Avatar of Etch
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9 (0.00 / day)
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    1. Etch 8 yrs ago


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"My words will sit in the bottom of your soul for years to come. Someday, you will realize I was right. I've etched your evil deeds deep into your flesh, and someday you'll finally see them, and the pain you've caused will catch up to you."

"If I get to kill you, my dear Gifted Engraver, I'd be happy to suffer any pain imaginable.
I just want to see your blood spilled on the floor."

"Then why are your hands shaking?"

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I'm looking forward to seeing this get started! I'm actually starting to get a bit impatient. XD
I see. I'm imagining this place as an antique shop with a small bar on the side and lots of magical items. That sound about right?
Hmm. I've got a character I've got in mind, possibly. Just to clarify, this is a group roleplay, right? I personally prefer 1x1s, but I'm trying to get back into the practice of writing shorthand for groups again.

Here's a link if you wanna see my character beforehand:


Apologies if it's quite text-heavy.
Hello~ I've been here for a while, but I've barely done any roleplays at all since I'm mainly just continuing a role play with an old friend who moved here from another site. But, I'm starting to get bored so I decided why not make myself known!

That being said, I'm in a bit of a bind here. I made a character for a different site, set everything up, and then I realized the site hadn't been active for over a year.

Internally cursing myself, I promised not to let this amazing character go to waste. I have to reformat his profile since this site doesn't accept advanced BB-code like I was using, and there are a few plot points from the site itself that may be pertinent, so I'm copying and pasting some details from the setting of the plot. In case anyone needs to know, most things about the setting are from desparia.proboards.com

That being said, here we go with the setting! Feel free to just skim it, I'll make the parts that actually are important bold incase you want a quick read.


What kind of universe is this?
The main Desparia setting is in a roughly medieval/sword and sorcery time period. The setting has low-to-mid level magic* and hopefully a lot of political intrigue. Oh, also everyone is anthros! Your anthro can be whatever real life or prehistoric animal you'd like, or a combination of two animals, or whatever. Just don't power play/god mod and we'll all be good. Besides, let's be real, they are probably mostly going to be carnivorans. It's just what happens. If you wanted to have a half-lion, half- gazelle you can. Just no dragons/unicorns/magical things, and no humans because that'd be weird.

Are there animals other than the anthros?
Yes. We know it's weird. But your dog can have a pet dog. Just go with it! Don't think about the implications of your sheep character eating mutton for dinner!!!! Just hand wave that shit away.

We like magic and think it's a fun extra thing to give some extra pizzazz to the world. However, we want to maintain some believability here! That means that we're giving people the option of adding some mystical flair to things, but that we don't want Dungeons and Dragon's style fireballs and shit out everywhere. The occasional minor mystical thing (a rare unicorn, a dragonbone weapon from two centuries ago, casting minor curses or reading fortunes from tarot cards, etc. etc.) is fine! But try to make it like, not ridiculous or anything. No riding on backs of dragons, casting pillar of fire on every enemy. Basically, think like Book 1 of Game of Thrones. Magic exists, but in a way subtle enough that the average person wouldn't know about it. Only weirdos and adventurers and the extremely unlucky or well informed would ever encounter magic in their daily life. Most people are rightfully suspicious of it! And for the love of god, no power playing or god modding! TL;DR, having a spooky fortuneteller who actually can see snippets of the future? FINE! An occasional ghost? FINE! Having a powerful sorcerer demigod who can control legions of undead and hordes of bizarre monsters? NAH BRO! If you're unsure if something is okay, just ask Jye and me.

So tell me about the kingdom of Desparia!
Desparia is a prosperous, or at least seemingly so, kingdom that is ruled by a monarchy. (If you want to be a monarch(s) please let us know and we might be able to work something out). They are known for their ambitious trading and mercantilism as well as their powerful church and powerful army. Most of their citizens are dedicated tradersfolk, craftsmen, or soldiers, though the landscape is diverse so there's also room for pirates, royal guards, monks and clergy, farmers, ne'er-do-wells, travelers, artists, and generally anything you can imagine!

