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ATTN: @AzureKnight
As Xashan started back to Eon Tower, his arms would start to burn, as crimson and black wisps of flames like smoke escaped from the suddenly not-so-unconscious women, as they writhed in his hold, and broke free.

For a tense moment, Xashan had to process, as of Scarlett and Lupina were threats, as Scarlett leveled her swordmorph at him, and Lupina aimed her bow at him. However, they weren't the same as before...

As if lifted by an unnatural force, their long hair was raised above their hairline, keeping their third eye in constant view, as the eye glowed - a crimson iris beset in a charcoal scalera, matching the smoke that burned around their form like an aura.

Fortunately, it wasn't to last, as they seemed to... power down... and the smoke faded.

"We aren't... done... here..." Scarlett groaned, rubbing her temples. "Blockheads like those chumps don't act out of turn. There's more to this..."

"The Pheredhel is right," Lupina says, "Something stinks, and it's not just their bad hygiene or breath."

Drawing into her coat, Scarlett would fluff the burgundy material, and reveal her immodesty; only adorned in smallclothes underneath - well, underwear, to be honest. She'd discarded her chest bindings after leaving Elaine's company, having sweat clean through them.

"Do you have no shame, as a woman!?" Lupina bleeted.

"Save it," Scarlett snarked. "Not like I have anything to interest."

Lupina scoffed, as she pushed up on the meager, but present offering of twinned, semicircles of fat storage. "There is enough here to show some modesty. Even you could feed a small child."

Scarlett would growl, and dig her fingers into the much more bountiful harvest of offered fat storage, taking note of the slightly more generous left. "And, there is enough here to feed a small household! You need to show modesty!"

Xashan would likely wanna cut in, before they went from annoyed groping to public indecencies charges...
ATTN: @AzureKnight, @Frozen0Titan
Her attention was divided, literally, though her task was always the same: do what her Mommy wanted most:

Protect her things.

”I’ve done my best to mimic the typical ecosystem in which these eggs are laid. Eh, however…”

"Ecosystems? Living places? What living place like? Living place we, warm.

Is good.


”What makes magical beasts so fascinating and tedious to study is how magic is so integrated into their genetics. These particular species are natural lightning elementalists --"

"Lightning? No. Fire. Fire. Fwoosh!

Lightning annoying. Wanna stop. Now. Make armor.

...but, how Mommy do? Make dirt inside and make hot...

Oh! Fire! Yeah! Hot dirt hard!

”As a researcher, I’d of course like to be able to ensure that the egg hatches with no issues. If not for the sake of my own well-being…

Do you perhaps…have any suggestions?”

As Naomi looked away from the poached Makara egg to address Damien, she would just miss the Alchemical Circle form and spread out beneath it, and the sudden formation and closure of a pear of anguish around the egg - cutting it off from the Lightning Mana.

Upon the petals were symbols from another language, likely another continent, and they were written all the way around from top to bottom in a crude scrawl. It was legible, and decidedly intelligent, due to the repeating symbols in other places, leaning to the credence of words, but unless Naomi or Damien were fluent in the Northern Fae-tongue, and the Desert dialect, they would need a linguist.

ATTN: @The Irish Tree (Liliana)
"Am I alright," Alice asks, smirking, as her cracks sealed; mycelium repairing and disguising the critical failure of her prison. "I believe so, little Bladeflower, mine. I fear I must apologize for my display," she says, looking back.

Liliana could easily tell that everything was not a catnap on a rainy day good with Alice, as her skin was an olive tan and her hair was strawberry-blonde. It was like Alice, but decidedly not-Alice, too. However, she sounded like Alice, mostly. It was so confusing for the brainlet Fairy, that she likely didn't notice the earnest apology being leveled upon her, until...

", can you find it in your heart to forgive me, my little Bladeflower?" Alice asks, tanned hand over her heart.
ATTN: @AzureKnight (Shizuka), @PaulHaynek (Ian)
Upon reaching the port they'd original departed from long ago, Carroll would find herself roused from passing out, and just in time to hear Ian offer himself up for an impromptu AMA, as if that was worth its weight in gold, and not a fat cloud of smoke and hot air. least, for most of the gathered crowd.

