Avatar of Fading Memory


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Current Awake O Sleeper
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Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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Rules are rules >:(
Ah. Finally. A DISCUSSION of RULES. Zavakri can probably decipher this. Surely.
Sounds good! I don’t mind whomever Wander ends up with, so draw a straw for me when the time comes. I’ll add to my notes the familiarity when it comes up.
Just so I can mentally prepare, is our game-start going to be us introducing ourselves and meeting for the first time, or are we implied to know each other as members of a squad of the Red Wraiths?
I like that I ended up saying Wander was from the place with Aarakocra. Damnable winged poseurs.

@Lurking Krog as long as you're between Wander and whatever inevitable danger crops up with these chaotic storms, I'm satisfied. Triple my HP pool over here.

Here we are, a finished sheet.
I adore my sub-average stat spread, it pleases me. You guys can keep all these solid rolls.
I won’t need HP, just like I didn’t think I needed any weapons besides a crossbow apparently. Life will go on.
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