Desparia currently is in a conflict with many of the so-called "Barbarian Tribes" that run along their border. An ambitious kingdom, they seeks to expand to the fringe lands where the displaced peoples of the tribes live. This has caused some pretty brutal conflicts with the people there, who feel oppressed by the monarchy and are actively rebelling. Both sides have committed some fairly atrocious acts, but Desparia has recently taken to sending their prisoners of war from the Barbaaros territory into the gladiator ring as a form of entertainment and business in the capital. As you might imagine, the tribes are none too pleased. They can't believe that Desparia calls THEM the barbarians.

Ooh, tell me about the tribes of Barbaaros!
This is tricky, because there are many tribes! They are not one cohesive kingdom, but rather loose groups that affiliate based on shared culture. Each tribe is different - some are pacifist, others warlike, some are religious, some are not. If you are interested in starting a specific tribe, you can! You don't even have to ask, you can create your character's backstory as you please. Here are the things the tribes share:

--- They live or at one time lived in the Barbaaros region, known to be a rough terrain.
--- Desparia considers all of them enemies of the state
--- They speak Desparian (the common tongue) but they may also have additional spoken tongues. No tribe has their own written language, though some individuals can write in Desparian. Some claim that there used to be a written language of the tribes, but that it is lost to time now.
--- Some claim that they were the original owners of what is now Desparian land.


Quote end. Now, on to my character, which is my original creation, but is mostly copied and pasted from where I originally posted him on the site.

Full Name: Jack Bell
Nicknames: Jack, Jackie, Kite.
Age: 16 years old
Birthday: 05 May
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Player: Etch
Hybrid: House Cat/Black Panther

Appearance: Silky black fur covers his body, keeping him warm in the cold and causing him to heat up like an oven in Summer. He has amber eyes with round pupils, surprising considering his cat heritage, and large irises that fill almost his entire eye. He has some silver hairs mixed in with his black ones, not as a sign of aging but rather as birthmarks of a sort. He's short, even for his young age, as if his growth had been stunted early on. Sad eyes give way to the fact that he's clearly seen more than he ever should have, and a silver piercing adorns his left ear near the tip. His nose is black to match his fur, and his body is sleek and slender, similar to the cats he has come from. He tends to wear a hot pink, almost red scarf around his neck, even when it's warm. It appears to be very important to him, and he is inseparable from it. His clothing usually consists of long pants and a hand-knit sweater during the winter, and shorts and no shirt during the summer.

Personality: Jack is quite the loner, although one wouldn't know it at first glance. He's friendly enough, and enjoys people's company just as much as the next person, but he's afraid to get attached, and avoids staying around one person for too long. He doesn't have it in him to hate, despite everything that has been done to him, and is really quite the softy, despite his protests against it. Still, he avoids allowing himself to get close to anyone out of fear that they will get hurt. He can get embarrassed easily, and although he can make decisions far beyond his age, he's still a kid at heart and even if he forgets that, his inexperience always catches up to him. Despite the fact that panthers don't tend to mind the water too much, Jack's house cat side shows anywhere near water, as while he isn't afraid of it, and can swim just fine, he hates the feeling of water on his fur. He has an innate instinct to avoid dogs and wolves, and yet he often ignores that instinct in an effort to be as friendly as possible. He lacks ambition, and simply wants to live a peaceful life, ashamed of his own talents even though he refuses to admit how much he could really do with himself if he put his mind to it.

Family: He was raised without any known family, and his closest thing to such was Umire, who acted more as a grandmother to him than anyone else ever has. After her death, he grieved endlessly before vowing to never allow himself to put anyone in danger like he did for her again.

History: Jack was born into slavery. As a half-decedent of one of the unknown tribes of Barbaaros, his mother was a slave from such a tribe, and his father her master. When he was barely weaned, he was sold to a different master and separated from his mother, effectively starting his life of solitude. He was passed between many masters as he grew older, and never really got to know one or the other. His work was simple housework or the occasional hard labor, but he would be forced to watch helplessly as his female companions were called to his master's bedrooms and came back bruised and quiet. These experiences at such a young age caused him to highly respect women for the hardships they go through, and he would grow up to become quite the gentleman.

