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Interactions: @Lord Zee - @mercenarius

Just above the melodious ring of chatter and twinkling of lantern lights, stood Aamaya watching with sorrowful eyes. The young princess was observing the festival from her balcony, resting her cheek against her palm while her lithe body pressed against the balconies rail. She exhaled shakily, eyes welling with salty tears. Before the drops could escape her eyes and trail down her cheeks, a hand would swipe them away. "No crying Aamaya, you'll ruin your appearance.." The girl would hiss under her breath, heaving herself away from the railing to enter her room once more. She would tidy up her eyes, removing any sign of her previous endeavors. Once satisfied, Aamaya would exit her room, her once hurried and mournful stride now straightening to a proud, sensual saunter. The garden greeted her with the familiar sound of music and cheerful chatter. The guests seemed pleased, she was grateful of that. Bold eyes would scan over faces, searching for someone she'd recognize. She was met with her cousin, Thyrri and the Levonian Princess once more, her eyes quickly darting to the nearest attraction. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, blood rushing to give her bronzy features a soft, rosy blush. She despised how she had acted previously, how she wished she could redo it all. Something inside of her was so captivated by the other princess, she appeared so differently from anyone she had ever met.

Soon her attention was snatched from her thoughts, eyes focusing on the man before her. "Princess Aamaya, your guests seem to be entirely pleased. A tournament is to be held soon as I am sure you are aware, of course it shall only be entertainment and not to the death, is that correct princess?" The guard towered over the Freyjan girl, but her stance was strong, full of confidence. She would listen to him speak before nodding her head gently, glancing past the man to examine her guests. "Yes, yes.. That is correct. I do not want any death, this is not a battle anyone will be losing their life for. Purely for my guests entertainment, for it has been requested several times.." Aamaya spoke to the man with such sureness, offering a smile before she excused herself from the conversation. She would dismiss the man to whatever duties he was required to do, likely going off to get word out of the upcoming tournament for the night. Aamaya would mingle for a while, the appearance of a very large man who appeared to be from Luthra, ripping her attention away from her current guest. She was intrigued, the man was enormous, gruff and evil in appearance. She would presume it was The Father of Luthra, she had no desire to have any type of acquaintance with such man, but she knew she had to keep him on her good side. Clearing her throat and heaving a deep sigh, Aamaya would drift towards the large man, stopping once she was within speaking distance. "Hello, welcome to Exodus. I assume you are The Father of Luthra yes..?" Aamaya would trail off slightly, glancing towards the woman accompanying him. "And you, The Mother?" She would finally add, presenting a welcoming smile while one hand motioned towards the festivities behind them. "I am Princess Aamaya, I hope you will enjoy what my Kingdom has put together for you and the other Kingdom's.. I thank you for attending." Without another word Aamaya would curtsy gracefully before drifting off among the sea of people. She had no interest in conversing with such people, they were dangerous, untrustworthy people with bad intentions. She would offer a sincere welcoming and that was all, getting too close could leave her in hot water.

The night would go on leisurely, good spirits keeping the party alive well into the darkest of hours. Aamaya would be found lingering here and there, taking in the beauty before her. She didn't mind not speaking to the guests, she loved to see them interact, loved observing their facial expressions in reaction to their conversations. It was quite the spectacle, possibly a new beginning for the Kingdom's. But she wouldn't get her hopes to high, she knew how easily things could turn. Her jaw would clench, teeth grinding aggressively against one another while her eyes sat glued to the Thanatos Mother and Father. She knew what they were capable of, it terrified her but she wouldn't allow those emotions to seep through her mask. She had to keep up the act she was taught to offer.

Aamaya would soon find her way back to her throne, gently seating herself on the comfortably cushioned seat that nearly consumed the small woman. There were many faces she recognized now, King's and Queen's she remembered studying tediously for so long in preparation for a day such as this one. "M'lady, I must ask.. What are your plans for said festivities? Has anyone caught your attention? So many of your people are curious as to what their future Queen has in store for them. Will we be seeing a lone Queen in the near future? Or will you wed a man or woman?" The sudden question would catch Aamaya off guard, the voice familiar, once of her many servants handing her a new glass of alcohol while he spoke. She sipped the drink nonchalantly, eyes on the crowd rather than the man interrogating her. She would soak in the question, allowing it to linger before them a while. Frankly, she had no real answer.. She was unsure of what her future held. Would she wed? Possibly.. The woman hoped so. Ruling a Kingdom with nobody by your side could become lonely, possibly even drive her mad. "So my people are gossiping you say? Mm, delightful. Allow them to gossip. I have no desire to answer such questions, I feel they're rather inappropriate as of now. What I do with my title is my business and nobody else's.. Leave before I have you excused myself." Aamaya's eyes would quickly snap in the mans direction, an intense glare sending shivers down his spine. She was not known to be cruel, while she could be stern this was unlike her. These words came from a place of insecurity. She worried she would not wed and worried her Kingdom would refuse to accept her as a Queen. While that was unheard of in Exodus, the idea left the woman full of dread. Thus a spiteful side of her arose, sending the servant off in a hurry as to not displease the princess further. Once he had left her view, Aamaya's tense body would slink lower in her throne. An annoyed groan grumbling in her throat. She looked like a child, stuck in the form of a highly respected princess. Diffident eyes would lift from gazing at her own palms, reaching out to the sea of people as if searching desperately for someone to grasp onto. She felt so completely alone, the headdress atop her head felt like the weight of the world was resting comfortably above her while she sat in unbearable discomfort below.

