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Aaaaaaand here they are!

I accept you both, huzzah.

Cereiella Faewyld - Cara Fennic

Age: 19/19
Species: Sidhe Changeling
Court: Seelie
House: Eiluned
Legacies: Regent/Rake
Powers/Skill: As one of the Sidhe, returned from the Dreaming in recent years, Cara boasts the typical powers of Fae nobility in the form of the Soverign arts, able to inspire, or force, loyalty and protocol in both kithe and others beyond. Something of a taboo among Changeling society since the civil wars which set Noble against Commoner, they are not powers she relies on, nor does she take pleasure in using. Of far greater enjoyment to the capricious noble is her skill in chicanery, the befuddlement and manipulation of others in a far less direct means. Deemed a little beneath the nobility by others of her kind, she has mastered this art none the less above all others. Finally, as befits a Noble seeking to establish far-flung freehold, Cara possesses some skill in the art of Wayfaring, able to travel the Trods of her people, across the world and into the Dreaming.
Appearance: Cara Fennic stands as a human being of great poise, silver-white hair that would drape down her back often tightly styled and maintained. Her grey-white eyes are surprisingly emotive for such a cold colour, although when tested or displeased her focus often becomes unbreaking, the guise of joviality she wears to temper her frost stripped away. She is athletic of build, with a modest, if not waifish, hourglass figure with not quite enough height to be average in length. Her attired ranges from expensive workout gear to bright and eccentric evening gowns, although she certainly has a taste for the expensive. Whatever the case may be, whether it is in accessories or makeup, there is always a dash of purple about her.


Cara has always had her differences with her fellow Sidhe of the Eiluned Household. While her kind are usually haughty in the extreme, reserved, and focused on the higher arts, Cara feels a deep sense of caring for the world and its people, both Kithe and otherwise. Born into the post-Evavesence world of Chaos, Bedlam and Banality, she has an affection for commoner kithe and humanity which borders on the rebellious tenants of the Shadow Court and more positive Unseelie teachings. Topping all of these, is a sense of wanderlust and exploration, to explore the Trods, to find new experiences and delve deeply into the Dreaming, while never losing her footing back on the mortal realm.

None of this is to say she entirely lacks the superior nature of the Arcadian Sithe, she has, of course, grown up (both as a human and a kithe) in great privilege and taught to wield all aspects of her being as weapons of charm, wit and intrigue. She is supremely self-confident, bordering on foolhardy bravery and a sense of self-invincibility and particularly when her Unseelie nature draws dominant, willing to pursue her whims and desire whatever the cost may be. Her love and affection does not mean she fails to understand the simple truth of reality that the Arcadian Sidhe are born to rule, and she is among them.


When the events of the Evanescence took place, bringing yet more Arcadian Sidhe back into the Mortal Realm from the dreaming, they too had to begin shielding their Fae souls from the dangers of Banality within mortal guises. Many were older Fae, taking host-forms without developing the attachments a Kithe generally has for their human body. This was not the case for the nascent Sidhe brought along with the elders, as was the case of Cereiella, one of the first Arcadian Sithe of this new generation to be born and fostered with humanity, as the Changelings are. Befitting of noble of her household, Cereiella's soul was placed in the child of East Coast Billionaires, their fortunes made in shipping long ago, now reinvested into the technology age. As with many of her kind, Cereiella (known as Cara in her human guise) underwent a chrysalis very young, the sheltered nature of her life encouraging the Glamour within her, and she was still a child when she was first allowed to renter the Seelie Court. Here she learned of her event greater privilege and the world of wonders open to her. Still, while her human parents may have been extraordinarily wealthy and doted on her, her family had been large and enough effort was made for her to appreciate her life and those less fortunate that she did not take as wholeheartedly to the regimented life of court. That and her fondness of Childish mischief bled into her mastery of glamour. Unlike her peers she did not simply seek to understand the greater mysteries of the world and the Dreaming, she wished to experience them, and to play a fair few pranks along the way.

