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S'all good. I'm rather patient.
*checking for a pulse*
Part I of preparing for maritime warfare from the shore there. Part II after the next cycle update.
ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @AzureKnight (Shizuka), & @The Irish Tree (Liliana)
My apologies for taking so long to reply. Work's been kicking my ass. But, I'm still here.

Interacting with: @Zeroth (Goh)

Location: Garden

Action: Conversation

Emotion: Suspicious

I don't agree,” Nibiria says, “I don't have wares. I doubt I could make sale of dried herbs and basic poultices, or a handful of canned vegetables and fruit jams,” she claims, ignorant of the fact that all those things could sell with ease and interest, “I'm hardly that special of a doctor. I'm just good at what I do.

Still, it is possible for the children to suffer injury and be untended for too long for my comfort...” Nibiria groused, as she hefted her watering can, crossing her arms, “For the sake of treating the children on the off-chance they are hurt, I will see what this... Market Day is about.

Small clarification: Nibiria's webs were discarded into the compost. It was the plants that told her that Goh was approaching. Because she takes care of them, they warn her of danger in return. It's an extension of her heritage magic. It's very hard to sneak up on her within her domain, as a result, unless you can understand the plants speaking.

Interacting with: @Zeroth (Goh)

Location: Garden

Action: Engaging In Conversation

Emotion: Tepid

Even though, Goh was as silent as a whisper in the wind, he could not hide from nature, and the plants that Nibiria tended were childish and affectionate; bringing her warning her of his approach long before he stepped into her sphere of influence, like a spy network of mischievous children. As such, she turned as if she'd known his presence much further down the road, as opposed to once he was in her yard - stepping softly upon her spider's web, so to speak.

Sir Goh,” Nibiria says, finishing a row, “Walk and talk, please. This task is almost done.

Market Day? Market Day? What the hell is Market Day?
ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @AzureKnight (Shizuka), & @The Irish Tree (Liliana)
"Are you done talking? It is a strain on my eyes just to look at you, but, that you overspeak the sheer volume of that garish armor has become aggravating," Alice says, looking at Ian squarely. "Bit Players should be silent and reliable."

"But, then again, in a world where swords pretend they can be lovers, and bandits play pretend..." Alice tilted her eyes to Carroll and Shizuka, "Well, what do I know?"

Carroll bristled, as her tail stiffened, and her fingers sharpened into blades. She wasn’t stupid. She knew retribution was close at hand, and the price was her soul. However, Alice suddenly giggled, and slung an arm around Ian’s shoulders. "That said! As we learned from Sky High, Main Characters would be nothing without the dutiful, unsung heroes: the valiant Support Characters!" she says, "From the background to the foreground, without them, we would be standing around on our tippy-toes while sitting on our hands and twiddling our thumbs! Useless!"

Alice beamed, "Now, let’s get to rowing! I call stroke!" before she hurriedly took the lead position.
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