Avatar of Fading Memory


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2 yrs ago
Current Awake O Sleeper
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3 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes. Again.
6 yrs ago
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's all in your head
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6 yrs ago
Back From The Ashes


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I have fallen extremely ill with Covid. Prior to this I was focusing heavily on work and a few planned trips and neglected to keep you guys informed. If you guys are still keen on this, I will be flipping the proverbial hourglass and having the pirates appear when I recover and make my next post. So let me know what you guys have decided to do. This is a potential timeline of 5-12 days, plus time for me to write.
My significant other is extremely ill. I've been hovering and present, but occupied. We managed to avoid COVID until now, lmao.
Kept it brief. Hitting the sack early tonight. It’s been Overtime this week.
“That’s all well and good- Wait, a well? Didja say a well? Brutrummuk, be a dear and take us closer can you? I would like to see this well. A well bubbling like a spring? That’s just vocabulary soup! You don’t suppose the well is making soup, do you fellows?” She muses. “I mean, of course it doesn’t, we’re not in soup now- but I’d like to see it nonetheless.”

She scrambles across the raft cautiously, holding onto the side of Bob’s shell all the while, to get into position to study this strange sight.
Apologies; I have time to write after work. Will get a post up in a few hours.
I will post later today; @Guardian Angel Haruki are there any rolls you want me to bake into INVESTIGATING this well when I make the post?
I will have to rescind my interest formally, I've determined I have way too much on my plate at this time, and am rather thankful this had a slow start- otherwise I'd have dived right in without realizing my circumstances.
Alright, I've come to the conclusion that I have too much on my plate. I appreciate the time and grace you folks have given me, but I can't keep up with all my Guild obligations alongside the real life ones that are cropping up. I'll be dropping out of this and another roleplay for the time being to try and accommodate my mental state. Feel free to keep Cathal along as an NPC/someone to take him over, I don't mind, it all goes into my writing portfolio when I make a new character anyway.

I was enjoying this greatly, it's a personal thing not a y'all thing. Godspeed and carry on.
Do it. You coward.
I certainly desire to check this well.
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