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𝑁𝑜 𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛, 𝑛𝑜 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟.
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Only a moment after the conversation with Milk, would Hemlock's grin diminish. Her once bright features, melting away, leaving a blank, empty cavern behind. Eyes of light olive would appear darker, a ghost of their former self. The soft breeze that tickled at the skin, fell dormant, an eerie silence sweeping over the forest instead. Out of nowhere, a figure formed, its appendages ribbon-like, licking at the air as it moved. Hemlock's mind grew still, absent of thought, her own presence tucked away somewhere. Her expressionless eyes watched as the figure reached out to Milk, its vinyl ribbons tangling and contrasting with the ivory of her skin.


"Maelstrom.. He has arrived." Hemlock's mouth parted, the words oozing out mechanically. Her expression remained desolate, her eyes glued to the whipping and winding of the figure before her. "Don't fear The Maelstrom Milk..." She continued, standing still as she awaited what was to happen. However, the sudden whir of an arrow, slicing through the air, would shake Hemlock from the trance-like state she was in. The girl heaved a pronounced sigh, her chest falling and rising as if the oxygen had been missing from her body for ages. A series of hacking gags would follow, what appeared to be blood speckling the brush near her feet as well as her waiting palms. "You disrespect The Maelstrom Sparrow.. pity." Hemlock spat at the ground, hissing out the remark in Sparrows direction before turning on heel. She would have to perform another ritual soon, offering something to The Maelstrom as payment for the disrespect. While she herself hadn't done anything wrong, she had been in the presence of one who had. It was her duty, as a loyal follower, to pay respect to he who had saved her, led her into a new light.

Hemlock would slither back into her shed, drawing the drapes on the small singular window shut, the doors curtain of a door, following after. The candles that lit the small shed would smoke as their flames died, leaving the shed dim. There was no time for rest, while Hemlock's body begged for a moment of slumber, she pushed on, unwilling to succumb to the temptation that sleep was. Instead she clothed herself once more, pulling her snug fitting bottoms on, her top and leather armor coming after. The last item of clothing was her riding hood, its thick velvet-like material draping over her shoulders and back, the hood resting loosely atop her head. Something within her told her to go to town, an urge, a desire, an intense gravitational pull even. Something pulled her out of her shed and into the forest where she began her journey towards Steelbird Landing.

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𝑴𝒊𝒍𝒌 & 𝑯𝒆𝒎𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒌

Trembling hands fumbled clumsily through a cluttered desk, grasping different items before coming to a rest. After her hands landed upon their desired destination, Hemlock cleansed her bloodied palms briskly, a loose fitting bandage placed upon each wound after, keeping infection away but allowing the cuts air to breathe. The sudden chirp from outside would catch her attention, the voice familiar, belonging to none other than Milk surely. Hemlock would snatch a sheer, crocheted, black robe-like slip, before wandering towards her shacks entrance. "Hello, Milk. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Hemlock stood comfortably in the shacks doorway, leaning nonchalantly against the old wooden framing. Her demeanor appeared undisturbed, but her eyes were always sure to pan their surroundings, looking beyond Milk once or twice before resting on her figure.

Milk only glanced upon Hemlock's figure in the door way, before walking closer to her in small, non-aggressive steps. "First and foremost Hemlock, I brought you a gift." she handed over the rock that had a three leaf clover smashed upon it. A smile was plastered against her lips, but soon faded as she looked to the woman's bandaged wounds. "Oh, I'm sorry- are you okay?" she questioned, motioning to grab Hemlock's wrist to examine, but resisted. What was Hemlock doing? What had she done? Milk knew it was not appropriate to grab her, nor did she want to get Hemlock upset before she got her own sought out answers. She continued, "Second, I was told by someone that you might know some information, and I know that you aren't one to..." she pursed her lips slightly, peeking through her sheered robe "hide things." she smiled, her weight shifting on to her back her hip. "I need to know what happened to Twix." she bluntly spoke, wanting answers.

