Avatar of Excession


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current Convention upcoming, gonna write an RPG about necromantic mecha vs. vampire kaiju
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12 mos ago
May '24s horrible shit at least be funny.
1 yr ago
"Monstrous wordcount has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate verbosity be considered a virtue..."
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1 yr ago
You want more'n a thousand words out of me then I'd advise my hourly rate might be more reasonable than the per-word.
1 yr ago
Alright, concept decided for next convention RP: your unit is charged with testing a prototype necromech with a mysterious new component in the war against the vampires.


Lifetime GM. I run horror, dark fantasy, sci-fantasy. All players welcome, as long as you engage with the material.
You can, I think, tell a lot about me based on my blog
I will reference Disco Elysium and no one can stop me.

Most Recent Posts

@Abstract Proxy you may be full with with Pirates and other things besides but I wanted to throw you a tag because I would sincerely love to see your take on the material, should you have time and inclination.
I call dibs on Shade of the Divine.

A terrifying prospect. Very good
I'm seeking five players to take on the roles of warrior-priests to an enigmatic cult, serving their god and working to protect their people from destruction by their enemies.
The system is quick enough to learn, a dice-pool system that's easy to use but has mechanical depth if you want to engage with it.
No prior experience with this game or tabletop games required.
All skill levels welcome.
One post a week is ideal, once a month is acceptable.
No set post length - just post what you feel is necessary to move things along. Neither constant one-liners nor endless text.


For over ten generations, you have fought for your freedom.

Confined to the tip of a barren peninsula, under constant siege, you have struggled to survive and grow. Your enemy view you as monsters, your neighbours as devils from their vision of hell. Your children must be raised as warriors, your lives spent in conflict.

All this for your faith. The essence of your struggle, the strength in your hearts, the thing which makes you righteous. All this for the blessing upon you, and the responsibility which accompanies it; to protect the mortals beneath you and spread the word of Vasnok.

You are of the Twilight Caste, the Savaan; those closest to God. Her power flows in your veins and you are honoured to hear the words of Her devas. You are warrior-priests and guardians of a solemn lineage, earned in trial and light.

In ancient times, She birthed you. In times of chaos and persecution, She guarded you with wings of night. In these troubled, embattled days, She prepares to take the mantle of Destroyer, and wipe this wicked world clean. Vasnok: The Living God, who struck down the architects of the world for their cruel tyranny and jealous anger, and in turn was cursed to live on the blood of her children.

Now you have been chosen, Her stalwart paladins and sanguine scholars, to undertake a special task in Her name that might change the destiny of your people and end the deicidal ambitions of your enemies.

Vasnok needs you; slip into your Living Armour, take up your khopesh, and bring the freedom of endless night to this ungrateful world.


Learn cool martial arts! Wear biotech power armour! Fight monsters worse than the vampires you worship!
We need, ideally:
3 Twilight Guard, the warrior-priests of Vasnok, Kromsian aristocracy, clad in biomagical power armour.
1 Twilight Surgeon, a member of the Savaan gifted with a shred of Vasnok's holy power, who cares for the bodies and weapons of their kin.
1 Shade of the Divine, keeper of their brethren, who has mastered the secret arts of murder and tends to the souls of their kin - and watches for any sign of treason or heresy.
When a player character is woken up:

Since it may also help:

Devil's advocate here but...

Playing as a Bandi, what sort of character personas do you envision for the cast?

Good question. In past, I've asked players to sketch out 3-5 evocative sentences describing fragmented memories of their Bandi, with impliations about who they were, or who they are at their core. Some of the game is based on self-discovery and self-definition from a relative blank slate.
The Soulcage your Bandi uses has some influence on what their persona might be, but in the past some of the personae players have rolled with include:
Enthusiastic, curious, and eager for teamwork, like an energetic scout type.
Thoughtful, ruthless, but content to follow allies.
Vicious and desperate to avenge some unclear wrong on whatever foes can serve as suitable surrogates.
Stoic but inventive, mainly interested in making and testing new weaponry or disassembling enemy tech for study.
Total mama bear, compulsively protective of anything that reads as 'child' but also a terrifying shapeshifting murder beast.

Really my preference is no one invested in omnicide, and minimal inclination to infighting at first.
It's totally fine with me if over time the group(s) fractures due to emerging ideological differences (non-intervention, conquest, manipulation, etc).

The Bandi don't quite know what to do without a mission and commander, so realizing you're allowed to decide for yourselves and then what you decide would, I hope, but a good early arc.

A example of what some of the character, eh, initial writeups were like other times I've run this:

Memory Fragments:
Attack ships on fire aff the shoulder of Orion, c-beams glittering in the dark.
Imperial banners scorched and holed, buried in piles of the dead, flapping in the breeze of an alien world.
The weeping face of a child and the solemn face of their parent, right before the looming claws of the autosurgeon descend.
It took twenty-one minutes for emergency services to arrive - I timed it to the second, headlights approaching through the night like radio signals from another star.
"4.6 billion souls and all the blood and dust of the world on your hands, my darling..."
Sorry to hear it, Fellsing. I hope things work out for you, and you're welcome back if you find yourself with the time and interest.
I had a really good idea.

Cold Hands is in the arena prison, arguably in the sorting for slavery.
Kontina is the only place where Necromancers don't get got for attempting true resurrection.
Most Vampires in the setting are 'natural'; no one is sure where they came from but they've been around for millennia.
When a Necromancer attempts resurrection, the result is a malformed, traumatically deranged Vampire.

So, hear me out - it might even be fun to start with this scene - Cold Hands is pitted against an Aberrant Vampire raised for a spectacle in the arena because they've mistaken her for one of the vampire-hunting monk orders.
Chwegwn is the only person who bets on her and when she wins (she has a secret weapon in this particular fight that even she doesn't know about, so I know she'd win with no dice fudging) he technically wins her indenture contract.
And presumably sets her free before she joins the crew.
Some unreliably narrated in-universe lore, to draw folks in:

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