When Jack was twelve, he was passed to a new master who supposedly opposed slavery, and was buying slaves up in order to get the documentation to free them. Jack was freed by this man, who referred him to a raven-crow named Umire, who raised him for the next year as his own. Because she was barren, Umire could have no children of her own, and although she was bossy and acted almost as if she was his strict grandmother, the love they shared was no doubt that of mother and son, even if they were not related by blood.

Then, after only a short year spent with Umire, Jack's hiding place was discovered by a group of men who had caught onto the work of the master who had freed Jack. Despite being legally freed, the men were selfish and wanted Jack and the other freed slaves to be dragged back into the hell they were forced to suffer for so long. They came to Umire's house and demanded to see him, but Umire bought him enough time to run. In doing so, she lost her life.

Since, Jack has long escaped those men, and yet some today even still challenge his freedom. He makes sure he always has his legal documentation with him, regardless of where he is or why he's there. He's been through much, and yet now he travels, hoping to see the world he missed when he was locked away behind bars.


Congratulations on reading to the end! Either that, or you skipped down the bottom, in which case I congratulate you for your stupidity in thinking you can actually complete a role play without knowing anything about the setting or characters. :)

That being said, if anyone is even slightly interested, even if you don't quite have an idea, feel free to contact me either in this thread or in private messages. I'm sure we can work something out, and if not, we can always talk about other roleplay ideas with different characters and plotlines. Thanks, and say hi to Ophidian for me if you happen to know him. He's pretty much the only roleplay I've got going on this site right now, so I'm giving him special treatment. ^.^
I'm rather interested in Kidnapper/Victim, Demon/Human, Vampire/Human, or maybe even a mix of the three. Maybe I could play a character that's half demon and half vampire, and that kidnapped you, a human? Or, actually, I have a better idea. What if there is an underground slave trade market going around where vampires kidnap humans to use as blood slaves and sell them off. My character would buy your character, and thus would begin the roleplay.

Also, I do have a question. Can you write 3+ paragraphs per post, with 4-5+ lines per paragraph?
Hello. My name is Etch, and I am a relatively new member at RPG, but a very experienced role player with 6+ years ongoing. I generally write anywhere from 2-10 paragraphs, usually on the higher end of the spectrum unless my partner's posts are shorter. I do have a few rules, but they should go by pretty quick.

That being said, I do have an idea already in mind, but you are by no means required to use just this idea.

Finally, here are a few details about my main character, Sirius.

Answer 1. There's an entire section for that: Advanced Roleplaying. Many people there pump out 3 to 6 paragraphs a post. I tend to go for either casual or advanced, and I personally usually do 2 to 5. My record is about 20 paragraphs, but I try to only do as much as is actually necessary. Word count shouldn't be a pissing contest.

Answer 2. Drama is rare overall, but historical and low fantasy RPs often have massive debates about what it historically accurate, and sci-fi RPs sometimes have scientific "discussions" to decide what is plausible to keep it realistic.

Answer 3. I've never seen smut/sex RP, but I've heard of it happening occasionally. Overall, it seems to be rarely ever posted publicly: it's only done in PMs for the sake of site rules. It is a bannable offense, after-all.

Pro-tip: don't tell people you have Asperger's on the internet. Half won't believe you and will claim you just want attention, because they don't understand how the brain works. The other half will act like you're stupid or imply you need constant help, because they don't understand how the brain works. A few will treat you like Sheldon from Big Bang Theory, because they don't understand how comedy works and watch Big Bang Theory. RPG is a really accepting community and I don't expect you'll run into any of that here- most people will probably simply ignore it- but it's just better not to go advertising a mental aberration to strangers.

1.) I see, although I looked at the sections and noticed that the 1x1 section is seperate from the advanced section. Is there a section for advanced 1x1s that I'm not seeing, or do you just have to look around for a bit?

