Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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yeah, if it helps, think of them as angry, saw-beaked, 'poison spraying', ravens.
If Cathal can handle all these children young people, it’ll be a good time. Veteran soldier might butt heads with the prodigal young lead detective as we go along at the very least, but it’s gonna be a good time and some healthy conflict. We’ll see as the characters interact more, but I’m a fan of some gentle abrasions in introductions. I see Jane’s whackiness and Abigail’s familiarity/reminders of ‘Home’ being big ‘ins’ for him.
I'm stoked from the setup so far. I like the colorful introductions. Jane looks like she's going to be a trip.

Sorry if this is 'spamming', but I figure you guys would appreciate seeing some of these interpretations of my scrawlings. All of these pictures are being added to the relevant 0th post locations on the OOC
Yeah go for it! what Familiar you planning on using? :)
to be fair, it is an arid shrubland that stretches between the fertile lands and the horrible Lands Beyond where nothing but monsters exist. Makes for hardy folk.

This friend of mine is doing the Gods' work with this stuff.


This one pleased me as a 'Fenhall' interpretation.

This one pleased me as an interpretation of 'The Cloud Kingdom'.

I will reveal more as we generate them or you guys come across the scenes, this is a wonderful tool and I'm stoked on a technological level that this is possible.
A friend of mine has an obscene number of credits with DALL-E, the AI art bot. So he and I are working on creating some set pieces for Aesithas that I ordinarily would have not bothered with; it gives him something to play with the bot with, and will give me concept art to plug an official artist later if I decide to take this to print, and gives you guys some pretty pictures to look at when I get around to that part.
Yeah she's a skeptic of the big, giant, axe wielding, grumpy man-- but hey, so long as he's swinging axes at the right people she can vibe with that.
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