Avatar of Emeth


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10 mos ago
Current The last time I sent my picture to someone... oh wait, I've never done that.
10 mos ago
I will never emotionally recover from the knowledge that Fire Emblem Awakening could have been a Pokemon crossover instead of a waifu simulator.
11 mos ago
I can't find the brain anywhere inside this fog, chief. I think the brain has evaporated. It has become the fog itself.
11 mos ago
Psst. uBlock Origin doesn't have this "we've detected an ad blocker" problem. They also don't literally let companies pay them off to allow their ads through, like some other ad "blockers" out there.
11 mos ago
The ideal number of RPs depends entirely on how active you expect your partners to be, and your own mental bandwidth for keeping track of characters and story threads.


A late twenties/early thirties, they/them something-or-other who's been doing this writing thing on and off since my teens. When I need to blow off some steam, I play the kinds of games that would make the average Dark Souls fan scream with rage. Aside from those two hobbies, I don't make time for much. My roleplaying is probably the most social I'll ever be across the internet, but hopefully that's what you're here for. Time Zone: +9, Korea/Japan/Australia. Hello American night shifters.

Most Recent Posts

@Emeth Looks good! Two things though, the pictures aren't showing, and the weapon is meant to be a conventional weapon (or item that can be used as one) alongside the powerset, rather than the powerset itself.

Edit: Huh, the pictures didn't show on my phone for some reason, but they're showing on my laptop.

I saw your character had 3 spells, so I just gave her a 4th one that could be used as a physical attack instead.

But others have more than 4, soooo...

I'm not sure what kind of physical weapon would suit her! I have a funny mental image of her forcing her enemy to sit on a therapist's couch in some kind of Bayonetta-style move that causes massive emotional damage, which would be funny if this was a fighting game, but. Currently no serious ideas for a physical weapon as of now. So I've edited in something of a tool that fits her transformation's classy lady vibe.

Let me know if you like it, and I'll move her to the character tab.
S C H O O L. N U R S E.

School counselor/psychology teacher with telekinesis?!

Or if it has to be one from the list, I'll do a Phys-Ed beefcake babe.

Anyway, interested!
Cynthia Schovajsa

Cynthia's eyes widened as she bared her fangs, enraged. She charged at Hachiman, intent on saving the girl. As she called out for the shot from Shin'Za, Cynthia quickly called forth a hexagonal pillar of earth to rise up swiftly and throw Mitsuko directly at Cynthia and away from the incoming blast. All the while, she never stopped charging at the self-proclaimed warrior god. Cynthia did a small leap into the air, caught Mitsuko, and with a quick spin, placed her down on the ground behind her while giving the moon elf an urgent look, and kept on running without missing a beat, arriving at her summoned pillar just in time for Hachiman's neck to be exposed. With another small leap, she landed on her summoned pillar and slashed downwards at his neck, severing his head from his body in one stroke.

"One down..." and one to go, she finished the declaration in her mind, flicking the blood from her katana with a swipe in the air, then cleaning the rest off on her sleeve, in the pit of her elbow, imitating a move she'd seen performed before by that shifty Tengu princess that clung to her like a sticky barbed plant. Once she'd sheathed her blade, she turned her back on Hachiman's dissolving corpse and ran back to Mitsuko to check on her. She paid no attention to Hachiman's remains as they broke apart into a kind of salt-and-pepper colored dust, then seemingly coalesced into a crystal shape. Like the one Sybil had picked up before, it was similarly out of place and unnatural-looking—but this one was a pure white, and offered no reaction to anyone who approached to retrieve it.
Rika tousled her hair awkwardly. Usually, that joke would get at least a reluctant smile. Tough crowd, she thought as she followed Natsumi into the office, not sure what else to do. She separated from the group, finding an empty cubicle, which wasn't hard given how understaffed the department was. Then, she carefully retrieved a cell phone from her pocket, placed it on the desk, bit the fingers of her glove to remove it, and opened an audio recording app. Of course she wasn't going to type up a report; that'd just be stupid. Instead, she spoke quietly into the receiver of her cell phone about the events of the day: how she'd skipped orientation in favor of joining the mission voluntarily, used her dolls to scout the premises for civilians who may have failed to evacuate, distracted the small fry dogs in order to protect Akira, carefully watched the situation with the monster-class demon while her shadow arm did the fighting, used her dolls again to block the exits of the building to prevent any demons from escaping, and finally evacuated with Akira in tow. Aside from unnecessary embellishments, such as calling the monster-class "very chuuni," her report was mostly professional, and revealed several of her contributions to the mission that would otherwise have gone completely unnoticed by her teammates. Notably omitted was any mention of her presenting her body as a literal chew toy for the beasts, however. No, she had simply... "distracted" them.

