Avatar of Fading Memory


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Current Awake O Sleeper
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Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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I don't have anything meaningful to contribute at this point, I wasn't really able to keep up in the moment with this particular conversation. I don't want to basically just be around for when initiative is rolled, but I've been busier with work these last few weeks. I appreciate the ping and the ask-for, but Zav is just quietly stewing over Brut's existence and glad that someone else tried to do the 'right thing' 'for once' (in her presence). She's all for helping someone in need, because golly gosh she's someone in need as well.
I will ALSO post sometime this week!
just doing quick maths, the odds of 'people whose sisters are in the fey realm' is apparently 2/7. I'm trying to keep abreast of circumstances, I swear.
Dag'Tyr's contribution to this research is simple but very significant; he harkens to an old Kin rhyme he learned as a young child from Nursery Fables, which adds more context to the circumstances of the Heartlands;

Though root faces rot
and streams flow not
though spring held still
and heartland lakes refuse to fill
though shadows grow-
There lurks the foe!-
Pure water and seed
is all the good earth needs.

This is, to be explicit, what Dag'Tyr's exceptional investigation roll also contributes to the research 'activity'.
Nope not yet! My brain has been melting with work this week, the heat index is off the charts and I've been pushing a lot of Overtime. I'll crank out that update either tonight or tomorrow.

As for the 'moving on' part, I was just trying to be efficient with the mechanical tidbits; I'm in for the roleplay and seeing characters interact, so I'm not rushing anyone as of right now.
I live as well. Damn is it hot lately. My warehouse worker brain is melting.
This reminded me, in my heat addled brain, that I need to add some extra info for Dag’Tyr’s contribution to the activity. Thanks!
I wrote it up under the consideration of ‘research downtime’ taking time, so all of it would be known to everyone at the ‘end of the downtime activity’. If you wished to roleplay out specific details you can feel free to divvy up those research points as you see fit.

Edit: Decided to just drop it here for official approval
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