Avatar of Fading Memory


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Back From The Ashes. Again.
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Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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I dig everything discussed so far. Treating Sites of Grace in the aforementioned ‘tavern before an adventure’ would give us a good episodic framework, and permit ‘interludes’ at the Roundtable or scenes in places in the world ‘between’ those adventures. I think that’s extremely solid, good idea Odin!

The topic of Ashes and summoning- I thin delegating that to a ‘Spirit Tuner’ character would be best conceptually. Rather than it being purely some NPC role, if someone wanted to play that zookeeeper style they’d be a Spirit Tuner. The idea is already there, and rather than creating a new title we’d just be slightly adjusting the existing one. As for the idea of Dragon Magic, I’m cool with it if that’s a character’s schtick/gimmick- I just also like the idea of us being more moderate/low-key and growing into our power quite a bit. A story of growth, hardship, and how rising power affects the sanity, comraderie, and world around us. As for my initial ideas…


Personally, I planned on playing an open-secret character aligned with (probably) the Frenzied Flame. I think there’s a lot of interesting roleplay to be had with the group OOC knowing this alignment in the style of open secret and the IC dancing around the topic.

Naturally if the group decided on more buddy-buddy we’re all true boon companions as a theme, I’d go with something else, but that was my initial stirrings.
I am soundly interested myself. I third an AU approach, and third a step away from any sort of stat system. Elden Ring is rich and complex enough without us bothering with a statistic adaptation for forum play.

I also like the idea Hillian proposed specifically where we’re Tarnished seeking the quest of Elden Lord. My curiosity personally lies especially in a world of alternate characters, but by god the world is complex and curious as is and creating alternate characters from ground up may as well be building a new world entirely. I just would want to see unique or different original folks than purely canon NPCs if they crop up.
I don’t think fourth edition was a mistake. I think the mistake came with their licensing fiascos; 4E was supposed to launch with a scratch-built virtual tabletop to facilitate global play but they botched the licensing and had to scrap the VTT, leaving 4e with a ‘jarring’ change of language with no context on those language changes due to the lack of accessible VTT tech dedicated to the edition.

Frankly I think its Power system is clean, its mechanical uniqueness is refreshing, and its monster creation has been a major source of inspiration for my 5e homebrew. Heck, I use many things from 4e in my 5e games since I can’t find anyone willing to try proper 4e with me.
Apologies, got swept up in spending time with my fiance; I'll have a post up by this tuesday.
I hope everyone is doing well <3
Excellent. I’ll move us forward when I have time this weekend.
Presume your relationship with Wander again and face the consequences /s
Howdy! Just checking in with everyone and gauging where we're at :)
Easy fix. I have thusly eradicated any possible semblance of Sen Rak's name from the second half of the post, and Wander will now simply await the meeting in peace.
Given the SINGULAR vote cast, I suppose that a discord is warranted. No votes against and all that.
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