Avatar of Fabricant451


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5 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
5 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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5 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
5 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
5 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

Most Recent Posts

What's that saying about a shoe
On the upside, Roleplaying discussion forum hasn't been this active in a long time.

The monkey's paw curls another finger
<Snipped quote by Bluetommy>

When you need ten people to circle jerk against one person.

You're not winning.

When you can't accurately defend against the comments of others and resort to cherry picking while maintaining the pompous attitude because you think it makes you anything other than an inexplicably confident asshole...

You're not winning.
Also, some of those very people told me how great my reviews were, and how my posts belonged on R/MurderedByWords.

Ah yes the most objective measure of quality. If your post belongs on Reddit you're an expert in the field. I only trust things if someone has posted on r/AmITheAsshole
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Unlike everyone else on the original topic they avoided, I usually do tell it like it is. In that I'm not just spewing attacks to feed my ego.

We're not trying to get the topic closed, pal. Gotta pull the punches.

So...what everyone else is doing right now?

Yes, that's the joke. It's way funnier now.
And truthfully, writers are often the worst at judging their own merits. For better or for worse.

Boy tell me about it.

Uh...no. No, I didn't do that. That was the other person.

What the fuck ever you know what I meant. Point still stands since you can't tell me what makes an objectively quality story.

Is this a "your an idiot" kind of ironic example of making the very same mistake within a critique? Where you meant, "I disagreed that there's subjectivity to quality? If so, that's still not correct. I conceded on a personal level, the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

It's 'you're'. As a writer I would expect you to know this.

Also, from the very moment that this was posted, this already had the issue of being dated. (Because I've posted so much now, that I can't honestly tell which one that you're describing. (INB4, lul them all.)

Yes that's the joke. It's way funnier now.

But duly noted, regardless. I did my best to make my reply's of "you're an asshole, because I thought so." a little more...substantive let's say.

Hey man I would respect you or anyone way way way more if they just came out and called someone an asshole instead of getting into pissing contests.

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Subjective opinion and objective quality are two different things.

You are conflating the two by strawmanning my position.

And not to steal from Jim Sterling. But, There is no "perfect story". There are only "perfect stories". So my answer depends on what you're looking for, now doesn't it?

I'm not strawmanning anything. You disagreed that there was an objective quality to story telling. You cannot provide any example of the objective best way to tell a story because it doesn't fucking exist because when discussing art - which writing absolutely is - objective criticism is meaningless. People need to stop trying to make 'objective' the new normal when discussing things. Objectively, your post from 28 minutes ago is structured poorly. Subjectively it's a quality post because it made me fucking cackle and shit myself.
<Snipped quote by KZOMBI3>

What if...it's not for the critic's benefit. But meant to benefit the writer?

Do you think a critic knows better than the person who made the thing they are criticizing. Generally. I'm sure there's some specific cases where William Shakespeare told Thomas Middleton "hey you should do this in iambic pentameter, trust me, everyone's gonna not give a shit about that in the future" but the point of critique isn't to tell the writer/director/whatever what you would do and why it would be better because it's what you would do. That's stroking the ego and it's really no different than people who watch a movie and go "Pfft, I could write a better movie than that!" and then they can't. There's a reason published critique doesn't have the critic going "I didn't like this book but if the author used more page space to talk about the food in detail I would've loved it and it would've been better because I'm George R. R. Martin and I know best."
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Can writing be bad?

Yes it can. But something I think is bad might be good to someone else. That's how this works. Now please answer the question.
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