Once the report was as done as it could be without access to one of the employee computers, she closed the audio recording and put her cell phone away. Following the sound of her new friends' excited voices, she rejoined the group. "Oh, I already did the report, so I'm free," she responded to Kaeru as she arrived. She considered answering the fun question, but quickly decided against it. "—for whatever," she added evasively, scratching her chin. She'd forgotten to put her glove back on, revealing a rather nasty-looking scar. It was as if her hand had been torn in half and sewn back together. Catching herself, she put her hand back in her pocket, trying to be quick but also look casual. It didn't exactly work out, though.

"Eh, well, not sure what else to call it. I protected the neighborhood..." since the DDF wouldn't, she thought, but didn't say. "—and people gave me money, or food, or whatever they felt like." She shuffled a bit, uncomfortable. It wasn't obvious what her situation was, but it was obvious that she had mixed feelings about discussing it. "Ah, Simonova Federica-san. Tha's me," she introduced, giving a slightly limp-wristed salute. "At least it's easy to say in Japanese, innit? Got too many syllables, though. Thus, Rika-san," she explained with a grin. It didn't last long, though. "Right, paperwork. Suppose I should start on it, huh? Don't suppose the DDF is keen to pay overtime, 'specially not to miss 'eight words per minute' here," she said as she moved her one hand, pretending to type with one finger very slowly.
Decided it'd probably be useful to keep a thread with everyone in one place for my own personal convenience, but while I'm at it, may as well have some fun with it. So here are all of my characters, taken out of context and made fun of for your amusement, with brief "in a nutshell" descriptions of each. Also, they'll be organized into tiers, based entirely on top-of-my-head evaluations of their power levels, because why not? Making fun of overpowered bullshit is just good fun. Lastly, each tier will have characters organized by their creation, with the newest characters at the top. A small handful of these characters are fossils from my cringeposting days. The pictures and names of these characters have been changed, because I could write entire "let's not meet" stories about some players and communities I've left in the dust on my way to greatness where I am now. So, if you're one of the few people on the entire internet who might recognize some of these; no, I didn't steal them—also, I have to kill you now. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

With that out of the way, here's my forbidden book of horrors. My confluence of creative sewage, congealed for your convenience.

Banned for banning two people in one post. Don't @ me. :p

Day 1 Time: Night Weather: Moderate Rain Location: Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom Participants: Raffaella Struna, Kaspaan Mustaven, @Deja Lhoren Ashdale, @Silver Carrot Sylvia Copeland, @LuckyBlackCat Tessa Vellhart @Mirandae

Raffaella's eyes lit up, and she nodded as she looked up at Kaspaan, giving shy side glances to Sylvia. If she was friends with Boss Kass, then maybe she wasn't bad. Yeah, yeah! I'll just hide behind all the food! she told herself, until Lhoren's assurances came through their minds. 'She's not a mind reader,' she'd say, covering her mouth with a dainty little giggle as she walked away. That look! That was the look of a woman who knew more than she let on! It was, wasn't it?! She felt herself panicking a little. Oh gosh, a real mind reader! No thoughts, head empty. No thoughts, head empty... Oh no, I bet that's really annoying! I'm sorry! she thought emphatically, hiding behind Pooka.

She wouldn't have to worry for long, as the announcement came that Lady Penelope Upperton was to be the star of the show. Everyone watched in awe as she made her appearance, and while Raffaella was also visually captivated by the woman, her mind was elsewhere. Why wasn't Headmistress Minerva in attendance? Sure, the woman was scary, but if she wasn't here, didn't that mean that something bad happened? She was too new to really know for sure, but she hoped that wasn't the case. Just because she was scary didn't mean she was happy to not see her here, if that's what it meant... Wait a minute—dancing while flying?! I can't dance or fly! What am I gonna do?! Then, she calmed down a little. Of course, with everyone captivated by Lady Upperton, Raffaella would fade into the background. Nobody would notice or care that she was missing. In fact—taking a look around, everyone was already talking to Tessa! Yeah! She was smarter than this. Stay cool. Don't make a scene. All according to—

"How 'bout I give you a dance to make up for it?" Kaspaan cut in.

—plan?! Her heart started to race. How had he noticed she was still there? Surely, Lady Penelope Upperton, gorgeous and famous as she was, had stolen the show and the hearts of all the attendees? Raffaella stuttered and blushed, not sure what to say. "Um! Her name is, Pooka! Isn't she so adorable?!" she blurted out, very eager to change the subject. Reflexively, she squeezed her fluffy friend for comfort. This time, however, Pooka wasn't having it. She slipped out from between Raffaella's arms and began floating away—towards Tessa. "Ah! Pooka, wait~!" Raffaella took off, attempting to catch up with the gupoo as she flew through the air like a dandelion on a spring breeze. "T-Tessa! I'm sorry!" she preemptively apologized as the spongy ball of white moss flew straight toward their Mentor's head.
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