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The latter, the quest is coming to the player characters. ;)

...well, hopefully Alice and Carroll can finish their quest in time for all hell to break loose.
ATTN: @PaulHaynek, Collab with @AzureKnight (Shizuka), ft. @The Irish Tree (Liliana)

Interacting with: No-one

Location: Home

Action: Changing Tasks

Emotion: Destressing

Throwing up her hands, Nibiria groaned, as she pushed on the whiteboard, before righting herself and grabbing a pouch and a pipe off her desk. Retiring from the study, and latching the door, Nibiria retreated to the outdoors - overlooking the expansive garden that she tended; a large tract of veggies and herbs that took hours to maintain for a normal human, but for a Forest Arachne such as herself, it was child's play.

Unbeknownst to her, there was something going on that was cause for celebration about the hamlet she bordered. Lighting her pipe, Nibiria took a hearty drag of her pipe-weed, and set into her garden. The sharpest of eyes would see her passing through the rows, spider webs trailing from her fingertips, snagging weeds, and tearing them out. As she made a second pass, she would gather the weeds into a bundle of webbing, and toss the ball into a composting bin, before heading to her toolshed to fetch her watering can.

Cautiously, she opened the door a crack, and exhaled smoke into the room. Normally, she tended the garden in the early hours of the morning, so she didn't need her watering can, since she could just summon rain and water the garden without issue. Unfortunately, today was not normal, so she needed to spook her toolshed squatter. However, with no reaction to the smoke, she would open the door in full to reveal it was decidedly bereft of Kobold, and sighed.

I guess, he's out and about,” Nibiria says, fetching her can, and summoning a rain cloud inside it to produce water infinitely. Dragging on her pipe, she hummed merrily, as she watered her plants; listening to their appreciation for her attendance.

It was the little things, really.

...but, it was mostly the intense ego-boost for the narcissistic species that was the Arachne.
....despite how hard it was, I kinda wanna keep up the murder board aspect of Nibiria's post, now.
@Enkryption I absolutely love this. The urge to play into Nibby's suspicions is overpowering XD

Go for it! XD

You can wholesale chill on the attitude and sarcasm. It's not appreciated. I didn't attack you or Rez. You wanna take it there, PMs exists.
I'd rather fail a "questline" and act out my character's personality and quriks, rather than meta-game and treat the story and world as a min-max-y game. If this has consequences, my character will just hafta suck it up and deal with it when it happens, and if they can't... Well, not all stories have happy endings~

This has been hashed out in the Discord, but might as well say, for posterity, there is a difference between "acting in-character" and "acting professionally".
Well, that was a spectacularly unsatisfying ending to that questline. Hopefully that monk won't say anything to anyone about the gremlin and bee that beat him up, and robbed him in front of two witnesses, who will most surely back him up thanks to the fact that it's: true, and nobody would trust monsters...
Momentarily taken aback from the assertion that she was here to start trouble, Alice didn't know how to respond, before she drew to her feet, and stomped over.

Ian called her a monster.

He would get one.

"Listen here, you audacious, ignorant, oblivious, rainbow mockery of sight and sound, so presumptuous to think that I, lying with my back in the water; that I, who walked through the gates; that I, who arrived as aid from Terauchi Temple, would dare to act as spy and infiltrator for the Varjan!?" she shouted with each, purposeful step cracking wood beneath.

"That's to say nothing of your disregard for my royalty! You WILL hear WHATEVER I have to say, you disrespectful, arrogant, obstinate, tie-dye slap in the face of knighthood and chivalry. I AM Alice, First Monarch of Summerheld, Archwitch of the Academy, Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom!" Alice continued, heated, as she crossed her arms, as she concluded:

By design, breakfast was meant to be a meal enjoyed in peace; the first moment of the day given a true purpose. For Scarlett, it afforded that rare instance that she didn't have a million thoughts buzzing in her head, and even her Miasmatic Mistress was quiet.

Perhaps, that's why the scene she found herself in rang so dreadfully of a highschool lunchroom with designed cliques of the jocks, preps, goths, and geeks and not the professional lunchroom of a business in the business of saving the world from magical threats and the like.

On any other day, she wouldn't have given enough fucks to the gossip; after all, what is idle prattle for, if not the establishment of the Mean Girls?

Unfortunately, this was not one of those days...

Scarlett was sick; her body was still rejecting what it couldn't take care of. Her DNA and the Makara DNA were dramatically spaced apart, and she was struggling to take care of it over herself. As such, she was operating on a microscopically short fuse, which had blown listening to the Mean Girls gossiping over the mission. Sure, she knew that it would be a topic of conversation, once Lapis hooked up with her clique...

...didn't mean she had the patience for it.

Standing, Scarlett held an iron pot that she created under the table; a gash on her left wrist kitting closed. Almost phantom-like, Scarlett swooshed over to the table that hosted the Mean Girls and some unimportant Belua adorned in gaudy jewels and attire. Speaking no words, she poured a nose-crushingly putrid mixture of bodily waste into the existing bowls, before she puked her breakfast into the pot - slamming it down onto the table.

"I overheard you talking shit, so I thought you were hungry," Scarlett says, before wiping her lips. "Please, enjoy. It's hot and fresh," she offered with a sickening politeness, like a mother offering her home cooking to strangers, as she said, "and made with love."

Before anyone at the table could muster anything to strike back with, Scarlett turned and shuffled off. She needed to find Elaine, and get some antibiotics to bolster her system to help fight off this infection. As she passed her table, she transformed her arms into a spear, and harpooned an apple; looking back, she crunched into it with a wink that one could swear made a *~ding!* sound just to exemplify the signature of an asshole.
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