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Back From The Ashes. Again.
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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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@Guardian Angel Haruki

If for whatever reason anyone who acts before me but is not my ally has Advantage on an attack roll in this instance, I will use my Reaction to trigger my Clockwork Soul balancing act.

If they do not have advantage, then I will use my Reaction to cast Silvery Barbs on Jebbek if Jebbek succeeds on an attack roll, forcing Jebbek to roll again and take the lower number (this spell is a bit whack; it triggers AFTER a success, therefor after advantage/disadvantage has already been rolled and forcing a separate ‘roll for lower’ scenario. It’s like an Anti Luck, way better than disadvantage). Either way, she’ll then channel the buff into Aurora and give herself advantage on her next relevant attack/check/save.

If Jebbek doesn’t succeed, wooho! I save my spell slot and reactions.
I anticipate someone else starting the shit, but Zavakri isn't willing to negotiate with fairy terrorists.
@Guardian Angel Haruki Do it boss, I believe in you, you can do it.
Also, as an aside, I am making notes and slowly compiling the Adventures of Rirvudd, Secret Harper Agent Who Hides This From His Wife So She Does Not Worry, as Zavakri talks about him.
I did the thing, there.
Zavakri slept...


Which is unexpected; she drifted to sleep amongst sobs of torment and anguish, fearing illusory dragons and the judgement of a little sister she grew up without. Swords glinting in darkness, failure looming ahead, and to start it all off she couldn't even seem to get along with her companions no matter how convicted and gung-ho she behaved. It was ludicrous. Heroes were supposed to be bold and gallant and rush to the aid of someone, right?

Someone. She was out here chasing after someone. Nobody else seemed to be, or nobody else had said as much at least. That made her feel vindicated; Correct, even, in her decisionmaking... But everyone had lost something, something important to them, otherwise why would they have followed her? Why would they even be trying to understand and help if not for their own shared experiences? Experiences that bound them together beyond the mere happenstance of their meeting as a group. It was a tighter mathematics than that, some nebulous X factor hidden behind the equation of their literal circumstances, and one that could not be solved for easily.

She turns in her sleep, beginning to waken.

"Oh..Riri...Mm...I hope everything's going okay in Icewind Dale..."

Zavakri pushes herself awake, letting the sounds of her companions wash over her. She looked skyward in the predawn air of her awakening and let herself get lost in the dwindling stars, gazing skyward even as the sky brightened into day, and even as everyone began discussing plans and creatures.

"I knew a fella who sold Alley Corn, once." she said quietly. "Deep fried stuff, ethnic bloke from Amn sold it on a street corner out of a trolley. Nice guy, I wonder how he's doing...."

Then, upon Gabriel's informative contribution, she giggles; "Not to be confused with the Horned Pegasus, eh?" She muses herself, stretching her body out before springing to her feet. "We're certainly not in Faerun any longer; I have those stars memorized and these are something else entirely. Give me a few nighs, maybe a week or so, and I should be able to do basic charts and keep direction at night- but until then I'm as lost and blind as the next gel. It'd help if I had the proper tools as well- but hey, you make do with what you've got, eh?"

She appraises Jub, before indeed making use of his mystical food spicing powers. She brandishes a ration, communicates with him briefly, before ending up with a heated meal of Baldur's Gate quality spiced food; a delicacy that is actually Waterdaivian spices, but the Baldur's Gatean community has adopted it and branded it their own. As they do with everything else, too. She munches away with nostalgia and gusto, approaching the side of the bridge and gazing down beside the Bugbear.

"Give a shout if anyone slips, I can slow falls with sorcery. Well, really, it's with Math- but sorcery backs it up. I'm ready to move when everyone else is; Name's Zavakri in case anyone forgot or missed it. I'm an Astronomer by trade, Mathematician as well, youngest in my laboratory to be honest. Humble, too."

Her good mood was almost more terrifying than her deep sadness.

"Alicorns, Doll Houses, Forgetful Hags, and an ethereal thick Fog. Solution won't find itself; let's get out there and get exploring, chums."
alright I'll post later tonight
sounds like a nightmare, boss. Truly terrible. Even worse than the carnival. At least the stars were right.
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