For her, he had an action to answer for.

Shizuka would feel her shake and shift in his hand, recognizing it as her transformation into Human Form, and, likely, he expected the form and face of his dead lover, but received only her voice.

As she shifted, a human woman in bloodied, medieval garb would emerge, instead of the expected snake woman in a traditional Zipangu kimono.

"Then, answer me this," Carroll says, "What the hell did you do to me!?"
ATTN: @AzureKnight (Xashan)
"Milli/Baast," Scarlett and Lupina extended their left arms,"incinerate/annihilate."

Swooshing off the guiding arms, the Spirit Animals would enter the fray with a violence; Milli growing into her massive form, as her body lit up with flame that seared the ground as she sailed over it, while Baast revealed himself with a force speed that cut the wind as he rushed. A warningless, blood-laden massacre should have occurred, as Milli and Baast sank tooth and fang into the Belua bullies, but their teeth could not find purchase, and their fangs could not break skin.

Where death was the chosen response, broken bones and deep bruises would replace, as Scarlett and Lupina seemed to be... off.

Xashan could feel a Galdric presence emanating from the women; sinister, wrapped into their very being, and lording over them, as it spread to their extended arm. Something was controlling them, and by extension, the brutality they had opened with.

It was clear to someone as seasoned as him, their benefactor didn't want them to spoil their rocky relationship with Eon Tower over something as trivial as two-bit chumps, and clearly didn't expect them to have self-control.

At least, now, he knew: they needed impulse and aggression control.

"And, knowing is half the battle," Maedelyn smirked, her blindfold unfurled around her neck, and her empty eyes glowing white with the Infinity of Knowledge.

The skirmish would end in short order, and leave Xashan to deal with the aftermath, as the gals collapsed. The King of the Desert Sand had plenty of time, as the would-be assailants weren't retreating to anywhere but a hospital bed and jail cell.
Kill me... It's done...

I did what I could to catch everything, but I'm not in the business of being a Grammar Nazi, so mistakes are probably made, and forgiveness is asked.
ATTN: @PaulHaynek, @AzureKnight (Shizuka), & @The Irish Tree (Liliana)


Sounds like a plan to me.

As requested:


Interacting with: @Zeroth (Goh)

Location: Garden

Action: Conversation

Emotion: Mischievously Elevated

Nibiria narrowed her eyes, before she sighed. It wasn’t like Goh was wrong. Her medicines were varied in their natures; some were powders that could be spooned into drinks, and some were poultices that were rubbed in and bandaged. Not to mention, she had various herbs that were dried, ready for sale; parsley, cilantro, oregano - just to name a few. Heck, she could even put together a few [Basic First-aid Kits] to promote her business, and pull back some customers from that pesky Elf across the way.

Perhaps, there was some worth to better exploring this Market Day. “I will need time to prepare,” Nibiria says. “Please, do not wait on me. I must take stock of my things, but I will be along in due time.

Not waiting for Goh to answer, Nibiria would head inside, and take her cabinets to task. Her webs would snatch at jars, powders and gels, and bring them to her hands, before she fetched sealing jars that were just large enough to hold a few doses of powder or a few bandages of salve, and a repurposed, wooden lunch box with a sturdy clasp. Inside, she’d fit a pair of scissors, a needle, a small spool of her enchanted spider thread, and a roll of bandages woven from her hemp. After which, she would write down neatly scripted instructions for what the kit contained, what the kit could do, and pondered on a price.

She would ponder this, as she rolled herbs into bundles, and grabbed a bouquet of pressed flowers for the children; mostly wildflowers with a few teasing roses mixed in.

Alright...” Nibiria says, with a cart of goods, “To Market Day!” she cheered, before looking around with a blush on her frighteningly pale cheeks, “...for the children, of course.

@Mae & @Zeroth

If all goes well, I'll post tonight. It's been absolutely hell at my job, with managers and crew quitting, taking leaves of absence for school, and it being our dry season. My AGM went on vacation, so I've been working 7-5 since Monday.

The nightmare is close to an end, though. My six day hell ends Sunday, but I wanna post ASAP. So, apologies for the hold up.
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