@Universorum@Fabricant451@Fi Hello! Just checking in to see if you three are still interested. If not that's completely fine, I can open the spots back up if you are feeling pressured to post when you are no longer able to. If you are still interested just give us a heads up so we know to keep the space reserved for you guys!
@Violent VioletExcellent! Go right ahead and add him to the characters tab.
@RaylahI couldn’t even tell! You type it very well, better than most native English speakers haha.
Hello friends, we can get to IC very soon! Just need a few more survivors so we have plenty of potential interactions. (:
@dragonbuttsYay! I'm excited to see what you can do!
@RangingWolfNo worries!

Interactions: @KahleenCuthald

The festival was coming to life, people pouring in through the entrance of Exodus, streams of different races trickling into the palace, the garden, the bars, and anywhere else they were permitted to enter. It was something magnificent to see such diversity in Exodus, in any Kingdom at that. For years and years the Kingdom's had been so closed off to one another, so prejudice. Exodus was known to be friendliest with Primfira, often trading with the Kingdom because it also had wealth. The less fortunate Kingdom's were often left in the cold, Earthica stuck as a middle man while Luthra sunk, its own people destroying it. Aamaya pitied the people of Luthra, she wondered how they could be so vile and careless, fighting one another like stray mutts. She couldn't fathom how someone could possibly survive in Luthra, the place was not only incredibly poor, but nearly as dangerous as Black Water itself.

A soft sigh would escape the princess's lips, the drink in her hands rising to greet her mouth once more. The sound of a voice would catch Aamaya's attention, she averted her eyes from her glass to take in the image of a fiery haired woman, likely a Levonian. Hearing the Levonian's question, Aamaya would lower her glass once more, split tongue swiping across her top lip to rid it of any trace of her drink. "Mm, I suppose you could say that." She would reply to the rhetoric question thrown her way, a small smirk tugging at her features. "Earthica, yes? I am Aamaya, what is your name?" Her eyes would examine the Levonian girl's attire, scanning her from head to toe, a gentle and very short lived giggle following. "Your attire.. is very interesting. Most would dress to impress, but you dress for comfort. I like that." The princess would tilt her chin upwards, looking directly into the other woman's eyes now. She knew most people hated the appearance of Freyjan people, they were considered too vibrant, their attire loud and obnoxious. Their tongues and eyes taboo, serpentine, demonic even. Aamaya ignored the comments however, while she was very aware of her oddities, she found them to be unique and if anything were a welcomed addition rather than a nuisance. A dainty hand would reach towards the Levonian girl's face, bronzed fingers meeting fiery strands of hair. Aamaya would nod in approval, retracting her hand once she had fully admired the other woman's hair. "I have always been so intrigued by Levonian hair, it is as if someone lit ice ablaze. Contrasting beautifully against your people's pale complexions. Your skin is so youthful, do you bathe in blood?" The question was sincere, her eyes bright with a curious glimmer. She looked like a child, her proper casing receding for a moment while true and pure bewilderment took over. Aamaya had obviously seen other races before, but very rarely and never so close. Even tonight, as she conversed with others prior, she never talked for very long and was sure to be a good distance away. But now was different, she could really take in what the Levonian people looked like, it was amazing to her how unalike they were, yet how they emanated their own beauty.

Aamaya would clear her throat, blinking several times before averting her gaze after realizing she had drifted from her position as a stern and proper royal. The girl straightened up, chin returning to a slight upward tilt, her relaxed demeanor and posture no more. It was very clear the woman struggled within herself, almost battling two different identities on a constant basis. As if she desired another lifestyle or persona that was just out of her grasp. "My most sincere apologies, I've just realized you're the Princess of Earthica yes? My mind is cloudy, I am unfamiliar with such diversity, it must have slipped my mind completely... I hate to abandon this conversation so early, but I have somewhere I must be." Without another word, Aamaya would offer a small curtsy before excusing herself, trailing off into the palace before disappearing down one of the many halls. The girl would find her room, the door clicking shut behind her before she sat herself in front of the boudoir. A disgruntled huff would signify her annoyance in herself, disappointed in how easily she had drifted off in conversation, allowing herself to become much too comfortable.. She was made an easy target when she was comfortable, comfort meant you weren't aware enough.. She was to always be aware if she wanted to keep her title and life. Aamaya would gaze at her reflection, resting her chin atop her fist as she collected herself once more. She would have to be more careful, less friendly with these strangers. While she yearned to meet new people and make friends, she knew as a princess and future queen, she had to keep walls up.

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