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I tend to prefer breaking from canon to mainly come in the form of additional characters or changes to backgrounds rather than events which change the history of the whole region because that can dictate what anyone else willing to play a Stormlander house might be able to do.

That said I'm not dead set against it as the Stormlands are a pretty fractious 'kingdom' during the earlier Targaryen period. What might be better is rather than rival houses uprising against House Baratheon would be a rebellion of peasants combined with a particularly succesful Cornish raid? Maybe a new Vulture King of the Red Mountains. Just a thought.
An interest thread for this RP!: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/178117-asoiaf-before-the-dragons-danced/ooc

Some may remember in the distant annals of history that a group of us used to host Advanced ASOIAF/GoT games with a generally open approach to player action and collaboration. Well, with a substantial break and the last season of GoT running down, consider us out of retirement in this regard.

The RP is something of a blend of an open character based rp and a nation rp, with most players taking on houses or influential characters and their network of political and other such influence. Posts are generally from the point of view of characters rather than an 'overview' as a Nation RP might be. We're all big ASOIAF nerds who host this, so we like to take our guide from canon, but it's certainly not a canon game, players may be creative with their houses and characters, and the story may go a dramatically different direction.

The RP itself is set long before the books and the TV show, even prior to the Targaryen Civil War, the Dance of Dragons, which spelt the end of the reign of true Dragons in Westeros. For those interested in the period, there are several books dealing with this period of canon, such as 'The World of Ice and Fire' and 'Fire and Blood' from which the inspiration for this RP has formed.

Hope to see plenty of you 'in game' as it were :)
Before the Dragons Danced

Let Daemon play at war. It keeps him out of trouble.

—Viserys I Targaryen to his court

This is a game set in the world of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire fantasy series, as well as the short stories of the Hedge Knight, and most recently HBO's adaption series 'Game of Thrones'. Credit and thanks goes to Mr. Martin himself. And of course to those taking the time to participate.

While Canon is the starting point and basis for the RP, where we go from there is firmly 'Alternate Univerese.' While Lore characters at the beginning of the RP will be assumed to exist unless otherwise stated, other than Houses Targaryen, Velaryon and Hightower, players may choose to play more loosely with the characters which make up a house they decide to play as. Sticking closer to Canon is encouraged but not enforced. Likewise, many houses in this period famously had several prominent individuals influencing the Realm, often on differing sides, for that purpose, simply because someone has applied for a House, does not mean you cannot specifically apply for a certain character of that house and their sphere of influence.

This Game takes place in the year 111 AC, before the Tournament of King's Landing that will, historically, give the name to the two major factions in the Targaryen Civil War of the Dance of Dragons, the Greens and the Blacks. King Viserys I sits the Iron Throne of Westeros, while his brother, the infamous Daemon Targaryen rules the previous Pirate Stronghold of the Steptones as it's first 'King' fighting continual conflicts with The Kingdom of the Three Daughters and the Princedom of Dorne for domination of the critical Southern Sea trade routes. Their separation has allowed the wounds of their parting to settle, but rumour has it that Daemon grows tired of his paltry Kingdom of Sea and Stone.

IC Details

  • The game will take place in the year 111 AC
  • Many Noble Houses reside more permanently in the Capital than their personal fiefdoms. Partly due to the oppulance and success of Viserys I's reign, but also because of the growing need to court either his Wife or Daughter for political reasons.
  • Small Council seats open to PCs.
  • Don't worry about canons, but if you want, you can apply for one.
  • Daemon Targaryen has been held as a GM character for story reasons. Other Targaryens are open for application.
  • Dragons are very much alive and thriving. There are even non-Targaryen Dragon riders, although House Velaryon are currently the only example of this.
  • The chain of events following the beginning of the RP may differ dramatically from the lore, both from player action, and the path the GMs may take events in response.