As Milk approached, Hemlock's chin lifted ever so slightly, eyes glancing down her nose in a curious manner. The rock earned a jovial expression that played at Hemlock's features, she tossed it from hand to hand childishly before glancing back towards Milk as the other woman questioned the whereabouts of Twix. "Twix~" The name rolled off her tongue sensually, a lecherous gleam in her piney eyes. "Mmm, she's grown yes? Her whereabouts belong to her and none other than her.. I have no place to disclose where she has gone nor why.. But you do seem to have intentions that are pure." Hemlock flashed a wicked smile, rubbing her bandaged palms together carelessly. "Pay my wounds no mind, I am fine, just as Twix is also fine.. She merely sought my expertise. As I'm sure you know, I have extensive knowledge with herbs, but my intellect goes beyond that, I know a lot about the body.. Twix was desperate for advice- One, two, three, four, five, six." Hemlock's once lively eyes and confident expression would falter, her face falling blank, eyes glazed over as numbers spewed from her lips in repetition. This lasted only momentarily before her gaze shifted back to Milk, seemingly un-pausing from the previous state as if nothing had happened. "Twix is infertile, I gave her a thorough examination, she is unable to bear a child, her womb is unfit for life."

Hemlock's analogies and puzzling way of speaking annoyed but mostly entertained Milk. She loved a good story, and she loved a good riddle- but even she became impatient once in awhile. She remained quiet as the young woman spoke, going back and forth between conversations. It wasn't until the last statement was said that Milk's attention shot towards the woman's spewing mouth. A pit in her stomach tumbled and squeezed, instantly feeling uneasy "She gave birth once you know, the men robbed her of that joy." Milk recalled that day like it was yesterday. Twix had given birth to a girl, when she had promised her beloved a boy. Milk hid the child for years, lied to the face of the man and said his child had died during delivery. When they had found out they took the young girl and did... only they know what they did. Milk wiped the sweat from her forehead as she brought her open palm back into her dreaded red hair. A sigh escaped her lips as she looked to the sky, the sun making her ducts flow with salted tears. "I am glad she is okay, but I do not know why you two found it necessary to hide this from me." she peered down and looked into Hemlock's soft gaze, "We are not so different you and I, Hemlock. I hope you know that. I hope you remember, we are cut from the same cloth, you and I." she meant the comment, it wasn't a ploy in the slightest. Her delicate fingers reached up and cupped Hemlock's cheek, her thumb stroking it with intent. As long as Twix was alive, Milk was pleased with the answers she had received. She would not waste more time today looking for her, but if the woman decided to come back begging there would be hell to pay for the disappearing act. Removing her hand from Hemlock's face, "If you are hungry, cold, or needing a companion my door is always open for you Hemlock." Milk said, a slight nod of her head making a silent pact between them.

Hemlock could see the distress that stained Milk's face, painting pain, worry even in the other woman's eyes. Hemlock clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, tutting at the words Milk spoke. "Twix spoke of worries she had, concern that you would be angry with her inability to birth another child. You are after all, a breeder of sorts.. Those women, while you may cherish some, are your livestock and when livestock fails to prove useful... well.." Hemlock shrugged, letting her sentence run off without conclusion. A soft smile would be offered in response to Milk's kindness and opening of her home, it was not usual for others to trust Hemlock. She was considered, odd.. and most times was avoided at all costs.. That was until someone needed some form of herb or medical advice. This didn't bother Hemlock, she much preferred the seclusion her reputation earned her. "Thank you, Milk.. I appreciate your kindness.. If you ever need,anything, you know where to find me." Hemlock's smile twisted into a devilish smirk that was followed by a wink. "I adore the stone by the way, do allow me to fetch you a gift in return.. Stay right there." Without awaiting a reply, Hemlock disappeared within her shack, the sound of items clattering and clashing with the floor could be heard before the lithe woman reappeared, a lavender toned satchel in her grasp. "Inside are two herbs, Maca and Red Clover. Each can be used as an aphrodisiac. I thought you could use these for your girls, or personally I suppose." Hemlock reached forward and gripped Milk's hands gingerly, placing the satchel there before retracting. "They are to be chewed and swallowed an hour before sexual intercourse and should last a few hours.."
@headintheclouds Thank you so much!
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