Trixie turned the tap, and watched as the water dribbled out. "Alright. I'm calling it. Utilities are now, officially, down. Which is a shame, because it's bloody freezing right now." She sighed and looked outside. The chickens had been taken in, and they had covered the small amount of crops they were growing in clear plastic. Even though it was midday, it was gloomy outside, thick, dark clouds covering the sky. After the earthquake, things had seemed alright for a few days, and then the power had begun to waver. Sometimes it would be on for a few days, and then it would flick off for an hour or a day at a time. Then it would be flicked back on, rinse and repeat.
Two days ago, it had gone off and hadn't come back on.
Now the water was off. Dark grey flurries, really soot-filled snow, was falling onto the ground. Damn. Even with a minor earthquake... No doubt if it had just been this alone, things might have been OK, but they weren't. Really weren't. Flicking their radio back and forth, Robin listened until Three Dawg's station came over the radio. There was a few pops and hisses as the broadcast attempted to pierce the snow, and then his voice crackled over.
"Day... I'm calling it day 17 of the end of the world has been going pretty well folks! Today I'm calling it 'Fallout Friday,' in honour of my name, and these absolutely
amazing tunes from the 40s and 50s. That was just 'Atom Bomb Baby,' and before we get into the next, an update on whatever I'm getting from sources. FEMA and National Guard are busy bees across the country with camps for food and basic necessities. They say that if you want to get supplies, come with ID. You cannot get food on behalf of other people, and supplies are limited, so you might not get anything."
The firefighter leaned back in his chair. "You reckon there's something in Phoenix?"
"You're not going to the city." Trixie looked at him, incredulous. "We have enough food, no need to risk it out there."
"It would help, wouldn't it? Some extra supplies, and the National Guard has enough guns to make it count. It'll take an hour and a half, max."
"An hour and a half you can't communicate to me, because phone towers are down."
"I need to get out, I'm going stir crazy in here."
"You can't just go into Phoenix!"
"Look, Trix, I love ya, really do, but you're being a little controlling here. I'll take Rocky, I'll take the Benelli, I'll take the Glock. Plenty of firepower. Dogpower to." He chuckled. "If I get something, I get something. If not, it's still good information, alright?"