2/3.) That's good to hear. I don't mind debates, as long as they don't get out of hand and are generally moderated. As far as smut goes, I'm also glad to hear it is a bannable offense. I don't believe it ever said that in the rules, but I could be wrong.

Tip.) I've been told that before, and personally I can definitely see your point, but I don't see why I need to cater towards the people who are idiotic enough to do so. I feel confident I can handle it if someone decides to be a jerk (That's what ignore buttons are for.) and even without an ignore button it's easy to simply ignore them in general. If you don't reply, they generally don't keep pestering you. The ones who do can be reported to a moderator. I much prefer to ensure people are aware, because I have a bad habit of getting into misunderstandings and sometimes it's difficult to explain what actually happened if people aren't aware. Sure, I could explain it on the spot, but in my opinion there are a million ways that can go wrong, especially if emotions are already heated. Personally, I handle hate extremely well compared to most my age, or I dare say even most in general. However, I am cautious to avoid saying such things on sites that I expect to have a negative or wide variety of a community, mainly larger sites like social media or the more popular role play sites. I try to be wise about it while still catering to my own personal needs. So, yes, that is something I have taken into consideration before, but it is not something that is likely to change anytime soon. I do appreciate your concern though. ^.^
Ooh, I love your animal puns! The porpoise one was particularly hilarious. XD

Anyway, I'm rather interested in this, if you're still open for role plays. I know I'm a bit late to the party. ._. I would like to pick your brain...

...with a few questions in PM's first, if you don't mind. XD

Hello, my name is Etch and I am a new member of this site. I was first introduced by another member, @Ophidian, who role played with me on another site, and I expect to enjoy this site much more than the last. (The last site was rather poor, either way.) However, I do have a few questions if anyone is free to answer them. Those can come later, though.

To tell you all a bit about myself, I am a literate role player who has been role playing for 6~ years, and I enjoy the craft greatly. However, I find it difficult to find other partners who suit my needs, as while I do believe in quality over quantity, I still have requirements for quantity. (Tells you how high my quality need is, huh? XD) If anyone reading this is able to do 4+ medium to long length paragraphs and is confident in their grammar, story telling ability, and world design, feel free to hit me up in PM's. That being said, I'm generally open to new ideas and if you don't meet those requirements but believe there is a specific reason I would still enjoy a role play with you, feel free to hit me up as well. (Like, say, if you write really short paragraphs but you write like 20 of them. :P)

A bit about my home life: All my closest friends are graduates from high school, despite me being a freshman myself. (I know, weird, right?) I am well known among my friends as the best at making weird noises, as well. (Anyone able to imitate a hybrid sound between a cough, laugh, gag, and choke? It's quite interesting. Some of my friends say it sounds like a gerbil that is dying laughing.) I'm also well known among my friends as the one who shows up to places with four pages of stuff I wrote so one of my friends can peer edit it. (Most of them hate reading, so they hate it when I do this. ._.) To my enemies, I'm the weird kid who sits as close to the teacher as possible and jabbers his/her ear off until they have to tell me as kindly as they can that I need to shut up. I'm quite proud of that, though. I couldn't have asked for it better, actually.

Anyway, I could talk about my friends and the such forever, but I'll just leave off on this last note: I have been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a very high functioning form of autism that often leaves me unable to understand the hidden rules of conversation and civilization. (For example, I didn't learn how to say thank you until I was eight, and now I can't stop saying thank you. >.<) I'm also suspected of having Bi Polar by both my therapist, parents, and psychiatrist, but I haven't been diagnosed as of yet because I'm not 18, and doctors don't like to label people under 18 with Bi Polar because it's so hard to get off your record.

That being said, I'll leave off here. Thank you for your time in reading this. Now, on to the questions!


1.) How many literate (4+ Paragraph) role players are on this site? I'm not asking for an exact number, but just an approximation.
2.) How accepting is this community? As in, is there a lot of drama or other generalized jerks, a moderate amount, or is it relatively low?
3.) How well is the 'No Mature Content' rule enforced? Is it not even much of an issue here, or do players get away with it often? The old site I role played on was basically overrun by erotica role players, so I'd like to avoid that here.
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