The young Changeling was charming enough however that this slight alteration from the behaviour expected of her was treated as a quirk of her personality, an eccentricity that made her company all the more enticing, rather than a scandal to be crushed. Her willingness to discover herself was even useful for the Household. While Commoner Retainers are more than capable, sometimes it is useful to have one of the Sidhe in location to guide matters. In her human life, Cara prepared the means for her to be able to delve into these long trips of discovery, while maintaining the lifestyle to which she was accustom. The young woman, supported by her family contacts, started out as an actress and model, the former predominantly in matters of theatre, the glamour in her voice now doubt pushing her performances well into the higher tier of what is possible for humankind. As her mortal career began to ascend, this coincided with the opportunity of a true quest she had been looking for. Some time following the Evanescence, a dark mirror occurred, far more localised, but all-encompassing. The human city known as Los Angeles was beset with a surge of Banality, a font of disbelief so strong it banished all Changelings from the city and shattered their Freeholds, only the greatest remaining in their dormant state, the life of their glamour flickering low. As with any strike of Banality, the eradication of the Changelings likewise clouded their memory within the minds of other Changelings. All that remained was the pang of loss. When the human Cara Fennic was offered her first role in Hollywood, Cereiella leapt at the opportunity. She would venture to the land gripped by Banality, restore the Freeholds and recover the lost Changelings. She would restore Los Angeles to glamour, surely the youngest Changeling to ever undertake such a task since High King David united the Commoners and Nobility once more.


Several Commoner Changelings who have travelled with her to restore the LA Freeholds.
To be written.

The Final Nights close in, the time of Ending draws ever sooner. Yet the Lights must always stay on, the music must always play.

Clinging to the Pacific, to the Sunset Coast, Los Angeles has unknowingly sat at the heart of a great experiment for its entire modern history. The Anarch Free State holds 'barely' to unlife as the self-described last home of all free Kindred, fending off efforts from the other Vampiric factions of the world to snuff out its bright, but short in Vampire terms, existence. Vampires, the Kindred, have walked among humanity since the dawn of Civilisation, but rarely since the earliest days have Kindred held sway over the beating heart of human culture as they have from the City of Angels.

Vampires are not alone in the Darkness, however, other beings, malignant and otherwise, stalk the darkness of the Final Nights. The prophesied end of days, the year 2000, never came, and the world has remained ticking along two decades later, but the fragile bonds are showing the strain. Even as the Anarchs watch their Camarilla and Sabbat cousins with growing paranoia, a far more ancient foe of all Kindred has begun to hunt the hunters, staking them up for the Light of Day to expose their sins, if there is even enough left of them to stake up at all.

As all Kindred, all beings know, chaos is a ladder, and for the first time in many years the Throne of Los Angeles seems within reach.

Hi there and thanks for reading! The above is a basic plot introduction for a World of Darkness game centred on Los Angeles during the current year. The world did not, as it happened, end in the year 2000 as many within the setting believed. This game ultimately centers around the Kindred (Vampires) of the setting but players are more than capable of creating other characters, be they ghouls, humans or other such unrelated, directly, to the Kindred. This is a largely 'open world' game within the setting of LA with a unifying threat and storyline. Expect both Garou (Werewolves) and very ancient vampires to play a part in this.

A general disclaimer as with any World of Darkness game is that game 'canon' is ultimately flexible and is more reliant on what the GMs believe suits the story. Part of the great joy of the setting is it's flexibility and that will certainly come through in this game. That said, 'canon' characters or variant of them are certainly open for players to pick up, just discuss it with me first.

Other such rules include an appreciation for the character of the rp, while it is freeform, there is an over reaching plot and a theme. We're talking clandestine creatures and beings of the supernatural in a grim reflection of our own reality, not unstoppable beings of ancient darkness free from all consequences. If you have any questions about that, feel free to pose them here or in our discord.

Character Sheet
Age; (actual/appearance)
Species: (Kindred, human, werewolf, kuei-jin etc)
Powers/Skill: (Including Disciplines/Equivalents for other gamelines)
Generation: (If Kindred, or other gameline power ranking)
Appearance: (Preferably a picture, can have written description as well)
Personality: (Just a paragraph or so about how they usually conduct themselves)
Biography: (A few paragraphs, or more, major events and the like)
NPCs: (Any well fleshed out characters you will likely control, feel free to do micro sheets for them).

Character Sheets should be posted in the OOC or DM'd to me, then placed in the character tab when accepted.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/fkGBmZ9
Hi folks as I've had enough interest shown I'm going to start working on an OOC.

In the meantime, hit me up in our new shiny discord server: discord.gg/3gaf9HG
Already wrote up a char, baby.

Look at your Mr Fancy Pants.

