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5 mos ago
Current Jenny Nicholson's four hour takedown of the failed Star Wars hotel is the most entertaining thing Disney Star Wars has provided in seven years
5 mos ago
Train isn't a real band, it exists just to be played softly in clothing stores or the few malls that still exist in America. You can't convince me otherwise. RIP to the bassist though.
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5 mos ago
Discord really did ruin everything, now people can't even air their grievances publicly like the good lord intended
5 mos ago
Someone grab the lid before the worms escape the can.
5 mos ago
The real status bar drama are the friends we made along the way.


Look, I got lost on the way to getting some jajangmyeon and it'd be foolish to leave now.

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Which again isn't a high bar considering only 3 of them don't have the auto-kill counter mechanic you have by default.

No, instead it has an auto-kill perfect parry mechanic. The combat in newer AC games is better if only because there are more options in any given encounter because of weapon variety. The combat in Tsushima boils down to "pick the stance and stagger them but also if you don't pick the stance it's fine they aren't that difficult oh also use your lightning stab ability if you're feeling particularly spicy." And yeah, I'm playing on hard too and I've died more times because the game doesn't communicate which jumps are actually survivable with the thief roll than I have to enemies.

This doesn't mean I think the combat is bad just that it hasn't been particularly rewarding and if I've unlocked like 80 percent of the skills and I'm still on act one then I can't possibly imagine act two or three will fundamentally change the combat encounters in a way other than giving the enemies a larger health bar.

Skill tree is better, story is un-convoluted, I haven't met an unlikeable character yet, customization is rewarding.

Skill tree is debateable. I've not really found myself caring when I get an unlock now that I've got max chain assassinations, stealth hearing, and all the deflection abilities I care about. Customization is pretty barebones. Yeah it's cool that my armor is dyed white but functionally I'm spending 90 percent of the game in the traveler's attire because of its map clearing and collectible pinging. The headbands are cosmetic as are the face masks and the charms don't really alter anything to make them anything more than 'equip and forget'. At least in AC you can wear legendary gear but then make it look like whatever gear you've collected which is the kind of customization I generally prefer.

Story is un-convoluted but also uninteresting. On the contrary I haven't met a memorable character and the game falls super hard into the open world trope of "Hey I'd like to help you but solve my problems first". The side missions don't really feel like they add anything other than EXP points because changing your legend doesn't make people respond to you any differently, it's just a way to unlock a ghost weapon. Am I asking too much? Probably. But if we're going to keep the AC comparisons then at least the side activities in Odyssey contributed to the ongoing war and you could influence which side was favored. Clearing Mongol posts doesn't appear to have less Mongols over the place so it feels less like I'm liberating the island and more like I'm checking off a list.

The game's problems are the baby's first stealth mechanics and the weird cadence of some of the conversations, other than that, the game is solid.

Well, there are more problems with the game but if I go on it'll start sounding like I hate the game when I don't.
I fell like saying that this game is better than any AC game I've played isn't really a very high bar, so I'll keep playing until I can think of some real praise.

Structurally the only difference between it and current AC games is that Tsushima doesn't have a compass on screen pointing out quests at all times. It even has the AC thing of 'tail the enemy sneakily by being on the roof tops' thing that everyone hated like six AC games ago!

If you play the game like I do, as in 'gotta do everything else before tackling the story missions' then the lack of variety in enemy types and activities is doing a constant battle with my like of getting blood on my sick white dyed tier three armors. That's more a personal problem but also if someone hasn't used the tagline 'stylish over substance' then maybe games journalism has hope even if it is an accurate summary of the game's systems.

There's only so many times that a triple kill standoff with random enemies is something I want to do but fortunately I haven't hit that unknown amount of times yet.
Easily the most impressive thing about Ghost of Tsushima are the load times.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

You clearly don't appreciate Kurosawa's genius and therefore you're not allowed to play the game, Gaijin.

Kagemusha is his best one clearly you know nothing of the jidaigeki genre. Probably over here thinking Rashomon is his best! Hah!
<Snipped quote by Mao Mao>

I'm playing it with the english dub and in full colour, because I'm uncultured western swine who doesn't respect nippon steel.

It's better in color anyway
Let's be honest. Who wants to spend hours walking across the world map?

Well yeah that's why you run and fast travel and have a horse. Walking is for lame-os!
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Seriously, that critique is on my top ten of shit I'm bored of hearing in the field.

There's this prevailing thought that I, a noted fan of Ubisoft's open world stab game, is somehow against games with outdated side quests when that is not the case if I like stabbing dudes in said world which I suspect I will in Tsushima

But also yes the constant need for reviewers to use lazy comparisons to other things is never not the worst
All I'm hearing from that is that I'm better than Ernest Cline which is a low bar but I'll take the compliment.
All my characters are gay as fuck
Yeah it's a key ingredient in a Shitpost Stew
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