Avatar of Fading Memory


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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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Back From The Ashes


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After an evening of light researching, Taliesen the celtic Chief of Bards calls to me; a minor, possibly-once-mortal, god of music and writing. I can make that vibe fit the 30's and the oncoming depression, methinks.
I really like the vibe of this. It's definitely caught my eye, though I'll be busy through the weekend. I've been trying to tie music into my characters as a long-running experiment, and the era of Jazz and Swing is certainly one hell of a vibe to try and capture for a detective theme. We'll see where my rambling brain ends up, and if I even light a big enough fire to beat out the race to create a character lmao.
@rush99999 I enjoy the game as-written to be clear, but if I had a shopping list it’d be ‘armor as damage reduction instead of AC’ and ‘Weapon diversity through crit multipliers’.
One of my old characters was a Half Orc Druid with Savage Attacker at level 4.

Circle of the Moon, etc.

Nobody expected those Auroch gore-charge critical hits to do what they did. As far as I’m aware, nothing about changing form would lose you either of the half orc racial powers of extra crit dice nor ‘stay at 1 hp’, since they’re not senses or limbs or anything, so my Auroch-charges and Dire Wolf Bites had a solid chance of just nuclear detonating people.
Oh 5e and it’s ‘simplified mechanics’ which are so simple they go against the grain of common thought frequently. Oh how I wish critical hits were simply
Double damage’ sometimes. (Not often, but sometimes; then weapons like a dagger could be ‘triple’ and be unique that way)

But then again I’m an Orc at heart; give me more dice!
I’ll be honest. I thought yesterday was friday and today was saturday which is why I said what I said; but then I remembered I was doing a yard sale saturday; but then the weather said thunderstorms saturday; and then I remembered today was Friday and I’m at work now; and then I remembered I said all this yesterday; and now I’m writing this. So post wither tonight OR tomorrow who knows??


As for youuu…

The palace is rather nice. It has a nice garden, a large tower, comfortable rooms that aren’t ostentatious in a true sense- merely comfortable compared to the relative destitution of the rest of the realms at the moment. There is a grand library, a great hall as described in the scene with Mildred which often sees Mildred receiving audience with townsfolk (she is genuinely doing her best, the world is very much so against her and resources are very tight).

The Royal Guard have a barracks where Ser Pyke seems to live despite his elevated position; he’s a lead from the front type, and everyone seems to respect the Ashen Knight quite a lot just from the chatter amongst the guards.

Then the city of Fenhall itself has a wide array of shops and services, just with wildly fluctuating prices and timeframes due to ‘The Circumstances Being What They Are’.

The smithy in town, where Tomas has opted as a preference to work, is always busy; the royal smith in the castle grounds makes higher quality equipment but has a much longer timeframe due to the materials and efforts required (Basically the town smith makes a wide array of mundane gear and the royal smith can do masterwork stuff)

If you have anything else you feel would be reaching or ‘too much’ feel free to blow a plot point or chat me up.

The last major ‘amenity’ would be the Noctem Shanty and their esoteric goods and strange information capabilities. Music and story can be found here in high quality.
I shall get responses up tomorrow, for I am death, destroyer of sleep schedules.
excellent. Just as planned.
Heavy with skepticism at how well things are going, Zavakri squints past Bob's corpulent mass and raises her orb with an optimistic caution, seeking to once more bamboozle Snake B. Nothing too complex going on here, just prodding That-Which-Should-Not-Be until it Stops-Being.

Ray of Frost says 12 to hit! If this hits...
7 damage????? S-Slow it down?
It is I who has done his math wrong. Truly I have shamed the Modron March.

Edit; math was my worst subject and also the only one I didn’t do any advanced studies on, so Zavakri really is a paradox.
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