Greetings one and all, to a forray into the World of Darkness, into the Final Nights, The Twilight Before The End.

Clinging to the Pacific, to the Sunset Coast, Los Angeles has unknowingly sat at the heart of a great experiment for its entire modern history. The Anarch Free State holds 'barely' to unlife as the self-described last home of all free Kindred, fending off efforts from the other Vampiric factions of the world to snuff out its bright, but short in Vampire terms, existence. Vampires, the Kindred, have walked among humanity since the dawn of Civilisation, but rarely since the earliest days have Kindred held sway over the beating heart of human culture as they have from the City of Angels.

Vampires are not alone in the Darkness, however, other beings, malignant and otherwise, stalk the darkness of the Final Nights. The prophesied end of days, the year 2000, never came, and the world has remained ticking along two decades later, but the fragile bonds are showing the strain. Even as the Anarchs watch their Camarilla and Sabbat cousins with growing paranoia, a far more ancient foe of all Kindred has begun to hunt the hunters, staking them up for the Light of Day to expose their sins, if there is even enough left of them to stake up at all.

As all Kindred, all beings know, chaos is a ladder, and for the first time in many years the Throne of Los Angeles seems within reach.


Hi there and thanks for reading! The above is a basic plot introduction for a World of Darkness game centred on Los Angeles during the current year. The world did not, as it happened, end in the year 2000 as many within the setting believed. This game ultimately centers around the Kindred (Vampires) of the setting but players are more than capable of creating other characters, be they ghouls, humans or other such unrelated, directly, to the Kindred. This is a largely 'open world' game within the setting of LA with a unifying threat and storyline. Expect both Garou (Werewolves) and very ancient vampires to play a part in this.

A general disclaimer as with any World of Darkness game is that game 'canon' is ultimately flexible and is more reliant on what the GMs believe suits the story. Part of the great joy of the setting is it's flexibility and that will certainly come through in this game. That said, 'canon' characters or variant of them are certainly open for players to pick up, just discuss it with me first!
Daniel had already been on edge, wired up for what he presumed was a first mission entirely different from most 'first missions.' Even those with a relatively average understanding of the working of Vought knew plenty of the action was staged, perfectly controlled as much as possible to present the Supers and Vought in the best possible light, especially for new team launches. The presence of control could still be felt, but the tension was far more than the usual over 'good optics.' He didn't need to be told this, but Flux's impatience even in his presence, the tug of his clothing, was enough to enforce it. He followed a step behind her, returning to the group. Rather than be dragged into the building tension between the others, his eyes remained set on the door, watching for the eventually arrival as the wild emotions of the group washed over him, in contrast to the assorted wills of iron he could feel gravitating around them. Iron stained with contempt, not that he could blame them.

He shut his eyes for a few moments, trying to push away the escalating emotions of his team as zero hour approached. Daniel drifted in the details of their thoughts, picking out small motes of interest to distract from the tiresome cascade of their anger, grievances. It has always intrigued him how they had all internalised their 'hero' names, even Flux. Yet still when he thought of himself had remained Daniel. He wondered how long that would last. This moment of reflection was enough to rebuild the barriers of his mind, and focus on the real task of living.

"Enough, Nocturne, pissing off the one of us responsible for our shie-" Daniel was in the process of wading into the confrontation before the buzzer blew. A long harsh note calling for the door to be attended to, followed shortly by a familiar, if not always welcome, voice.

"Evenings kiddos, it's Mark, with you in a moment." Mark was the most Vought individual Daniel had ever met. Every inch of him was corporate perfection and the best part was, hardly any of it was artificial. Good looking in the All American sort of way, blonde hair, blue eyes, just about tapering off into the start of middle age. Presentation was always key with Mark, even when deliberately appearing casual having scheduled personal meetings with the members of the Reserve, it had been casual, but designer. So when Mark made his way through the front door dressed in a well tailored but unremarkable grey suit, every factor that had been warning Daniel of impending danger blared a note higher. Daniel could feel the pressure on Mark as well, although there was a smooth confidence behind that. For all Mark's character flaws, and Daniel was sure there were many as with all corporate shills, he at least had faith in the team to complete the task. That, or he was confident if they failed, they'd do so in a way which covered Mark's ass.

