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5 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
5 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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5 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
5 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
5 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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The Boss battles almost never fail to impress.

The only boss fights that I genuinely enjoyed were the 1v1s and like the optional Behemoth. The bosses all being slaves to phases might've made them more 'cinematic' or whatever but it sure as shit didn't make them fun to fight.

To each their own, though.

I started really high on the game then around chapter 5 I was starting to track downward then chapter 9 sucked so much that I just wanted the pain to end. FF7 Remake is like a 30 hour game that still manages to have pacing problems and obvious padding which is an impressive feat in a game whose map design is a series of corridors and square rooms.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake's last chapter literally ruins the entire game holy shit why does Square let Tetsuya Nomura anywhere near their games.
Final Fantasy 7 Remake is basically Final Fantasy 13 but with characters and a world people give a shit about.
Ain't no gettin' off'a this train we're on
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

So knowing things about what might make a character more interesting is bad? Got it.

I guarantee the most interesting characters across whatever fiction medium you prefer are the ones where you can't arbitrarily list out five likes, five dislikes, and five quirks. What makes a character interesting isn't the things they don't like and the things they do like. What makes a character interesting are their flaws, their actions, their deeds, how the evolve and grow, how they react to the situations they face.

One of my favorite characters I can only think of three things he 'likes' and one thing he 'dislikes': backgammon, hunting, and board games being the former and people telling him what he can't do the latter. None of those things are what makes him interesting or compelling and they tell you nothing about him as a character.

Think of any character you like and try to make them a character sheet. You might find that it's harder than you think to distill "likes, dislikes, and hobbies" down to anything other than something they did, like, once ever.

The thing about a section like that is that, especially in SoL RPs, it's grounded a bit more in reality and you can really like Big Macs, but you're probably not going to eat Big Macs every single day and you liking Big Macs isn't something you would tell people about in normal conversaton. "Hey, my name is Timmy Jones, I'm seventeen years old and male, I'm completely heterosexual, and I like Big Macs but I dislike Whoppers, let's be friends."

Yes, people and by association characters have things that they enjoy and things they don't. I fucking hate lobster but I love shrimp. I wouldn't say that I like seafood or dislike it. But that factoid doesn't make me any more or less interesting as a person, it would just suggest that I wouldn't suggest going to Red Lobster for dinner or something. The things you like don't define who you are, why should that be the case for characters you create?

You don't need to surface your character's hobbies and likes and dislikes or whatever in a character sheet. That's what RP is for, but even then at most all that's going to do is add a line of dialog or thought where a character expresses their opinion/reservations/whatever and that's all you really need. No character is more interesting because they like one genre of music over another genre of music or they like spicy food instead of sweet food and if someone pulls the "they like this thing because it reminds them of their dead parents" card or whatever then the interesting fact there is their response to the death of their parents and not the fact that they like something specifically.
This has my curiosity
In Shelter 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


As far as Elliot was aware there wasn't any de facto 'leader' of the group; they hadn't even been in the situation for a full day it was a bit early to start acting like it was Lord of the Flies. By all accounts, Elliot could've gone to her locker without telling them and doubled back to rejoin the group en route to the cafeteria but all that would accomplish was making her appear selfish while also risking her own well being. Right now, there needed to be trust and a good first step to building that trust was keeping the group as it was informed of her plan, no matter how much they might not have wanted to go for it. It was bad enough some people thought they were better off holing up in the teacher's lounge but that was their choice.

"A little over halfway down the hall." Elliot answered with a simple estimation. How many students really kept track of the exact location of their lockers? It was always just 'close to the math room' or 'near my English class' or whatever. What was important was the number and the combination, not really the location. In Elliot's case her locker was near enough to the room where she took math and it was where she always stopped at before lunch. It had never seemed for far away before now.

"It's out of the way of our cafeteria goal, but I might not get another chance, you know? It's why I'm not asking anyone to go with me. One person can run faster than a group if something goes wrong, right?" Elliot was doing her best to keep her optimism up. Did anyone really know what they were dealing with, truly? No one knew if anywhere was fully safe, but standing around talking about a locker was taking up valuable time. They were in the open, exposed, and in some cases afraid, it wasn't a good situation. The last thing Elliot wanted was to make it worse. "Just figured I'd let you guys know. Just in case."
I'm game
"Should likes/dislikes, hobbies, fears, etc. be included/required in a character sheet?

Absolutely not. The only time 'fears' should be in a character sheet is if the RP is horror-themed around someone's fears or whatever. Too many times character sheets have useless stuff like '5 likes, 5 dislikes, 5 quirks, hobbies, aspirations, hopes, dreams, bank account, social security number' and it sucks. A character isn't any more or less defined by putting down 'they chew on their eraser when doing math problems' on a sheet especially when you can integrate literally every aspect of those sections in a post itself. Character sheets don't need to be autobiographies of a character, especially when it's a character that is newly created. I've been in dozens of SoL RPs and not once has the likes/dislikes/quirks/hobbies played a factor into anything other than padding out a sheet that was already a bit too long anyway.

Maybe I'm old fashioned but there's only about five things you really need for any given character sheet:

-Appearance (Either a pic reference or written out I don't give a shit; if your sheet has appearance and then a section for 'style' then fuck off, just describe the outfit in a post or something jesus)

And by summary I mean like two sentences to make your character intriguing enough to want people to know more. You can take any fictional character and describe them adequately in two sentences, you can do the same for an RP character. I don't need to know the life story in the character sheet. Yes, it's great that you've thought about your character enough to write pages of lore about them, but don't dump it all on the table before the RP starts.

You don't need stuff like a character's sexuality since nine times out of ten that exists solely for the purposes of quick shipping, you don't need their hobbies or habits or quirks because then people just don't do anything with them in the RP, you don't need half the stuff in any given character sheet. More often than not, overly lengthy sheets feel more like a way of vetting people based solely on length rather than content. Like a job application in other words.

There are exceptions based on genre, sure, but even in your fandom/battle/anime/isekai/superhero/whatever the shit RPs you don't need a fucking tome to explain that your character knows how to use a fucking fireball. It's okay to have a light character sheet, it doesn't make someone a lesser RPer; conversely someone filling out a long sheet doesn't make them better at RP than others. There's a stigma around it for some reason but sometimes less really is more.
I told myself I wasn't gonna get Persona 5 Royal because I played Persona 5 already but I'm only human and did it anyway. It's easier than vanilla and also they made it way easier to make money (even without the skill to rob enemies), the only downside is that it's in Mementos and that's still fucking Mementos.
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