OOC Details

  • The IC setting will take place well before the events of the series/show.
  • Consider this an Alternate Universe; canon is our starting off point, not our end point.
  • This is not a pure NRP. Think other PCs are your greatest threat? Just wait.
  • Advanced standards; collaborative storytelling at it's finest.
  • You're assumed to be an adult by submitting a character for this game; please act like one.
  • Applications may take a few days before a decision can be made. Generally, issues will be resolved over PMs.
  • Players are encouraged to play typically one-on-one scenarios, large battle scenarios, cloak-and-dagger scenarios, small plots and large plots. To be creative, and to interact with their fellow players on their own to plot is expected. Take the initiative.

Character Sheets

Please note: Apply for one character, or an entire House. Generally, players will either pick up a canon house or create their own house and roleplay with one or several members of it. This means each player is entitled to several characters per house. However, they do not all have to be members of said house by ties of blood. Instead, you can use several types of characters as points of views.

Naturally there are other options in the world of aSoIaF, such as Septons, hedge knights and sellswords, spies and spymasters, mercenaries and merchants from across the Narrow Sea, and many more. Additionally, as spots fill up or the need arises, players are allowed to play as more than one house or take over a fallen one. Get creative, don't be afraid to push a few boundaries.

Discord Link: discord.gg/eZE7puc

Corellia In Flames

Corellian Engineering Corporation. Orbital Dock X5-12

“That’s a sorry sight if I’ve ever seen one.”

The words received only a long sigh in response, as the two men gazed upon the sight before them. A Praetorian-Class frigate ‘listed’ in the bay before them. The sprawling orbital docks of Corellia surrounding the craft as smaller vessels darted between it and the docking platforms reaching out from the main bulk of the dock, like fingers enclosing around the space-faring craft. Even to the naked eye, and across the deceptively vast distances between their viewing station and the dormant craft, the battle damage to the frigate was obvious. Blackened scarring from barrages that had broken through shielding and crashed against the hull of the ship itself streaked across the orange-white plate of the Republic vessel. In places, gaping wounds denoted the great misfortune of cabins which had been vented into the void as the very walls of the ship had given way. As with many such Republic craft, it had been fortunate to escape at all.

Like ants crawling over a carcass, smaller craft danced across it, and a thousand tiny pinpricks of light betrayed the position of power torches getting to work. Slowly, steadily, the Docks of Corellia were putting the Republic fleet back together.

“Not half as sorry as the amount we’re all getting paid for this.” The shorter of the two men grumbled, leaning forwards on the railing which precipitated the dizzying drop down to the planet below, turning slowly on its axis.

His taller companion made a noise that was something like a sigh, something like a grunt, before replying; “You can blame the Sith for that, Republic’s hardly holding itself up after the War, and they need their fleet back in one piece if we want to hold them off a second time.”

“Maybe ‘we’ don’t need a Republic at all, is all I’ll say to that. Corellia made its own success once.”

“Yeah, a fair few thousand years ago maybe. There’s no independence in this galaxy anymore, and grumble all you might, I’ll take the Republic over an Empire any day.” The two men stood in silence after that for some time, continuing to watch the repair works as their conversation reached an impasse. When they steadily drifted apart, it was with a finality that neither could anticipate.



“Colonel Malcom.” The blue-sheen presentation of the wizened Republic commander flickered on the hand-held transmitter. State-of-the art though it may have been, the small size and vast distances between them caused the odd graphical glitch all the same.

“Havoc Five, you had a matter to report?” The Colonel’s response was tense, none within Republic Command with any level of intelligence expected good news out of Corellia right now, for one of their best on-the-ground teams to be emergency reporting from the ground itself, was hardly going to be a call of ‘all’s well.’

“It’s happening Colonel, they’re pushing Secession through the Council. It’s unlikely to pass, my guy tells me it’s a statement play.” The Republic trooper stood upon a balcony jutting out from the Corellian Council Hall. The telltale white and orange plate of his armour hiding his identity, only the Havoc decal to the right side of his helm presented any true sign of identification.

“Be on guard Havoc, it might not seem it, but I’m sure the Sith are behind this sudden prominence, keep and eye on the Counci-” The communication network suddenly stuttered and died for the moment, the device working over time to attach itself to a new network, but it’s user was no longer interested in finishing his report, as he eyes drew skyward.