"It's a little below my pay grade these days, but after all I've done, I thought I could at least be your ride." Mark flashed his winning smile at the team, snapping a driving glove into place over his right hand. "The SUV is waiting, you can asks questions on the way." His tone suggested that there wouldn't be an awful lot of questions, before he was already turning to walk back to the elevator, and then down onwards to their ride.

The vehicle was as promised, an SUV. Pitch black and solid, the Ford logo the only note of colour to interrupt the black and silver. It was a car built to take a hit, but disguised beneath luxury fashion, like so much of Vought. It wouldn't look out of place arriving at a party in Hollywood, nor as a private security escort. The car clicked as it was unlocked, no one note horn blast.

"Now, kids, I won't lie to you, this is a big task, this is why Vought has put more into you than any new startup since the Seven." Mark spoke the moment he was sitting down, going through the motions of controlling the vehicle with a touch that suggested it was more than just vanity that had put him in his role for the evening. Daniel had to reevaluate him for a moment. Clearly more than just a branding expert. "There are international implications, which, is why you may notice a little oversight. Nobody wants the Chinese keeping what they have and getting it out of the country, and while Vought believes in you all greatly, not everyone has the same confidence." Armory was already only paying half attention, the lashing of praise and importance in Marks words were enough to distract Nocturne and Thermite.

"What is it exactly? It can't just be a knock off surely?" Daniel spoke up, although his eyes remained on the road rather than turning to focus on Mark, his thoughts preparing for the action ahead. Violence always made his head crowded.

"Not in the sense we usually mean it, no. I've not been made aware of the specifics, but the Chinses are attempting to reverse engineer something the Pentagon has put a lot of money into, and both the US and it's allies can ill afford for them to succeed." The worst part for Daniel was the lack of deception leeching from Mark. He truly didn't know.


“I don’t get your fucking problem, Danny, seems like Vought set you up pretty nice to me.”

“Daniel, or Dan.”

“Yeah? You damn well let the girls call you that.”

“Yes, well, unless you’re offering to bend over, Armory, there’s a pretty key distinction there.”

It wasn’t the smartest thing to say, but the flare of frustration and anger from the other man was well worth it. Daniel had spent his life carefully manipulating men like Armory, but too long in his company and the inevitable fallout of recent events had driven his patience beyond that. If Daniel wanted to pull someone’s strings, he could really pull them.

“Shut the fuck up, and stop listening to that bitch, she’s going ruin this thing for the lot of us.” Armory growled, finishing lacing up one boot as they both prepared for the impending task at hand. Their first ‘real’ gig. Daniel didn’t even have to look up to guess what was going on. He felt the easing, if not fading, of Armory’s sense of anger, replaced by a sudden surge of lust.

“Nocturne.” Daniel spoke, before looking up, the figure of one of two female team members standing behind Armory, one hand draped lazily on his shoulder, although her eyes with very much on him, a studious look to her features. Judging by the sudden change in Armory’s tempremeant, she had only just made herself visible. Normally he did a good job of hiding his sixth sense from the others, but the impending mission was putting him on edge.

“Cortex, looking sharp. The uniform suits you.” Her voice was almost a purr as she studied hum further, her hand upon Armory lazily stroking back and forth. Judging by his own appreciation of Armory’s ‘true thoughts’ he was experiencing, she had him well and truly played. “It’s a shame you’re both not more on board.” Her use of his ‘Vought’ name was telling, she wasn’t playing at the moment.

“They’ve going to screw it for the rest of us.” Their honoured team leader exhaled with frustration to cap her point, his attention once again fixing on Daniel. “You were supposed to bring her under control.”

“She’s a person, not a prop, no matter how you’d prefer her.” Daniel answered simply, holding both hands up, before he made to stand, rolling his shoulders as he adjusted to their mission equipment. It had been sudden, setting them up out of a new location, equipment arriving shortly after, and a message to simply wait. This was not the high glamour of the Supes everyone saw each and every day, this was something far more serious.

His mind was suddenly struck with a considerable number of ‘minds’ inbound, serious, aggressive, but not entirely hostile, minds. It was a force of will not to react visibly, although, he was thankfully given an out quickly.
“There’s a van on its way.” Themite’s grating voice called out across the room as he stood back from a window, allowing the blind to close. He turned, his usual snear of an expression falling on Daniel before, as ever, his gaze deferred to Armory.

“Get Flux, make sure she’s ready.” Armory barked to Daniel, before reiterating; “Actually ready.”

“On it, Boss
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