<Snipped quote by Audacious>
Um, I guess let's just try to remember then.
*Hits the next button*
<Snipped quote by Legend>
I’m definitely trying, at least. Pen and paper wasn’t in my travel bag.
Alright! Glad to see you're hanging in there. You know, it's really hard to pick a tone for this since I don't know what's happened in advance, but let's just hope it's not as bad as it seems.
*The middle ring layer fades out*
If you're getting this message in particular, the relay proxies had their dead man's switch activated. That means they've lost their signal to the middle layer and I haven't had the chance to override them. That or you've found a
major bug. If they've lost connection, either our path universes can no longer communicate with the relays, someone has found an exploit in the system, or there are no path universes anymore. Each situation has chilling implications.
*The center of the diagram fades out, leaving just the outermost ring*
This is your current situation. Home isn't reachable. You can use this station to track down more proxies and see if there's a log somewhere that will tell you what's going on. Once you
know what the situation is, I'm afraid you're going to need to use your best judgement on how to proceed. I wish I could do more to help you. One more slide is left, so press continue when you've digested all that.