The sky was on fire.


Corellian Engineering Corporation. Orbital Dock X5-12

Explosions ripped through the orbitals, shuttle craft and workers alike scrambling to avoid the sudden surge of heat and energy blossoming from various sources. It had seemed an accident at first, one of the Praetorian-Class Frigates had gone up after a detonation within it’s engine core, at first seemingly the result of damage sustained in the fighting of the war that had gone unchecked. But then another Frigate had gone up in flames, then another, and another.

Several craft had simply crashed into their docking space, annihilating smaller craft and walkways with a touch, before embedding themselves deeper and deeper into the hive-like hulls of the Corp Mechanical stations.

It was then that the announcements came.

“Sons and Daughters of Corellia! The time has come, throw off your chains! We reject the hegemony of the Republic and it’s pawns, The Engineering Corporation and the Council! It is time for Corellia to stand strong, without the leeches of the Galactic Senate! Free Corellia!”

It blasted over the alert systems, on every channel, drowning out the sounds of alarms, warnings, and incoming communications. Among the workers, while many scrambled for cover, others took up the arms of their trade, getting to work on reaching those Republic vessels at dock which had not yet been sabotaged.

As the riot and damage spread across Orbital Dock X5-12, other pinpricks of light sparked in space. Fires leaping across the other Docks. Not in such magnitude, nor such coordination, but as word spread of the X5-12 uprising, the spirit caught across the other docks. It was not long before similar pinpricks of light could be noted on the surface of the world below.


Roughly at the same time, above Kashyyyk.

The observation deck of the Chirikyât—a Harrower-class dreadnought—was silent. Only one person was there at the present and like so many other Sith, she wore dark robes. She was Darth Theya Katherion, and she was smiling as she read the report from one of her agents on Corellia. Everything was moving according to the schedule.

She did not need to do anything for now. It was clear that the situation was perfectly under control. She put the report aside, then turned back to what she had been doing before. A dozen transport ships and a number of other warships were also in orbit above the green planet, though many sections of its surface were obscured now, some by clouds, others by smoke. Countless shuttles moved up from and down to the surface, loading up the cargo holds on the transports. Some with raw materials, others with slaves destined for work camps deep within the Empire.

Everything was as it should be. Except for the fact that the Jedi Order still existed, but that error would be dealt with eventually. But for now, few direct actions could be taken, on account of the treaty. Fortunately—she smiled to herself at the thought—there were many indirect options, like those currently being deployed on Corellia.
Greetings and welcome to the first main plot thread of the PW!

This is a thread to collate any and all actions revolving around the building Civil Disaster on Corellia, a political and civilian rejection of the Republic and its rule of the planet that is widespread across Corellia and its Orbital stations.

Any and all Characters accepted to the PW are able to become involved (Certain characters such as those hailing from the Sith Empire will need to be covert or face reprisal from their own political systems), but jump ins and temporary characters are also possible. Jump In characters cannot be force users and are generally of low influence, but if you feel like simply playing someone caught up in the conflict nothing is stopping you jumping in. To take part as an accepted PW character simply repost your sheet to the character tab.

The other option for getting involved is to create a character specific to Corellia In Flames using the sheet below. These can be Characters involved in Corellian politics, Cor-Sec, the Correllian Independence movement or other such groups specific to the conflict. If you are playing a Corellia In Flames specific character and wish to carry on using them after this RP Plotline concludes, you are welcome to then fill them out as a full PW character.

Taking part in Corellia In Flames provides you the opportunity to have GM driven content, whether that be interacting with GM NPCs or having events thrown at you by the GMs. Most importantly, it gives you, as players, a very real way to influence the fate of the Persistent Galaxy as we move through the Galactic Cold War.

I've checked through it. Nothing 'wrong' that I've caught so I'm happy to accept it myself :)

Just have to wait for one more GM to approve.
I see the things.

I like

I approve.
Bing Bing.
Stamp of Approval.
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