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Have a stamp of approval you evil Sith.
I'm not an expert on our powers system, but, everything else looks awesome to me and I don't expect problems with the first.

Lets go! Stamp of Approval for The Republic!
Just need one more and you're good to go.
If you like warhammer, politics, nobility and giant robot suits, you might enjoy this.


Virtue in the Void

A Knight's Tale

In the grim darkness of the far future, there are motes of Light. Many worlds of humanity's sprawling starbound empire are shielded by the heroic virtue and unmatched skill of the Questor Imperialis, The Imperial Knights. Each Knight suit is a wonder of humanity's distant past, a technological masterpiece of a forgotten age. Pilots bind with their machines and, through misunderstood archeotech, the spirits of all previous riders of their Knightly war machine, destined to one day withdraw permanently into the machine themselves.

Most Imperial Knights are organised in Houses, very much akin to the Feudal System of Terra's even further flung past, except steed and lance has been replaced with war suit and weaponry that can sunder the very earth itself. Rather than petty fiefdoms they rule continents, worlds and systems, all in the name of the distant light of the Emperor.

House Pendraig is one of the foremost of these Knightly Houses, ruling a vast stellar realm in the name of Holy Terra. There are countless tales of the bravery and ability of these knights, clad in their signature ermine and red, fending off the foes of humanity and wresting victory from the jaws of defeat. They are not, however, one house alone. Their realm of Camlann spans many systems and worlds and from each are drawn lesser Knightly Houses, long lines of nobility (or lack there of) who, when afield, fight under the banner and colours of their surezin lords.

With the turn of each generation, new hopefuls from House Pendraig and their vassal houses gather, the scions of long generations of Knightly 'riders' or the victors of their own local customs, each seeking to claim a place among the Questoris of Camlann, fighting under their own colours, and when called upon, in Ermine and Red.


As alluded to above, the players will take on the role of new aspirants from across Camlann, seeking to prove themselves as worthy members of their respective Knightly Households. While I will be writing up some sample worlds from which players may draw themselves from, it's ultimately up to each player what sort of world they originated from, and by what process they could have been chosen to represent their world in this ceremony.

The RP will begin with the general festivities and politicing of Imperial Nobles, before diving into the trials that the players will undergo to prove themselves as Knights. Once that particular storyline has been wrapped up, we will then likely proceed to a timeskip, where I will privately determine, alongside each player, how the intervening years have progressed for their character. The rp will then resume as the characters, once young aspirants now (probably) pilots of their own Knightly suits, are called upon to return to Camlann.

Character Sheet

Appearance: (Picture/Art if you want, but I'd also like at least a few lines as well. Please no Anime)

Character sheets should be posted here in the OOC or PM'd to me, and then into the Character Tab when accepted.

The Knights of Pendraig Ride Forth

-Artwork by Biareos
Maybe this is a little bit of bias because I came into this (and designed my character) around the idea of having us be low powered, but I'm not exactly pleased at the moment. I'll stay, but I want my voice to have been thrown into the ring.

That's a very reasonable concern, I normally find myself playing the 'average joe' of most 40k casts of rp'ers. I personally find some amount of fun in that, but admittedly it can be bothersome to feel left behind. If it helps, the dark eldar are very much there to help with the general plot, as I know Bloodrose very well. That being said, I still wouldn't put them as more powerful than an Astartes in most situations. I personally think you will have plenty of opportunities to play to your character's strengths, it may be a warhammer rp, but it's not just about who can swing the biggest stick, not even remotely.

Dark Eldar aren't incapable of being psykers. All Eldar are still innate psykers, the ability of Dark Eldar to manipulate their psychic potential has atrophied over thousands of years of negligence and culling, but, their ability to 'feed' off the pain and suffering of others is still only possible 'because' the entire eldar race has 'some' potential. The sheet answers why she wasn't murdered at birth because she wasn't born in the dark city, she was born as an exile, and the Drukhari's realspace/minor webway ports make the Dark City look like a bastion of law and order. I do specifically mention this a few times in the sheet.

Secondly. Dark Eldar have a fairly well-established history of fighting alongside all sorts, there are both Dark Heresy and Black Crusade official adventures which feature them. It's not that they enjoy doing it, or are unaware of the risks, it's that a combination of greed, a need to survive, and ambition push them to do so. That and there are specific unrevealed plot points which they are working towards, but that would be spoilers.

I do hope that clears things up, if you require me to cite sources, I can.

Inevitable is a strong word. When the spindling lines of fate coalesce into one immutable path. The anathema of Chaos and all its glorious mind-bending change.

Yet still, some fates are inevitable. No amount of effort could save the shuttle once the missile had struck home, the damage done and the craft sent into a cataclysmic dance through the sky from which it could not recover. The time between the initial strike and the impact providing those on board simply with time to prepare themselves for the coming impact.

The small voidcraft crashed into the archaic ruins of the old city as a comet of smoke, fire and metal. A hab block older than the civil war which had doomed the planet practically collapsed into dust as the shuttle shot through it, pulling back the craft's momentum by only a fraction. A moment later, and the shuttle struck the 'ground' level before ploughing through, shuddering through a ravine of man made construction and into the depths of what had been the Old City's lower levels.

To call it a rough ride would be something of an understatement, but the crew compartments remained intact, preventing the would be treasure hunters from immediate conflagration. As the emergency systems finally wrenched the exits open, a new threat soon began to materialise. A chittering, swarming movement in the dark, only the barest of light reaching down into this new underdark. A laughter of excitement broke out among the mutants gathering towards the downed craft and it was not long before the boldest of their number began to swarm towards the craft. Food and loot for the impoverished hordes.

As the tide of violent, unwashed, death approached the stricken craft and the survivors of the crash, a new noise began to echo over the growls and whoops of the approaching mutants. The building scream of jets bounced from shattered wall to shattered wall. Even to the untrained ear the noise was distinct, clearly artificial yet of a purity of purpose the engineering of the Imperium could not match. Terror shuddering across the air.

With a concussive wave of displaced force, a pair of jetbikes burst into the cavernous space of this particular branch of the Old City. Bathed in darkness, they skimmed across the tide of mutants. The bikes banked once, around the shattered shuttle, before pulling up. A sharp hiss heralded a rain of disk-like motes of light from the new arrivals, and where this rain fell among the crowd of mutated freaks, they fell and died from a thousand bleeding wounds.
I'm working on a post that will both introduce the edgy space elves and ramp up the danger for the PCs (essentially a creative collab between myself and Bloodrose, part GM post part my post). But I just wanted to give people time to write a post to react to the crash.

I'll have it up tomorrow regardless of is there are more posts though. In the meantime, if you've yet to post feel free to write some of the mutants beginning to attack you as a character, as that's what's coming next.

Nice, posted up.

Hit me up when it's convenient for us to discuss them showing up.
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