #5, and #8 are really good. Might use those!

There also appears to be a creepypasta casually chilling on #9's backpack. That's pretty on-brand for Raffaella, actually.

Edit: Gupoo clan unites. Gupoo clan consumes. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
People are still joining, this is gonna be a BUSY Discord server lmao
Ran the sheet through the wringer again

Yeah, knowing the review is soon, currently resisting the urge to keep re-reading mine for better word choices and typos that don't exist.

Anyone else doing basically the same thing?
Anyway, my point is that I'm open to running anyone's character through Midjourney if you want to!

Why not? I'm not sure if the "dream-like" quality of the original artist will translate well, but it sounds like fun to try it!
when she can be assed to scoop together the requisite emotional bandwidth.

God, I love that phrasing. Coffee-addicted witches with vaguely defined emotional states are also totally my vibe.
Oof, always feels bad whenever the one person you care about is also the one person who knows how terrible you are :(

@jasbraq Ah, but Raffaella can't let Fasha know she's on to her. Or else she'll know that Raffaella is also hiding things.
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